Letter from G. Healy to James P. Cannon, August 31, 1953

Documents 3 to 17 and 19 to 24 originally published in Internal Bulletins of the SWP and the International Bulletins of the International Committee

Dear Jim, Last night the struggle broke out here in earnest. Our EC was confronted with an organized faction of four. Lawrence, Lane, Brown and Emmett. The combination represents more the character of a clique than anything else especially to those who know the people concerned and their past record. Emmett is the most uncertain, and may yet be detached. The others work for Pablo.

The fight broke our over the report to the NC about the IS document ’The Rise and Fall of Stalinism.’ Lawrence stated that since he agreed with it wholeheartedly, he should move it. I didn’t object, but said that I wished to comment on certain aspects of the document and make propositions to strengthen it. This brought forth a howl—I was described as ’the American agent’ working against the International. In reply I said that as a member of the IS I would of course lay any suggestions I had before this body, but this did not satisfy the faction. They said that the IS may instruct me not to raise points in my own section until they got around to answering them before the international. Meanwhile I would have to remain quiet while Lawrence gave his report. The whole plan was along the lines of gagging me whilst an effort was made to stampede our people. There is little doubt but it comes from Paris. Well, I said that this would be an international scandal and that I would proceed to make my case before my own party.

On Friday 28th I received an urgent instruction from Pablo to attend an international meeting on Sept. 2nd. He also sends me a copy of a letter to the NC majority. (Copies of his letter and my reply are enclosed.)I don’t see why we must be pushed around like little boys into meetings where no one knows what is coming up. I had some experience of this once in the RCP and WIL—I will nor have it again.

Despite all the blurb in the ’good relations’ letter to the SWP majority, the fact is that the fight has broken out with renewed ferocity here. We now have to contend with a Pablo manipulated faction, and there is no doubt but they will give us trouble until we get them under control. Of course we work under disadvantages inside the LP, but it cannot be helped. They are running wild already and we will first have to stop them. Thanks to your advice we have already been anticipating this,and some long term arrangements were in hand to curb them.

I would like a reply either from you or Morris on the following:

a) What lines if any do your ideas for amendments to the ’Rise and Fall of Stalinism’ take?

b) How am I to handle your letter to Tom? It seems that they are preparing to rush us into something in order to get away on a scandal.

An immediate reply (if you can) would be of great assistance.

Under separate cover an article by Tom is being sent. What are the opinions on his amendments?

Warmest regards


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Last updated 17.10.2003