Soviet Union Information Bureau


THE following is a list of informative books and pamphlets published in English about the U.S.S.R. The arrangement is chronological:

REED, JOHN, Ten Days that Shook the World. International Publishers, New York.

RANSOME, ARTHUR, Russia in 1919. B. W. Huebsch, New York, 1919.

BULLITT, WILLIAM C., The Bullitt Mission to Russia. Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. 13. W. Huebsch, New York, 1919.

WILLIAMS, ALBERT RHYS, Lenin, the Man and His Work, and Impressions by Raymond Robins and Arthur Ransome. Scott and Seltzer, New York, 1919.

Russian-American Relations, March, 19 57-March, 1920, Documents and Papers, compiled and edited by C. K. CUMMING and WALTER W. PETTIT. Harcourt, Brace and Howe, New York, 1920.

ALBERTSON, RALPH, Fighting Without a War, an account of military intervention in North Russia. Harcourt, Brace and Howe, New York, 1920.

BRAILSEORD, II. N., The Russian Workers' Republic. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1921.

WILLIAMS, ALBERT Rnys, Through the Russian Revolution. Boni and Liveright, New York, 1921.

Ross, EDWARD A., The Russian Soviet Republic. The Century Co., New York, 1923.

STRONG, ANNA LOUISE, The First Time in History. Boni and Liveright, New York, 1924.

New Constitution of the Soviet Union. Soviet Union Information Bureau, Washington, 1924.

BLANC, ELSIE T., The Cooperative Movement in Russia. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1924.

MARX, MAGDELEINE, The Romance of New Russia. Thomas Seltzer, New York, 1924.

Russia To-day. Official Report of the British Trade Union Delegation to Russia and Caucasia, Nov. and Dec., 1924. International Publishers, New York, 1925.

TROTSKY, L., Problems of Life. George Doran Co., New York, 1925.

TROTSKY, L., Lenin. Minton Balch & Company, New York, 1925.

TROTSKY, L., Literature and Revolution. International Publishers, New York, 1925.

TROTSKY, L., Whither Russia? Toward Capitalism or Socialism? International Publishers, New York, 1926.

NEARING, SCOTT, Education in Soviet Russia. International Publishers, New York, 1926.

HINDUS, MAURICE, Broken Earth. International Publishers, New York, 1926.

ZIMAND, SAVEL, State Capitalism in Russia; The Soviet Economic System in Operation, 1917-1926. Published by the Research Department of the Foreign Policy Association, New York, 1926.

PORTER, ANNA, A Moscow Diary. Charles II. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1926.

Anti-Soviet Forgeries. A record of some of the forged documents used at various times against the Soviet Government. Workers' Publications, Ltd., London, England, 1927.

Russian Poetry. An Anthology, chosen and translated by BABETrE DEUTScH and AVRAHM YARM0LIN5EY. International Publishers, New York, 1927.

FIGNER, VERA, Memoirs of a Revolutionist. International Publishers, New York, 1927.

SABANEYEF, LEONID, Modern Russian Composers. International Publishers, New York, 1927.

ROSENBERG, JAMES N., On the Steppes. A Russian diary. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1927.

Commercial Handbook of the U.S.S.R., 1927. Soviet Union Information Bureau, Washington, 1927.

FISCHER, LOUIS, Oil Imperialism-The International Struggle for Russian Petroleum. International Publishers, New York, 1926.

WILLIAMS, ALBERT Rnys, The Russian Land. New Republic, Inc., New York, 1927.

Russia After Ten Years. Report of the American Trade Union Delegation to the Soviet Union. International Publishers, New York, 1927.

Soviet Russia in the Second Decade. Edited by STUART CHASE, ROBERT DUNN and R. G. TUGWELL of the Technical Staff of the First American Trade Union Delegation to the Soviet Union. John Day Company, New York, 1928.

STRONG, ANNA LOUISE, How the Communists Rule Russia. Haldeman-Julius, Inc., Girard, Kansas, 1927.

STRONG, ANNA LOUISE, Marriage and Morals in Soviet Russia. Haldeman-Julius, Inc., Girard, Kansas, 1927.

STRONG, ANNA LOUISE, How Business Is Carried on in Soviet Russia. HaldemanJulius, Inc., Girard, Kansas, 1927.

STRONG, ANNA LOUISE, Workers' Life in Soviet Russia. Haldeman-Julius, Inc., Girard, Kansas, 1927.

STRONG, ANNA LOUISE, Peasant Life in Soviet Russia. Haldeman-Julius, Inc., Girard, Kansas, 1927.

BRAILSFORD, H. N., How the Soviets Work. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1927.

NEARING, SCOTT, and HARDY, JACK, The Economic Organization of the Soviet Union. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1927.

BORDERS, KARL, Village Life under the Soviets. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1927.

HECICER, JULIUS F., Religion under the Soviets. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1927.

ARNOT, R. PAGE, Soviet Russia and Her Neighbors. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1927.

DUNN, ROBERT W., Soviet Trade Unions. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1927.

SMITH, JESSICA, Women in Soviet Russia. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1928.

WILSON, LUCY L. W., New Schools in New Russia. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1928.

HAINES, ANNA J., Health Work in Soviet Russia. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1928.

YARMOLINSKY, AVRAHM, The Jews and Other Minor Nationalities Under the Soviets. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1928.

BALDWIN, ROGER N., Liberty Under the Soviets. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1928.

LEE, IVY, Present Day Russia. Macmillan Company, New York, 1928.

Economic Statistics of the Soviet Union. Amtorg Trading Corporation, New York, 1928.

Report of First American Rank and File Labor Delegation to Soviet Russia. International Publishers, New York, 1928.

PRICE, DR. GEORGE M., Labor Protection in Soviet Russia. International Publishers, New York, 1928.

Illustrated History of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1927. Ten years' progress reported by authoritative Russian leaders, 2 vols. International Publishers, New York, 1928.

Donn, MAURICE, Russian Economic Development Since the Revolution. E. P. Dutton & Company, New York, 1928.

SCHUMAN, DR. FRED L., American Policy Toward Russia Since 1917. International Publishers, New York, 1928.

Guide-Book to the Soviet Union. International Publishers, New York, 1928.

Russian Gold; A Collection of Articles. Amtorg Trading Corporation, New York, 1928.

SANTALOY, A. A., and SEGAL, Louis, Soviet Union Year Book. George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, England, 1928.

THOMPSON, DOROTHY, The New Russia. Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1928.

DREISER, THEODORE, Dreiser Looks at Russia. Horace Liveright, New York, 1928.

MCCORMICK, ANNE O'HARE, The Hammer and the Scythe. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1928.

GLADKOV, FIODOR, Cement. International Publishers, New York, 1929.

Azure Cities: Stories of New Russia. International Publishers, New York, 1929.

LENIN, V. I., The Russian Revolution of 1917. 4 vols. International Publishers, New York, 1929.

DYKSTRA, GERALD 0., A Belated Rebuttal on Russia. Allegan Press, Allegan, Michigan. (A printed lecture by an American student who visited the U.S.S.R.).

PERIODICALS Soviet Union Review. Monthly. Soviet Union Information Bureau, 2819 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Economic Review of the Soviet Union. Semi-monthly. Amtorg Trading Corporation, 136 Liberty Street, New York City.

Next: CHRONICLE OF EVENTS, 1917-1928