MIA: Comintern Writers: Paul Frölich Archive


Marxists’ Internet Archive

Paul Frölich

Paul Frölich

1884 – 1953




October 1921: France and Germany: The Need for Unity of Action

November 1921: Economic Struggles in Germany

February 1922: Delivered over to the Hangman!

February 1922: The German Government and the Trusts

February 1922: The German Railway Strike

March 1922: Out with the Political Prisoners!

March 1922: The Social Revolutionaries Protest!

June 1922: Rathenau’s Murder and the Policy of the German Government

January 1923: German Heavy Industry and its “Vaterland”

February 1923: 40% or 60% – That is the Question

March 1923: The Ruhr War and the German Communists

March 1923: What the revolution cost us

April 1923: The Ruhr War and German Social Democracy

May 1923: The reparations program of the Second International

May 1923: The Death-Knell of the 2½ International

August 1923: The Atmosphere of Crisis in Germany


Last updated on 15 August 2024