Mia: History: Etol: Document: Fourth International: International Discussion Bulletins

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Fourth International: International Discussion Bulletins Library

1972 through 1976

Fourth International

These bulletins were published by the U.S. Socialist Workers Party as a fraternal courtesy for the United Secretariat of the Fourth International.

NOTE: we are missing issues 1 through 4 for Volume 9 in 1972. We are attempting to find copies of them.

Vol. 9, No. 5, November 1972 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Preparatory Text For the 1971 Conference of the Leaderships of the European Sections, by Vergeat and Delphin 3 The Building of Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe (Draft Theses Submitted to the 10Th World Congress– 4Th Since Reunification), by the United Secretariat
Approved by the United Secretariat, September 1972
For: Delfin, Kurt, Livio, Luc, Petersen, Pierre, Vergeat, Walter.
Against: Adair, Hans, Pedro, Therese, Stateman.
Not Present: Ghulam, Juan, Pia, Roca.

Vol. 10, No. 1, January 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Argentina and Bolivia – the Balance Sheet
By Hugo Blanco, Peter Camejo, Joseph Hansen, Anfual Lorenzo, Nahuel Moreno

Vol. 10, No. 2, February 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Real Lesson of China on Guerrilla Warfare, in Reply to A thet Letter From A Chinese Trotskyist, by Chen Pi-Ian
On the MIR, Latin American Commission of the Communist League, French Section of the Fourth International, March 18, 1972 Relations of the PRT (Combatiente), Argentine Section of the Fourth International, With the United Secretariat, Political Bureau, PRT (Combatiente), June 10, 1972
Appendix I: Statement of the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party on the Sallustro Kidnapping, April 13, 1972
Appendix II: Statement of the Political Committee of the League For Socialist Action– Ligue Socialiste Ourviere on the Sallustro Kidnapping
Appendix III: Excerpts From Minutes of the United Secretariat, April 15-16, 1972
Appendix IV: Motion Passed by SWPNational Committee Plenum, May 11, 1972
Appendix V: Statement by United Secretariat Members Delfin, Ghulam, Livio, Petersen, Pierre, Sandor, Walter, May 30-31, 1972

Vol. 10, No. 3, March, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Declaration of the Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency
A Criticism of the United Secretariat Majority Draft Resolution on “The Building of Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe: An Initial Contribution to the Discussion,” by Mary-alice Waters
Two Lines, Two Methods, by George Novack
Corrections in Translation of Draft Theses: “The Building of Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe”

Vol. 10, No. 4, April, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

In Defence of Leninism: in Defence of the Fourth International by Ernest Germain
December 3, 1972, Statement of 19 I. E. C. Members

Vol. 10, No. 5, April ,1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Resolutions of the Fifth Congress of the Partido Revolucionario De Los Trabaiadores (PRT-Combatiente)– Revolutionary Workers Party)
Plus Resolutions of the Subsequent Meetings of the Central Committee and Executive Committee

Vol. 10, No. 6, May, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Bolivia – Results and Perspectives (Adopted by A Majority At the December 2-6, 1972, Meeting of the International Executive Committee)
The Political Crisis and Perspectives For Revolutionary Struggle in Argentina (Adopted by A Majority At the December 2-6, 1972 Meeting of the International Executive Committee) Documents of the December 2-6, 1972, Meeting of the International Executive Committee

Vol. 10, No. 7, June, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Debate on Indochina, by Sterne
Letter to the PRT (Combatiente), by Ernest, Livio, Pierre, Sandor, Tariq, Delphin
Some Fundamental Differences Between the PRT and the International Majority, by Ernest, Livio, Pierre, Sandor, Tariq, Delphin Letter to the SWP Political Committee on the Formation of A Political Tendency, by Bill Massey, John Shaffer, Don Smith

Vol. 10, No. 8, June, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

On Comrade Germain’s Half-Truths: Or How The Ebp Flag Got on the Coffin, by Fred Halstead
Lenin Vs. Germain, by Peter Camejo

Vol. 10, No. 9, June, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Issues Before the World Trotskyist Movement, Report to the Socialist Activists and Educational Conference on August 18, 1972, by Jack Barnes
An Evaluation of the December 1972 IEC Plenum, Report to the New York City-Wide Membership Meeting of the Socialist Workers Party on February 9, 1973, by Jack Barnes

Vol. 10, No. 10, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Comrade Germain’s Errors on the National Question by Gus Horowitz
Appendix A: the Permanent Revolution in the United States
Appendix B: Black Nationalism, Class Struggle and Party History
Appendix C: the Forging of Oppressed Nationalities in the United States
Appendix D: the Multi-national Character of the Leninist Party\

Vol. 10, No. 11, July 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Contribution to the International Discussion, by Marcel, Ral/Lrt (Revolutionaire Arbeiders Liga – Ligue Revolutionnaire Des Travailleurs), Belgian Section of the Fourth International
Why We Have Joined the International Majority Tendency, by Mintoff and Sonja, Gim (Gruppe Internationale Marxisten), German Section of the Fourth International
Why We Did Not Sign the International Majority’s Tendency Declaration, by Karl, Nico, Albert, Heinrich, Emanuel, Hartrnut, Karew, Juan, Oskar, Richard, Werner, and Oliver, Gim (Gruppe Internationale Marxisten), German Section of the Fourth International
Declaration of Internationalist Tendency, by Bill Massey, Bruce Clark, John Montello, John Barzman, Don Smith, David Rossi, John Shaffer, Ted Stacy, Hedda Garza, Patrick Quinn, Jeff Meissner, John Chairet, Robin Block, and Chris Marat, Socialist Workers Party
Statement of Support to the International Majority Tendency, by Ralph Levitt, Celia Stodola, Judy Shane, Ron Warren, Jeff Beneke, and Garth Chojnowski, Socialist Workers Party

Vol. 10, No. 12, July, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Underlying Differences in Method, by Joseph Hansen

Vol. 10, No. 13, July, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Two Assessments of the Chinese Cultural Revolution: A Balance Sheet, Draft Resolution Submitted by United Secretariat Members Abel, Adair, Hans, Juan, Pedro, Stateman, and Therese
Appendix: Draft Resolution on The’ Cultural Revolution’
The Social Roots of Chinese Stalinism and the Dispute in the Fourth International, by Les Evans

Vol. 10, No. 14, August 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Two Ways of Constructing the Revolutionary Marxist Party and Engaging It in Action, by Pierre Frank
On the 1973 Legislative Elections in France: May 28, 1973, Letter to the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste From the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party
Appendix I: January 28, 1972, Letter to the Political Committee of the Uruguayan Partido Revolucionario De Los Trabajadores, by Joseph Hansen
Appendix Ii: Uruguay: the Broad Front’ Suffers Defeat, by Joseph Hansen
Bolivia — Once Again on the Facts, by Peter Camejo
Appendix I: the Ovando Government and the Bolivian Situation
Appendix II: For Bolivia
Appendix III: Despite the Setbacks, Guerrilla Warfare Continues to Be the Way to National and Social Liberation
Appendix IV: New Methods of Struggle
Appendix V: the Current Situation in Bolivia: An Interview With Hugo Gonzalez

Vol. 10, No. 15, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Preconditions For An Authoritative World Congress, Adopted Unanimously by the United Secretariat, April 9, 1973
The New Situation in the Fourth International, A Statement by the Leninist-Trotskyist Faction
Appendix: the Barzman Letter
Recommendations to the Delegates of the Coming World Congress, Adopted Unanimously by the United Secretariat, September 19, 1973
On the Differences Over Vietnam, by Gus Horowitz
The SWP’s Role in the Antiwar Movement, by Geoff Mirelowitz

Vol. 10, No. 16, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Real Record of the Canadian Section: in Reply to Comrade Germain, by John Riddell and Art Young

Vol. 10, No. 17, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Test of Ireland, by Gerry Foley

Vol. 10, No. 18, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Draft Theses on the Irish Revolution, by Gerry Foley
Statement of Support to the IEC Majority Tendency, by Micha, Arie, Elie, Mikado, Nabil – Israeli Socialist Organization (Matzpen-marxist)
The Mote and the Beam, A Reply From the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste to the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party
Some Questions of Method Concerning the European Document, by A. Duret
How Camejo Makes Lenin Say the Opposite of What He Writes, by Karl Andersson

Vol. 10, No. 19, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Red University Strategy Vs. the ‘Irreversible Turn’, by Andy Rose
The European Document and the RSF’s Strategic Orientation, by Torben Hansen

Vol. 10, No. 20, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Draft Political Resolution, Submitted by the IEC Majority Tendency
Let’s Discuss Political Differences, Not Old Wives’ Tales, IEC Majority Tendency’s Reply to the Minority Faction Declaration
On the Question of Armed Struggle in Latin America, Submitted by the IEC Majority Tendency

Vol. 10, No. 21, October 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Political Crisis and Perspectives For Revolutionary Struggle in Argentina, Draft Resolution Submitted to the Next World Congress by the IEC Majority Tendency
Lessons of Uruguay, by Carlos Rossi and A. Toussaint
Introduction to the Discussion on Workers’ Struggles in Capitalist Europe, Report by Livio Maitan Presented to the April 28-29, 1973, Meeting of European Political Bureaus
The Arab Revolution: Its Problems, Present State and Perspectives, by Jaber (Lebanon), Sami (Iraq), And Vergeat

Vol. 10, No. 22, November, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

On the Orientation of the Fourth International in Latin America, Draft Counterresolution To the IEC Majority Resolution on Armed Struggle in Latin America, Submitted by the Compass Tendency
Socialist Revolution and the Struggle For Women’s Liberation, Draft Resolution Submitted by United Secretariat Members Abel, Adair, Hans, Juan, Pedro, Stateman, and Therese
The Differences.In Interpretation of the ‘Cultural Revolution’ At the Last World Congress and Their Theoretical Implications, Submitted by the IEC Majority Tendency

Vol. 10, No. 23, November 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

How the ‘Ninth World Congress Turn’ Misdirected the Work of the International Marxist Group, British Section of the Fourth International, by Alan Harris

Vol. 10, No. 24, December, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Crisis of the LCR and the En Marcha Split, by the Political Bureau of the Liga Comunista of Spain (Formerly Encrucijada Tendency of the LCR (Liga Comunista Revolucionaria)
The Beginning of A Revision of Marxism, by Ernest Germain
Balance Sheet of the International Minority on Bolivia-In the Harsh Light of the Facts, by Martine Knoeher
Communique, by Albert, Juan, Karl, Compass Tendency (West Germany); Roberto, Revolutionary Marxist Tendency (Italy); Krasno, Reiner, Against the Stream (France); Dumas, Lesage (France); H. Sand (Sweden)

Vol. 10, No. 25, December, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Draft For Revision of the European Perspectives Document: “The Building of Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe”, by the Compass Tendency in the Gim (German Section of the Fourth International)
Know Your Own Weaknesses in Order to Better Combat the Minority and Build the International, by Jean-Pierre Beauvais
The Evolution of the Liga Comunista (Formerly Encrucijada Tendency), by the Members of the LCR Belonging to the IEC Majority Tendency
In Defence of the Transitional Programme, by Rajnarayan Aryan, Communist League of India
On Differences Inside the Movement, by Upendranath Roy, Communist League of India
Reject Liquidationism! by Upendranath Roy, Communist League of India

Vol. 10, No. 26, December, 1973 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Once More on the Vanguard in Europe by Edgardo (Gruppi Comunisti Rivoluzionari, Italian Section of the Fourth International)
Nationalism and Revolution in Iran, by Ahmad Heydari and Cyrus Paydar
Nationalism and National Struggles in the Middle East, by Azar Najmi

Vol. 11, No. 1, January, 1974 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Party And Army In A Strategic Perspective Of Prolonged Revolutionary War-Working Notes, By the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabaj adores (Fraccion Roja)- Revolutionary Workers Party (Red Faction) of Argentina
A Contribution Toward a Program of Struggle For The Working Class, By the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (Fraccion Roja)- Revolutionary Workers Party (Red Faction) of Argentina

Vol. 11, No. 2, January, 1974 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Submitted by the Leninist Trotskyist Faction
Chief Features of the World Political Situation
1. The Ripeness of Obj ective Conditions
2. Stage of Sudden Breakdowns
The World Revolution Resumes Its Main Course
1. Exemplary Action of the Bolsheviks
2. The Long Detour
3. The Turn in the Pattern of Revolution
and the New Upsurge of Workers' Struggles
The Broadening Radicalization
1. Growing Importance of National Liberation Struggles
2. International Radicalization of the Youth
3. New Rise of Women's Struggles
Mobilization of the Counterrevolution and the Struggle Against It
1. Blockade of Cuba and the ~ Caribbean Confrontation'
2. The U. S. Imperialist Intervention in Vietnam
3. Violent Repression and Class Collaborationism
4. ' Peaceful Coexistence' and the Detente
Maturing of the Subj ective Conditions for Revolution
1. Interplay of Victories and Defeats
in the Three Sectors of the World Revolution
2. Tasks of the Fourth International
for the Period Immediately Ahead

Vol. 11, No. 3, January, 1974 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

On The Orientation Of The Fourth International In Europe, By Dieter, Torben Hansen,
Marcel, Tony Roberts, Anders Svedin, and Mary-Alice Waters
The New Zealand Trotskyists And The Protest Movement Against The War In Vietnam, By George Fyson
Reply To The Comrades In The SWP, by R. Perin
Translation Changes For "The Beginning of a Revision of Marxism," by Ernest Germain

Vol. 11, No. 4, January, 1974 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

A Scandalous Document—A Reply to Germain by Nahuel Moreno

Vol. 11, No. 5, April, 1974 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Fourth World Congress Since Reunification
(Tenth World Congress)
February 1974
1. Minutes
2. Voting Record
3. Attachments to the Minutes
4. Statement of the Majority Tendency at the Conclusion of the Tenth World Congress of
the Fourth International, submitted March 17, 1974
5. Statement of the Leninist-Trotskyist Faction, submitted April 3, 1974

Vol. 12, No. 1, January, 1975 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Fourth World Congress Since Reunification
(Tenth World Congress)
February 1974
Part II
1. IEC Members Nominated by the IMT
2. IEC Members Nominated by the Japanese Section
3. Declaration Concerning the f Statement of the Majority Tendency at the Conclusion of the Tenth World Congress of the Fourth International, June 9, 1974
4. IEC Majority Tendency's Reply to the Statement by the Minority Faction, August B, 1974
5. Rejoinder by the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, November 13, 1974
6. Point 36 of the IMT Resolution on Argentina: Political Crisis and Revolutionary Perspectives
7. Concluding Paragraphs of the LTF 'Counterreport on Armed Struggle'
B. Minutes of the International Executive Committee, February 15, 1974

Vol. 12, No. 2, January, 1975 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Report of the Control Commission of the Socialist Workers Party, July 2, 1974
Motions Adopted by the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, July 4, 1974
Statement Adopted by the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, July 4, 1974
Appendices to the Report of the Control Commission of the SWP
I. First National Conference of the Internationalist Tendency, by Alec; from Internationalist Tendency Newsletter of June 6, 1974
II. A Reply to Comrade Massey from Los Angeles, from IT Bulletin IV
III. Resignation from the IT by Berta Langston and Bob Langston, from IT Bulletin V
Statement of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International Regarding the Call for a Special World Congress of the Fourth International Adopted by the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party on July 4, 1974 The Myth of the 'IT Split' — Purge Politics of the LTF

Vol. 12, No. 3, January, 1975 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Need for a Special World Congress, A Statement by the Steering Committee of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, adopted August 28, 1974
On the Internationalist Tendency Split from the Socialist Workers party, by Gus Horowitz
Appendix I: October 17, 1974, Letter from the Internationalist Tendency party to the National Committee of the Socialist Workers party
Appendix II: Letter from Jim Collins to the Internationalist Tendency party Political Committee
Appendix III: Letter from Russell Welch and Cheryl Clark to the Kompass Tendency
Appendix IV: Letter from Russell Welch and Cheryl Clark to the IMT Bureau
Appendix V: Extracts from the IT Resolution on Trade-Union Work; from IT Bulletin VII

Vol. 12, No. 4, October, 1975 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

In Reply to the IMT's Open Letter Number 2, Leninist Trotskyist Faction Resolution submitted to January, 1975, IEC
The Differences Between the United Secretariat of the Fourth International and the PST, by the IMT Bureau, May 31, 1975

Vol. 12, No. 5, October, 1975 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Erosion of Peronism and the Central Task of Revolutionary Marxists, International
Majority Tendency Resolution adopted by January, 1975, IEC
Draft Resolution on Argentina, by Jose Valdez, submitted to January, 1975, IEC
Program and the PST's "Specific, Limited Agreements", by Berta Langston and Bob Langston (Socialist Workers Party)
For a Change in Our Postion on Cuba, by David Keil (Socialist Workers Party)

Vol. 12, No. 6, October, 1975 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

The Key Issues in the Portuguese Revolution, by the Steering Committee of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, adopted August 30, 1975
The Portuguese Revolution and the New Problems That Face the Fourth International, Statement by the Steering Committee of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, adopted August 31, 1975
The Issues in the Portuguese Revolution, by Barry Sheppard
The Portuguese Revolution and Building the Fourth International, by Jack Barnes
Appendix: Documents and Correspondence Concerning the Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International and their Request for Discussion With the United Secretariat

Vol. 13, No. 1, January, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Correspondence Concerning The Leninist Trotskyist Faction Resolution On Portugal
Submitted by the Coordinating Committee of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction
  1. January 14, 1976, letter to the Steering Committee of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction from Mary-Alice Waters
  2. November 28, 1975, mailing to the Steering Committee� of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction
       a. Letter to LTF Steering Committee from Mary-Alice Waters
       b. Letter to LTF members and three attachments from Political Bureau of the PST-Argentina
       c. Letter from Joe Hansen to the Political Bureau of the PST
  3. Hansen-Moreno Correspondence Prior to August 1975 Meeting of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction Steering Committe
       a. July 4 Hansen to Moreno
       b. July 16 Moreno to Hansen
       c. July 17 Moreno to Hansen
       d. August 9 Hansen to Moreno

Missing bulletin No. 2 for this volume

Vol. 13, No. 3, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Draft Theses on the Tactics of the Fourth International in Capitalist Europe, submitted by Aubin, Claudio, Duret, Fourier, Frey, Georges, Ghulam, Jones, Kurt, Otto, Roman, Walter, and Werner

Vol. 13, No. 4, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Critical Notes on "The Building of Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe," by Wilcox
On the International, by Sakai
Some Remarks on "Draft Theses for Detailing the Tasks of the Fourth International in Capitalist Europe (Second Edition)," by Sakai
Appendix I: Resolution from the Fourth Congress of the Comintern
Appendix II: On "The Building of Revolutionary Parties in Capitalist Europe," by the Japan Revolutionary Communist League
For a Class Line in the Portuguese Revolution! Democracy Or Proletarian Dictatorship? Resolution of the Eighth
National Congress of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League, Japanese Section of the Fourth International, February 1976

Vol. 13, No. 5, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Relations with Trotskyist Organizations, or Groups Claiming to Be Trotskyist, Which are Outside of the Fourth International. (Two motions adopted by majority of United Secretariat July 3-4, 1976)
Statement by Livio
Statement of the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party on the Objections Raised to Inviting the OCRFI to Observe the 1976 Convention
  1. Letter from Michel Pablo to Ernest Mandel
  2. Excerpt from IMG Political Committee Minutes and Excerpt from Minutes of November 1975 United Secretariat Meeting
  3. Garcin resolution on unity relations approved by majority of LCR Central Committee July 26-27, 1976
  4. Motion on SWP Convention passed by majority of LCR Political Bureau July 23, 1976
  5. Reply by Matti to LCR Political Bureau motion of July 23
  6. "A Few Observations on Comrade Barzman's 'Evaluation' of the February 1976 IEC Plenum, by Joseph Hansen, from SWP Discussion Bulletin Vol. 23, No.3, June 1976
Notes on the Reply of the SWP PC Concerning Invitations to the SWP Convention, by Alan Jones
Correspondence between the United Secretariat and Lutte Ouvriere (France), African Union of Internationalist Communist Workers, Spark (United States), and Combat Ouvriere (Antilles)
Report of the United Secretariat Bureau Concerning Relations with the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency

Vol. 13, No. 6, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

How the United Secretariat Majority Mishandled the Fraternal Approach of the OCRFI: The Record of a Default in Leadership, by Jack Barnes (Report adopted by Twenty-Eighth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, August 1976)
  Appendix I: Motions from United Secretariat Meeting of August 2, 1976
  Appendix II: Letter of Invitation to the 1976 SWP Convention, by Barry Sheppard
  Appendix III: Documents and correspondence concerning the Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International and their request for discussion with the United Secretariat
  Appendix IV: Correspondence between Walter and the LSA/LSO leadership concerning invitation of the GSTQ to LSA/LSO convention
  Appendix V: Correspondence and documentation concerning the OCRFI and the Commission to
Investigate the Varga Affair

Vol. 13, No. 7, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Draft Resolution on the Indochinese Revolution for the Eleventh World Congress, Submitted by Aubin, Duret, Roman, and Walter

Vol. 13, No. 8, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Self-Criticism on Latin America, by the Steering Committee of the International
Majority Tendency
Statement on the Self-Criticism Document on Latin America of the Steering Committee of the IMT, by Livio
Resolution on Angola, International Majority Tendency Draft Adopted at the February, 1976
IEC Resolution on Angola, Draft Resolution of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction

Vol. 13, No. 9, November, 1976 International Internal Discussion Bulletin
Published by the Socialist Workers Party as Fraternal Courtesy to the United Secretariat of the Fourth International:

Socialist Revolution and the Struggle for Women's Liberation, Draft Resolution for Fifth World Congress Since Reunification (11th World Congress), submitted by Mary-Alice Waters