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November 2003 • Vol 3, No. 10 •

Why the U.S. Fears Amer Jubran

By Bonnie Weinstein

I was very fortunate to be able to spend a little time with Amer Jubran and Rawan Barakat from the New England Committee to Defend Palestine over the weekend of Oct. 25th. They represent a new generation of young people throughout the world who are fighting for the rights of all people to a future free of war, racism, ethnic cleansing, occupation, oppression, poverty, dirty air and water, contaminated oceans and lands.

Make no mistake about it. Amer Jubran is a dangerous man, dangerous to the war makers, to the U.S. government and all who do their bidding. He is dangerous like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Che Guevara. He’s dangerous like all those servicemen, women and their families who are speaking out against the occupation of Iraq. He’s dangerous like all of us who speak out in protest of the actions of the U.S. government here and throughout the world. He’s dangerous like anyone who dares to speak the truth about injustice and its root causes—and, in this case, you can be sure, we will all be considered dangerous terrorists and our rights will be violated by the government every chance they get! That is why it is so important for us to get together now and fight against injustice.

Our government is spending the largest amount of money in the history of the world—our money—to carry out a war without end, a war to insure the military, economic and political domination of the United States over the entire world—and to that end, spares no expense in support of Israel’s war on the Palestinian people, the theft of their land and denial of their rights as human beings to even exist—they are also spending billions on the suspension of our rights and liberties at every level. They are boxing us in while we demonstrate, controlling our permits and telling us when and where we can protest. It is the Amer Jubrans of the world who are speaking the truth. That’s why this truth resonates with all who hear them! That is why our government feels he is so dangerous and that he must be silenced.

But all who have had the privilege of hearing Amer Jubran and the message he brings knows he can never be silenced because he speaks for all of us. He speaks for the community of all people and their right to live peacefully under democracy and freedom, to live and work together in cooperation and with respect for one another regardless of race, religion or ethnic background.

That is what Amer Jubran is guilty of. This is his crime and that’s why they want to silence him!

They don’t want Amer’s story to be told—or any of the thousands of stories like his. They don’t want the world and the people of this country to know that it is the Amer Jubrans of the world who fighte for the cause of human freedom and liberty, and that the real crazed terrorist is the U.S. government.

But we will not be silenced. We will not give up. Amer’s voice will only get louder and stronger as we join with him to demand justice, peace and freedom for all.

Hands off Amer Jubran! Stop the deportations now! No U.S. support to Israel! Defend civil liberties and human rights!





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