MIA: Comintern Writers: Marxism in Japan: Sen Katayama Archive
Sen Katayama
1908: “Socialism in Japan”, letter to Hyndman
1913: Chinese Refugees in Japan
1914: The Japanese Manifesto
1914: The War and the Japanese
1918: The Labor Movement in Japan
1919: Japan and Soviet Russia
1921: Present-Day Japan
1921: Japan and the Washington Conference
1922: The First Congress of Communist and Revolutionary Organizations of the Far East
1922: The Four Power Pact and the Far Eastern Situation
1922: Japan and the Coming Imperialist War
1922: Japan and Genoa
1922: An Appeal to the Proletariat of the World!
1922: To the Soldiers of the Japanese Army in Siberia (Another version]
1922: Japan’s Position in the Coming World Social Revolution
1922: The Kato Government and its Policy towards Soviet Russia
1922: Politics in Japan
1922: Economic Condition of Japan
1922: Foreign Policy of Japan
1922: Report and Resolution on the Egyptian S.P.
1922: Discussion on the Report of the Executive
1922: Report on the Eastern Question (Discussion)
1923: Speech at Session of Enlarged Executive of C.I.
1924: The Communist International & the Far East
1925: Against British Capitalism in Egypt, Eastern Bureau of the Comitern
Last updated on 13 October 2021