MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Youth: Young Socialist Alliance: Discussion Bulletins 1962-1966

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Young Socialist Discussion Bulletins 1962-1966

NOTE: After Volume 6 of YS Forum, beginning with Volume 7, the discussion bulletin takes the name officially as YSA Discussion Bulletin

Volume 6, 1962

Vol. 6, No. 1, 1962
1. Report on Student Peace Movement –Jim Petersen
2. Report on Civil Rights Conference in Baltimore –Shirley Stoute
3. Carbondale SPU Report –Jim P.
4. SPU Convention –Jack B.
5. Motion on SPU –NEC
6. Motion on YSA Support of Strikes –NEC

Vol. 6, No. 2, 1962
1. Notes on Our Work in The Student Peace Union by Fred Mazelis
2. WAC Demonstrations in Los Angeles by Wayne King
3. The Shape of the National Peace Movement by Alan Shelly

Volume 7, 1963

Vol. 7, No. 1, Jul., 1963
1. Where We Stand, (NEC Draft Resolution)
2.Where We Stand (Founding Delaration)
3.Why We Heed A Need a New "Where We Stand" by Barry Sheppard
4. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee by George Carlton

Vol. 7, No. 2, Jul., 1963
1. Tasks and Perspectives (NEC Draft Resolution)
2. Report on the Third National Convention of the Student Peace Union, by Peter Camejo
3. The Peace Movement: Where Does the YSA Stand?, by Dick Roberts

Vol. 7, No. 3, Aug., 1963
1. Organizational Report by Pete Camejo
2. Ideology and Tradition, by Peter Friedlander
3. A Note On Americanization, by David Konstan
4. Our Sectarian Minority by Barry Sheppard
5. The American Lie vs. The American Tradition, by Tony Turner

Vol. 7, No. 4, Aug., 1963
1. Youth and the Black nevolt (NEC Draft Resolution)
2. Tasks of� the YSA in the Negro Movement for the Next Period (NEC Draft Resolution)

Vol. 7, No. 5, Aug., 1963
1. "The Negro Struggle and The Crisis of Leadership" (Draft Resolution on Civil Rights) submitted by D. Konstan, A. Nelson, S. Stoute
2. Statement on the Cuban Question, by S. Stoute and Lynne Harper
3. A Reply to Comrade Sheppard, by Roger Abrams
4. Comments on the "Where We Stand" Document, by Douglas Jesse

Vol. 7, No. 6, Aug., 1963
1. Introduction
2. Youth and the Black Revolt (NEC Draft Resolution)

Volume 8, 1964

Vol. 8, No. 1, Oct., 1964
1. Political Resolution (NEC Draft Resolution passed by the YSA plenum September 1964)
2. Tasks and Perspectives Document (Passed by YSA National Convention September 1963)

Vol. 8, No. 2, Oct., 1964
Draft Resolution on the Negro Struggle

Vol. 8, No. 3, Dec., 1964
1. "Theoretical and Practical Problems Facing the YSA", a minority resolution on the Negro struggle submitted by George Carlton
2. Ammendments to the Political

Vol. 8, No. 4, Dec., 1964
Election Campaign Report
Report on Regional Conferences
Trail-Blazers' Report
The Joseph Johnson Deportation Case
Detroit Campaign Work
Report on High School Work
Area Reports

Sep. 7, 1965 (Vol. & No. not printed on bulletin, assumed to be Vol. 8)
Anti-War Movement Report to the YSA Plenum by Doug J., .September 7, 1965

Volume 9, 1966

Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan., 1966
1. Introduction
2. Election Policy in the 1948 by James P. Cannon (Report to the February Plenum or the Nat10nal Committee of the Socialist Workers Party)
3. Summary Speech on Election Policy by James P. Cannon (summary given at February, 1948 Plenum of the Socialist Workers Party)

Vol. 9, No. 2, Jan., 1966
Draft Resolution on the Anti-War Movement (Passed by the NEC January 23, 1966)

Vol. 9, No. 3, Jan., 1966
1. Introduction
2. NEC Draft
3. 1960 Constitution as Amended

Vol. 9, No. 4, Jan., 1966
The Struggle for Full Equality: The Historical Setting by Peter Camejo

Vol. 9, No. 5, Feb., 1966
1. Area Reports
2. Literature
3. Tour�Report
4. Trailblaze Reports

Vol. 9, No. 6, Feb., 1966
1. Political Resolution (NEC Draft, submitted February 17, 1966)
2. Political Resolution (Passed by YSA National Convention, January 1965)
3. Tasks and Perspectives Document (Passed by YSA National Convention, September 1963)

Vol. 9, No. 7, Feb., 1966
1. Resolution on the Negro Struggle by Mellina Jones and Ron Ginther
2. A Revolutionary Perspective for the Antiwar Movement (minority resolution) by Lawrence Shumm

Vol. 9, No. 8, Feb., 1966
1. The Vietnamese War in 1966 by Dick Roberts
2. Detroit Area Report by Marilyn L.
3. The Joseph Johnson Case by Paul Eidsvlk

Vol. 9, No. 9, Feb., 1966 (missing pages 6-8)
Documents on the Steve Fox Case Page
1. NEC Statement (Feb. 17, 1966)
2. Charges Brought Against Fox by the Detroit Local (Nov. 18, 1965)
3. Letter from Marilyn L. to Jack B. (Nov. 21, 1965)
4. Minutes of the Trial Meeting
5. Letter to NEC from Fox !NOV. 11, 1965)
6. Letter to Fox from NEC Nov. 18, 1965)
7. Letter from Fox to NEC Jan. 9,1966)
8. Letter from Betsey B. to Fox (Jan. 25, 1966)
9. Letter from Fox to NEC (Feb. 5, 1966)
10.Summation of the Situation by Steve Fox (Feb. 4, 1966)
11.Letter from Jan G. to Betsey B. (Jan. 20, 1966)
12.Spartacist Appendix:
  A. Perspective and Allies for the Antiwar Movement by Stephen Fox (Nov. 7, 1965)
  B. Open Letter to YSA Members Concerning the Antiwar Orientation and the Charges Against Stephen Fox by Stephen Fox (Nov. 20, 1965)
  C. The Student Antiwar Movement and the Fight Against War (The YSA-SWP perspective, the Paul Booth-SDS perspective, and the class struggle road) by Stephen Fox (Dec. 5, 1965)
  D. A Report on the Antiwar Convention and Discussion of the YSA-SWP Policies in the Antiwar Movement by Stephan Fox Dec. 4, 1965)

Vol. 9, No. 10, Mar., 1966
1. The Mellina Jones - Ron Ginther Resolution On the Negro Struggle by Betsey Barnes
2. Memorandum from Robin D, February 26, 1936