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November 2003 • Vol 3, No. 10 •

Resolution to Stop Deportation of Amer Jubran

WHEREAS, Mr. Amer Jubran, a Palestinian and legal resident of the United States, who is a noted human rights activist, was arrested on November 4, 2002 and held in detention by the FBI and Immigration & Naturalization Service in what must be considered a politically motivated attack; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Jubran has committed no crime and was not charged with any immigration infraction to warrant detention, and has done nothing more than exercise the rights to free speech and free assembly guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Jubran was threatened with indefinite detention if he refused to waive his right to a lawyer during an attempted FBI interrogation; and

WHEREAS, the federal government continues to attempt to deport Mr. Jubran; and

WHEREAS, despite protestations to the contrary that this case is politically motivated, the FBI visited Mr. Jubran’s witness pool in advance of the first round of his hearing in immigration court, claiming to link him to illegal acts; and

WHEREAS, the arrest, detention, and attempted deportation of Mr. Jubran falls clearly in the realm of the attacks on the rights of all to engage in free speech and legal activism, and falls clearly in the realm of the targeting of immigrants—particularly Arabs, South Asians, and practitioners of Islam—since September 11, 2001, in a demonstration of callous disregard for civil liberties;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the [LIST NAME OF ORGANIZATION HERE] demands that the deportation proceedings against Amer Jubran be dropped immediately.

Mail to:

Richard D. Neville, Assistant Chief Counsel
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
JFK Federal Building, Boston, MA 02203.

Send copy to:

The Amer Jubran Defense Committee
P.O. Box 755, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130






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