MIA: Second International Writers: Social Democracy: Communist Party of Great Britain: Dora Montefiore Archive
Dora Montefiore
Biography, by Sean Matgamna
From A Victorian To a Modern (Autobiography)
From a Victorian to a Modern, 1925
Why we need Woman suffrage, and why we need it NOW, December 1896
Women Uitlanders, October 1899“The Social Democrat”
“A Bundle of Fallacies”, February 1901
The Maison du Peuple in Brussels (Illustrated), February 1901
“A Bundle of Fallacies”, May 1901
On the Steppes by Maxim Gorki (translated by Dora Montefiore) July 1901
Bourgeois Education and Proletarian Realities, November 1901
A Vision of Judgement, March 1902
An Autumn Night by Maxim Gorki (translated by Dora Montefiore) April 1902
The Voice of the Outcast in Literature, June 1902
Richard Wagner as a Revolutionary, July 1902
Some Notes on the Early Flemish Painters, December 1902
“Republics versus Women” by Mrs Kate Trimble Wolsey, June 1903
Une Imprimerie Phlanstère, August 1907
A Study in Socialist Heresy-Hunting. – “Why I am Opposed to Female Suffrage”, April 1909
Red Banners (Poem), October 1909
Capitalist Development in South Africa, December 1912
Capitalist Development in South Africa II, January 1913
Capitalist Development in South Africa III, February 1913
Capitalist Development in South Africa IV, March 1913“New Age”
Concerning Children, January 1903
The Curse of Cybele, January 1903
Protected Female Emigration to South Africa, January 1903
A German Woman’s View of Imperialism, January 1903
The Teaching of Hygiene and Sanitation to Women, January 1903
Chamberlain as the Champion of Women’s Rights, February 1903
An Imperialist in the Best Sense, February 1903
The Society for the Abolition of Barmaids, February 1903
Genius of the people, February 1903
Meat Eaters and Non Meat Eaters, March 1903
A Bishop’s Charge to British Women, March 1903
The Barmaid Question and Domestic Service, March 1903
Looking Backwards, March 1903
Women and Education, April 1903
The Women’s Point of View, April 1903
American comments on President Roosevelt’s message, April 1903
The woman emigrant to South Africa, April 1903
Upon Projects, May 1903
Women’s position in the present and in the future, May 1903
Women Guardians, May 1903
More truth about South Africa, May 1903
The Education Bill condemned in Hyde Park, June 1903
Republics v. Women, June 1903
Preferential duties, June 1903
Women Trade Unionists and Parliamentary representation, June 1903
National efficiency and the drink traffic, July 1903
Women in public administration, July 1903
Some women seen by some men in literature, July 1903
A suggestion for a Women’s Labour Party, July 1903
The recent Victorian railway strike, August 1903
The whole duty of women, August 1903
Women Inspectors, August 1903
Holiday thoughts, August 1903
Women’s employment, September 1903
Jottings by the way, September 1903
German Homes, September 1903
Mr Greenwood, September 1903
Philanthropy and the interests of the working classes, October 1903
An answer to a woman’s letter, October 1903
State maternal pensions, October 1903
The Women’s National Convention, October 1903
The rising tide of women’s suffrage, October 1903
Julia Dawson of the “Clarion” in reply, November 1903
Rose of Ushant, November 1903
The Congres de l'Humanite in Paris, November 1903
Three interesting articles on women, November 1903
Women in the medical profession, December 1903
A letter from an American girl, December 1903
The Information Bureau, December 1903
Women voters in Australia, December 1903
The new year, January 1904
The Domestic difficulty, January 1904
The barmaid problem, January 1904
Women and the Crimmitschau strike, January 1904
Corporal punishment, February 1904
Women in the past, February 1904
Women and the Forthcoming L.C.C. Elections, February 1904
Causes and effects, March 1904
Woman’s Suffrage in the House of Commons, March 1904
Woman Suffrage Resolution in Parliament, March 1904
The Recent Woman Suffrage Debate in Parliament, March 1904
Proposed Social Service Institute, April 1904
Woman Suffrage Resolution, April 1904
The feeding of children in public elementary schools, April 1904
The Falling Birth-Rate, May 1904
The Falling Birth-Rate in the Australian Colonies, June 1904
Elementary School Teaching as a Profession, June 1904
“They Would Make Excellent Parlourmaids.”, June 1904
Impressions of the Berlin Congress, June 1904
Some More Reminiscences of the Berlin Congress, July 1904
Political Women in Australia, July 1904
Women’s Progress, July 1904
Decrease in the Birth-Rate, August 1904
A Book for Women and Men, August 1904
Pigs in Clover, August 1904
Labour and the Enfranchisement of Women, August 1904
Report on Physical Deterioration, September 1904
Women’s continued invasion of the Industrial Field, September 1904
Things Japanese, September 1904
Women voters in Australia, September 1904
Women and Princess, September 1904
The Housing Problem, October 1904
Love and Marriage, October 1904
International laws as they affect women, November 1904
Women as Students and Lawyers, November 1904
Tom Jones, November 1904
The Training of Midwives, November 1904
The Question of Home Work, November 1904
The Second National Convention, December 1904
Mr. Alfred Marks’s Difficulty, December 1904
The Men’s Trades Council and the Women’s Trades Council, December 1904
The Salaries of Assistant Mistresses, December 1904
The National Convention, December 1904
Macrobius on Woman Suffrage, January 1905
Two Russian Heroines, January 1905
Mistresses and Maids, January 1905
Britain’s Next Campaign, January 1905
L.C.C. Scholarships, February 1905
Cambridge and Women’s Degrees, February 1905
The Factory Girl as a Domestic Servant, February 1905
The Struggle of Russian Women for Liberty, February 1905
Russia’s Treatment of her intellectuals, March 1905
The Working Woman’s Lead, March 1905
Women’s Interests, March 1905
The Women’s Suffrage Meeting at Queen’s Hall, March 1905
Blocking the Women Councillors Bill, April 1905
The Brighton Election, April 1905
Another view of the Women’s Enfranchisement Bill, April 1905
A Reply to President Roosevelt, April 1905
Jane Hume Clapperton Speaks, May 1905
My Letter Bag, May 1905
The Parliamentary day of May 12th, May 1905
The Childless Wife article, May 1905
The Religion of Women, June 1905
Socialism and Women, June 1905
Mr. Belfort Bax to the Rescue, June 1905
Taxation Without Representation is Tyranny, June 1905
Women in Industry, June 1905
The Girl Graduate, July 1905
A hint to women who like outdoor life, July 1905
Co-operative women in Congress, July 1905
The voice of the working women, July 1905
University degrees for women, August 1905
The Cotton Crisis, August 1905
The agricultural working woman, August 1905
Impressions of Denmark, August 1905
Copenhagen from its municipal side, August 1905
The Land Question in Denmark, September 1905
How Women can Help in Political Work, September 1905
The Slough of Unemployment, September 1905
The attitude of the State towards motherhood, September 1905
The problem of Housing Reform, October 1905
Mr A. G. Hales on Woman’s Work, October 1905
International Council of Women, October 1905
“The Miserable Gospel of Comfort.”, October 1905
A personal explanation, November 1905
The memorable march, November 1905
Illness as a “good time.”, November 1905
Women in New Zealand, November 1905
The Cause of International Peace, December 1905
The political crisis, December 1905
News from Florence, December 1905
Women in Finland, June 1907
Socialist Women’s Bureau (letter), November 1907
Adult Suffrage (letter), March 1909
Adult Suffrage (letter), April 1909
“Justice” [Note]
Women Should Vote, March 1907
Misrepresented Finnish Women, July 1907
Unemployment Among Women. The Guildhall Conference, October 1907
Liberal Limitations, November 1907
Socialist Women’s Bureau, November 1907
A Happy Christmas!, December 1907
Capitalism’s Refuse Heap, September 1908
What Every Socialist Woman Should Know, January 1909
Two Finnish Women Who Speak for Adult Suffrage, January 1909
The Party and Adult Suffrage, January 1909
A Victory for French Women Workers, February 1909
Politics and Prayers, February 1909
Adult Suffrage Report, February 1909
A Russian Woman Comrade, March 1909
Women’s Circle Column, March 1909
The Anti-Sweating Bill, April 1909
The Sublime Slanderer, April 1909
Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws, April 1909
The Children’s Charter, April 1909
Spring Musings, May 1909
LADIES and the Suffrage, May 1909
Items of Interest, May 1909
Socialist Women’s International Bureau, May 1909
The International Social-Democrats Greetings to the Russian Czar, May 1909
Socialist Women in Russia, May 1909
Blackburn S.D.P., June 1909
The London Congress of the International Alliance for Women Suffrage, June 1909
Items of Interest from Other Countries, June 1909
The Latest Play of the Stage Society, June 1909
Municipal Laundries, June 1909
Socialist “Help”, July 1909
The Central Branch Dinner, July 1909
“The Englishwoman”, July 1909
“Women’s Work and Wages”, July 1909
The National Service League, July 1909
Czardom, and What It Means to the World, August 1909
Professor Lester P. Ward, August 1909
Universal Suffrage, August 1909
The Evolution of Sex, September 1909
The Future of Woman, September 1909
The Ten Disciples, September 1909
The Plot Thickens, October 1909
Report of Women’s Socialist Bureau (British), October 1909
Franchise Fancies, October 1909
“A Dismal Warren of Social Wretchedness”, November 1909
The Feeding of School Children, November 1909
The Wiles of the Anti-Socialist, November 1909
Report of Socialist Women’s Bureau (British), from November, 1907, to November, 1909
Report of Adult Suffrage Society, November 1909
Untitled Letter, December 1909
The Political Comedy, December 1909
Adult Suffrage, December 1909
To Men and Women Comrades, December 1909
The Lesser Evil, 1 January 1910
The Fight for Free Speech In America, 15 January 1910
Burnley, 22 January 1910
American Social-Democratic Women and Suffrage, 29 January 1910
The Present-Day Psychological Influence of Women, 5 February 1910
God’s Poor, 12 February 1910
Unemployment Among Women, 19 February 1910
Bebel’s Seventieth Birthday, 26 February 1910
Problems of Divorce, 5 March 1910
A Socialist, as usual, Points the Way, 12 March 1910
A Word about Poetry, 19 March 1910
The Coming General Election, 26 March 1910
Our Women’s Circle, 2 April 1910
Anti-Socialists, 9 April 1910
Pageants, 16 April 1910
The Midwives Bill and Poor Law Relief, 23 April 1910
Mrs Montefiore in New York, May 1910
The ‘Conciliation’ Bill, 23 July 1910
The Final Solution, 20 August 1910
The Meaning of Milwaukee, 6 August 1910
Belated Prophets, 1 October 1910
Some Echoes of the International Socialist Women’s Congress, 8 October 1910
The Family as the Unit of Society, 12 November 1910
Messina Two Years After the Earthquake, 17 December 1910
The Class War at Sea, January 1911
From Melbourne, January 1911
Barricade. By Paul Bourget, March 1911
Labour in Power I, April 1911
Labour in Power II, April 1911
Labour in Power III, April 1911
How I Became a Socialist. A Human Document, April 1911
Labour in Power IV, May 1911
Australian Workers Condemn the Coronation, May 1911
Emigration, July 1911
An Important Report for Scientific Socialists, October 1911
The Eight Hours’ Demonstration in Sydney, November 1911
Letter to the Editor, April 1912
Across the Indian Ocean, April 1912
A Parliamentary Election in South Africa, August 1912
The Working Class Movement in the Colonies, October 1912
Womanhood Suffrage, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
Resolution Adopted by the International Committee of the B.S.P., December 1912
Adult Suffrage, (Letter) April 1913
Montefiore's activity in Ireland, Reports in the Manchester Guardian, October 1913
“Daily Herald”
The Power of Women to Stop War, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
Sudden Jolt Forward of the World, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
How “Labour” Party Bluffs the People, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
Women and War, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
“Women and War”, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
For World’s Peace: Socialists Assemble at Basle, November 1912
To Prevent War, November 1912 [Transcriber’s note]
Socialists at Basle, December 1912
What Happened at the Basle Congress, December 1912
The Rebellion Down Under, July 1913What Happened at Leeds, June 1917
“The Call”
An Open Letter to the Primate, October 1916
Socialist “Man Power”, November 1916
Thoughts on the Russian Revolution, April 1917
Adult Suffrage, May 1917
May Day: Symbol of International Solidarity, May 1917
Food of the People, August 1917
The Education of the People, September 1917
The Ferment Of Revolution, October 1917
The Knock-out Blow, November 1917
Open Letter to Lenin, January 1918
Mr. Balfour’s Professions, March 1918
In Memory of Karl Marx, May 1918
The Churches and Socialism, May 1918
Democracy During and After the War, July 1918
The Reconstruction of the International, August 1918
A Poet of Nameless Horrors, August 1918
How Will Socialism Be Realised?, October 1918
Labour Party Women’s Conference, October 1918
Mud Flats of Flanders & North France, October 1918
Capitalism and Native Races, November 1918
Impressions of the Reception of John Maclean, December 1918
Educate, Agitate, Organise, December 1918
A Call to Our Women Comrades, January 1919
May Day, 1919, May 1919
Parliamentarism and Trade Unionism, July 1919
Bolshevik Russia, August 1919
A Labour Party in Power or the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, October 1919
“The Call”, November 1919
The “Modern” Methods of Warfare of the Allies, November 1919
The Crimes of Imperialism, December 1919
Dr. E. J. Dillon on the Peace Conference, December 1919
The Devil’s Charter, March 1920
The Looms are Set, poem, April 1920
May Day 1920, April 1920
British Imperialism and Persia, May 1920
My Tribute to Jim Larkin, June 1920
Mrs Montefiore and North Edinburgh, letter, July 1920
Press Poison, Review of Upton Sinclair’s The Brass Check, June 1920
Capitalist Political Prisoners, July 1920
Open Letter to Mr Winston Churchill, August 1920
“The Communist”
Something to Learn from Russia, 1920
Our Class-Conscious Governing Class: A Professor’s Mission in Wales, 1920
Hands Beating at the Door, 1920
Women and Communism, 1920
The Sickle and the Hammer, 1920
History in the Making: The Congress of the French Socialist Party at Tours, 1921
Mrs. Swanwick on Women, 1921
Pink Pills, 1922
Implications of Genoa: A Further Reply, 1922
Some Words to Socialist Women, 1907
Prison Reform: from a Social-Democratic Point of View, 1909
The Position of Women in the Socialist Movement, 1909
Anti-Militarism: from the Workers’ Point of View, 1913
Our Fight to Save the Kiddies in Dublin: Smouldering Fires of the Inquisition, 1913
Race Motherhood, Is Women a Race?, 1920
Speeches and Extracts from the Proceedings of the Congress of Tours, 1920
Speech at the 5th Congress of the Comintern, 1924
Excerpts from Clarion, 1897-1898
Montefiore’s Break with Hyndman (a collection of articles), 1912
Letter to Albert Inkpin, 1917
From Daily Worker
From Daily Herald
From Times