Dimitry Moor, 1919: Proletarians of all countries, unite! [details]
Designer unknown, 1919: A general military training is a safeguard for freedom [details]
Nikolay Kochergin, 1920: Long live the Red Army [details]
Nikolay Kogout, 1920 [details]
Viktor Deni, 1919: Capital [details]
Viktor Deni, 1920: Capital: I will crush Soviet Russia in my fist! [details]
Designer unknown, 1917: Women, adhere to the cooperation [details]
Designer unknown, 1920: What the October Revolution has given to working and peasant women [details]
Designer unknown, 1920: Literacy is the path to communism [details]
Aleksei Radakov, 1920: The life of the illiterate - The life of the literate [details]
Mikhail Cheremnykh, 1921 [details]
Mikhail Cheremnykh, 1921 [details]
Mikhail Cheremnykh, 1921 [details]
Mikhail Cheremnykh, 1921 [details]
S. Mirzoyan, A. Ivanov, 1929: Towards the collective [details]
A. Kuznetsova, A. Magitson, ca. 1930: Cultivate vegetables! [details]
S. Mirzoyan, A. Ivanov, 1929: Help build the gigantic factories [details]
Lyubimov, 1931: With shock labour we will ensure prompt delivery of the giants of the Five Year Plan [details] [psd file]
Nikolay Dolgorukov, 1931: Full speed ahead for the fourth and final year of the Five Year Plan! [details]
Valentina Kulagina, 1931: 8 Million tons of pig iron [details]
Gustav Klutsis, 1931: The USSR is the crack brigade of the world proletariat [details]
Gustav Klutsis, 1931: Let's send millions of qualified worker cadres [details]
Sergej Senkin, 1931: Under Lenin's banner for the second Five Year Plan! [details]
Gustav Klutsis, 1932: Civilized life - productive work [details]
Brigade KGK, 1931: Female delegate, stand to the fore! [details]
Nikolay Dolgorukov, 1931: Metropolitan [details]
Ogarkov and Lyubimov, 1931: For the society's food supply [details]
Konstantin Vyalov, 1932: Let's consolidate the victory of socialism in the USSR! [details]
Lebeshev, 1936: We do like Stachanov! [details]
Dors, 1936: We will change the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan into a republic of abundant literacy [details]
G. Brylov, 1933: The giants of the Five Year Plan [details]
Gustav Klutsis, 1931: Let's send millions of qualified worker cadres [details]