Erich Honnecker


Message of greetings to the World Conference for Action Against Apartheid, held in Lagos


Date: 22 August 1977.
Source: "Message of greetings from the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and Chairman of the GDR Council of State, Erich Honecker, to the World Conference for Action  Against Apartheid in Lagos", in Against Racism, Apartheid and Colonialism. Documents published by the GDR 1949—1977 (Staatsverlag, Berlin, 1977), page 664.



In the name of the Council of State, the Government and the people of the German Democratic Republic, I convey cordial greetings to the World Conference for Action Against Apartheid. The World Conference is taking place at a time when the decisive phase of the struggle of the peoples of South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe for their national and social liberation has begun. Supported by the increasing strength of world-wide solidarity, the enslaved peoples are conducting resolute operations against the racist régimes.

As the last bulwark of imperialism and colonialism in Africa the South African apartheid régime is denying millions of human beings the most elementary rights. The people of the German Democratic Republic angrily condemns the brutal terror which does not even spare women and children. A stop must be put to the illegal occupation of Namibia and the threatening of free neighbouring states with war and aggression.

In view of the acute danger to peace and international security created by the apartheid régime, the German Democratic Republic considers that resolute measures should be taken for that régime’s international isolation. The GDR supports the demand for a total arms embargo and the taking of all measures necessary to bar South Africa’s access to nuclear weapons.

The German Democratic Republic declines to have relations of any kind with the apartheid régime. It regards the national liberation movements as the legitimate representatives of their peoples. Linked to them by ties of solidarity the GDR will continue actively to support the struggle against colonialism, neo-colonialism and racism.

We are convinced that the World Conference for Action Against Apartheid will make an effective contribution to the implementation of the right to self-determination of the peoples of southern Africa. In this spirit we wish the Conference every success.


German text in: Neues Deutschland, 22 August 1977.