MIA: Subjects: Africa: SWAPO



Southwest Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO)


SWAPO: South-West Africa, by Solomon Mifima (1964)
SWAPO: What Price Unity?, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] (1964)
Joint Memorandum Submitted by the African National Liberation Movements to the Conference of the Heads of African States Held in Cairo 17th to 21st July, 1964 (1964)
Cover South Africa, Intruder in Our Country, by Toivo Hennann Ja Toivo [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 2] (1968)
An Exercise in Eyewash, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 3] (1968)
SWAPO: Apartheid Expansionism, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 1] (1969)
Why Namibia?, [from the book The African Liberation Reader, Volume 3] (1969)
Interviews in Depth: Namibia, SWAPO 1: Andreas Shipanga, Director, SWAPO Information Service (1973)
Namibia, SWAPO 1: Breaking Contract: The Story of Vinnia Ndadi (1974)
Solidarity with SWAPO: A Request from SWAPO President Sam Nujoma LSM News, Volume 2, Number 4, Winter 1975-76
After Angola: Namibia!, by Mike Mercer LSM News, Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 1976
LSM News: Special Issue on SWAPO, LSM News, Numbers 11-12, Winter 1976
SWAPO Constitution (1976)
Unity and Vigilance: Let Us Intensify the Struggle: Declaration of the South West Africa People's Organization Central Committee Meeting July 28 to August 1, 1976, LSM News, Numbers 11-12, Winter 1976
Political Program of SWAPO, LSM News, Numbers 11-12, Winter 1976
Nujoma: No Reason to Trust South Africa (1977)
UNITA and SWAPO, The Militant, December 16, 1977
Namibia Is Up for Grabs, LSM News, Number 17, Winter 1978
Constitution of the SWAPO Women's Council (A Draft)
Ensuring a Revolution within the Revolution: Interview with Martha Ford, SWAPO Women's Council, by Stephanie Urdang (1978)
Sam Nujoma Speaks, Sechaba, Volume 12, Fourth Quarter 1978
SWAPO Executive Member, Hidipo Hamutenya: SWAPO Ready to Continue the Struggle (1979)
SWAPO Dissidents Expelled, Southern Africa, September-October 1980
"Nothing Can Stop Us," SWAPO Woman Speaks, by Gloria Jacobs (1981)
Sam Nujoma: Western Hypocrisy and Immorality Exposed: Plot Against Decolonization of Namibia (1981)
Namibia, by Peter H. Katjavivi (1982)
Namibia Negotiations: SWAPO Denounces Western Stalling (1982)
Impasse in Namibia, by Brian Wood (1983)
We Will Intensify the Armed Struggle, [statement by Sam Nujoma] Sechaba, July 1983
Interview with SWAPO Secretary-General: 'What They Want is to Instal Their Puppets', Sechaba, July 1985
Ja Toivo Calls for Sanctions Against South Africa (1985)
New Year Message by Comrade Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO, to the Namibian People (1986)
In the Buffer Zone, by Noll Scott (1988)
Treacherous Crossing: Namibia's Independence Debacle (1989)
Elections and After: Gerald Caplan on Namibia (1990)
A Namibian Horror (1990)
SWAPO's Prisons in Angola (1990)
Namibia: Five Months Later, by Colin Leys (1990)
SWAPO and the Churches: An International Scandal, by Paul Trewhela (1991)
Namibia: A Class Act?, by Chris Tapscott (1991)
The SWAPO Congress, by Lauren Dobell (1992)
The SWAPO Sweep, by Lauren Dobell (1995)
The Autocratic Temptation: Politics in Namibia Now, by Chris Tapscott (1997)
Struggle Against Silence: Reclaiming History in Namibia, by Lauren Dobell (1997)
The Ulenga Moment. Swapo and Dissent, by Lauren Dobell (1998)
Heavy Handed Democracy. SWAPO's Victory in Namibia, by Tom Lodge (2000)
Tough Choices: Trade Unions and SWAPO, by Herbert Jauch (2000)