Labor Challenge


Labor Challenge articles by Ross Dowson (Pseudonym Paul Kane) & editorial articles (note re dates: 01_15 = Mid-January)

(Editor: Murray Dowson)

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Vol. 2 No. 1 Balance sheet of the great Ford strike, by Ross Dowson; Challenge campaign over top
(continuation) “the power that could whip Ford.”
01_15th-2 First series of Forums close in Toronto (Friends of Labor Challenge)
(Editorial) Twice-monthly (LC) launched; Our program
(continuation) Full employment and job security, For the complete independence of the colonial peoples!
01_15th-4 Editorial staff move into new office; Manager’s column
01_15th-5 Our program

Vol. 2 No. 2 The housing crisis, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) “Housing Survey of 1934 revealed that�”
Lenin—Leader of world labor, by Paul Kane
(continuation) The lessons of October
02_01st-3 Forum (two letters on Ford strike; Ross Dowson responds
Vol. 2 No. 3 Seven months of Labor Party rule (in Britain), by Ross Dowson
(continuation) Labor Party in power

03_01st-1 Vol 2 No. 4 CCL launches wage campaign
03_01st-2 The spy scare, by Paul Kane (LPP ducks campaign against Soviet Union)
Vol. 2 No. 5 (Editorial) Imperialists threaten new war; unleash propaganda attack on Soviet Union; Arrest Stalinist MP
(continuation) Alienate sympathy of masses; Defend the Soviet Union
03_15th-2 (Ontario PC Premier) Drew passes Buck on new labor laws, by Paul Kane
03_15th-3 Manifesto to the Workers and Peasants of India (Fourth International book reviewed, by D. Whiteside)

Vol. 2 No. 6 Prepare for strike action; Gov’t raises prices, Keeps lid on wages, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) Unions prepare strike action to win demands

05_01st-1 Vol. 2 No. 7 Sask. CCF shelved 44-hour week; B.C. lobby leaders sold out labor, by Ross Dowson
05_01st-2 War record of the 4th International, World party of socialist revolution
05_01st-3 Campaign for 1,000 new subs under way; Toronto passes 10 per cent of its quota
Vol. 2 No. 8 Marxist-Leninist principles and the policy of the L.P.P. (Canadian Stalinists), by Ross Dowson
(continuation) The LPP’s pseudo-Marxist-Leninist line
05_15th-2 Fourth Internationalists hold World Conference

Vol. 2 No. 9 Seamen in heroic right for 8-hr. day; Battle police, by Ross Dowson; World Conference of 4th International marks progress and prepares struggle
(continuation) Owners and govt (in battle); Seamen’s militant struggle
06_01st-2 (Unsigned, editorial) Leon Trotsky—Founder of 4th International; Great fighters participate in FI Conference
06_01st-3 Spokesmen for Indochinese describe freedom struggle (special, interview with La V�rit� on fate of FI leader Ta-Tu-Thau)
06_01st-4 Sub Drive gathers momentum; Passes 35 per cent of goal
Vol. 2 No. 9 (8-page Supplement) Only victorious social-revolution can prevent the Third World War !; Manifesto of the Fourth International addressed to the Workers, the Exploited and Oppressed Colonial Peoples of the Entire World
(continuation) Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany; The results of World War 2
(continuation) Basic antagonism in world today: USSR versus world imperialism; (photo) Leon Sedov
(continuation) Kremlin’s policies; Present revolutionary situation (Photo: Leon Trotsky)
(continuation) Fate of Petty Bourgeoisie; Perspectives in Germany
(continuation) Program of the Fourth International
(continuation) Call to action (conclusion) (signed) The IC of the FI, Brussels, April 1946

Vol. 2 No. 10 Militant Seamen paralyse lake shipping; battling police for the 8-hour day, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) A demonstration of labor’s power
06_15th-2 Election gains registered by French Trotskyist party (special report)
06_15th-3 Toronto goes over top with 100 per cent; Only one month to go in special sub drive

07_01st-1 Vol. 2 No. 11 Sailor’s strike wins 8-hr. day on lakes, by Ross Dowson
Vol. 2 No. 12 Steelworkers defy govt and bosses; 15,000 strike for 40-hour week and 19-1/2 cents raise, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) Steelworkers strike
07_15th-2 End of OPA (US price controls body) and dollar parity mean higher prices in Canada, by Paul Kane; Ta-Tu-Thau reported dead in Indo-China (Trotskyist leader)

Vol. 2 No. 13 Spread strike to all steel to win; Trainmens’ solidarity shows way in Hamilton; Dosco, Algoma solid, by Ross Dowson
(continuation) Steel strike
08_01st-2 Trotskyists spur on fight for the freedom of Egypt (Cairo story)
08_15th-1 Vol. 2 No. 14 (Editorial article) Demand grows to spread strike to all steel as danger threatens
Trotsky’s struggle for the 4th International (Editorial article)
(continuation) Sixth anniversary of Trotsky’s death; Pioneer Canadian socialist RWP candidate in Australia (Jack Kavanagh)

Vol. 2 No. 15 Support grows to spread strike as police threaten steel picket line; Veterans, labor unite behind Steelworkers demands; Parleys continuing, by Ross Dowson; (Editorial) The Revolutionary Workers’ Party must be founded—Now!
(continuation) Steel strike; RWP editorial
09_01st-2 (Editorial) The Fourth International (hailed); (also on page) Manager’s column

Vol. 2 No. 16 Steel strikers solid in ninth week; Gov’t threatens use of strikebreaking vote law; Steel leaders vacillating, by Ross Dowson; Alberta farmers strike; Raise need for parity prices, by Paul Kane
(continuations) Steel strike; Prairie farmers strike
09_15th-2 S.W.P. (USA) to contest elections in 5 states (Special report); Trotskyist leaders seized by puppet Bulgarian gov’t

10_01st-1 Vol. 2 No. 17 CCL convention endorses CCF; Actions of CCF MPs criticized (Special report)
10_01st-2 The world party of the socialist revolution—the 4th International (editorial article)
10_01st-3 Manager’s column (Advertisement: Toronto Mass Meeting of RWP)

10_15th-1a 10_15th-1b Vol. 2 No. 18 National convention launches the Revolutionary Workers Party; Delegates from key industrial areas lay firm foundation for new party (R.D. elected National Secretary)

(continuation) RWP convention; Campaign opened to raise $1,500 for Labor Challenge
10_15th-2 The balance sheet of the great strike in basic steel, by Ross Dowson
10_15th-3 (Editorial) The formation of the RWP; A great step forward
10_15th-4 Toronto meeting greets launching of RWP (incl. R.D. speech)
10_15th-5 The historic origins of Trotskyism and its meaning to workers today, by Murray Dowson
10_15th-6 Trotsky—On the founding of the Fourth International

11_01st-1 Vol. 2 No. 19 Dutch soldiers and workers defend Indonesians’ struggle by two day general strike; Tan Malakka; Bolivian Trotskyists
11_01st-2 What kind of organization to the workers need? CCF or RWP? (editorial article—partial)
11_01st-3 Excellent response to appeal for $1,500 sustaining fund drive, by Paul Kane; Manager’s column
11_15th-1 Vol. 2 No. 20 (editorial article) Who are the romanticists and who the realists? CCF or RWP?
11_15th-2 Greek Trotskyists debate program with Stalinists (Special)
11_15th-3 Toronto and Vancouver RWP celebrate October Revolution.
11_15th-4 Toronto leads in first returns to Labor Challenge $1500 campaign

Vol. 2 No. 21 Three LPP members quit (Stalinist party); Join RWP; Call for support of F.I. in statement to members
(continuation) Statement of 3 LPP members
12_01st-2 Big increase in SWP vote indicates worker support for U.S. labor party
12_01st-3 Ceylon general strike led by Trotskyists for wage raise; British Trotskyist on trial for fraternization with POWs
Vol. 2 No. 22 Vote labor—vote (Murray) Dowson Mayor; RWP presents program to Toronto electors
(continuation) For subsidized low-rent housing! Candidate interviewed
12_15th-2 4th International issues call for World Congress (special)
12_15th-3 Youth Parliament stifles democratic discussion; RWP delegate walks out
12_15th-4 British Trotskyist on trial for fraternization with POWs (from London, Eng.)
12_15th-5 Over one third yet to come in $1,500 drive objective

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