Vanguard December 1915
Source: Unattributed, Vanguard December 1915, p. 7;
Transcribed: by Ted Crawford.
17th November, 1915.
[To the Editor, “The Vanguard.”]
Dear Sir, – A few weeks ago I applied for a clearance line and was refused by the munitions tribunal, and as I don’t think I got fair play. I was wondering if anything could be done. The following was my application: – Owing to the high cost of living, and to the fact that I am only working 51 hours per week, I am not earning sufficient wages to provide the necessaries of life for my wife and five children, I therefore ask to be granted a certificate to enable me to find employment with some other firm where I would get more hours to work and thus increase my wages. Before the “Fair” I earned £2 8s 3.1/2d. Since that all I can earn is £1 16s 61/2d, a decrease per week of 11/9. After the manager made his statement his main point was if I got away all the rest of the men would be wanting away. I was asked if I had another job to go to. I said yes. Asked what rate of wages, I said the same rate, but with overtime it would raise my wage to £2 8/-. My application was refused. Now, sir, I didn’t base my application on the rate per hour. I questioned the firm’s right to force me to work for 11/9 less per week than I was earning before the Munitions Act came into force, and I don’t understand how the Court refused my application. Can you give me any advice. I enclose stamp for reply, and if there is any further charge you might let me know. – I am, yours fraternally,
[The only advice we can give to “Perplexed” is to agitate vigorously, along with his fellow-workers, for the repeal of the Munitions Act. – Editor.]