First Published: Unity and Struggle, Vol. III, No. 13, December 1974.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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A demonstration billed as the “National Freedom March and Rally for Human Dignity” in Boston, has drawn a great deal of support, including a Fred Hampton Contingent, made up of the October League, Struggle Newspaper, Hard Times and Youth Against War and Fascism (at present, though more may be added), and the Progressive United Front on Education, organizations unsatisfied with the total thrust of the march because it is in the hands of the Trots, revisionists and petit bourgeois reformers, black and white. But still the march itself must be supported, to the extent that it represents a positive thrust in support of the democratic rights of black people in Boston, and against the ruling class inspired racist mobs who have run amuck through South Boston crazed by chauvinism. The PUFE and Fred Hampton contingent will emphasize the ruling class agitation of violence between the blacks and working class whites of Boston which was designed to hide the eminent collapse of the fast degenerating capitalist economy! It will also emphasize 1. Democratic Rights, 2. Self Defense, and 3. Quality Education as their main demands.
The Revolutionary Union walked out of a meeting with the contingent when they refused to change their right opportunist line which supported the racist white boycott of South Boston Schools, with headlines in their newspaper such as “Smash Busing”. A new cry is rising in the new communist movement, “What shall we do about R.U.?”