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September 2002 • Vol 2, No. 8 •

‘Generous’ Offers

By Raja G. Mattar


Oslo Agreement to the Palestinians: You are going to have 22 percent of the 100 percent, which was originally yours.

Barak’s “Generous” offer to the Palestinians: We are going to give you 80 percent of 22 percent of 100 percent of the land which was originally yours.

Sharon’s “Peace” plan to the Palestinians: We are going to give you 42 percent of 80 percent of 22 percent of 100 percent of the land which was originally yours, and this 42 percent will remain under continuous curfew.

American Christian Zionists to the Palestinians: We are asking Sharon to give you 0 percent of 42 percent of 80 percent of 22 percent of 100 percent of the land which was originally yours.

Bush’s “Peace” plan to the Palestinians: I trust Sharon’s judgment, since he is a ‘man of peace,’ but where the hell is Palestine?

Blair’s “Peace” plan to the Palestinians: We started this whole mess. But right now I go along with Bush’s extraordinary “vision.”





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