Forward 1977


Forward — articles by R. Dowson and under pseudonyms P. Kent, Paul Kane, Ken Napier

Editor: Wayne Roberts

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January 1st Vol. 2 No. 12 (Whole number 24, Jan.) (Editorials) Canada coming apart at seams (Parti Qu�b�cois comes to power in Quebec); Canada in crisis; “Peace” deception (diverts support for Irish republican movement)
CLC censors Steel union on chemical struggle, by P. Kent
Column: Oh Canada, by Paul Kane (general and labor notes on issues of Canadian nationalism)
A view of Sask. Waffle manifesto, by R.D.
Ottawa hightails after Nato war drive, by P. Kent
Penny-pinching existence for aged; Over half live in abject poverty, by Paul Kane
February 15th (#25, Feb.) Lack of strategy stalls anti-AIB fight (labor against Anti-Inflation Board)
(Editorials) Where are we going, & what is to be done? Quebec’s course firm, irreversible; (Canada’s) Rulers in disarray and confusion
What is to be done? For a constitutional assembly! The opportunity to reshape Canada
Putting it to (the) Qu�b�cois, by R.D. (Anglophone politicians and business confront Quebec)
(continuation) “�the government would not ‘absolutely, categorically, rule out force.’”
Column: Oh Canada, by Paul Kane (The Financial Post complains about restrictions against foreign ownership)
April 1st- (#26, April) Editorial: How to decide (Canadian) future; Patch up confederation or a new constitution?
Discussion opening up on constituent assembly idea
Constituent assembly; PM seeks US backing (against Quebec independence struggle)
Jobless can leave country, living too high, flips Pierre, by Paul Kane
Column: Oh Canada, by Paul Kane (Washington disregards Trudeau’s efforts to stall Garrison water project; Macleans reveals Canadian bourgeois opposition to nationalism)
Column: On the Line: union notes
RCMP: our political thought control cops, by Ken Napier
May 1st (#27, May) (Editorial) Vote NDP on June 9; Ont. labor to power
CLC head fiddles with bosses as unemployment issue burns, by P. Kent
Committee proposes constitutional assembly (Committee statement reprinted by editors)
Cttee for a New Constitution seeks popular assembly for a new Canada
(Editorial) Let the people decide!
Constitutional crisis puts Canada in question; Analyzing the roots of Canada’s evolution, by R.D.
(continuation) Federalism against self-determination
(continuation) Rise of working class organizations
Column: Oh Canada (Ottawa’s man in Washington lambastes Canadian nationalism; Saturday Night critiques Trudeau speech in Washington)
Column: On the Line: Starvation pensions, Schreyer betrayal, Index pensions!, Steel ranks resist, QFL actions modest, by Paul Kent
July 1st (#28 printed as #27 in error, July) (unsigned editorial) Alcan gas pipeline: new Panama Canal
(Editorial) Ont. NDP & public ownership (Lewis leadership dumps public ownership of resource industries policy)
The social dynamics of the Quebec nationalist movement; Trudeau leads federalist attack against Parti Qu�b�cois, by R.D.; Pravda echoes Trudeau
(continuation) “The state forms are of a bourgeois democratic character."
(continuation) Photo: 1944 demonstration against conscription in Montreal
Steel (union) brass caught red-handed (attack movement for Canadian union autonomy)
Column: Cross country with the NDP, by R.D. (Sask. nuclear sales; BC, Alberta & Manitoba NDP notes)
Ontario NDP MLA) Ziemba’s jailing sets precedent and embarrasses government
Column: Oh Canada, by Paul Kane (notes on Canadian sovereignty issues)
British socialists explain (British) Labour Party orientation (similarity of political strategy with Canadian left to NDP —a review of a pamphlet)
Forward Fund Drive close to $5000 goal
September 1 (#29, Sept.) Labor to fight for jobless, by P. Kent
(Editorials) The balance sheet (BLP comes to grips with end of Pax Britannica); Winds of change (Euro-Communism signals growing split in Stalinist ranks from the Soviet Union)
A Constituent Assembly & a new Constitution; The way out of the Confederation crisis
(continuation) Unity Train under way
(continuation) While legal brains tangle, (Sask. NDP Premier) Blakeney plots a solution
Column: Oh Canada, by Paul Kane (Sask. Next Year Country sees Canadian nationalism as directed against Quebec; Canadian power issues)
What’s behind the fusion of the RMG/LSA? All the ingredients of an adventure (it’s unprincipled political basis), by R.D.
November 12th (#30, Nov.-Dec.) The RCMP: myths and realities; Truth comes out on Canada’s post-card heroes, by R.D.
Cartoon: Sergeant Pressem of the Yukon
NDP leadership hems and haws after RCMP caught red-handed, by Wayne Roberts
(Editorial) Quebec’s hopes high as Canada’s stagnate
(Letters to the Editor) Letter from Walter Bruno and reply by R.D.: Socialist politics and gay liberation—an exchange of views
Column: On the Line: by P. Kent (BC Teamsters fight; Dailies struck over workers’ control)
Column: Oh Canada, by Paul Kane ("Foreign banks are literally invading Canada"; the battle against imperializing Canadian culture; the lack of a coherent Canadian science policy)

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