29 June 1918
Izvestia, 30 June 1918

    The newspaper Nashe Slow publishes an interview with certain foreign diplomats in Moscow which defines the conditions under which, in their opinion, intervention in Russia by France and its allies might take place. The People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs would be obliged to the French Consul-General for a reply to the question whether this interview may be regarded as correctly conveying the opinion of the French Government. The People's Commissariat believes that an explanation on this question is the more necessary since the interview referred to above does not make it clear that the intervention proposed is not to be directed against the Russian Soviet Government, or whether it will not be in the nature of armed foreign invasion. These explanations are particularly important at the present moment, when the Czecho-Slovak divisions, which the representatives of France and its allies have declared to be under the protection of the Allied Governments, stubbornly continue their armed insurrection against the Soviet Government, establishing counter-revolutionary authorities in the place of the Soviets wherever they can do so, and indulging in every kind of violence against the officials and the active adherents of the Soviets, while, up to the present, the representatives of France and its allies have not said a single word in condemnation of such behaviour on the part of troops under their protection.

    The People's Commissariat firmly hopes that the French representative will repudiate any share in this plan for an armed incursion into the territory of the Russian Soviet Republic. For the sake of friendly relations between the peoples of Russia and France, OD the unshaken maintenance of which Russia firmly relies, the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs awaits with confidence a declaration from the French representative that his Government is not in agreement with plans which must inevitably rupture these friendly relations, the more so as the failure to make such a declaration will be interpreted by the working people of Russia as tacit agreement with the plans referred to in the said interview.

    [Similar letters were sent to the representatives of the other Allied Powers.]

Documents on Soviet Foreign Policy

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