The Hague Congress

The International Workingmen's Association, 1872

Note of the Contents of the Separate Messages Received by the Congress

Written: in French;
Translated: by Richard Dixon & Alex Miller, for Progress Publishers, 1976.
Transcribed: by [email protected].

1) Fraternal greetings to the Congress from the Geneva Federation.

2) A French section makes several proposals, which were discussed and voted on by the Congress, and ends with the following proposal:

The Manchester delegate being unwell could not come to the Congress and sends his fraternal greetings to the members assembled here.

The Solingen productive association sends the Congress a memorandum on the constitution and the aim of its organisation. The memorandum is extremely long.

The section of the International has no grounds to complain of the restrictive measures decreed against the Association by the Versailles hangmen. The Dufaure law resulted mainly in the creation of our section. This means that the law of intimidation has but encouraged our efforts. We subscribe to all the decisions the Congress takes, we applaud the progress made by the working class.