MIA: Comintern Writers: Moissaye J. Olgin Archive
Moissaye J. Olgin Archive
“The Soviets are marching on. The light of the Soviets is illuminating the world. The actions of the Soviets have opened new sunlit vistas before the eyes of mankind. Let the enemies rage. Freedom is marching on. National liberation is making new gains.
We greet the Soviet Union. I am quite confident I am speaking not only in my own name but in the name of millions of those belonging to national groups in the United States when I say:
Long live the Soviet Union, the liberator of oppressed nationalities!” The Soviet Union and National Liberation
Obituary by William Z. Foster and Earl Browder
“A Great Symbol of a Great Movement” by Earl Browder
M. J. Olgin: 1878-1939
1924: Theses on the Workers Party Policy in the Elections of 1924
1925: Marxism or Pseudo-Marxism
1933: Why Communism?: Plain Talks on Vital Problems
1935: Life and Teachings of Friedrich Engels
1935: Trotskyism: Counter-Revolution in Disguise1939: M. J. Olgin: Leader and Teacher (Collection of essays compiled by the staff of Morning Freiheit)
1939: The Soviet Union and National Liberation
Our Revolution: Essays on Working-Class and International Revolution, 1904-1917 by Leon Trotsky
The Peasant War in Germany by Friedrich Engels