Lynn Beaton
Tribute in Shostakovich JournalSelected Writing
Mao-Nixon Alliance, with Gerry Beaton, March 1972
The Problem of Female Labour, History Honours Thesis, 1972
The ACTU Working Women's Centre, 1978-1984
Working Women's Charter, ACTU Working Women's Centre, 1980
Working Women's Charter Implementation Manual. Sexual Harassment, 1982
The importance of women’s paid labour. Women at work in World War II, 1982
Progress on ACTU Women's Committee, 12 January 1983
Equal Pay Manual, ACTU Working Women's Centre, 1984
Women in the british miners' strike: Wives or Warriors, Scarlet Women, No. 20, Spring 1985
Shifting Horizons, 1985
International Womens Day, Workers Press, 8 March 1986
Women in the Class Struggle, Workers Press, 15 March 1986
Articles for the Workers Press, (especially on Ireland) 1986
The Blidworth Experience. Women's Place in the Revolutionary Struggle, 22 March 1986
International Womens Day, Workers Press, 7 March 1987
Nurses take Australian Struggle Forward, Workers Press, 7 March 1987
My Experience with the SLL & WRP, 1987
The Chinese Road to Socialism, Communist Intervention, 30 June 1989
Women and Award Restructuring, Discussion Paper, Working Women's Centre, 1989
Women and Award Restructuring, Discussion Paper #2, 1990
Women's Workly, Victorian Women's Trust, 1991
National Employment Advertising Survey, Job Watch Update, May 1991
ReD, Issue #1, vol. 1, October 1991
Two Steps Forward, Any Steps Backward?
Economic Rounds
ReD, Issue #2, vol. 1, December 1991
Congratulations AIDEX Protesters
The Soviet Union: Which way forward?
Beyond the Unhappy Marriage of Nationalism and Class
Police Shootings
ReD, Issue #3, vol. 1, February 1992
Algeria - on a knife edge
Compass: The cool winds of deregulation
ReD, Issue #4, vol. 1, May 1992
A Change of Substance
The Delicate Question of Tariffs
Phil Cleary - where to now?
May Day Manifesto: The World Turned Upside Down?
Nikkei Crash - the implications
ReD, Issue #5, vol. 1, July 1992
Privatisation - why the rush?
A Life of Struggle. Obituary for Rae Hunter
For a political alliance to prevent the destruction of the public sector
ReD, Issue #6, vol. 1, September 1992
Vote 1 Left Independent
Arms business booming
Business Ethics. Gender Matters
A Right Royal Debacle
ReD, Issue #1, vol. 1, November 1992
Kennett has no mandate!
US voters reject Reagonomics
Economic Irrationalism
Class War or Co-existence?
ReD, Issue #2, vol. 1, February 1993
The crisis of leadership has never been so blatant
ReD, Issue #3, vol. 1, May 1993
May Day Greetings
Richmond Secondary College - needs our support
Urban Left
Capitalism in Australia - Results and Prospects, Labour Review No. 26, January 1997
For a Strong Party, Militant Internal Bulletin, August 1997
Who's Afraid of the Working Class, (review) 1998
Historical review of UniSuper, (Draft) 2001
Temporary Work and the Growth of Insecurity, URCOT Newsletter No. 2, 2003
Temporary Employment and Security, Yikes, Newsletter of the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria, December 2003
Part of the Furniture, 2007
The Miracle Fibre Exposed as a Deadly Threat, 2013
A Reflection on the Feminist Movement, 2013
Keeping Alive the Spirit of the Miners’ Strike, 2014
Tribute to Bill Deller, November 2014
The History of the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council, PhD proposal, 2016
The Events at Clunes, 2016