Marxists Internet Archive: Art: Literature: Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen
A Doll’s House. Three Act Play, 1879
Ghosts. A Domestic Tragedy in Three Acts, 1881
An Enemy of Society. A play in five acts, 1882
The Lady from the Sea, A play in five acts, published 1910
Critiques of Henrik Ibsen
Letter from Olive Shreiner to Havelock Ellis, 1884
Letter from Engels to Paul Ernst, 1890, Fredrick Engels
Ibsen's Greatness and Limitations, 1900, Franz Mehring
Excerpt from “Ibsen” by Leon Trotsky, 1901
The Intellectuals and the Workers by Karl Kautsky, 1903
Ibsen, Petty Bourgeois Revolutionist, 1908, Georgi Plekhanov
Excerpt from “Eleanor Marx” by Havelock Ellis, 1935
Ibsen, 1937, Anatol Lunacharsky