Jan 12, art.1 page 1, page 2 | WV #189 Trudeau�s inflation cure worse than the disease, by Ross Dowson Open the books! |
Jan 12, art.2 | Wages below welfare rates an issue in Sask. hospital strike; Challenge to NDP, labor, by Paul Kent |
Jan 12, art.3 | NDP brass screens socialist views, by Anne Macdonald |
Jan 26, art.1 page 1, page 2 | WV #190 We pay the price for U.S. takeover (the Watkins Report on foreign ownership) U.S. ownership results in plant closures |
Jan 26, art.2 | Road to socialism debated at seminar (Ross Dowson debates Prof. Robin Mathews on American domination in Canadian universities) |
Jan 26, art.3 | (Editorial) Pollution: some advice from the government |
Final issue and final article of The Workers� Vanguard Supporters and contributors in the following period (1970-1974) continued to publish under the name “Labor Challenge” -30- |
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Aug 10th 2007 6:36 am
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