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Summer 2002 • Vol 2, No. 7 •

A Report: Pakistan United Front is Successful

By Moazzam Bhatti

June 13, 2002. —A peace demonstration called by four leftist parties of Pakistan demanded an immediate halt to all war preparations from the borders of India and Pakistan. It demanded an immediate withdrawal of all forces from the borders, a de-escalation of tension and the right of self determination for the Kashmiri nation. It also demanded an immediate withdrawal of all American and other imperialist forces from the region.

The demonstration held on June 13 at the Lahore Press Club was part of a larger mobilization of Left forces in the Indian sub continent. In India, Communist Party of India Liberation (CPIML) alongside other left parties organized a nationwide demonstration today.

The demonstration in Lahore was called by the National Workers Party, the Labour Party Pakistan, the Peoples Party (Shaheed Bhutto), and the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party. Several trade union federations and social organizations also took part in the demonstration. Renowned human right activist Asma Jehangir also participated in the demonstration.

The demonstrators chanted slogans like: “We want bread, not bombs; No to war, yes to peace; No to nuclear madness; Imperialists out of the region; Down with American imperialism; Bush is a murderer; Right of self determination for Kashmir; Withdraw forces from the borders;” and so on.

The demonstrators gathered at Lahore Press Club and made a round of the square. Police in large numbers were present but did not intervene. Over 1000 people demonstrated. The sky high slogans of the demonstrators inspired every one and it became a very charged demonstration.

After the round of the square, Abid Hasan Minto, president of the National Workers Party; Farooq Tariq, general secretary of the Labour Party Pakistan; Dr. Mubashar Hasan president of the People Party; (Shaheed Bhutto) Amir, national committee member of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party Punjab; and Taj Mohammed Langah of the Saraiki Party spoke briefly to the demonstrators. The speakers stressed the need of Left unity in Pakistan to fight for peace and social justice in the region. They spoke of the need to de-escalate the tension, and held America’s policies responsible for the recent tension between India and Pakistan. They spoke against nuclearization of the region and demanded a reduction in defense expenditures. Speakers were delighted that the Indian Left parties have agreed to have a common day of action in the region and that there are demonstrations across India today. They said that more united action of the Left forces in India and Pakistan will be organized in future. They called for forces to be withdrawn from the borders and to open up the borders for the citizens of the region. The speakers called for trade relationships between the two countries.

It was the first united action of the left parties of Pakistan. It brought many activists back in to action. It helped to strengthen the confidence of the left forces that something can be done. It was the first peace demonstration that brought over a 1000 activists on the street. A large numbers of women’s organizations including Women Workers Help Line and Women’s Action Forum were present alongside the trade unions activists. A large number of national and international media was present to cover the event.

A report by the Labor Party Information secretary of Punjab





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