Table of Contents for Women and Revolution This search aid to the Riazanov Library digital archive of Women and Revolution was composed by Marty Goodman, director, Riazanov Library Women and Revolution began with the May-June 1971 Issue Number 1, published as a 4 page tabloid size newspaper by members of the Spartacist League in the San Francisco Bay Area. Issues numbers 2 and 3 were eight page long tabloid editions. Each of these first three issues bore the expression "Newspaper of Revolutionary Women's Liberation, Published Bi-Monthly". This incarnation of the periodical survived for only 3 issues. After the May 1972 issue production ceased on the West Coast, and issue No. 4, which came out over a year later, and all subsequent issues, were produced at SL's "center", in New York City. The format changed, too: from a tabloid of 4 or 8 pages, to a journal of 24 or more pages. Production frequency became approximatly bi-annual. And the front page comment of "Newspaper of Revolutionary etc." was changed to "Journal of the Women's Commission of the Sparatcist League". In this form it continued to be published through issue 45, in 1996. At that time the publication of a separate Women's journal ceased. Articles with the heading "Women and Revolution" began to appear in some issues of Spartacist for the next few years, and later articles with the same designation ("Women and Revolution") also appeared in occasional issues of Workers Vanguard, up through to the present (Feb 2011). [The numbers to the left of each title represent page numbers in that issue] No. 1 May-June 1971 1. Women's Revolutionary Manifesto 1. Program: I. Family II. Education III. Production 2. Organize Nationwide 2. Who We Are 3. Does Your Family Drive You Crazy Review of R. D. Laing's book "The Politics of Experience" by Dale Ross 3. History Heresy Attack on Betty Freidan's feminist, anti-male analysis of history By the "Revolutionary Women of Austin, Texas" 3. New York Women Organize concerning formation of a new "women's liberation group" in New York City ... an on-going discussion group... to be promoted by Women and Revolution 4. Raising Hell with Ma Bell 4. Subversion Criticism of Martha Shelly's anti-male fears of a left, pro-socialist turn in the women's movement 4. From Boston - by the Boston Socialist Workshop "We ... abhor as suicidal the man-hating political conceptions of such groups as Cell 16 who see capitalism as a male conspiricy, and refuse to see that class interests are the primary divisions in capitalist society." No. 2 September-October 1971 1. SWP-YES Move In, Same Tricks, New Territory 1. Child Care - Taking the Initiative 2. Our Program in brief 2. It Ain't He, Babe 3. Letters: Responses to the review, in issue No. 1, of R. D. Laing's "Politics of Experience" (Article entitled "Does Your Family Drive you Crazy?") 2. Consciousness and Socialism 2. SF Women's Liberation -- Feminism or Socialism 4. Bolsheviks on Womens Liberation 5. How to Fight Ma Bell 7. This Paper is On File at the International Women's History Archives 2325 Oak St., Berkeley No. 3 May 1972 1. PL [Progressive Labor Party] on the Oppression of Women - A History of Capitulation 1. Feminists Sell Out Columbia University Maids 4 & 5 center spread: Bolsheviks on Women's Liberation 5. Program of Women and Liberation 8. Fight SWp/WONAAC Reformism Free Health Care for All, Free Abortion On Demand It is with Issue Number 4 in the fall of 1973 that Women and Revolution, as it continued to exist through issue 45, 1996, really began. At this point the production of the magazine was moved from the SF Bay area to New York City, and the format changed from a 4 or 8 page tabloid paper to a 24 or more page journal. No. 4 Fall 1973 2. Toward a Communist Women's Movement! 4. How the Bolsheviks Organized Working Women: History of the Journal "Rabotnitsa" 5. Exerpts from "Rabotnitsa" 6. The Woman Question and the Split in the International Socialists 8. On the Comintern Theses on Work Among Women - I.S. Slander Refuted 14. History of the Journal "Rabotnitsa" 23. Our Program 24. Why We Support the ERA ... 24 No. 5 Spring 1974 2. Dalla Costa/James and the Subversion 0f Marxism: A Critique 7. Feminism vs. Marxism: Origins of the Conflict 14. Berkeley/Oakland Women's Union Expels Socialists 24. Class Siruggle in the Phone Company No. 6 Summer 1974 2. Women, Culture and Class Society by Helen Cantor 9. Two Attacks In Boston, feminists, and RU [Revolutionary Union] in the San Francisco Bay Area have made physical assaults on Women and Revolution / SL participation in demonstrations. A W&R contingent carrying the banner "Free Quality Health Care for All / Free Abortion on Demand" was ATTACKED by Boston feminists BECAUSE men were carring the banner. 10. The Woman Question and Revolutionary Marxism Translated from: Kommunistische Korrespondenz No. 2 April 1974 15. Women in Castro's Cuba "Who is going to prepare dinner for the man, when he comes home from work? Who is going to wash, clean and all those things?" -Fidel Castro, 1966 19. Anti-Divorce Referendum Defeated in Italy For a fuller accoun of the defeat of the repeal and the role of the Italian Communist Party, see Workers Vanguard No. 45, 24 May 1974 24. CLUW: Dead End for Working Women No. 7 Autumn 1974 2. Maoism and the Family In China, "Women Hold up Half the Sky"... and then some! 8. Selma James Peddles Male Chauvinism, Anti-Communism 9. Witchcraft and Statecraft 15. The C.L.I.T. Papers - Feminism Ad Absurdum 15. Jane Alpert: Turncoat Finds Refuge in Feminism 16. Letters: * Regarding Helen Cantor's article in No. 6 on Surrealism Penelope Rosemont of Arsenal/Surrealist Subversion writes Helen's article "severely distorts" the Surrealist point of view. W&R replies. 24. Brookside Organized After 13-Month Strike No. 8 Spring 1975 2. International Women's Day: A Proletarian Holiday 3. Foundations of Communist Work Among Women: Part 1 The German Social Democracy 1875 - 1900 (see corrections in issue 9) 9. Defend Edelin! For Free Abortion on Demand 10. Fidel Castro on Proletarian Chivalry 10. Letters: * re: Reply to Rosemont's letter of surrealism by Helen Cantor 13. The Oppression of Women in Israel Toward a Bi-National, Class-Conscious Socialist Women's Movement 16. As Debate Polarises National Women's Conference "Socialist Feminist" Illusion Collapses [ Australia ] 18. Women's Studies Programs: Schools for Anti-Communism 20. Trotskyist Ejected from UC Berkeley Course On "Oppression of Women" [ Bonnie Breen ] 24. Women in Auto: A Class: Struggle Program to Fight Layoffs No. 9 Summer 1975 2. Race, Sex, Class: Black Women Against Triple Oppression 8. Foundations of Communist Work Among Women Part 2 1900 - 1917 The German Social Democracy 16. Fake-Trotskyist Unite Secretariat: "Best Organizers" of Women's Betrayal 21. Joan Little Must Not Be Sent to Death Row Reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 72 4 July 1975 22. Sheila Rowbotham: Hiding From History 24. French Prostitutes Protest Police Harassment 25. ERA [Equal Rights Amendment] Scoreboard 25. Corrections: * Foundations of Communist Work Among Women Part 1 issue 8 Kautsky erronious declared leader of RIGHT wing. He was in fact leader of a CENTER tendency. * A photo showing Wilhelm Leibnicht with Eleanor (youngest daughter of Karl Marx) in the same isue 8 erroniously stated in its caption that the two were married. They were not. 26. 1922/1975 German Communists Fight Same Anti-Abortion Law Position of KPD on Abortion [ Germany ] 32. Anti-Abortion Laws: Weapon of Church and State No. 10 Winter 1975-76 2. Letters: * Exchange with Radical Women of Seattle 4. Feminists Resurrect Anarchist Fraud: The Legend of"Red Emma" 7. Bolshevik Work Among Women: Part 1 15. Soviet Women: A Stalinist Apology William M. Mandel "Soviet Women" Anchor Books 19. The Private Life of Islam: A Review 24. Bureaucrats' Front Group Collapses: CLUW's Had It! No. 11 Spring 1976 International Women's Day 1976 2. Against Our Will: A Review 5. Lesbianism on Trial in Texas Defend Mary Jo Risher! 6. Architecture As a Tool of Social Transformation 15. Defend Dr. Henry Morgentaler! 16. International Women's Day March 8, 1976 Photos Women and Revolution celebrates the militant role of women in the history of the class struggle. Forward to women's liberation through socialism! 18. Bolshevik Work Among Women: Part 2 23. Reactibnary Backlash Targets Women's Rights 27. Letter: Jesse McCoy vehemently objects to Women and Revolution having called Emma Goldman an "anarchist fraud". Women and Revolution replies. 32. Union WAGE: Labor-Reformist Junkyard No. 12 Summer 1976 2. Liberal Illusions Crumble as Kibutzim Restore Nuclear Family 8. The Pankhursts: -Suffrage and Socialism 14. Early Bolshevik Work Among Women of the Soviet East 20. Thalidomide Cover-up Exposed 21. FBI Infiltrates Feminist Groups 22. Save Mario Munoz! (see issue No. 13) 23. God-Fearing Hypocrits Revile Sin and Smut [Harry Reams Devil In Miss Jones] 24. Sociaiist Workers Party and NOW: Together at Last No. 13 Winter 1976-77 Art and Revolution Before "Socialist Realism" in the Soviet Union Defend: Susan Saxe, Yvonne Wanrow, Johnny Ross 2. On "Gay Liberation" A Marxist Analysis 6. Art and Revolution Before "Socialist Realism" in the Soviet Union 12: Seattle Radical Women "Socialist Feminism" = Reformism 16. Munoz Family Free International Defense Campaign Victory 18. Phone Worker Fired for Standing Up: Margaret Martinson 21. Black Youth Framed on Rape Charge Free Johnny Ross Now! 23. Drop the Charges Against Yvonne Wanrow! 24: Women Scapegoated for Rising Unemployment No. 14 Spring 1977 2. Weather Underground Splits 5. Free Susan Saxe Now! 6. International Women's Day, 1916 Greeting of the Paris Action Committee of Socialist Women for Peace and Against Chauvinism 8. Murderous Sterilization Campaign in India 10. Trico Workers Win Equal Pay 14. The Development of Soviet Educational Policies 12. Bottle or Breast? Poor Chilfren Still Die 19. Supreme Court Wipes Out Gains for Women 21. Letters: Feminists Shirk Debate Challenge *Gloria Martin of the FSP(Freedom Socialist Party) objects to a Dale Reissner article Women and Revolution replies * Sheila Rowbotham, author of "Women, Resistance and Revolution" refuses to debate SL politics 24. Victory to the Boston Preterm Strike! No. 15 Summer 1977 2. The Rise and Fall of Chiang Ching 6. Peace Women in Bloody Ulster [ Ireland ] 8. Stop Persecution of Homosexuals! 10. Crisis in the Australian Women's Movement [ Australia ] 14. The Cult of the Virgin Mary [ Christianity ] Review by Susan Adrain of the book "Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the Vertin Mary" by Marina Warner. New York: A Knopf 1976 18. Seattle Radical Women Front for Cops 19. Letters: On Proletarian Culture * A Greengold writes concerning art Women and Revolution replies 24. A Falling Out Among "Sisters" SWP Red-Baited at NOW conference No. 16 Winter 1977-78 2. On Black Women In South Africa Smash Apartheid Terror! For Workers Revolution! 10. Decades of Debate over Working Women's Rights: For the ERA! Extend Protective Legislation! 17. French Feminists Call for Class Collaboration 19. Fusion Declaration between Spartacist League and Red Flag Union (formerly Lavender & Red Union) from Workers Vanguard No. 171, 2 September 1977 20. SL / RFU Fusion Rattles Freedom Socialist Party Red Flag Union Lavender & Red Union 23. Down with Anti-Gay Slander FSP [ Freedom Socialist Party ] slanders SL as "Anti-Gay" 24. Homosexual Oppression and the Communist Program No. 17 Summer 1978 2. Evelyn Reed Savages Early Man A Review of "Woman's Evolution" New York, Pathfinder Press, 1975 review by Ellen Rawlings 8. Sylvia Pankhurst and the Workers Movement 13. Vatican Attacks New Italian Abortion Reform 14. USec Wracked by lnternal Struggles Over Women Caucuses 18. Letters: Artists and the Revolutionary Party * John Albert writes concerning revolutionary art "Shopworn" Slanders * Wayne Dynes attacks SL's and W&R's assertions that the early Soviet Union had a positive attitude toward gays W&R responds 21. ERA Bogged Down / 100,000 Supporters Ralley in Washington 24. Cops Bash Australian Gay Rights Demo [ Australia ] No. 18 Spring 1979 2. No to the Veil! For Workers Revolution! Iranian Women Face Islamic Reaction 4. Death by the Sword of Islam Princess Misha's husband beheaded in Jedda marketplace 6. Communist Organizing in Textile in the 1920's Book Review: "A Radical Life" By Vera Buch Weisbord Don Mills, Ontario: Indiana University Press, 1977 11. Lesbian Mother Wins Custody Case Margareth Miller wins custody of her child, Jillian 12. Spartacist Candidate Discusses 78 Campaign Marjorie Stamberg ran for 64th assembly district, NY 15. Spartacist Party's Fighting Program 16. Stamberg: "Consistent Feminism Leads to... Strikebreaking" 24. "Norma Rae": A Review No. 19 Fall 1979 Special Issue on Iran Down With Islamic Reaction! For Workers Revolution in Iran! 2. No to the Veil! 4. Iran and the Left \ Why They Supported Islamic Reaction SWP stood with mullahs; SL stood with Iranian proletariat Excerpted from Workers Vanguard No. 229, 13 April 1979 11. USec Falsifies History Socialist Voice of the Revolutionary Workers League [Canada] 13. "It's a Question of Life and Death for Women." Edited condensation of remarks by James Robertson at Fatima Khalil forum in Santa Cruz 15. Interview with Fatima Khalil 16. Fatima Khalil Tour: The Truth About Iran No. 20 Spring 1980 Hail Red Army in Afghanistan! 2. Editorial Notes: For Free Abortion on Demand! 2. Freemont "Woman's Lawsuit" Where Are They Now? 3. 1200 Stop Hitlerfest San Francisco Is A Labor Town, Not a Nazi Town! 4. Women of the East Proletarian Revolution or Slavery Down With Islamic Reaction! Hail Red Army in Afghanistan! 9. Soviet Central Asians Support Red Army 12. No to the Draft! Bourgeois Feminists Take Up Imperialist Arms 14. Women Coal Miners Union Key to Jobs, Safety for All! 16. Feminist Anti-Porn Frenzy 19. Government Out of the Bedrooms! NY Court overturns sodomy law [Ronald Onofre] 20. Jane Margolis Interview UCASSH CWA 24. Labor Militant Fights Secret Service Harassment Jane Margolis draged off CWA floor by goons [ Communication Workers of America ] No. 21 Winter 1980-81 2. Letters: * "Pornography" is sold to the working class for under $10.00 on 42nd Street while "erotica" is sold to the petty bourgeoisie for over $25.00 through antiquarian bookdealers on 5th Avenue. * "Feminist Anti-Porn" and Christopher Street * Cinema Interruptus. Films Banned in Boston. Punishment of rich vs. poor. * National Lawyers Guild vs. "Demon Porn" 4. Reagan, Religion and Reaction Carter Paved the Way 8. Fake Left Hails Holy Mother Russia's Daughters. 12. Love and Taxes 13. Sex and the Single Pope More Papal Bull (reprinted from Workers Vanguard 14 November 1980) 14. Lasch and Backlash Haven in a Heartless World: Review 19. Lillian Hellman vs. Marty McCarthy: What Becomes a Legend Most? 20. Peking Bans Babies 22. Norton Sound: Witchunt at Sea [homosexuality] 24. Spartacist Campaign Says: Enough! It's Time For a Workers Party! No. 22 Spring 1981 International Womens Day Issue 2. From Weimar to Hitler: Feminism and Fascism 3. National Lawyers Guild vs. "Demon Porn" 5. Hail Charles Darwin! 7. Protest Gay Bust in Toronto 8. The Comintern Theses on Work Among Women 10. Womens Liberation through Socialist Revolution 10 years of Spartacist Womens Journal 12. 10 Years of Spartacist History (photos) 24. Fight Pope's Anti-Abortion Campaign [Italy] No. 23 Winter 1981-82 2. Life in Reagan's America Moral Majority Madness 5. Is There Sex After Reagan? 6. Women and the USSR: An Exchange Russian "Feminist Dissidents" vs. Women and Revolution 17. Trotskyists Confront Mamonova 18. Letters * On Women and Heavy Industry [CAN women work in heavy industry in the USSR?] * A rose by any other name [re: Hellman / McCarthy article] 20. Stop Solidarnosc Counterrevolution! 22. Iranian Leftists Join International Spartacist Tendency Smash Mullahs Bloody Terror! For Workers Revolution! 24: Khomeini's War on Women No. 24 Spring 1982 Against Solidarnosc Counterrevolution - For a Trotskyist Vanguard in Poland! 2. Toni Randall 8 November 1943 - 12 February 1982 3. Reagan's War on Women 4. The Revolutionary Heritage of Rosa Luxemburg 7. Jane Alpert's Growing Up Underground: Confessions of an FBI Fink 8. Interview with the Militant Action Caucus: Fighting Ma Bell 14. The Russian Avant-Garde: Art and the Bolshevik Revolution 19. Seduced and Abandoned: The Politics of Opportunism Gays and the SWP (see also issue No. 25, p.23) 22. Drop the Charges Against NAMBLA! 24. Solidarosc: A Man's World No. 25 Winter 1982-83 2. November 27: Labor/Black Mobilization Shakes Washington "We Stopped the Klan" 5. Spartacists Fight for Women's Liberation Ms. Rad-Lib Meets Mrs. Reaction 8. 3,000 Stop Nazis in Chicago, June 27: "Labor Must Defend the Rights of Gays!" 12. Big Lie: They Can't Sell It in Chicago copies of several letters to GCN newspaper. Attacks a report in Gay Community News that claims the SL "Stole the Show" at the anti-Nazi demonstration there 15. French Trotskyists Fight for Women's Rights Against Popular Front 16. Women and Permanent Revolution in China Part 1 of 2 23. Sex, Stalinist Style: Two Years in a [Chinese] Labor Camp 24. More on Gays and the SWP 32. Angela Davis Peddles Liberal Myths Women, Blacks and Class Struggle No. 26 Spring 1983 International Women's Day 1983 2. Dr. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis: A Man Who Saved Millions of Women (see issue No. 28 Editorial Notes) 4. Canada: Defend Dr. Morgentaler Against Anti-Abortion Frenzy! 6. Australia: Life in a Remote White Imperialist Enclave 9. Italy: Workers' Protests Rock Italy 10. Sri Lanka: Women Workers, Tamils Key to Revolution 12. Ireland/ Britain: Clerical Crusade Targets Irish Women 15. France: Mitterrand's "Moral Order": Sexual Straitjacket 18. Spain: Smash Francoist Anti-Abortion Drive! 21. West Germany: No to "Kinder, Kuche, Kirche"! 24: U.S.: Will America Explode? No. 27 Winter 1983-84 2. Editorial Note: Myra Brekinridge and the "Nonsexist" Bible 2. Are you a target of the Moonies? 3. Union Militants Mozee and Palmiero Must Not Go to Jail! Fight Racist Anti-Labor Attack! 5. Mohamed Ali Endorses Lauren and Ray Defense 6. "No South Africa-Style Justice in Oakland!" Diana Coleman and Lauren Mozee speech excerpts [Diana Coleman ran for Mayor of San Francisco] 10. AIDS and the "Mortal Sin" Scam Reactionary Bigots Breed Anti-AIDS Hysteria 13. Under the Terror in Sri Lanka 15. Greetings from Our Comrades [in Sri Lanka] 16. Women and Night Work in Sri Lanka 18. Turkey: Prison House for Women, Kurds Guney's Yol: A Review 21. "Pro-Life" Gestapo Raids Morgentaler Abortion Clinics Interview with Dr. Morgentaler 24. Defend, Complete, Extend Nicaragua Revolution! No. 28 Spring 1984 In Honor of the Women of the Paris Commune 2. Editorial Notes: * A Social and Anthropological Journal * Dr. Semmelweis and the Revolutions of 1848 3. International Women's Day 1984 In Honor of the Women of the Paris Commune 6. Hamburg Women Spark Shipyard Occupation [Germany] 15. Labor Black Leagues Formed 16. Silkwood: A Review 19. Fight the New McCarthyism! 20. Women and Permanent Revolution in China (Part 2) 32. Something About Incest 32 No. 29 Spring 1985 2. Smash Anti Abortion Terror! 4. Letters on "Something About Incest" 5. Children, Sex, State Witchhunters: The Uses of Abuse 13: The Moral Majority Takes Over Science Times [ NY Times ] Sex: Is There Ever Enough? 14. Granddaughters of Carry Nation in Bed with Jerry Falwell Down with the Reactionary Anti-Porn Crusade! 16: The Grimke Sisters: Pioneers for Abolition and Women's Rights 21: Viva Vanessa [ Vanessa Williams, forced out of Miss America for nude photo ] 22. FBI Admits: Marxists Are Not Terrorists 23: God and the Pentagon 24: Red Avengers Expose S.F. Women's Center Thought-Police [ San Francisco State Judy Moore Diana Coleman ] 28. Women Workers Struggle in Sri Lanka 32: British Miners Fight for All the Oppressed Eleven Months Against Bloody Thatcher No. 30 Winter 1985-86 Anti-Sex Bigots Target Everybody Regan and AIDS 2. Miss AmeriKKKa? 4. Regan and AIDS Anti-Sex Bigots Target Everybody 13. Spartacist Candidates Say: Defend Abortion Rights! 14. Spartacists in NYC Elections: "A Bright Red Campaign" 15. Solidarity with MOVE Martyrs [Philadelphia] 16. New York City: For the Working People! [Marjorie Stamberg for NYC mayor Ed Karsten for Manhattan borough president] 18: Election Poster: Vote Spartacist! Marjorie Stamberg NY City Mayor Ed Karsten for Manhattan borough president 19. Pozarik/Gamma-Liaison Interview with Australian Dr. Bertram Wainer: Courageous Fighter for Women's Right to Abortion 24: Reagan's Assault on Sex No. 31 Spring 1986 2. Letters: * "Even the most beautiful girl in France..." [Irene Sointu objects to Jim R's comments] * Hail Red Army in Afghanistan! 4. Kim Tilmer 17 June 1953 - 24 January 1986 5. Comintern Journal, 1921-1925: Communist International's Work Among Women 7. Clara Zetkin's Introduction to the Communist Women's International 9. Anti-Porn Censors, Abortion Clinic Bombers: Reagan's Sex Wltchhunt 12. Smash Apartheid! For Workers Revolution! 22. Middle Age Nears, and Rules Differ for Men and Women by Katha Pollitt from NY Times home section 24. Defend, Complete, Extend the Revolution! Nicaraguan Women In Struggle No. 32 Winter 1986-87 Defend Busing, Abortion, Privacy! Meese Police Target Everybody Government out of the bedroom! Protest Supreme Court Decision upholding reactionary state sodomy laws! (see map) 2. Neandertal Man: Friends We'd Like to Have 3. For Free Abortion on Demand! Hands Off Dr. Morgentaler! 3. Molly Bover, killed struck by car 26 July 1986 age 17 Condolences to Charles and Kay Bover. 4. Spartacist Amicus Briefs In Defense of Science, For Separation of Church and State 6. Defend Busing, Abortion, Privacy! Meese Police Target Everybody 9. Drop the Charges Against Pamela Monson! State Vendetta Tortures Mother 11. Stop INS McCarthyite Deportation! Residency for Margaret Randall! 13. Fourier's Phalanx, Reich's Sex-Pol: The Trouble with Sexual Utopias 32. Harriet Tubman: Fighter for Black Freedom No. 33 Spring 1987 International Womens Day 1987 2. Letters: * On Wilhelm Reich by Theodor Lasar (defends "human armoring" theory of Reich) * H. Morgentaler MD thanks W&R for its support 3. Sri Lanka: Defend Fired Women Strike Leaders! 4. Bertram Wainer 1928 - 1987 Champion of Women's Rights 5. The Battles Against Syphilis and AIDS: Medicine vs. Anti-Sex Moralism A Tribute to Paul Ehrlich 8. Workers Vanguard Photos Oakland, California, 21 February 1987. Hail Red Army in Afghanistan! Extend Gains of Bolshevik Revolution to Afghan Peoples! 10. Sex, Race and Class in the "American Century" 18. Free America's Class War Prisoners! 24. Build a Bolshevik Party in France! Workers Derail French Regime No. 34 Winter 1988 Return to the Road of Lenin and Trotsky! How the Bolsheviks Fought for Women's Emancipation 2. Letters: * Blacks and the Civil War: The Fort Wagner Debate * Cats and Dogs [Early Man, Neanderthals, domestication] * On Freud and Homosexuality [Reich a pathological homophobe] [Why Freud was a great man and where he went wrong] 6. Return to the Road of Lenin and Trotsky! How the Bolsheviks Fought for Women's Emancipation 9. Soviet Measures to Liberate Women 11. Editorial Note re: Medicine vs. Anti-Sex Moralism A Tribute to Paul Ehrlich 12. American Capitalism: Child Abuse, Inc 14. Africa: U.S. Anti-Abortion Policy Murders Women 16. Leprosy and AIDS: Bigots Blame the Victims For Science, Not Superstition! 17. Build the Partisan Defense Committee 18. 'The Clash Over "The Color Purple 23. The Lindy Chamberlain Case: Anti-Woman Witchhunt in Australia 32. Mexican Women Workers Arise Class Struggle in the "Global Sweatshop" No. 35 Summer 1988 The Agony of AIDS 2. SL/PDC Brief in U.S. Supreme Court: No to RICO Sex Witchhunt 6. The Agony of AIDS: A Review of Randy Shilts "And the Band Played On" Politics, People, and the AIDS epidemic 9. SL Protests, Publisher Agrees [Randy Shilts and his publisher agree to delete false claim in "And the Band Played On" that SL fought cops] 14. In Defense of Homosexual Rights: The Marxist Tradition (see also Letters in issues 36 and 37) 16. As Soviets Pull Out, Islamic Fanatics Threaten Bloodbath Afghan Women Fight for Their Lives No. 36 Spring 1989 International Womens Day 1989 2. Letters: * In the Beginning There Was the Deed On W&R's AIDS coverage * Marx, Engels and Homosexuals 4. Labor Must Defend Abortion Rights! Bible Bigots Terrorize Women 9. Interview with Bill Baird Fighter for Women's Right to Abortion 14. West Germany: Hundreds Pilloried in Anti-Abortion Witchhunt 18. Black Freedom, Women's Rights and the Civil War 26. Night Witches: Soviet Women Combat Pilots Fought Nazi Germany 32. Smash Islamic Reaction! No to the Veil! Battle for Afghanistan No. 37 Spring 1990 2. Abolish the Racist Death Penalty! Save the Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal! 3. Chris Brownlie 1950 - 1989 4. Letters: * Marx and Engels on Homosexuals, Revisited 5. Spartakists Fight Against Capitalist Reunification Fourth Reich: Mortal Danger to Workers 11. Defend the Gains of East German Women 16. France: Muslim Girls Banned from School in Anti-Immigrant Hysteria 24. Islam, South Africa and The Satanic Verses [ Rushdie ] 36. Irish Students Fight for Abortion Rights Clerical Reaction Targets Women 48. USA: The Battle for Abortion Rights Women's Liberation Through Socialist Revolution No. 38 Winter 1990-91 Culture, Class and Censorship: Forbidden Art [examples: Louis Guglielmi 1946 and Robert Mapelthorp 1984 ] Smash Attacks on Abortion Rights! 2. Stop Persecution of Gypsies! 8. Smash Attacks on Abortion Rights! German "Fatherland" Against Women 13. Polish Spartacists Oppose Solidarnosc/Clerical Reaction 16. Culture, Class and Censorship: Forbidden Art 24. I paint What I See [Poem by E.B. White about Rockefeller, and Rivera mural] 25. Down with Anti-Porn Law in Mexico! 27. Mexico: Women's Rights Activists Face Torture, Jail 31. Defend Irish Students Fighting Abortion Ban 30. Dublin Spartacist Youth Group Founded 32. Report from India 35. USA: "Fetal Protection" Fraud 40. Break the Blockade of Iraq! No. 39 Summer 1991 2. Letters: * Vichy France and the Persecution of Gypsies 3. Martha Graham died April 1 1991 4. Editorial Notes * Tender Trap [Domestic Partnership becomes available in San Francisco DP is not marriage, and marriage is NOT what it's advertised to be] * The "Outing" Outrage [opposes "Outing" (fingering and exposing closet queers for ostensibly radical reasons) ] * Fetus Fascists Lose One: The Daiquiri Decision [sheds no tears for waiters fired for harassing a near term pregnant woman who ordered an alcoholic drink] * Sweet Savage Diapers [lampoons trend to gush about marital and procreative bliss] 6. Why They're Afraid of Christa Wolf Fourth Reich Witchhunt Against East German Writer 9. "The Solution" a poem by Bertolt Brecht 10. Is There Art After Germany? 16. Wealth Care USA The Debate over "Socialized Medicine" 24. Palestinian Women and the Intifada National Liberation and the Permanent Revolution 33. After the Election of Mary Robinson Clerical Reaction Targets Irish Women 34. Bishops Weigh In Against Condoms 40. USA: For Quality, Integrated Education For All! Bush Goes After Public Education, Nationalists Push Segregated Schools No. 40 Winter 1991-92 2. Ireland: Smash Racist Attacks Against Travellers! 4. "New World Order" Anti-Abortion Onslaught! 10. Revolution Day Moscow 1991 [photos] 11. Bankrupt Stalinism Opens Floodgates to Capitalist Restoration Defeat Yeltsin - Bush Counterrevolution! 17. Interview with Soviet Women 22. How Stalinism Undermined Legacy of October Revolution Trotsky Was Right 28. Women's Emancipation and the Struggle Against Imperialism 40. Is Big Sister Watching You? NOW & the FBI 43. Canada Persecutes Woman Victim of Iran Regime 48. Magic Johnson and the AIDS Crisis No. 41 Summer/Autumn 1992 2. Editorial Notes: * Goodbye Columbus, Hello Cotton Mather * The Devil and Day Care * Porn 4. In Honor of Our Slain Comrade Martha Phillips 10 March 1948 - Killed in Moscow 9 February 1992 8. "Family Values" Crusade Targets Women, Blacks, Teens 13. L.A. Racist Cops Walk There Is No Justice in the Capitalist Courts! 15. Break with the Democrats - Build a Workers Party! Free Abortion On Demand! 19. Vatican Leads Onslaught Against Abortion Rights [ Italy ] 22. 80 Million Women Maimed The Crime of Genital Mutilation 31. France: Racial Segregation Perpetuates Ritual Mutiliation 34. Roots of Bolshevism The Russian Revolutionary Tradition 46. Opportunist Left Paved the Way for Khomeini Iran: Social Struggle Shakes Islamic Dictatorship 56. Korean Women Expose "Comfort Girl" Atrocities Japanese Imperial Army Enslaved Women [Japan] No. 42 Spring/Summer 1993 2. Letters: * On Fighting Female Genital Mutilation in France 4. Mobilize Now to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal! 6. Murderous Bigotry Against Gays in Mexico Stop the Killings! 7. James P. Cannon and the Early Years of American Communism Selected Writings and Speeches, 1920 - 1928 8. Stephen J Gould and the Mismeasure of Marx 14. Torture of Native Women in Canada Racism, Anti-Abortion Bigotry 18. Australia: Capitalist Attacks Target Immigrant Women Workers 22. From East Berlin to Tashkent: Capilalist Counterrevoilulion Tramps on Women 26. Times Mirror 1991 Poll of European Countries: Belief in God, Prefer Wife to be At Home 40. USA: Immigrant Women Workers Expose Racist Abuse 44. Clinton Bows to Anti-Gay Hysteria Gays in the Military 47. Defend NAMBLA! 48. Pro-Death Penalty Clinton: No Friend of Working Women No. 43 Winter/Spring 1993-94 The "Date Rape" Issue: Feminist Hysteria, Anti-Sex Witchhunt For Class Struggle Against Clinton's "New World Order"! 2. Anti Sex McCarthyism at S.F. State Stop the Persecution of Prof. John De Cecco! 2. PDC Defends Peter Melzer and NAMBLA 4. Immigrant Women Workers Challenge McClintock's Sweatshops 6. Labor: Defend the Clinics! For Free Abortion on Demand! No Reliance on the Capitalist Cops or Courts! 8. The Date Rape Issue: Feminist Hysteria, Anti Sex Witchhunt 18. Germany: AIDS and the Fourth Reich's Blood Business 26. Women and Revolution: International Communist Journal of Women's Liberation 34. The Trade Unions, Minorities and the Left Must Mobilise by the Thousands: Drive the Fascists Off the Streets! 37. Militant, SWP, and the Cops London, England, Great Britain 40. London Tens of Thousands March Against BNP For Labor/Minority Mobilizations to Stop the Fascists! No. 44 Winter/Spring 1994-95 Women and the Permanent Revolution in Bangladesh Islamic Fundamentalist Vow to Kill Woman Writer Defend Taslima Nasrin! 2. Dale Ross, 1942-1994: First Editor of Women and Revolution 5. Letters: * On Language and LiberatiOn 8. Poland: The Working Class Must Take Up the Fight for Women's Rights! Social Democrats Cave In to Clerical Reaction 12. Women and the Permanent Revolution in Bangladesh 15. Interview with Taslima Nasrin 19. Vladimir Lenin by Taslima Nasrin 26. Japan's Answer to AIDS: Greed, Racism, Neglect ICL Intervenes at International AIDS Conference 30. Down with Anti-Sex Witchhunt! Fake Left Buys into Anti-Sex Hysteria 30. Stop Anti-Abortion Terror! No Illusions in Cops or Troops! Two Abortion Clinic Workers Gunned Down in Brookline, MA 31. The Death of Gay Liberation? David Thorstad 33. Protest "Stonewall 25" Exclusion Let NAMBLA March! 34. FSP: Family Values R Us [ Freedom Socialist Party ] 40. France: Racist Edict Targets Schoolgirls Government Anti-Immigrant Frenzy No. 45 Winter/Spring 1996 FINAL ISSUE Women's Rights Under Attack in the "New World Order" Abortion and the Class Struggle in Europe 2. Unholy Alliance of Feminists and Christian Right Satan, the State and Anti-Sex Hysteria Hundreds Jailed in "Satanic Abuse" Witchhunt 10. Race, Sex, Class and the Capitalist War on the Poor Clinton/Gingrich Unite on "Family Values, Assault Welfare Rights 15. JOin the Labor Black League for Social Defense! 16. Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's Partner, on: The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State 23. Babylon's Basement by Mumia Abu-Jamal 24. Abolish the Racist Death Penalty! Free Mumia Abu-Jamai! 25. Class-Struggle Defense Work in the United States 37. Abortion Rights and Class Struggle in Europe 56. As Bureaucracy Opens Door to Capitalist Restoration China: "Free Market" Misery Targets Women