Encyclopedia of Marxism: S


Sèvres, Treaty of Süleyman Nuri (1895-1966)
Sült, Wilhelm (1888-1921) Sachithanandam, Vallipuram (1913-1977)
Sachs Safarov, G.I. (1891-1942)
Saint-Germain, Treaty of Saint-Simon, Comte (1760-1825)
Sakharov, Andrei (1921-1989) Saklatvala, Shapurji (1874-1936)
Salandra, Antonio (1853-1931) Salih Hacioglu (1880-1954)
Salles Samarakkody, Edmund Peter (1912– 1992)
Samoilova, Konkordia Nikolaevna (1876-1921) Samuel, Raphael (1934-1996)
Samuelson, Oskar (b. 1885) Sand, George (1804-1876)
Sandgren, John Sanger, Margaret (1879-1966)
Sanial, Lucien (1836-1927) Sankey John (1866-1948)
Sapronov, Timofei Vladimirovich (1887-1937) Sarekat Islam [Islamic Association]
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980) Sasha
Sastry, Vellala Srikantaya Seshagiri (1912– ca. 1982) Saussure, Ferdinand de (1857-1913)
Saville, John (1916-2009) Savinkov, Boris (1879-1925)
Savinkov, Boris Viktorovich (1879-1925) Sazhen
Scepticism & Dogmatism Schäffe, Albert (1831-1903)
Schüller, Richard (1901-1957) Schaff, Adam (1913-2006)
Schaffner, Erwin (1883-1942) Schedrovitsky, Georgy (b. 1929)
Scheflo, Olav (1883-1943) Scheflo, Olav (1883-1943)
Scheidemann, Philipp (1865-1939) Scheidemann, Philipp (1865-1939)
Scheidemanns Schelling, Friedrich (1775-1854)
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph (1775-1854) Scheu, Andreas 1844-1927
Schiffel, Jozef (1880-1959) Schiller, Friedrich von (1759-1805)
Schippel, Max (1859-1947) Schlüter, Hermann
Schlick, Moritz (1882-1936) Schmidt, Conrad (1863-1932)
Schmidt, Robert (1864-1943) Schober, Johann (1874-1932)
Schober, Johannes (1874-1932) Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860)
Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860) Schorlemmer, Carl (1834-1892)
Schramm, Karl Schreiber, Hesekil (1899-1943)
Schreiner, Albert (1892-1979) Schreiner, Olive (1855-1920)
Schulze, Ernst (1855-1932) Schulze-Delitzsch, Franz Hermann (1808-83)
Schumann, Georg (1886-1945) Schwab, Alexander [Sachs] (1887-1943)
Schwab, Charles M. (1862-1939) Schwab, Michael (1853-1898)
Schweitzer, Johann Baptiste von (1833-75) Science
Scientific Concept (Psychology) Scoccimarro, Mauro (1895-1972)
Secchia, Pietro (1903-1973) Sechenov, Ivan Mikhailovich (1829-1905)
Second All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Peasants' Deputies Second Congress
Second Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party Second International
Second International Second International Conference in Zimmerwald, September 5th to 8th, 1915
Second International Congress in Amsterdam, August 14th to 20th 1904 Second International Congress in Basel, November 24th to 25th 1912
Second International Congress in Copenhagen, 28th August to 3rd September 1910 Second International Congress in Kienthal, April 24th to 30th, 1916
Second International Congress in London, July 21st to August 1st 1896 Second International Congress in Paris, 23rd to 27th September 1900
Second International Congress in Stockholm, May to July, 1917 Second International Congress in Stuttgart, 18th to 24th August 1907
Second International Congress of Brussels, 1891 Second International Congress of Brussels, August 16th to 22nd 1891
Second International Congress of Zurich, August 6th to 13th 1893 Secondary Contradictions (Psychology)
Sectarianism and Opportunism Section, Essential (Althusser)
SED [Socialist Unity Party of Germany] Sedan, Battle of (September, 1870)
Sedgwick, Peter (1934-1983) Sedov, Leon (1906-1938)
Sedov, Sergei (1908-1937) Seemann
Seiden, Armin (1885-1931) Seitz, Karl (1869-1950)
Self-consciousness Self-identical
Sellier, Henri (1883-1943) Sellier, Louis (1885-1978)
Selvarajatnan, Govindaswami (1924-1995) Semashko, Nikolai (1874-1949)
Sembat, Marcel (1862-1922) Sembat, Marcel (1862-1922)
Semblance Semiology
Semyonov, Grigorii Mikhailovich (1890-1946) Sen, Indra Datta (? - 1996)
Sen, Robin (1923-1995) Senanayake, Reginald S. Vincent (1898– 1946)
Separate Path theory Serbian Socialist Party
Serebryakov, Leonid Petrovich (1890-1937) Serge, Victor (1890-1947)
Serge, Victor (1890-1947) Sergeyev, Artem F (d. 1921)
Serrati, Giacinto Menotti (1874-1926) Services
Sethuraman Seve, Lucien (1926-2020)
Severing, Carl (1875-1952) Sexism
Sexton, James (1856-1938) Shablin, Nikolai (1881-1925)
Shachtman, Max (1904-1972) Shaginyan, Marietta (1888-1982)
Shapiro, L.G. (M. Shanin) (1887-1957) Sharkey, Lance (1898-1967)
Shastri, Onkarnath Verma (1908– c.2000) Shastri, V.
Shatskin, Lazar Abramovich (1902-1937) Shaukat Ali, Maulana (1873-1938)
Shaumyan, Stepan (1878-1918) Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950)
Shingaryov, Andrei Ivanovich (1869-1918) Shiroki (Broad) Socialists
Shliapnikov, Alexander (1885-1937) Shlyakhi (Paths)
Shlyapnikov, Aleksandr Gavrilovich (1885-1937) Shop Stewards [Britain]
Shop stewards committees Shoul, Bernice (1920-1977)
Shukla, Chandravadan Pranjivan (1910– 2000) Shumiatsky, Boris Zakharovich (1886-1938)
Shumsky, Oleksander (1890-1946) Siécle, Le
Siberian Government Siddaman, K. (1923 - present?)
Siegfried, Jules (1837-1922) Sievers, Max (1887-1944)
Šik, Ota (1919-2004) Silfs [Šilfs], Janis (1891-1921)
Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968) Singh, Bhagat (1907-1931)
Sino-Soviet Split Siriwardena, Coddipiliarachchi Don Reginald (1922– 2004)
Sirola, Yrjö E. (1876-1936) Sirola, Yrjö Elias (né Sirén) (1876-1936)
Sirolle, Henri (1885-1962) Sittampalam, V. (1911 – 1946)
Skalàk, Josef (1874-1968) Skinner, B. F. (1904-1990)
Skobelev, Matvei Ivanovich (1885-1937) Skoglund, Carl (1884-1960)
Skorokhodova, Olga (1914-1982) Slave Society
Slavina, Liya (b. 1906) Sliwinski, Artur (1877-1953)
Slovo, Joe (1926-1995) Slusarsji [Ślusarski]
Small Bureau [Engeres Büro] Smeral [Šmeral], Bohumir (1880-1941)
Smeral, Bohumir (1880-1941) Smidovich, Sofia Nikolaevna (1872-1934)
Smilga, Ivar Tenisovich (1892-1938). Smillie, Robert (1857-1940)
Smillie, Robert (1857-1940) Smirnov, Anatoli (1894-1980)
Smirnov, Ivan (c. 1880-1936) Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
Smith, F.E., Earl of Birkenhead (1872-1930) Smith, Gerald L. K. (1898-1976).
Smuts, Jan Christian (1870-1950) Smychka
Smythe, Norah (1874-1963) Sneevliet, Henk (1883-1942)
Sneevliet, Henk (Maring) (1883-1942) Snowden, Ethel (1881-1951)
Snowden, Philip (1864-1967) Social Capital
Social Chauvinism Social Contract
Social control and Integration Social Democracy
Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania
Social Democratic Federation (SDF) Social Democratic Labour Party of Bulgaria
Social Democratic Labour Party of Germany Social Democratic Party of Finland
Social Democratic Party of Germany [SPD] Social Democratic Party of Hungary
Social Democratic Party of Serbia Social Democratic Party of Slovakia
Social Democratic Party of Sweden Social Democratic Party of Switzerland
Social Democratic Workers Party of Austria Social fascism
Social Imperialism Social Movement
Social Patriot Social patriots
Social situation of development (Psychology) Social Wage
Social-Demokrat Socialisation
Socialism Socialism in one country
Socialist Appeal (1941-1948) Socialist Competition (or Emulation)
Socialist Concentration Socialist Democracy
Socialist International (also: Second International; social-democracy) Socialist Labor Party [SLP, US]
Socialist Labor Party–SLP Socialist Labour Association
Socialist League Socialist Ministerialism
Socialist Party of America Socialist Party of America
Socialist Party of Great Britain Socialist Party of India
Socialist Party of Slovakia Socialist Party of Uruguay
Socialist Party, Australia Socialist Party, French Section of the Workers International [SFIO]
Socialist Party, Italy Socialist Propaganda League
Socialist Review (1934-1937) Socialist Revolutionary Party
Socialist Worker (1977-present) Socialist Workers Party of Spain
Socialist Workers Party, Chile Socialist Workers Party, Finland
Socialist World, The Socialist-Revolutionary Party
Society Socrates (469-399 BCE)
Soglia, Giuseppe (1871-1926) Sojourner Truth (1969-1985)
Sokolnikov, Grigorii Yakovlevich (1888-1939) Sokolnikov, Grigory Y. (1888-1939)
Sokolov, Alexander (b. 1911) Sokolyansky, Ivan (1889-1960)
Soldatskaya Pravda (Soldiers’ Truth) Solidarity
Solidarity Solomon, T. M.
Sombart, Werner (1863-1941) Sombart, Werner (1863-1941)
Sophists Sorel, Georges (1847-1922)
Sorel, Georges (1847-1922) Sorge, Friedrich Albert (1826-1906)
Sorge, Richard (1895-1944) Sosnovsky, Lev S. (1886-1937)
Sotsial-Demokrat (The Social-Democrat) Soukup, František (1871-1940)
Southern Worker, The (1930-1937) Soutif, Edmond
Souvarine, Boris (1895-1984) Souvarine, Boris (1895-1984)
Soviet Government Soviet Russia Pictorial (1923)
Soviet Secret Police Soviets
Sovremenny Mir (The Contemporary World) Sowjet [Soviet]
Soysa, Bernard (1914– 1997) Sozialistische Monatshefte (Socialist Monthly)
SP Spaak, Paul-Henri (1899-1972)
Spanish Revolution (1931-1939) Spargo, John (1876-1966)
Spartacist (1964-present) Spartacus
Spartacus League (Spartacists) Spartacus Rising (German Revolution 1918-19)
Spartak (Spartacus) SPD
Special Theory of Relativity Species Being
Spector, Maurice (1898-1968) Speculative Logic
Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) Spender, Dale (1943-)
Spengler, Oswald (1880-1936) Spies, August (1855-1887)
Spinoza, Benidicto (1632-1677) Spirit of the Times (Zeitgeist)
Spiritual Spontaneity (Althusser)
Spontaneous concept (Psychology) SRs
SRs St. Simon
Stagflation Stagism
Stal’, Liudmila (1872-1939) Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953)
Stalinism Stam, Jan Cornelis [Varkel] (1884-1943)
Stampfer, Friedrich (1874-1957) Standing Orders
Stanić Stasova, Elena (1873-1966)
State Steinhardt, Karl (1875-1963)
Stepniak, Sergey Mikhailovich [Kravchinsky] (1851-95) Stern, Victor (1885-1958)
Stinnes, Hugo (1870-1924) Stirner, Alfred
Stirner, Max (1806-1856) Stoddard, T. Lothrop (1883-1950)
Stoecker, Walter (1891-1939) Stoics
Stokes, Rose Pastor (1879-1933) Stoletov, Alexander Grigorievich (1839-1896)
Stolypin's Agrarian Reform Stolypin, Peter (1862-1911)
Strasser, Josef (1870-1935) Stresemann, Gustav (1878-1929)
Striemer, Alfred (b. 1879) Strong, Anna Louise (1885-1970)
Structuralism Structuralism (Althusser)
Structure Structure in Dominance (Althusser)
Structure, Decentred (Althusser) Struve, Peter (1870-1944)
Struve, Pyotr (1870-1944) Stuchka, Peter I. (1865-1932)
Student Movement Student Partisan (New York 1949-)
Student Protest Movement Student Socialist (1949-1951)
Stukelj [Štukelj], Ciril (Marynko) (1903-50) Sturc [Šturc], Vàclav (1858-1936)
Sturm, Hertha (Edith Schumann) (1886-1945?) Subasinghe, Mudiyanselage Tikiri Banda
Subhi, Mustafa Subhi, Mustafa Subhi (1883-1921)
Subject Subject (Psychology)
Subject of Labour
aka Object of Labour
Subjective and Objective (Psychology) Subjective Idealism
Subjective Logic Subjectivism
Subjectivity Sublation
Subsistence Standard Substance
Substance (Psychology) Subsumption, Formal and Real
Sudisman Sukharno, Ahmed (1901-1970)
Sukhomlin, Vasilii (1885-1963) Sukhomlinov
Sullivan Sultanzade, Ahmed [Avetis Mikailian] (1889-1938)
Sun Tzu Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925)
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) Sundararajan, N.
Supek, Rudi (1913-1993) Supersession (Althusser)
Superstructure / Structure (Althusser) Suphi, Mustafa (1883-1921)
Support (Althusser) Surplus Value
Suvorov, Alexander Vasilievich (1729-1800) Suzuki, Bunji (1885-1946)
Svehla [Švehla], Antonín (1873-1933) Sverdlov, Yakov Mikhaylovich (1885-1919)
Swabeck, Arne (1890-1986) Swedish Social Democrats
Syllogism Syn Otechestva (Son of the Fatherland)
Synchrony / Diachrony (Althusser) Syncretic concept (Psychology)
Syndicalism Synthesis
System & Method Szàntó, Béla (1881-1951)