Marxists Internet Archive
Marx-Engels Archive
.PrefacesAfterwords Prefaces and AfterwordsPrefaces and Afterwords
.1 Commodities and MoneyCommodities and Money
.2 ExchangeExchange
.3 Money and Circulation of CommoditiesExchange
.4 Transformation of Money into CapitalExchange
.5 Contradictions in Formula of CapitalExchange
.6 Buying and Selling of Labour PowerExchange
.7 The Labour ProcessExchange
.8 Constant Capital and Variable CapitalExchange
.9 The Rate of Surplus ValueExchange
.10 The Working DayExchange
.11 Rate and Mass of Surplus-ValueExchange
.12 The Concept of Surplus-ValueExchange
.13 Co-operationExchange
.14 Division of Labour and ManufactureExchange
.15 Machinery and Modern IndustryExchange
.26 Primitive AccumulationExchange
MIA Urdu Section Marx-Engels Archive