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African-American Labour Centre (AALC), Bulletins, March and April, 1965
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Clausewitz, Vom Krieg, 1832
Cole, Monica Mary, South Africa, Methuen, London, 1961
Coston, Henry, L'Europe des Banquiers, Collection ‘Documents et Témoinages’, La Librairie Française, 1963
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Department of Economics, The Economics of African Unity, University of Ghana, 1964
Dizard, Wilson P., The Strategy of Truth: the Story of the United States Information Service, Public Affairs Press, 1961
Dutt, Rajani Palme, British Colonial Policy and Neo-colonialist Rivalries, International Affairs, Moscow, April 1965
Hilferding, Rudolf, Marx Studien, Volume 3: Das Finanz-kapital, Vienna, 1910
Hobson, J. A., Imperialism, London, 1902
Holt, Robert T., and Van de Velde, Robert, W., Strategic Psychological Operations and American Foreign Policy, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1960
Jeanneney Report, La Politique de Coopération avec les Pays en Voie de Développement, 1964
Joye, Pierre, and Lewin, Rosine, Les Trusts au Congo, Société Populaire d'Editions, Brussels, 1961
Lenin, Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1916
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Warren Hastings, Edinburgh Review, October, 1841
Machyo, B. Chango, Aid and Neo-colonialism, Africania Study Group 1964
Marx, Capital, 1867
Nkrumah, Kwame, Africa Must Unite, Heinemann, London, 1963
Park, L. C. and F. W., The Anatomy of Big Business, Toronto Progress Books, 1962
Perlo, Victor, American Imperialism, International Publishers, New York, 1951
Perlo, Victor, The Empire of High Finance, International Publishers, New York 1957
Report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Part 3: Industrial Growth in Africa, New York, 1963
Reports of the Economic Commission for Africa Industrial Co-ordination Missions to different regions of Africa
Seldes, George, One Thousand Americans, Boni & Gaer, New York, 1947
Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1962
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa’s Standing Committee for Trade, Background Paper on the Establishment of an African Common Market, 13 October 1963
United Nations Report, E/CN 14/239, Part A, December, 1963
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Wilson, Harold, The War on World Poverty: an Appeal to the Conscience of Mankind, Gollancz, London, 1953
Wise, David, and Ross, Thomas B., The Invisible Government, Random House, New York, 1964
Reference is made to the following company reports:
Anglo American Corporation, AGM, 1962
Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Company, Annual Address, 6 December 1963
Consolidated African Gold Fields of South Africa Corporation, AGM, 30 June 1961
Grangesberg, Annual Report, 18 May 1962
Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd., AGM, June, 1961
Rand Selection Corporation Ltd., 71st AGM, 26 February 1963
M. Samuel & Co., AGM, 1963
Société Générale, Report for 1962
Reference passim to the following newspapers and periodicals:
The Economist
Europe (France) Outremer (November 1961)
Nouvel Observateur
The Financial Times
International Affairs
Le Monde
Modern Government (March/April, 1962)
New Commonwealth
The Sunday Times
Wall Street Journal
West Africa