


Write us!
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September 2003 • Vol 3, No. 8 •

Mumia Needs Your Help Now!

It is with great concern that we report to you that Mumia has developed a potentially serious health condition affecting his feet, which have swollen painfully, making him unable to walk. Mumia suspects it may be due to blood clotting, a situation, which can be very dangerous.

Health conditions are serious matters for prisoners, and blood clotting can be fatal. Please flood the prison’s phone lines and demand that Mumia be allowed to be examined by an outside doctor of his choice.

Remind them that even simple health conditions can turn serious in prison conditions, and that sickness brought about by incarceration is one of the leading killers of prisoners. Mumia’s condition should be considered very serious until proven otherwise. If the swelling of his feet is indeed being caused by blood clotting, this is a potentially life-threatening situation.

Please contact and demand that Mumia’s illness be properly treated:

• SCI Greene prison: (724) 852-2902

During the Day from 8:00am to 5:00pm, ask for Superintendent Folino

During the Night, 5:00pm to 8:00am ask for Captain Hall. If gone during late night, ask for current Shift Director.

• Senator Vincent Hughes: [email protected]

• Representative Harold James: 215-462-3308

This message was issued by International Concerned Family And Friends Of Mumia Abu-Jamal.





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