MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Socialist Workers Party [US}: Socialist Workers Party: Internal Bulletins & Discussion Bulletins

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Socialist Workers Party: Internal & Discussion Bulletins Library

1946 through 1959

Socialist Workers Party [US]

A Note on SWP Internal & Discussion Bulletins

This set of bulletins from the internal discussions of the U.S. Trotskyist movement represents the continuity of the pervious bulletins put out by the U.S. supporters of the Trotskyist Left Opposition. Previous incarnations of these bulletins going back to 1930 are listed the bottom of this page or, you can go to the Internal Documents Library of the Socialist Workers Party [US].

The nomenclature, volume and numbering of these bulletins is not consistent. This set of Bulletins begins with volume 1 as it represents the first internal discussion of the newly formed SWP as the Trotskyists emerged from the Socialist Party in January of 1938 having been a faction inside it for almost 2 years. Published parallel to these bulletins was an International Bulletin series that tightened up the discussion leading up to the founding of the Fourth International restricting itself to international discussions. This English language bulletin was published for the Movement for the Fourth International and is published irregularly from 1938 onward. More on this below.

Regarding Volume numbering for SWP Internal Bulletins:

The relationship between volume numbering and year of publication is very odd for the first three volumes of the SWP Internal Bulletins starting in 1938.

Volume 1 covers 1938 and some 1939 issues.
Volume 2 covers 1939 and some 1940 issues.
Volume 3 covers some 1940 issues, of two types:
There’s first a SINGLE ”Internal Bullein” (labelled as such explicitly), Vol 3 No 1.
THEN there are three more issues in Volume 3, all published in 1940.

But: (1) These are all called on their cover NOT “Internal Bulletin”, but instead “Pre Plenum Discussion Bulletin”.

(2) These Pre Plenum Discussion issues bear the volume and issue numbering:

Vol III No 1, Vol III No 2, and Vol III No 3. Note that there are two “Vol 3 No 1” issues, and a total of 4 issues! Note that the first of them has the volume number printed with the Arabic number “3”, and the next three have the volume number printed using the Roman Numeral “ III” .

There were NO Internal Bulletins printed in 1941.

Starting with Volume 4, 1942, volume numbering becomes ordinary, sane, and expected: One volume number per calendar year, with the numbering increasing sequentially: Vol 5 is 1943, Vol 6 is 1944, Vol 7 is 1945, and so on. But in 1950, the SWP began publishing, along with “Internal Bulletins”, “Discussion Bulletins” that basically had the same function as “Internal Bulletins. Publication of Internal Bulletins continued until the last of the Internal Bulletins published (a single one), Vol XVI (Vol 16) No 1 of 1954, after which the transition from “Internal Bulletins” to “Discussion Bulletins”, which began in 1950, becomes complete.

Beginning in 1950, another bulletin begins to be published called the Discussion Bulletin and later as SWP Discussion Bulletin. There is no apparent difference in content between the Internal Bulletins and the Discussion Bulletins. Both served as a means of communications between the SWP leadership and the membership, and form members raise political differences within the party prior to a Convention or during important events and occurrences in the class struggle.

While both IBs and DBs are published during the same periods, after 1954, only the SWP Discussions Bulletins were published.

While these Bulletins were published, along with the above mentioned International Bulletins various other internal bulletins were published for different purposes. The Party Builder began publishing in bulletin newsletter format in 1944 for several years until it stopped in 1947. It picked up again in the new period leading out of the McCarthy period in 1960 with one issue that year and another again in 1963. Skipping 7 years it resumed publication as The Party Organizer in 1970 and continued to publish a few issues a year from then on. The purpose of the Party Builder/Organizer was to inform members in the branches of the SWP around the country what the other branches were doing, notes from trade union fractions, organizational matters stemming from national Conventions and Plenums and publication and election campaign activities of the party.

Several more bulletins can be added to this list. Starting in 1964 one of these was the Internal Information Bulletin (IIB). The IIB was a bulletin that served not for internal debate prior to a Convention of the party, but as a means for the leadership to circulate important documents of all sorts to the membership only for informational purposes. Often times Plenum discussions and decisions were distributed this way. The SWP was in the midst of an important internal crisis in 1964 which provided the impetus for the leadership to start this publication.

The last of the publications involves discussions and documents of the Fourth International. In this note above, it is pointed out that there exists an International Bulletin. This bulletin changes its name to International Information Bulletin in1941 and stops in 1944. It picks up again in 1951 during the beginning of a major crisis in the Fourth International. Stopping in 1954 it picks up again in 1961 and runs until 1972. Publications resumes in 1977 but with another name change to International Internal Information Bulletin or IIIB. The publication of this Bulletin ends when the SWP abandons the Fourth International.

The IB served as an informal line of communication between the leadership of the FI in WWII located in New York City, the members of the FI in other countries and the membership of the SWP. Since it was always wholly published by the SWP it was never an official publication of the FI itself. Later on it served as a document dispensing tool for the SWP lead wing of the Fourth International providing documentation for arguments being put forward by the leadership of the SWP to support it’s positions internationally but also served to document the positions of other leaders and currents in the Fourth International that were not necessarily appropriate for a World Congress discussion.

Lastly, from 1972 to 1983, as a courtesy to the Fourth International, the SWP published the International Internal Discussion Bulletin, or IIDB. This served the purpose for debating the vast number of discussions tearing at the Fourth International. Documents could be submitted by individuals, tendencies and sections in the Fourth International if they were approved for publication by any national section.

This monumental contribution to the history of the Trotskyist movement is made possible by the tireless effort of Marty Goodman of the Riazanov Library Project, the Holt Labor Library and the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line For more information on the Riazanaov Library Project click here. For more technical information on the scanning and digitization techniques click here.

Volume 8, 1946

Volume 8, No. 1, January, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The First National Conference of the RCP and its Empirical Leadership, by Pierre Frank
Letter from the Revolutionary Communist Party.
Reply to Letter fram the Revolutionary Communist Party,
by M. Stein
Copy of a Letter from Gerry Healy to a Friend
Letters to England,
by Felix Morrow
Comrade Stuart and the ILP—Facts Versus
Baseless Assertions
, by Bill Hunter
The Minority’s Attitude Toward Theory, by S. Simmons

Volume 8, No. 2, February, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

To the Comrades of the Leadership of the SWP, by the European Secretariat of the Fourth International
Letter of the Minority Faction
Resolution of the European Secretariat
A Reply to Comrade Morrow
, by the European Secretariat of the Fourth International
Statement of Bayonne Branch

Volume 8, No. 3, February, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The-New Imperialist “Peace” and the Building of the Parties of the Fourth International

Volume 8, No. 4, March, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

On the Russian Question, by R. Johnson (WA of SA)
Factionalism vs. Objectivity, by Al Lynn
A Letter of the AK of the IKD
The Answer of the SWP Minority to the Letter from the PCR of Belgium
Resolution on the Fusion Question in the USA
, by the RSP of Ireland
A Note on Our Letter of Resignation, by Dave Jeffries and Leo Lyons
An Answer to Dave Jeffries Letter of Resignation, by Albert Goldman
A Reply to Comrade Goldman’s Letter, by Dave Jeffries and Leo Lyons
Two Letters from Felix Morrow
Extracts from PC Minutes, December 18, 1945
Letter to Comrade Williams
, by Karl Kuehn

Volume 8, No. 5, April, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Resolution on the Internal Situation, Adopted by PC (Answer to the January 26 Letter of the Minority)
The Russian Question and the Dispute in the SWP
, by Nol Bos (Holland)
Resolution in Behalf of the Minority Remaining in the SWP, by Millner
A New Stage in the National Struggle, by Dave Jeffries
A Criticism of The Militant, by Dave Jeffries
Letter to the. International Pre-Conference, by Albert Goldman and Felix Morrow
It Is Time to Grow Up — The Infantile
Sickness of the European Secretariat
, by Felix Morrow
Letter from the Revolutionary Communist Party (British Section of the Fourth International)
Answer to the British RCP
, by the Political Committee of the SWP
Letter to the Political Committee Majority, by Felix Morrow .
Letter to the Political Bureau of the RCP, by Felix Morrow

Volume 8, No. 6, May, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Letter to the WP on SWP-WP Discussion
Letter to Albert Goldman from the Secretariat
Letters from Max Shachtman to Albert Goldman
Letter from D.D. Harber to J.P. Cannon
Comment on Comrade Harber’s Letter
, by J. Stuart
Resolution of the Fourth International Organization of South Africa
The Dangers of Unity with the Shachtmanites
, by Hosea Jaffe
Letter to the European Secretariat, by Natalia
Letter from the RCP (Holland)
Statement of the Minority
Letter from Felix Morrow
Resolution of Labor Socialist Group (Australia)

Volume 8, No. 7, June, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Resolution on Yages, Prices, Profits and the Struggle Against Inflation, Adopted by the PC
The Political Committee’s Principal Mistake in Trade Union Policy During the Strike Wave
, by Felix Morrow
Resolution in Support of the Slogan “Wage Raises Without Price Increases”, by Felix Morrow
Report of the National Control Commission to the Plenum
Statement of the NC of the SYF on Minority Actions of Indiscipline and Disloyalty.
Statement by Goldman and Bennett on Report of Control Commission
We Remain in the Parly, Statement by Morrow and Others
Statement of Minority on Shachtman Letters
Letter to Branches from Secretariat on Resignation of Goldman and Group; Letter
of Resignation from Goldman
IS Statement on the French Referendum
Resolution on the Referendum in France (Belgian Section)
Plenum Resolution on French Constitutional Referendum
, by Goldman, Charles Milner F. Morrow
Plenum Resolution on the World Conference of the Fourth International

Volume 8, No. 8, July, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Russia’s Economic Policy in Eastern Europe, by C. Georges
Resolution on the National Question in Germany and Eastern Europe, by Dave Jeffries, John Fredericks, A. Winters, Leo Lyons, Dan Shelton, Eugene Shays
Some New Issues for Discussion by John Fredericks .
International Report (Minority Report to Plenum, May 19, 1946)
, by Felix Morrow
The Removal of Comrade Morrow from Full Time Party York (Statement of the Minority of the Political Committee)
Excerpts from Political Committee Minutes June 4, 1946; June 25, 1946

Volume 8, No. 9, July, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Report and Resolutions of Plenum — International Executive Committee, June 1946

Volume 8, No. 10, August, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Revolutionary Marxism or Petty Bourgeois Revisionism, Statement of the Political Committee of the SWP

Letter to the Workers Party
Letter from the Political Committee of the Workers Party

Volume 8, No. 11, October, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Wages and Prices, by Vincent Grey
A Reply to Morrow and Shachtman on Wages and Prices, by Milton Alvin
For the Slogan "Wage Raises without Price Increases," by Felix� Morrow
Statement of Bayonne Branch on Removal of Comrade Morrow from Full Time Party
Minority Statement On Removal of Comrade Morrow from Full Time Party York
PC Answer to Bayonne Branch on Morrow’s Removal from the Payroll
Letter of the IS to Logan and Morrow
A Note on the Ideological Degeneration of Goldman, Morrow and Logan
, by William F. Warde
Plenum Resolution on the Unity Proposal of the Workers Party
Two Letters of the IS on Discussions with the WP
A “Discussion” to Prevent Unity
Resolution of WIL (Johannesburg) on the SWP and WP Unity Negotiations
An Open Letter to the SWP Majority
, by Nice and Andres
How to Distort Democratic Centralism, by Dan Shelton and Eugene Shays
The Militant’s Record on Stalinist Foreign Policy, by E. Shays and D. Shelton
Again on Nuremberg and the Church, by John Fredericks
Revolutionary Politics Versus Political Inertia, by Dave Jeffries
Proposals to the PC on Soldiers’ Demonstrations
A Letter on the Jewish Question
, by Dave Jeffries
A Revolutionary Program for the Jews, by Leo Lyons

Volume 8, No. 12, October, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The ILP — A Reply to Stuart, by the Political Bureau of the RCP
A Letter from the PB of the RCP on the Nuremberg Trials
Resolution on the Jewish Question

Volume 8, No. 13, October, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Theses on the American Revolution

Volume 8, No. 14, November, 1946, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The PAC and Our Labor Party Turn, by Joseph Andrews (Akron)
Letter from John Fredericks (New York)
Letter from Anna Storm (Los Angeles)
Stalinist Russia, a Capitalist State
, by John Fredericks and John Hudson
A Glance at a Few Facts, by H. Ellinger (Bayonne)

Volume 9, 1947

Volume 9, No. 1, January, 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

On the Irresponsible Handling of the Palestine Question, by T. Cliff Palestine and the Jews, a Reply to Comrades Leo Lyons and Dave Jeffries, by Hosea Jaffee

Volume 9, No. 2, May 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Informational Material for Plenum (Letter from Martin, February 8, 1947)
Letter to Members of Workers Party
, by Max Shachtman
No Unity with Workers Party, by B. Lens
With Our Eyes Wide Open, by James Boulton

Volume 9, No. 3, May 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Discussion of the Present Stage of Unity Negotiations Between SWP and WP
Letter to All Locals and Branches from Wm. F. Warde, April 17, 1947
Letter from Workers Party, April 30, 1947
Reply to the Workers Party Letter

Volume 9, No. 4, June, 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Excerpts from Minutes of PC Meeting of Workers Party Held April 3, 1947
Letter from Goldman to Shachtman
, April 8, 1947
The Wrong Road, by Max Shachtman
Letter to the Membership from J.R. Johnson and F. Forest
The “Drama” of� Trotskyite Unity
, (Reprinted from The Call, June 18, 1947)

Volume 9, No. 5, August, 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Letter to Locals and Branches on "The Split in the Workers Party," from M. Stein
Letter to Workers Party Membership, from Max Shachtman
The Johnson-Forest Minority, theWP and the Fourth International, June 6, 1947

Volume 9, No. 6, September, 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Letter from R. Tearse (England)
The Tearse Letter — Symptom of an Ailment,
by J. Lyons

Volume 9, No. 7, December, 1947, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Political Resolutions Passed at the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Fourth International

Volume 10, 1948

Volume 10, No. 1, January, 1948, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Documents Submitted to the Pre-World Congress:

Volume 10, No. 2, April, 1948, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Political Committee Resolution on Wallace Candidacy
2. Election Policy 1948
, by James. P. Cannon
3. Summary Speech on Election Policy, by James P. Cannon
4. Resolution on Wallace Third Party Movement, Chicago N.C. members
5. What is the Wallace Third Party, Chicago N.C. Members
6. Statement to the National Committee, by Arne and Manny
7. Statement to the National Committee, by M.Bartell
8. Resolution on Wallace Movement, by Burton
9. Statement on Wallace Movement, by Charles, Weiss and Tanner
10. Resolution on the Workers Party

Volume 10, No. 3 May, 1948, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The Workers Party and the Fourth International (Resolution Adopted by the
World Congress of the Fourth International)
Draft Resolution on the Negro Question
For an Independent Third Grouping in the UAW
, by R. Logan and R. Wilson

Volume 10, No. 4 June, 1948, SWP Internal Bulletin:

American Trade Unions in the Post-War Period and SWP Tasks, by Political Committee
For a Return to Revolutionary Marxism
The Only Solution to the Crisis in the Fourth International
, by Ray O’Neill and George Tobin

Volume 10, No. 5 June, 1948, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Militarization of the U.S.A. and the Tasks of the SociaIist Workers Party, by the Political Committee
Resolution on the Independent Progressive Party and Southeast Committee for Labor Candidates,

Volume 10, No. 6 June, 1948, SWP Internal Bulletin:

For a Correct Orientation in the Election Campaign, by B. Lens and D. Stevens
Further Remarks on the Election Campaign, by Stevens and Lens
Policy on the Randolph-Reynolds Proposal, by Political Committee
Report: on Negro Work, Political Committee
Policy on the Randolph Movement — Letter to Political Committee
, by J. Morgan
Political Committee Reply to Joe Morgan

Volume 11, 1949

Volume 11, No. 1 February, 1949, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Motions and Resolutions of the Sixth Plenum of the International Executive Committee, October 1948

Volume 11, No. 2 March, 1949, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Statement on the Perspective of the R.C.P., Submitted to the Central Committee, 8th, 9th by J. Haston, H. Atkinson, and V. Charles
To All Members of the R.C.P. (British Section of the Fourth International)Letter from the International Secretariat

Volume 11, No. 3 April, 1949, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Letter to the I.S. from the Political of the R.C.P.
Letter to Members (R.C.P.) from Ted Grant, J. Deane, G. Hansen
A Program for the Jews, by Louis T. Gordon

Volume 11, No. 4 June, 1949, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Speech on the Our Negro Resolution, by J. Meyer

Volume 11, No. 5 October, 1949, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Seventh Plenum of the International Executive Committee of the Fourth International

Memorandum on Resolution “The Evolution of the Buffer Countries,” by E.R. Frank
Remarks by M. Stein Opening Political Committee Discussion on IEC Resolution on Eastern Europe
Stenogram of Discussion in the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party on the Buffer Countries “No Support for Tito,”
by J.R.

Volume 12, 1950

Volume 12, No. 1, 1950, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Some Comments on Wages in USA, 1947-1948, byDavid Miller, Chicago
Yugoslavia, the Trotskyist Movement and Tito , by B. Lens and Irving Steiner, N.Y.
A Letter on Yugoslavia, by B. Lens
Comments on Letter, by B. Lens Lens and Irving Steiner

Volume 12, No. 2, 1950, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The Problem of Eastern Europe, by Joseph Hansen
Yugoslavia and Super-Defeatism, by George Breitman

Volume 12, No. 3, 1950, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Resolution on the Class Nature of Yugoslavia (Adopted by the Political Committee Majority)
2. Memorandum on Yugoslavia, by John G. Wright
3. General Political Resolution Adopted by the Political Committee

Volume 12, No. 4, 1950, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Memorandum on the Unfolding War and the Tasks of the Proletariat in the New Phase of the World (Permanent) Revolution, by Sam Marcy, Buffalo

The S.W.P. at this point introduces the Discussion Bulletin along with the previously volume numbered Internal Bulletin. Beginning in 1956, the Internal Bulletin goes away for good.

No. 1, April 1950, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Kremlin’s Satellite States in Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia, Marxist Theory, and Our Perspectives, by E.R. Frank
The of Method in the Discussion on Kremlin-Dominated Buffer Zone, by John G. Wright
A New Workers’ State and the Tasks of Trotskyism, by James E. Boulton

No. 2, April 1950, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Importance of Method in the Discussion on the Kremlin-Dominated Buffer Zone, by John G. Wright
A New Workers’ State and the Tasks of Trotskyism, by James E. Boulton

No. 3, June 1950, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Class Nature of the Buffer Countries in Eastern Europe, Report by M. Stein at the SWP National Committee Plenum February 1950

No. 4, September 1950, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

State-Capitalism and World Revolution, by Johnson-Forest Introduction:

No. 5, October 1950, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Eastern Europe, the Workers̻ State and the World Crisis, by G. Tobin, NY
2. The Distinction between “State” and “Society,” by Dennis Vern, Los Angeles

Volume 13, 1951

Volume 13, No. 1, 1951, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Notes on Our Discussion, by E.R. Frank

No. 6, January 1951, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Report on Yugoslavia and Related Questions, by Murry Weiss for the NC
2. World Imperialism and the Position of the U.S. — Stalinism and the Position of the Soviet Union — Yugoslavia and the Role of World Trotskyism, by C. Jarvis, Cleveland

No. 7, April 1951, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Marxist Method and Ideas and the Method and Ideas of Johnson-Forest, by William F. Warde and John G. Wright

No. 8, May 1951, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Eastern Europe and the Nature of Stalinism, by S. Ryan
Method, Doctrine and “The Buffer States,” by Dennis Vern, Los Angeles

No. 9, October 1951, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Resolution on the Class Character of the Buffer States, Submitted by Esther Patrick, Sam Ryan, Dennis Vern and Izzy London, Los Angeles

Volume 14, 1952

Volume 14, No. 1, June 1952, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. On the Negro Question, by R. Kirk, Los Angeles 2. A Letter on the Bolivian Revolution, by S. Ryan, Los Angeles

Volume 14, No. 2, June 1952, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The Revolutionary Perspective for America, by A.P., Detroit

No. 10, May 1952, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Political Resolution (Adopted by the Plenum of the National Committee Socialist Workers Party Submitted to the membership for Pre-Convention Discussion Fifteenth National Convention)

Volume 15, 1953

Volume 15, No. 1, February 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. The New York Local — Report and Tasks, by Mike Bartell
2. Perspectives for the Period Ahead, by D. Stevens and Harry Ring, Part I Part II

Volume 15, No. 2, February 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The Struggle in the New York Local, by Mike Bartell

Volume 15, No. 3, February 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Excerpts from the Presentation by D. Stevens in Debate with M. Bartell
2. Rebuttal by D. Stevens in Debate with Bartell
3. to Stevens, by Mike Bartell 4. by Gold

Volume 15, No. 4, February 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. What the New York Discussion Has Revealed, by Joseph Hansen
How Shall We Conduct the Party Discussion?, by Harry Frankel
Where Do You Stand Politically Comrade Frankel?, by Joseph Hansen

Volume 15, No. 5, March 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. On the Development of the New York Discussion and the Attack on the Organizational Structure of the Party, by Duncan, N.Y .
2. Comment on Stevens, by Lou S., New York
3. On the Differences Over Our Main Orientation, by Al Simoons, Chicago.
4. The Biography of LIquidation, by Dennis Vern, Los Angeles

Volume 15, No. 6, March 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. For An Independent Party Based on a Proletarian Orientation, by Farrell Dobbs, N.Y.
2. An Open Letter to Comrade Bartell, by Cooper, Akron
3. Remarks Made on Floor of Downtown Branch, by Joyce Cowley, N.Y.
4. On Precise Formulations, by Jeff Thorne, N.Y.

Volume 15, No. 7, April 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Propaganda Group or Independent Party? by C. Thomas, N.Y.
2. The Challenge to Our Orientation (Presentation in Debate with Harry Frankel, March 21, 1953), by Joseph Hansen
3. New York Local Opponents Work Report, by Lou S., N.Y.

Volume 15, No. 8, April 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The Roots of the Party Crisis — Its Causes and Solution A Statement of Position by J. Andrews (Chicago)
Mike Bartell (New York)
Irving Beinin (Chicago)
George Clarke (New York)
Bert Cochran (New York)
Al Cummings (Detroit)
E. Drake (Detroit)
Harry Frankel (N.Y.)
E. Kennedy (Detroit)
Emmet Moore (Flint)

Volume 15, No. 9, April 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. An Open Letter to Comrade Hansen (From a Group of Los Angeles Comrades)
2. The “Proof” of Our “Stalinophobia,” by Art Preis, N.Y.

Volume 15, No. 10, April 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The New World Reality and the New Confusion — What Hansen’s Document Has Revealed, by Harry Frankel, N.Y.

    1. Reality and Marxist Thought
    2. What Happened to Our Perspective?
    3. What Is New? The Work of the Third World Congress
    4. What Is Stalinism?
    5� The Nature of Stalinist Politics
    6. The Contradiction of the Kremlin
    7� Capitalist Restoration?
    8. Stalinism and the Post-War Revolution
    9� The Role of Some Stalinist Parties
    10. “Sketch Out a Revolutionary Orientation”
    11. Korea — Hansen’s Line in Practice
    12. Bolivia Turned Upside Down
    13. The “Credit” of the Soviet Union
    14. What Is the Danger?
    15� Tactics Towards U.S. Stalinism
    16. Marxist Optimism

The 1940 Discussion with Trotsky on Stalinism

Volume 15, No. 11, May 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Comrade Hansen’s Departure from Marxist Materialism, by Marvin Towns, Flint
2. What Are the Issues? by George Breitman, Newark, N.J.

Volume 15, No. 12, May 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Background and Issues of the Party Crisis (Letters to Comrades), by James P. Cannon

    1. The Origin of the Struggle
    2. The Political Basis for Collaboration
    3. The Socialist Perspective in the United States
    4. The “Theses on the American Revolution”
    5� The Basic Cause of the Party Conflict
    6. A Note on Tempo
    7� The Chicago Branch
    8. The Components of Cochranism
    9� On the Internal Bulletin
    10. The Dedijer Revelations
    11. Perspectives of the Struggle
    12. The “New Line” of Bartell’s “Report”
    13 The Background and Purpose of the “Theses on the American Revolution”
    14. On the Cochranite 11 Split It Propaganda
    15� Unfounded Pessimism About the American Working Class
    16. The “Milieu” of Second-Rate Stalinists
    17� Leninist Organization Principles
    18. The “Six-Points” of Cochranism
    19� Stalinist Concliationism and Stalinophobia
    20. Mass work and Factional Struggle — Some Historical Examples

Volume 15, No. 13, May 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. American Tasks (Speech in Debate with Farrell Dobbs before N.Y. Membership, April 19, 1953), by Bert Cochran
2. Proposal for Marxist Propaganda Campaign, submitted by Clarke
3. where I Stand, by Genora Dollinger, Flint
4. An Example of Sectarianism (The Chicago Position on the Progressive Party), by Mike Bartell

Volume 15, No. 14, May 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Background Material on the Internal Party Dispute

    1. Introductory Note, by Farrell Dobbs
    2. Memorandum on Internal Party Situation, by Farrell Dobbs
    3. PC Letters of Aug. 27 and Dec. 5, 1952 to Party Branches
    4. Letter to Comrade Cannon on Internal Situation, by Farrell Dobbs
    5� Statement on the Internal Party Situation, by Farrell Dobbs, Morris Stein and Joseph Hansen

Volume 15, No. 15, May 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

The Global Class War and the Destiny of American Labor, by Sam Marcy, Buffalo

Volume 15, No. 16, June 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

Resolutions Submitted to the National Committee Plenum of the SWP, May 1953

    1. Plenum Resolution on the Internal Party Situation
    2. Major Developments Since Eisenhower Election and the Tasks of the Party, Majority Resolution
    3. Supplement to 1952 Convention Political Resolution, Minority Resolution
    4. Political Resolution, submitted by S. Marcy, V. Grey & T. Wilson
    5� American Stalinism and Our Attitude Toward It, Majority Resolution
    6. Resolution on American Stalinism, Minority Resolution
    7� Plenum Resolution on the Organizational Principles of the Party
    8. Plenum Record on Resolutions and Voting
    9� Closing Speech by J.P. Cannon, National Chairman, SWP

Volume 15, No. 17, August 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Open Letter to the National Committee from Sam Ryan and Dennis Vern, L.A.
2. Real Situation in America, by A.P., Detroit, and Dave Miller, Chicago
3. On “The Road to Peace”, by Jeff Thorne, N. Y.
4. Bolivia — Class Collaboration Makes a Recruit, by S. Ryan, L.A.

Volume 15, No. 18, October 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Report to the New York Local Convention for the City Committee Minority, August 1, 1953, by Mike Bartell
2. Report on May Plenum for National Committee Minority (Delivered to N.Y.C. Membership, June 11, 1953), by George Clarke

Volume 15, No. 19, October 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Some Facts About Party History — And the Reasons for Its Falsification, by James P. Cannon
2. The Stalinists and the United Front, Speech by James P. Cannon at Chicago SWP Conference (Reprinted from Socialist Appeal, Oct. 19, 1940)

Volume 15, No. 20, October 1953, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. Our Perspective in the Unions, by Frank Powers, Seattle
2. From Cochranism to Stalinism, by Daniel Roberts, Seattle
3. Excerpts from Educational Report on “SWP Policy and Practice in Defense of Civil Rights”, by Jean Simon, Cleveland

No. 11, November 1953, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Perspectives and Tactics in the Unions — Report to New York Union Fractions, December 28, 1952, by Farrell Dobbs

No. 12, December 1953, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Against Pabloist Revisionism (A Criticism of the Resolution on “The Rise and Decline of Stalinism”)


Volume 16, No. 1, February 1954, SWP Internal Bulletin:

1. For a Stable Unity on the Basis of Marxist Principles (An Open Letter to the NC Plenum from S. Ryan, Esther Patrick & Bernie Freedman)
2. Statement on the Recent Suspensions in the SWP, by Dennis Vern, Esther Patrick, Sam Ryan, Sylvia Ryan, Charles Fleming, Bernard Friedman, Evelyn Friedman, Margaret Gallagher, Abe B., Joseph Ironsmith, Jack Lynch

Volume 16, No. 2, August 1954, SWP Internal Bulletin:

I. Class Struggle Policy in the Unions, Political Committee Draft Resolution (for a Pre-Convention Discussion)
2. Unpunctuality, by George Breitman

No. A-13, January 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The 25th Anniversary Plenum of the SUP, by James P. Cannon

No. A-14, February 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Trotskyism vs. Pabloism — Correspondence between George Breitman and Ernest Germain:

    1. “Differences ... are yet of a minor charactert” (Letter by Ernest Germain, November 15, 1953)
    2. “We see an irreconcilable conflict” (Letter by George Breitman, December 3, 1953)
    3. “The main and only fundamental difference which I see” (Letter by Ernest Germain, December 9, 1953)
    4. “The first condition of democratic centralism” (Letter by George Breitman, January 15; 1954)

No. A-15, February 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Chinese Experience with Pabloite Revisionism and Bureaucratism (A Letter to James P. Cannon) by S.T. Peng

No. A-16, March 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

First Principles in the Fight Against Pabloism — Correspondence Between James P. Cannon and Leslie Goonewardene

    1. “We have not yet taken a position on the political issues” Letter by Leslie Goonewardene, Jan. 26, 1954
    2. “Defense of our doctrine ... is the first principle. The second principle, giving life to the first, is the protection of the historically-created cadres...” (Letter by James P. Cannon, Feb. 23,1954)
    3. LSSP Bulletin, December 1953

No. A-17, May 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Resolution of Central Committee of LSSP on IS Resolution “Rise and Decline of Stalinism”; — Reprinted from Internal Bulletin of LSSP, April 1954 2. Pabloite Minority Split In Iceland, by P. Kane
3. The Successive Stages of Pabloite Revisionism, Reprinted from International Committee Bulletin No.1, December 28, 1953
4. The Struggle of the French Trotskyists Against Pabloite Liquidationism
, Reprinted from International Committee Bulletin, No.1, December 28, 1953

No. A-18, June 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. “We formally proposed ... postponement of the World Congress” Letter by Leslie Goonewardene, April 15, 1954
2. “Such a (Pabloite) congress can only be a congress of a faction.” Letter by James P. Cannon, May 12, 1954
3. LSSP request for postponement of Congress
4. IS rejection of LSSP request
5� LSSP repeats request for postponement
6. LSSP proposals for reunification
7� IS again rejects LSSP request
8. Pabloite IEC Appeal
9. LSSP rejection of Pabloite Appeal
10. Collins letter to IS
11. Declaration of National Committee of Socialist Union of America
12. Our Conception of the International and the Struggle Within It
, by M. Pablo
13. Our Orientation by National Board of S.U. of A.

No. A-19, August 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Negro Struggle and the Proletarian Revolution, by R. S. Fraser
Two lectures given at the Friday Night Forum, Los Angeles, November 1953

    I. Race and Capitalism
       1. The Transformation of the Negro Question
       2. Exploitation of Skin Color
       3. Race and Relations
       4. The Origin of the Race Concept
       5� The Form of Race Relations
       6. International Aspects of the Race Question
       7� The U.S. as the "Melting Pot"

    II. The Struggle for Equality
       1. The Southern Social System
       2. The Industrialization of the South
       3. The Struggle for Equality
       4. Race Consciousness
       5� The Question of Self-Determination
       6. The Question of Prejudice
       7� The Negro Struggle, Capitalist Politics and the Labor Movement
       8. Socialism and the End of the Race System

No. A-20, September 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Draft Resolution on the Political Situation in America

    America’s International Position
    The Threat of Depression
    The Political Crisis
    Our Analysis of McCarthyism
    Perspective of American Fascism
    The Struggle for Workers Power
    The Problem of Leadership
    The Socialist Workers Party

No. A-21, September 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. On the Negro Struggle, Nationalism and Self-Determination, by George Breitman
2. On the Struggle for Minority Representation, by Myra Tanner

No. A-22, October 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Bolivian Revolution and the Fight Against Revisionism, by S. Ryan, Los Angeles

No. A-23, October 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Letter on Bustelo Article, by Marjorie McGowan, Los
2. “More on Cosmetics,” by Jeanne Morgan, Los Angeles
3. Letter on Evelyn Reed Articles, by Marjorie McGowan
4. “A Criticism of the Evelyn Reed Articles on the Subject of the Primitive Family,” by Marjorie McGowan
5� Letter to Marjorie McGowan, from Farrell Dobbs
6. “The Woman Question and the Marxist Method,”
by Evelyn Reed
7. “The Fetish of Cosmetics,” by Jack Bustelo

No. A-24, November 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Resolution on “McCarthyism,” by Dennis Vern and Sam Ryan, Los Angeles

No. A-25, November 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. McCarthy — A “Bourgeois Democrat”? A Reply to Vern and Ryan, by J. Hansen
2. Discussion on Draft Resolution on Political Situation,Re: Page 31, Paragraphs 5 and 6, by D. Lessing, Detroit

No. A-26, December 1954, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The Political Situation in America
2. Convention Motion on Political Resolution


No. A-27, February 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Speech at the 16th Convention of the SWP, by James P. Cannon

No. A-28, March 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Class Struggle Policy in the Unions (Trade Union Resolution adopted by the 16th National Convention)
2. Trade Union Report to 16th National Convention
, by Farrell Dobbs

No. A-29, June 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Engels on the American Questionl — Letter from J.P. Cannon to V.R. Dunne
2. The McManus Third Party Proposal — Letter from J.P. Cannon to M. Weiss; Letter from M. Weiss to J.P. Cannon
3. Recruitment Problems — Letter from J.P. Cannon to M. Stein; Letter from J.P. Cannon to M. Weiss
4. The Ford Settlement — Letter from J.P. Cannon to F. Dobbs
5� Tour Report, by Farrell Dobbs

No. A-30, August 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

For the Materialist Conception of the Negro Question, by R. S. Fraser

No. A-31, October 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Motion Adopted by the September 1955 Plenum
2. The Third Chinese Revolution and Its Aftermath (Discussion Draft)
3. The Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie (Discussion Draft)

No. A-32, November 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Background Data on China — Prepared by Farrell Dobbs
1. Digest of 1949 U.s. White Paper on China
2. "China Under Communism — The First Five Years.”

No. A-33, December 1955, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Soviet Union Today (Discussion Draft)

Volume 17, 1956

Volume 17, No. 1, March 1956, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On the Chinese Question, by James P. Cannon

Volume 17, No. 2, April 1956, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Class Character of the Chinese State, by V. Grey

Volume 17, No. 3, July 1956, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On The Negro Question, by Claude DeBruce
Draft Resolution on China — A Critical Comment, by Al Johnson

Volume 17, No. 4, November 1956, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The World Today — Political Committee Draft Resolution
The Soviet Union Today, by Arne Swabeck

Volume 18, 1957

Volume 18, No. 1, January 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Class Character of the Hungarian Uprising, by V. Grey
Proposed Resolution on the Class Character of the Hungarian Uprising, by V. Grey

Volume 18, No. 2, January 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Part 1 — the General Theory The General Theory of State Capitalism and the Nature of the Chinese State, by A. P., Detroit

Volume 18, No. 3, January 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Part 2 — the General Theory The General Theory of State Capitalism and the Nature of the Chinese State, by A. P., Detroit

Volume 18, No. 4, February 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Issues in the Hungarian Revolution, by Farrell Dobbs (Speech summarizing debate at December 1956 Plenum)

Volume 18, No. 5, February 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Burma — State Capitalism in Asis, by D. Mack, Chicago

Volume 18, No. 6, March 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Marxist Method and the Lessons of the Hungarian Revolution, A Reply to marcy and Grey, by Arne Swabeck

Volume 18, No. 7, April 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Three Points on the Soviet C.F. Congress — The Twentieth Soviet C.P. Congress and the Hungarian Uprising Hungary and the Question of Norms, by M. Bernz

Volume 18, No. 8, April 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Class Struggle Road to Negro Equality, P.C. DraftResolution

Volume 18, No. 9, April 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Some Problems of Method in the Hungarian Events, by Murray Forbes
The Question of Norms
, by M. Bernz

Volume 18, No. 10-A, May 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

China, Hungary and Marxist Method, by V. Grey
The Question of China, by John Peterson

Volume 18, No. 10-B, September 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Trends in the World Revolution (Speech summaring debate on "The World Today" at the Seventeenth National Convention), by Farrell Dobbs

Volume 18, No. 11, September 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Resolution on the Negro Struggle — Presented to the Seventeenth National Convention, by Richard Kirk
“The Class Struggle Road to Negro Equality” — Report for PC Draft Resolution to Seventeenth National Convention, by George Breitman

Volume 18, No. 12, October 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Contributions to a Discussion on the Troops Slogan, Proposal to Amend Resolution "The Class Struggle Road to Negro Equality" by Deleting Troops Slogan, by Jean Blake (September 19, 1957)
Letter on Troops Slogan, by Sam Marcy (January 21, 1956)
Stenogram of Political Committee Discussion on Federal Troops Slogan (February 9 and February 13, 1956)

Volume 18, No. 13, October 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Communications on the Troops Slogan Letter from San Francisco (February 28, 1956)
Contribution to the Discussion on the Slogan “Send Federal Troops to Mississippi”
Letter from Fraser, Seattle (March 10, 1956)
Letter from Milt Alvin, Los Angeles (March 18, 1956)
Letter from George Breitman, Detroit (December 14, 1955)

Volume 18, No. 14, October 1957, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Statement on the Edited Version of the P.C. Resolution on “The Class Struggle Road to Negro Equality,” by Richard Kirk
Presentation in Support of “Resolution on the Negro Struggle” at the Seventeenth National Convention, by Richard Kirk
Summary Remarks on Negro Discussion at the Seventeenth National Convention, by Richard Kirk
Summary Remarks on Negro Discussion at the Seventeenth National Convention, by George Breitman
Contribution to Discussion of NAACP (September 2, 1955), by Richard Kirk

Volume 19, 1958

Volume 19, No. 1, April 1958, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Resolution on the Little Rock Crisis, by Richard Kirk 2. Remarks on Kirk Resolution — "On the Little Rock Crisis," by Dan Roberts
3. An Answer to Dan Roberts, by Lois Saunders

Volume 19, No. 2, April 1958, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The Truth About the Algerian Revolution — An Open Letter to the Editors of the Militant, by Patrick O’Daniel
2. Revolutionary Socialism and The Split in the Algerian Nationalist Movement — Reply to O’Daniel, by Philip Magri

Volume 19, No. 3, June 1958, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Weiss Article on Clark — Letter to the Political and National Committee, by Sam Marcy 2. Howard Fast — Letter to the Political Committee, by Gross
3. A Footnote on Regroupment, by V. Grey
4� Letter to the Political Committee, by Milton Alvin

Volume 20, 1959

Volume 20, No. 1, January 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Regroupment and United Socialist Political Action (Majority Report to Plenum), by Murry Weiss
2. Resolution, by Joyce Cowley
3. Regroupment Policy (Minority Report to Plenum), by Joyce Cowley

Volume 20, No. 2, January 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The New York Election Campaign and the Liquidationist Policy of the SWP Majority (Minority Report to Plenum), by Gross
2. Memorandum on the United Socialist Ticket, by Murray Zuckoff

Volume 20, No. 3, February 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. An Open Letter to the Political Committee, by L.D. Chambers
2. Contribution to the Discussion on Youth Perspectives, by Ann Zuckoff

Volume 20, No. 4, February 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. A Review of the Past Year’s Work of the New York Local (Reprinted from 1957), by Alvin Berman, Joyce Cowley, Nat Weinstein, Murray Zuckoff
2. Humanism for Us, by M. Bernz

Volume 20, No. 5, March 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Draft Political Resolution (Submitted by the Political Committee)

Volume 20, No. 6, April 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Our Attitude Toward Humanism, by William F. Warde
2. A Reexamination of the Wallace Candidacy, by Leo Adler

Volume 20, No. 7, May 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Letter to the Political Committee on Atkinson and Grey Campaigns, by Theodore Edwards
2. Letter to the Political Committee on Atkinson Campaign (April 2, 1959), by Milton Alvin
3. Critical Support to Non-Party Candidates, by Milton Alvin
4. Letter to the Political Committee on Atkinson Campaign (April 26, 1959), by Milton Alvin
5� The Atkinson Candidacy and Party Policy, by Lois Saunders
6. Comments on the Trotsky-Johnson Discussion (Reprinted from 1954 National Committee Discussion), by George Breitman
7. Fundamental

Volume 20, No. 8, May 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Chinese Peasant Communes P.C. discussion documents including documents by Dobbs, Cannon, Roberts

Volume 20, No. 9, May 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. On the Draft Resolution, by Harold Robins
2. Thoughts on Trade Union Perspectives, by Arne Swabeck

Volume 20, No. 10, May 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The Further Development of the Atkinson Candidacy, by Theodore Edwards
2. Some Thoughts on International Perspectives, by Arne Swabeck
3. Further Thoughts on International Perspectives, by Arne Swabeck
4. Three Letters from Milton Alvin on Unemployment

Volume 20, No. 11, June 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Proposed Changes in the Draft Resolution, by Murray Buckoff
2. The Proletarian Orientation and the American Question, by James Boulton

Volume 20, No. 12, June 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The Berkeley Campaign — Its Relation to Regroupment, by Virginia Kaye
2. A Few Words on the Berkeley Campaign, by Art Sharon
3. Socialist Political Action and the Berkeley Municipal Elections, by Geoff Russell

Volume 20, No. 13, June 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The Third Chinese Revolution and Its Communes, by Arne Swabeck
2. Extended Stalemate or Temporary Conjuncture? by Bob Chester

Volume 20, No. 14, August 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Analysis of Results of Atkinson Campaign, by Lois Saunders
2. Is the Theory of the Permanent Revolution Invalid for This Epoch? by I. London

Volume 20, No. 15, September 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. The Political Situation and Party Tasks (Political Report to the Eighteenth National Convention), by Farrell Dobbs
2. Youth Report to Eighteenth National Convention, by Tim Wohlforth

Volume 20, No. 16, October 1959, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Ten Years of the Chinese Revolution, by Arne Swabeck and John Liang
2. Letter dated August 27, 1959 from Farrell Dobbs to James P. Cannon
3. Letter dated September 3, 1959 from James P. Cannon to Farrell Dobbs
4. What Is Your Position, Comrades?
by Arne Swabeck and John Liang
5. The Chinese Communist Party and the Communes, by Myra Tanner