中文马克思主义文库 -> 参考图书·阶级斗争文献 -> 中国早期共产主义月刊《共产党》(1920.11-1921.7) -> 第一号


Soyiel Ruessia 著

震寰〔袁振英〕 译






  1. The Problems of the Russian Social-Democrats
  2. The Development of Copitalism in Russia
  3. Economic monographs and articles
  4. What is to be done
  5. To the Peasant Poor(A Presentation of the aims of the social Deniocrats for the Peas ants)Published by the League of the Russian Revolutionary Social-Democrats
  6. One glep Forward,Two Steps backward(Concerning the Crisis of the Party)
  7. Two poilcies of the Social-Democrats During a Democratic Revolution,Published by Central Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party
  8. A pagc from the History of the Soeial-Democratic agrarime Program
  9. The Dissolution of the Duma and the aims of the Proletariot
  10. The Agrarian Program of the Russian Social Democrats Suring the Firot Revolution, 1905-1907
  11. The materialistie Philosophy and Emperiocritlicism Critical notes on a Reactionary Philosophy
  12. Imperialism,the Larest of Capitatism
  13. Political Parties in Russia and the aim of the Proletariat
  14. Letters on Tactics
  15. The Lessons of the Revolution
  16. Nes Data Regarding the Law of Capitalist Development in agricalture Vol,I Capitalism in the Rural Economy of the United states
  17. The state and Revolutaon
  18. The Immediate at Problems of the Soviet Government(the Soviets at work)
  19. The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsxy

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