Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

PL Attacks Ansara; Ansara Attacks PL

First Published: Harvard Crimson, March 22, 1971.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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A Progressive Labor Party (PL) leaflet last week denounced Michael S. Ansara ’68, one of the founders of the Old Mole, and David L. Landau, a Cambridge radical, for allegedly disclosing names and handing over SDS financial records at a closed hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security (SSIS) on Feb. 26.

[David L. Landau, who testified before the SSIS last month, is not the same as and is no relation to M. David Landau, managing editor of the CRIMSON.]

Ansara denied PL’s charges Saturday. “The only documents I gave to the SSIS were the financial records of the Cambridge Iron and Steep Corp,” he said. “The committee had already obtained these records one year ago from the Cambridge Trust Company and the Harvard Trust Company, the two banks which the corporation used.”

“PL has attacked everyone in the world who is trying to make a revolution which means something,” Ansara added. “From now on I’m going to treat PL just like I treat the cops.”

In a statement last night, PL again attacked Ansara for testifying before a closed committee. The statement claims that PL would not testify at closed hearings under any circumstances.

Ansara and Landau will again appear before the SSIS on April 22, to be questioned about the activities of Cambridge Iron and Steel, a dummy corporation which channeled money into the movement.