MIA: History: ETOL: Documents: International Communist League/Spartacists: Pamphlets: Hate Trotskyism - Hate the Spartacist League series
Hate Trotskyism – Hate the Spartacist League
A listing of the a series of pamphlets published by the Spartacist League that polemicize with other groups on the Trotskyist left that have polemicized with the Spartacist League at some point
- Reprint of "Spartacist League: Anatomy of a Sect" from an "Education for Socialist" bulletin (June 1974) nominally published by the Canadian Revolutionary Marxist Group (RMG) in the interests of its American co-thinkers, the Internationalist Tendency (IT)
- Reprint of the Spartacist League's critique "Mandelites Falsify History to Attack SL' from Workers Vanguard No. 59, 3 January 1975
- Reprint of "The Fall of Allende and the Triumph of the Chilean Counterrevolution-The Spartacist League and the Strategy of Abstentionist Putschism" originally published by The Communist Internationalist Group, November 1973
- Prefaced with letter to Spartacist League Central Office from Comrade Small, 12 February 1974
- Reprint of "What Is Spartacist?" by Tim Wohlforth, Second Edition (June 1973)
- Reprint of "The Wohlforth League: Counterfeit Trotskyists" from Spartacist No. 17-18, August-September 1970
- Reprint of "The Workers League and the International Committee: A Statement by Tim Wohlforth" 11 January 1975
- Reprint of "Confessions of a 'Renegade': Wohlforth Terminated" from Workers Vanguard No. 61,31 January 1975
- 1917 Journal of the Bolshevik Tendency No.1, Winter 1986 (Reprinted by Spartacist. New printing, September 2003)
Bulletin No. 5: The Bolshevik Tendency
- Introductory Note
- A Letter from the BT:
Letter to Workers Vanguard by Cathy Nason for the Bolshevik Tendency, 8 April 1988- BT Says Don't Hail Red Army in Afghanistan, reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 449, 25 March 1988
- BT Protests Too Much (reply from letters column), reprinted from.Workers Vanguard No. 453, 20 May 1988
- Articles by the BT:
- ET Statement of 12 November 1983: "A Loss of Nerve and a Loss of Will," reproduced from Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt No.2, January-1984
- On the Slogan "Marines Out of Lebanon, Now, Alive"
- Reuben's Tangled Web, reproduced from Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt No.2, January--1984
- WV Flinches on 007: A Textbook Example, reproduced from Bulletin of the External Tendency of the iSt No.2, January 1984
- Challenger's "Major Malfunction": No Disaster for the Working Class, reproduced from 1917 No.2, Summer 1986
- A Comment by the Spartacist League:
"Marxism and Bloodthirstiness," reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 345, 6 January 1984
Bulletin No. 6: From Malice to Provocation
- Introduction
- The Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter:
"Bundestag Election '90-What Do the Others Stand For?:
The SpAO-Provocateurs Against the Fourth International," translated from Neue Arbeiterpresse No. 633, 23 November 1990- The Gruppe Spartakus:
"Statement of the Gruppe Spartakus on the Bundestag Elections: No Vote to the SPO/No Vote to the POS-Critical Support to the SpAO," translated from a leaflet by the Gruppe Spartakus, German section of the International Bolshevik Tendency, 17 November 1990- A Letter on "Spartacism":
Typescript of a letter by Barry Weisleder, longtime spokesman for the United Secretariat in Canada, 15 November 1990
Bulletin No. 7: Algeria
- Introduction
- "Real Trotskyist Platform or Spartacist Platform" Contribution to the Debate with Algerian PST Militants by Damien Elliott, editor of I'Egalite, newspaper of the JCR, youth group of French section of the United Secretariat, August 1992
- "Open Letter to the JCR-I'Egalite" by the Ligue Trotskyste de France, 27 July 1992
Bulletin No. 8: The Bolshevik Tendency: From the Snake Pit of Anti-Spartacism
- Introduction
- The Communist Workers Group: “Bureaucratic Centralism in the IBT and the Intervention of the Working Committee” (undated, published in May 1993)
Bulletin No. 8A: The International Bolshevik Tendency What Is It?
Bulletin No. 9: The Norden "Group": Polymorphous Opportunism
- Introductory Note
- "After Spartacist League Purges Leading Cadres, ICL Flees from Class Battle in Brazil—From a Drift Toward Abstentionism to Desertion from the Class Struggle"
Published by the Norden "group," July 1996
Bulletin No. 10: Defectors, Renegades and Political Pirates More on the Norden Group from the Bolshevik Tendency and the Workers League/Socialist Equality Party
- Introduction
- "Why Marxists Do Not Raise the Call 'Restore the Soviet Union'"
Reprinted from Workers Vanguard Nos. 638 and 639, 2 and 16 February 1996- "The Spartacists Reject the Slogan of the Restoration of the USSR"
Translated from Rabochii-Internatsionalist, bulletin of the Chelyabinsk Bureau of the ICFI, May 1996- ''Afghanistan, Poland, Chechnya 'ICFI' /Northites: Counterfeit Trotskyists"
By the Spartacist League, 7 October 1997
Bulletin No. 12: lCL Trotskyism vs. Mandelite "Left" Polish Nationalism
English-language translation of "Hate Trotskyism, Hate the Spartacists" Bulletin No.1, published by the Spartacist Group of Poland (SGP), section of the International Communist League (Fourth-Internationalist)
- Introduction
- On the Spartacist Renegades
Reprint of a polemic by a supporter of the NLR [Revolutionary Left Current], undated, distributed in December 1998- For New October Revolutions! ICL Trotskyism vs. Mandelite "left" Polish Nationalism
Reply of the Spartacist Group of Poland, 14 March 1999
Bulletin No. 1 Workers Power and the Irish Workers Group [Published by the Spartacist League Britain and the Dublin Spartacist Youth Group,]:
- Introductory note
- Material by the Irish Workers Group
- Sectarianism and Stalinophilia: The Politics of the Spartaclsts
IWG pamphlet (February 1990)- The Spartacists: A Poisoned Well
IWG pamphlet (1 October 1990)- Material by the Spartacist League
- Tony Cliff's stepchildren
Workers Power: the baggage of State Capitalism
Workers Hammer No. 100 (September 1988)- Soft-core capitalist restorationists
Workers Power: right turn on East Germany
Workers Hammer no 113 (March/April 1990)- The Butchenko affair: Anti-Sovietism comes home to roost
Workers Power caught with Russian fascists, Thatcher's scabs
Workers Hammer No. 116 (September 1990)- The Workers Power school of "re-elaboration"
Turning on the Butchenko spit
Workers Hammer no 117 (October 1990)
- Introduction
- LRP's South Africa Lash-Up"
Reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 667, 2 May 1997- "Open Letter to the Spartacist League by the National Central Committee of the Workers International Vanguard League"
Reprinted from an unpublished letter, 1 October 1997- "A Reply to the Workers International Vanguard League"
By Spartacist South Africa, 18 July 1998