Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

U.S. Anti-Revisionism

Second Wave, 1956-1962 – Index Page

The story of the second wave of U.S. anti-revisionism is largely the history of the Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in the United States (POC).


A number of events, commencing in 1956, precipitated a major upheaval in the world Communist movement. These included the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at which Nikita Khrushchev delivered his famous secret speech on Stalin and the events in Hungary leading up to and including armed Soviet intervention.

In the Communist Party of the United States, these events exacerbated an already serious on-going crisis, resulting from the repression that communists experienced under McCarthyism, the Smith Act trials of Communist leaders, and their expulsion and ostracism from labor unions and other organizations. The debate over how to respond to these developments divided U.S. Communists into four groups:

1. The “Right” represented by John Gates, an editor of the Daily Worker newspaper, that wanted to fundamentally and critically re-examine Communist theory and practice and loosen the ties binding the CPUSA to the Soviet Union;


2. The “Center” led by Eugene Dennis, the General Secretary of the CPUSA, which took a middle position on most issues and championed “unity,” of the different factions and groupings;

3. The “Soft-left” led by William Z. Foster and Ben Davis, which rejected fundamental reforms of Party theory and practice, remained committed to unconditional support for the Soviet Union and the CPSU, but frequently allied itself with the “center,” forces;

4. The “Hard-left,” Marxist-Leninist Caucus centered among Black and Puerto Rican communists and on the waterfront, that felt that the Party reformers was essentially revisionists and that the center and soft left was conciliating rather than actively combating them.


In the aftermath of the CPUSA’s 16th Convention in 1958 and the consolidation of a new Center-Soft-left leadership group, a campaign was launched against the Marxist-Leninist Caucus and its supporters. In response, the Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in the United States (POC) was born.  Perhaps its most well known member was Harry Haywood, but it also included individuals such as Theodore Allen, Nelson Peery, and Noel Ignatin. Unfortunately, soon after its founding the POC underwent a number of debilitating splits and, by 1962, it was a shell of its former self. In 1968, what remained of the POC renamed itself the American Workers’ Communist Party (AWCP).

In 1977 the AWCP renamed itself the Homogeneous Party of the Working Class in the U.S.A. and began publishing a paper called The Orthodox Marxist. The following year, former members of the Marxist-Leninist Caucus, POC and the AWCP united to create the Marxist Workers Committee and began publishing a paper called the Marxist Worker.

During this same period, another small anti-revisionist group challenged Khruschev and the post-Stalin Soviet leadership and defended Stalin’s record and legacy. This was the Communist League, a small group in New York City which published a newsletter by the name of Turning Point. The Communist League had its origins in anti-revisionist communist groupings that arose in 1946 in the wake of the reconstitution of the CPUSA (pre-1956 documents from these groups can be found in our “First Wave, 1946-1958” page). This Communist League should not be confused with the totally different Communist League which emerged in California in 1966 out of the POC and went on to become the Communist Labor Party.

Index of topics covered in this section (by alphabetical order)
16th CPUSA National Convention
American Workers’ Communist Party
Background CPUSA Materials
Communist League
The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in the Daily Worker, 1956-1957
––––The Initial Impact of the 20th Congress of the CPSU
––––The Impact of Khrushchev's Secret Speech Concerning Stalin
––––Riots in the Polish City of Poznan
––––The Release of the Draft Resolution for the 16th Convention
––––Crisis in Hungary and Soviet Military Intervention
––––Towards the CPUSA 16th National Convention
––––Coverage of the CPUSA's 16th National Convention
––––Post-Convention Debates and Struggles
––––Final Crisis and the Demise of the Daily Worker
The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in Jewish Life, 1956-1958
The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in Masses & Mainstream, 1956-1957
The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in New World Review, 1956-1957
Coverage of the CPUSA Crisis in the Independent Socialist League’s Labor Action
Coverage of the CPUSA Crisis in the Socialist Workers Party’s The Militant
Coverage of the CPUSA Crisis in the New York Times
Homogeneous Party of the Working Class in the U.S.A.
Marxist Workers Committee
Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in the United States


General Background and Historical Materials

Family Tree Chart of U.S. Anti-Revisionism, 1956-1977 by the Communist Workers Group (Marxist-Leninist)

Negro Liberation by Harry Haywood

The Degeneration of the CPUSA in the 1950s by Harry Haywood

Why the CPUSA didn’t resist Khrushchovite revisionism

The CPUSA and Black Workers in the 1950s by Paul Elitzik

The American Negro and Marxist-Leninist Self-Determination: The History, Development, and Application of the Theory of Self-Determination for African-Americans by the Communist Party of the United States 1928-1959 by Jess LeMere

[Back to top]

General Background Materials on the Crisis in the CPUSA, 1956-1958

What America Needs: A Communist View by Eugene Dennis and John Gates, January 1956

Questions and Answers on the XXth Congress, CPSU by Eugene Dennis, Political Affairs, April 1956


The Communists Take A New Look, Eugene Dennis' report to the enlarged meeting of the National Committee, CPUSA, April 28-May 1, 1956

The Meaning of the XXth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Max Weiss' report to the enlarged meeting of the National Committee, CPUSA, April 28-May 1, 1956.

The Negro People on the March, Benjamin J. Davis' report to the meeting of the National Committee, CPUSA, June 23-24, 1956.

Statement of the National Committee, CPUSA on Khrushchev’s Speech on Stalin at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Adopted June 24, 1956

On the Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Delivered by Comrade Khrushchev to the Twentieth Party Congress by a CPUSA trade union section organizer [from Red Papers #7, published by the Revolutionary Communist Party]

Statement on the Resolution of the Central Committee, CPSU [on overcoming the 'Cult of the Personality'], by the National Committee, CPUSA [Political Affairs, August 1956

Exclusive: Interview with a Soviet spokesman on anti-Semitism, by Tabitha Petran [National Guardian, September 3, 1956]

National Guardian Editorial: Anti-Semitism and the Soviet Union [National Guardian, September 3, 1956]

The Khrushchev Report and the Crisis in the American Left, by Hershel D. Meyer [1956]

A Communication, by Joseph Starobin [Political Affairs, January 1957]

Matyas Rakosi, the Rajk Trial, and the American Communist Party, by Thomas Sakmyster, Hungarian Studies Review, Vol. XXXVIII, Nos. 1-2 (2011)

The Center Cannot Hold. The Struggle for Reform in the Communist Party 1957-58, by Jerry Harris

[Back to top]

The 16th CPUSA National Convention

Preconvention Discussion Materials – Public

The American Road to Socialism. A Special Supplement to the Sunday Worker, Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by the Discussion Committee, CPUSA:

June 24, 1956 Issue [with articles by Fred Fine, Howard Johnson, Steve Nelson et al]; July 1, 1956 Issue [with articles by Fred Fine, Simon W. Gerson, and David Englestein]; July 8, 1956 Issue [with articles by Ben Dobbs et al]; July 15, 1956 Issue [with articles by Albert E. Blumberg, George Samson et al]; July 22, 1956 Issue [with articles by Albert E. Blumberg, A.B. Magil et al]; July 29, 1956 Issue [with articles by Herbert Aptheker, Jim West et al]; August 5, 1956 Issue [with articles by Lillian Gates, Carl Hirsch, John Jersey et al]; August 12, 1956 Issue [with articles by William Albertson, Hy Mandell et al]; August 19, 1956 Issue [with articles by William Norman, Frank Carlson et al]; August 26, 1956 Issue [with articles by William Z. Foster, Carl Ross et al]; September 2, 1956 Issue [with articles by Benjamin J. Davis et al]; September 9, 1956 Issue [with articles by Mike Russo, J. Johnson et al]; September 16, 1956 Issue [with articles by William Z. Foster, Jim Keller et al].


The American Road to Socialism, by Jack Goldring, Political Affairs, August 1956

On the Concept of "Bourgeois Democracy," by Herbert Aptheker, Political Affairs, August 1956

Some Lessons from the Soviet Experience, by Nathan H. Turner, Political Affairs, August 1956

On Our "Critical Review", by K., Political Affairs, August 1956

Draft Resolution for the 16th National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A., Adopted September 13, 1956

Marxism-Leninism in a Changing World, Part I, by William Z. Foster, Political Affairs, September 1956

On the War Danger, by Martha Stone, Political Affairs, September 1956

On the Party Situation, by William Z. Foster, Political Affairs, October 1956

Towards the Party Convention, by Eugene Dennis, Political Affairs, October 1956

Partisanship and Science, by Ann Levine and Paul Robertson, Political Affairs, October 1956

Starobin's Proposals [from "Notes of the Month,"], by Max Weiss, Political Affairs, November 1956

A Discussion with Critics, by Herbert Aptheker, Political Affairs, November 1956

Time for a Change, by John Gates, Political Affairs, November 1956

On a New United Party of Socialism, by Steve Nelson, Political Affairs, November 1956

On the Events in Hungary, by National Committee, CPUSA, Political Affairs, December 1956

The Challenge of the New Era, by Benjamin J. Davis, Political Affairs, December 1956

Marxism-Leninism in a Changing World, Part II, by William Z. Foster, Political Affairs, December 1956

On Social Democracy in the U.S. , by a CP Sub-Committee, Political Affairs, January 1957

What Kind of a Change?, by Eugene Dennis, Political Affairs, January 1957

A Message to Party Organizations, by the National Committee, CPUSA, Political Affairs, January 1957

On the Role of the Party, by Merle Brodsky, Political Affairs, January 1957

Marxism-Leninism and "American Prosperity," by William Z. Foster, Political Affairs, February 1957

Some Concepts of Our Trade-Union Work, by Hal Simon, Political Affairs, February 1957

In Defense of Theory, by Hyman Lumer, Political Affairs, February 1957

Preconvention Discussion Materials – Internal

16th National Convention Discussion Bulletin, Number 1, November 1, 1956; Number 2, November 27, 1956; Number 3, December 10, 1956; Number 4, January 1, 1957.

Party Voice [internal bulletin of the N.Y. State CP], Special Discussion Issue, June 1956; Second Discussion Issue, July 1956; Third Discussion Issue, September 1956; Fourth Discussion Issue, October 1956; Fifth Discussion Issue, November 1956; Sixth Discussion Issue, December 1956; Seventh Discussion Issue, January 1957.

The Party Forum, (California Pre-Convention Discussion Bulletin), Number 2, November 27, 1956; Number 3, August 20, 1956; Number 4, September 10, 1956; Number 7, December 1, 1956.

Statement of the New York State Committee, [on Section Four of the Draft Resolution with proposed amendments][With dissenting Minority Report] December 1956

Proceedings of the Los Angeles County Convention, January 1957

Opening Report to the County Convention

Convention Resolution on the Status of the Party

Resolutions and Statements on the Name and Form of the Party

Resolution on Relations with Communist Parties of Other Countries

The 16th National Convention, February 9-12, 1957

Proceedings (Abridged) of the 16th National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A.

Convention materials in the March 1957 issue of Political Affairs

What Happened at the CP Convention, by Elmer Bendiner [National Guardian, February 25, 1957]

CP Convention Dodges Key Issue But Foster’s Purge Drive is Given Setback by H. W. Benson [Labor Action, Vol. 21, No. 7, February 18, 1957]

Communist Party Convention Resists New Kremlin Dictate by Harry Ring [The Militant, February 18, 1957]

Political Affairs Editorial: The Communist Party Convention [Political Affairs, April 1957]

Post-Convention Materials, Continuing Debates and Polemics

Toward a Socialist Revival, by Joseph Starobin [American Socialist, March 1957]

On the Communist Party, by Robert Thompson [July 1957]

An Evaluation of the "Daily Worker,", by a Sub-committee of the National Committee, CPUSA, Political Affairs, September 1957

On the Party's Vanguard Role, by Jim West, Political Affairs, September 1957

"I Take A Fresh Look," by Alexander Bittelman [Daily Worker series] I. Life and Theory (10/1/57); II. The Party Crisis (10/2/57); III. Party Crisis – Subjective Factors (10/3/57); IV. Nature of the Party's Dogmatism (10/4/57); V. The Way Out of the Crisis (10/7/57); VI. America's Future (10/8/57); VII. The Problem of Markets (10/9/57); VIII. The Welfare State (10/10/57); IX. American Road to Socialism (10/11/57); X. The Future of the Party (10/14/57); XI. Communists and the Unions (10/15/57); XII. Towards a Leading Party of Socialism (10/16/57).

The Party Crisis and the Way Out, Part I, [reply to Bittelman] by William Z. Foster, Political Affairs, December 1957

U.S. Socialism Today and Tomorrow, by Joseph Clark [American Socialist, December 1957]

Statement on the Declaration of 12 Communist Parties, by the National Executive Committee, CPUSA, Political Affairs, January 1958

On the Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Campaign, by Evelyn Weiner, Political Affairs, January 1958

The Party Crisis and the Way Out, Part II, [reply to Bittelman] by William Z. Foster, Political Affairs, January 1958

On the 12 Party Declaration, by Robert Thompson, Political Affairs, February 1958

Key Problems of Party Program, by Alexander Bittelman, Political Affairs, February 1958

The Nakedness of Mr. Fast, by Philip Bonosky, Political Affairs, February 1958

Letters from Readers, [including Al Richmond and Lester Rodney] Political Affairs, February 1958

On Uniting and Strengthening the Party and Its Mass Base, by the National Committee, CPUSA, Political Affairs, March 1958

On the Resignation of John Gates, by the National Committee, CPUSA, Political Affairs, March 1958

On the Status of the Party, by Dorothy Healey, Political Affairs, March 1958

A Reply to Comrade Healey, by James E. Jackson, Political Affairs, April 1958

Gates Confesses He's No Marxist, by George Morris, The Worker, May 18, 1958.

History and Conscience. The Case of Howard Fast, by Hershel D. Meyer

In Defense of the Party, an old-timer speaks out

On the Work and Consolidation of the Party, by Bob Thompson, Political Affairs, August 1958

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The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in the Daily Worker, 1956-1957

The Initial Impact of the 20th Congress of the CPSU on the CPUSA

Soviet Leader Calls for New Study of Capitalist Trends [February 20, 1956]

DW Editorial: Collective Leadership [February 21, 1956]

The 20th Soviet C.P. Parley and Paths to Socialism, by Joseph Clark [February 22, 1956]

What's Really New in the News from Soviet CP Meet, by Joseph Clark [February 26, 1956]

The 20th Party Congress, by James S. Allen [March 4, 1956]

War Fatalism and the Peace Fight, by James S. Allen [March 8, 1956]

Joseph Stalin: Three Years Later, by Joseph Clark [March 12, 1956]

U.S. Marxists and Soviet Self-Criticism, by Alan Max [March 13, 1956]

The Revaluation of Stalin's Work, by William Z. Foster [March 16, 1956]

What Was New at the Soviet Party Congress, by Joseph Clark [March 18, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Reply to the Post and the N.Y. Times [March 19, 1956]

Letters from Our Readers [March 20, 1956]


Letters from Our Readers [March 21, 1956]

Letters from Our Readers [March 22, 1956]

The Unchanging Times, by Joseph Clark [March 22, 1956]

Letters from Our Readers [March 23, 1956]

Our Moscow Correspondent Reports on Stalin Discussion by Sam Russell [March 25, 1956]

What Will the Workers Say? Here's What [March 25, 1956]

Letters from Readers on Stalin Revaluation [March 25, 1956]

600 Hear Charney on CP Congress [March 26, 1956]

Soviet CP Congress and Labor: Marxist Leadership or 'Personality Cult', by George Morris [March 27, 1956]

Letters from Our Readers [March 27, 1956]

Lessons from the Stalin Question, by William Z. Foster [March 28, 1956]

Letters from Our Readers [March 28, 1956]

Soviet CP Congress and Labor: To Spur independence; Review of Questions, by George Morris [March 27, 1956]

More Letters about the Soviet Congress [March 29, 1956]

Hungary Says 5 CP Leaders Were Executed on False Accusations [March 30, 1956]

More Letters about the Soviet Congress [March 30, 1956]

What Is OUR Route to Socialism? by Milton Howard [April 1, 1956]

Letters from Readers on Stalin Revaluation [April 1, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Rajk Case [April 2, 1956]

What Was Done to Check Stalin? by William Z. Foster [April 2, 1956]

Pollitt Writes on Stalin [April 2, 1956]

Letters on the 20th Soviet Congress [April 2, 1956]

Letters on the 20th Congress [April 3, 1956]

Time for a New Look at the Negro Question Abner W. Berry [April 3, 1956]

How the Stalin Cult Developed by William Z. Foster [April 4, 1956]

Letters on the 20th Soviet Congress [April 4, 1956]

Communists and Civil Liberties by Max Weiss [April 5, 1956]

Letters on the 20th Soviet Congress [April 5, 1956]

Communists and Civil Liberties, 2 by Max Weiss [April 6, 1956]

Letters on the Rajk Case [April 6, 1956]

Dennis Answers Questions on Roads to Socialism [April 8, 1956]

Peaceful Competition in the Field of Self-Criticism, by Benjamin J. Davis [April 9, 1956]

Letters from Our Readers [April 9, 1956]

Why the Stalin Revaluation Takes Place at this Time by William Z. Foster [April 10, 1956]

Speak Your Piece: Letters from Our Readers [April 10, 1956]

Soviets Work to Repair Injustice to Jews [April 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece: Letters from Our Readers [April 11, 1956]

Freiheit Hits Tragic Ruin of Soviet Jewish Culture [April 12, 1956]

Opinions on Our 'Rajk Trial' Editorial. Letters from Steve Nelson and James Allen and a Reply by Editor John Gates [April 12, 1956]

DW Editorial: Grievous Deeds [On the Ruin of Soviet Jewish Culture] [April 13, 1956]

Max Analyzes 20th Congress [April 13, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 13, 1956]

Leaders, Cleared of 'Treason' Released from Hungary Jails [April 15, 1956]

Does Socialism Limit Freedom? [April 15, 1956]

Sorrow and Perspective - An Article by Eugene Dennis [April 16, 1956]

Kostov Cleared; See New Bulgaria Cabinet [April 16, 1956]

A Letter on Review of Murray Kempton Book [April 16, 1956]


Justice and Death, by Howard Fast [April 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 18, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Welcome Step [On the Dissolution of the Cominform] [April 19, 1956]

Stalin's Excesses and Distortions by William Z. Foster [April 19, 1956]

The Need for a Critical 'New Look', by James S. Allen [April 19, 1956]

Philadelphia Inquirer vs. Dallas News, by Alan Max [April 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 19, 1956]

The Need for a Critical 'New Look', Part 2, by James S. Allen [April 20, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 20, 1956]

'Socialism Requires Democracy' Gates Says, Ending Lecture Series [April 22, 1956]

A Look Backward at Some of Our Union Policy, by George Morris [April 22, 1956]

Letters from Readers [April 22, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 23, 1956]

DW Editorial: Trial by Confession [April 24, 1956]

Socialism and Elections (1), by Max Gordon [April 24, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 24, 1956]

The Theory of Sharpening Struggle Under Socialism, by A.B. Magil [April 25, 1956]

Socialism and Elections (2), by Max Gordon [April 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 25, 1956]

Cosmopolitanism, by Howard Fast [April 26, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 26, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 27, 1956]

Soviets Act to Correct Evils in their Legal System, by Joseph Clark [April 29, 1956]

Mandel Says One-Man Rule Hurt USSR in Every Field of Endeavor [April 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 29, 1956]

Dennis, Norman Thomas, Muste, DuBois Join in Forum [April 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [April 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 1, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 2, 1956]

Communist Leaders Meet, Call National Convention [May 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 4, 1956]

Letters from Readers [May 6, 1956]

What I Believe, by Howard Fast [May 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 8, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 9, 1956]

On Comparisons, by Howard Fast [May 10, 1956]

Anna Louise Strong Evaluates Stalin Era [May 10, 1956]

Corliss Lamont's 1952 Evaluation of Soviet Democracy, by Max Gordon [May 10, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 10, 1956]

Socialist Lands Revamp Legal, Legislative Methods, by Joseph Clark [May 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 11, 1956]

A Polish Editor Weighs the Truth About Stalin, by Roman Werfel [May 13, 1956]

Letters from Readers [May 13, 1956]

Soviet Article Outlines Proposeals for New History of the Party, by Ralph Parker [May 14, 1956]

A Reader Examines Role of the Left in Liberature and Art [May 14, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 14, 1956]

Pardon My Feelings!, by Alan Max [May 15, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 15, 1956]

Beaten in Prague Trial, Says Freed CP Leader [May 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 16, 1956]

The Soviet Union, by Howard Fast [May 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 18, 1956]

Letters from Readers [May 20, 1956]

Tito Answers Questions about New World Changes, by Joseph Clark [May 21, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 21, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 22, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 23, 1956]

Communist Party Invites Discussion on Program [May 24, 1956]

A Reply to Questions Concerning Communists and Civil Liberties, by Max Weiss [May 24, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 24, 1956]

A Reply to Questions Concerning Communists and Civil Liberties, 2 by Max Weiss [May 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 25, 1956]

Follow Our Exciting New Feature – A Weekly Forum on Paths to Socialism [May 27, 1956]

Dennis Discusses CP and the Labor Movement [May 27, 1956]

Letters from Readers [May 27, 1956]

The Expanding Struggle for Socialism, by Max Gordon [May 28, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 28, 1956]

4 Viewpoints Clash and Strike Sparks, by Alan Max [May 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [May 31, 1956]

Civil Liberties and Socialism, by James Allen [June 1, 1956]

I.F. Stone's Appraisal of Lenin, by Joseph Clark [June 1, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 1, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 3, 1956]

Belgrade and Moscow Answer the Skeptics, by Joseph Clark [June 4, 1956]

DW Editorial: Tito in Moscow [June 4, 1956]

Civil Liberties and Socialism (conclusion), by James Allen [June 4, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 4, 1956]

The Impact of Khrushchev's Secret Speech Concerning Stalin


Stalin's Repressions Spelled Out in Khrushchev Speech Made Public Here [June 5, 1956]

Legal Codes – Soviet and American, by Alan Max [June 5, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 5, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Khrushchev Speech [June 6, 1956]

Did Lenin Author Stalin's Repression, by Joseph Clark [June 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 6, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Daily Worker and the Khrushchev Speech [June 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 8, 1956]

Expect Vast Changes in Socialist World in Wake of Revelations on Stalin's Crimes, by Joseph Clark [June 10, 1956]

Sparks Fly at Old Fashioned Forum at Carnegie Hall [June 10, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 10, 1956]

The Upheaval in Poland, by Joseph Clark [June 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 11, 1956]

Man's Hope, by Howard Fast [June 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 12, 1956]

Stalin Wasn't God – and We Weren't Angels, by Abner W. Berry [June 14, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 14, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 15, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 17, 1956]

Miss Strong Talks on Khrushchev's Report, by Elizabeth Lawson [June 17, 1956]


Letters from Readers [June 17, 1956]

Togliatti Stresses Independent CPs [June 18, 1956]

The U.S.A. and Khrushchev's Special Report, by Eugene Dennis [June 18, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 18, 1956]

Togliatti Rejects Khrushchev Theory on Stalin Misrule [June 19, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 19, 1956]

More CPs Question Khrushchev [June 20, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Welcome Development [June 20, 1956]

In Czechoslovakia They Go Slow, by Joseph Clark [June 20, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 20, 1956]

Coast 'People's World' Answers Some Critics [June 20, 1956]

Chinese Communist Party Calls for Free Debate [June 21, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 21, 1956]

DW Editorial: Friends [on Soviet-Yugoslav reconciliation] [June 22, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 22, 1956]

Togliatti's Historic Interview [June 24, 1956]

French Party, London DW Want Reasons Why.. [June 24, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Fred Fine, Howard Johnson and Steve Nelson, et al] [June 24, 1956]

Letters from Readers [June 24, 1956]

CP Declares: Khrushchev Fails to Explain. Hits Silence on Jewish Issue; Cites DW Policy [June 25, 1956]

Nenni, British CP Find Soviet Report Inadequate [June 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 25, 1956]

DW Editorial: An Historic Statement [on CPUSA Statement on Khrushchev Report] [June 26, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 26, 1956]

Togliatti Sees Changes Needed in Marxist Theory on State [June 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 27, 1956]

Uneasy Rests the Headline, by Alan Max [June 28, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 28, 1956]

Dennis Reprint Stirs Washington, Press [June 29, 1956]

Togliatti Cites Yugoslavia's Way of Building Socialism [June 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [June 29, 1956]

This is Time When the Left Needs Its Press [July 1, 1956]

Richard Wright and the Marxist 'Left', by Abner W. Berry [July 1, 1956]

Gil Green's Testament on America, by Rob F. Hall [July 1, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Fred Fine, Simon W. Gerson and David Englestein] [July 1, 1956]

Letters from Readers [July 1, 1956]

Riots in the Polish City of Poznan

Polish City Quiet, Shops Reopen, Following Riot [July 2, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Poznan Tragedy [July 2, 1956]

The Stalin Cult of the Individual, by William Z. Foster [July 2, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 2, 1956]

Poznan Near Normal, Westerners Report [July 3, 1956]

The Statement of the Soviet Communist Party [on overcoming the 'Cult of the Personality'] [July 3, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Fraternal Discussion [July 3, 1956]

The Clause Which Pravda Deleted, by Joseph Clark [July 3, 1956]

Canada Party Calls Khrushchev Statement Inadequate [July 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 3, 1956]

Dennis Comments on Soviet CP Statement [July 4, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 4, 1956]

Questions Answered by Togliatti [July 5, 1956]

Achievements as Well as Mistakes, by William Z. Foster [July 5, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 5, 1956]

Questions Answered by Togliatti [continued] [July 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 6, 1956]

New Round in Debate on Communist Paths, by Joseph Clark [July 8, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Ben Dobbs et al] [July 8, 1956]

Housework Still the Woman's Load in Socialist Countries, by George Lohr [July 8, 1956]

Letters from Readers [July 8, 1956]

Difficulties of Fraternal Discussion, by Alan Max [July 9, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 9, 1956]

2 Polish Officials Ousted for Mishandling Poznan Crisis [July 10, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 10, 1956]

Polish Government Informs UN Chief on Poznan Riots [July 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 11, 1956]

Patterson Sees Need for Soviet Action on Jewish Question, by Wm. L. Patterson [July 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 12, 1956]

French Communists Hail Soviet CP Stand [July 13, 1956]

Canada LPP Paper Comments on Soviet CP Statement [July 13, 1956]

Decline and Rise of Japan's Communists, by Joseph Clark [July 13, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 13, 1956]

Polish Gov't to Hold Open Inquiry Into Poznan Riot, by Joseph Clark [July 15, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Albert E. Blumberg, George Samson et al] [July 15, 1956]

Letters from Readers [July 15, 1956]

Palmiro Togliatti and Socialist-Communist Unity, by Joseph Clark [July 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 16, 1956]

British Communists Greet Soviet Statement [July 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 17, 1956]

Canada LPP Restores Salsberg to Top Body [July 18, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 18, 1956]

Rakosi Resigns as Hungary CP Leader [July 19, 1956]

The 'Commonweal' and the Popular Front, by Alan Max [July 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 20, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Albert E. Blumberg, A.B. Magil et al] [July 22, 1956]

Letters from Readers [July 22, 1956]

Hungary CP Ousts Ex-Defense Chief [July 23, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 23, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 24, 1956]

A Reply to the New York Post..., by William Z. Foster [July 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 25, 1956]

U.S. Communist View on Soviet Statement [July 26, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 26, 1956]

Democracy Is on the Move in Hungary [July 27, 1956]

DW Editorial: The CP Statement [July 27, 1956]

Howard Fast Replies to Eugene Lyons [July 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 27, 1956]

Freiheit's Chaim Suller Returns from Moscow. Told of Steps to Revive Yiddish Culture in S.U. [July 29, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Herbert Aptheker, Fred Blair, Jim West et al] [July 29, 1956]

Conversation about Communism, by Abner W. Berry [July 29, 1956]

Letters from Readers [July 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [July 31, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 1, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 2, 1956]

CP September Parley to Launch Resolution [August 3, 1956]

Polish Premier Says Riot Won't Balk More Liberty [August 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 3, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Lillian Gates, Carl Hirsch, John Jersey et al] [August 5, 1956]

Letters from Readers [August 5, 1956]

Gomulka Rejoins Polish Communist Party [August 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 7, 1956]

Once More About the Slansky Trial, by Joseph Clark [August 8, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 8, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 9, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 10, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by William Albertson, Homer Chase, Hy Mandell et al] [August 12, 1956]

Letters from Readers [August 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 13, 1956]

G.D.H. Cole Analyzes Effect of Stalin Reevaluation, by Max Gordon [August 14, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 14, 1956]

Once More About Peaceful Revolution, by Joseph Clark [August 15, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 15, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 17, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by William Norman, Frank Carlson et al] [August 19, 1956]

Letters from Readers [August 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 20, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 21, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 22, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 23, 1956]

CP Leader Wires N.Y. Post [August 24, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 24, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by William Z. Foster, Carl Ross et al] [August 26, 1956]

Letters from Readers [August 26, 1956]

A London Newsman Revisits People's Hungary, by Peter Fryer [August 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 28, 1956]

DW Editorial: Communists' Convention [August 29, 1956]

Problems of Unity in Italian Socialism, by Joseph Clark [August 29, 1956]

Key to Whole Question is Fact You Should Have One Precisely Because, by Al Richmond [August 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 29, 1956]

Will You Try Again, Mr. Howard?, by Alan Max [August 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 30, 1956]

Eyewitness Report on Jewish Culture in the Soviet Union, Part I, by Chaim Suller [August 31, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [August 31, 1956]

Communists Call National Convention Feb. 1957 [September 2, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Benjamin J. Davis et al] [September 2, 1956]

Letters from Readers [September 2, 1956]

What a Leading Soviet Writer Told Suller About Jewish Culture, Part II by Chaim Suller [September 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 3, 1956]

When Jan Peerce Sang Yiddish Songs, Moscow Audience Cheered, Part III by Chaim Suller [September 4, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 4, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 5, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 7, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by Mike Russo, J. Johnson et al] [September 9, 1956]

Letters from Readers [September 9, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 10, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 11, 1956]

Democracy Advances in Poland, by Joseph Clark [September 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 13, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 14, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [with articles by William Z. Foster. Jim Keller et al] [September 16, 1956]

Letters from Readers [September 16, 1956]

A Reply to a Critic about 'Western' Socialism, by Joseph Clark [September 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 17, 1956]

Freiheit Raps Ilyichev's Attack on Polish Article [September 18, 1956]

'Marxism vs. Marxism', by Alan Max [September 18, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 18, 1956]

About French and Italian Communists, by Joseph Clark [September 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 20, 1956]

The Release of the Draft Resolution for the 16th Convention

CP Presents Draft Resolution for 16th National Convention [September 23, 1956]

The Draft Resolution for the 16th National Convention [with a cover letter from the National Committee] [September 23, 1956]

Supplement: The American Road to Socialism. A Special Section Devoted to Discussion of the Past and Perspectives of the Communist Party, USA and the American Left, Edited by Discussion Committee, CPUSA [September 23, 1956]


Letters from Readers [September 23, 1956]

Press Gives Prominence to CP Resolution [September 24, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 24, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Forward Step [on the Draft Resolution] [September 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 26, 1956]

Foster Changes Vote to 'No' on Party's Draft Resolution [September 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [September 28, 1956]

New Discussion on 'American Road to Socialism' [September 30, 1956]

Letters from Readers [September 30, 1956]

Ask Poznan Trials to Put Police in Dock [October 1, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 1, 1956]

DW Editorial: Our Existence and Future – We Put Both Up to You [October 2, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 2, 1956]

Foster Explains His Vote on Draft Resolution [October 3, 1956]

CP Leaders Vote to Support Fight for Daily Worker [October 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 3, 1956]

A Strange Kind of 'Brankruptcy', by Alan Max [October 4, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 4, 1956]

'Back to Browder'?, by Alan Max [October 5, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 5, 1956]

Foster and Dennis Discuss Resolution [October 7, 1956]

Letters from Readers [October 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 8, 1956]

600 at Chicago Symposium on Future of American Left [October 9, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 9, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 10, 1956]

Communists, Liberals and the Detroit News, by Alan Max [October 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 12, 1956]

What's Behind the Tito Discussions?, by J.C. [Joseph Clark?] [October 14, 1956]

Letters from Readers [October 14, 1956]

Hungary CP Re-Admits Irme Nagy [October 15, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 15, 1956]

Hallinan Calls Alan Max Criticism 'Reasonable' [October 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 18, 1956]

Golmulka to Get Leading Position Today in Poland [October 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 19, 1956]

Hungarian Officer Tells Why He Confessed Falsely, by Joseph Clark [October 21, 1956]

PROS and CONS on the CP Draft Resolution: Three Views, by John McManus, Joseph Starobin and Sid Stein [October 21, 1956]

Letters from Readers [October 21, 1956]

Poles Cheer Moves Toward Democracy, by Gordon Cruickshank [October 22, 1956]

Gomulka Charts Polish Course to Socialism [October 22, 1956]

DW Editorial: Historic Days [on events in Poland] [October 22, 1956]

Soviet Paper is Critical of Polish Press [October 22, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 22, 1956]

Crisis in Hungary and Soviet Military Intervention

Boom Nagy for Hungary Premier [October 23, 1956]

Warsaw Workers Hail New Era, by Gordon Cruikshank [October 23, 1956]

Declare Poznan Mistrial in Case of 8 [October 23, 1956]


Speak Your Piece [October 23, 1956]

The Factors Behind the Upheaval in Poland, by Joseph Clark [October 24, 1956]

Pravada and Freedom of the Press, by Alan Max [October 24, 1956]

Seeing Polish Events in Their True Context, by George Morris [October 24, 1956]

DW Editorial: Big Splash in the Tribune [October 24, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 24, 1956]

Nagy Appeals for Halt to Fighting [October 25, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Events in Hungary [October 25, 1956]

Statement of New York State Board of Communist Party [October 25, 1956]

Socialism and Elections: A Third Party Leaves the Scene, by Max Gordon [October 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 25, 1956]

Hungary Head Maps Reform [October 26, 1956]

Polish Workers Party Condemns Anti-Semitism [October 26, 1956]

Socialism and Elections: Part II, by Max Gordon [October 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 26, 1956]

Momentous Change in Eastern Europe [October 28, 1956]

Letters from Readers [October 28, 1956]

Nagy Announces Soviet Troops Are Leaving Budapest [October 29, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Fighting in Hungary [October 29, 1956]

Urge Official Soviet Report on Status of Jews [October 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 29, 1956]

Report Unclear on Fighting end in Hungary [October 30, 1956]

DW Editorial: Popular Upheaval in Hungary [October 30, 1956]

Canadian Reaction to the Events in Poland [October 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 30, 1956]

Soviet Troops Set to Quit East Europe [October 31, 1956]

Nagy Forms Interim Cabinet Representing Five Parties [October 31, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Times and Hungary [October 30, 1956]

How People's Democracy Was Viewed in 1947, by Joseph Clark [October 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [October 31, 1956]

All Soviet Troops Leave Budapest; Cardinal Freed [November 1, 1956]

Soviet Statement on Troop Withdrawl [November 1, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Welcome Move [on Soviet troops withdrawls in Eastern Europe] [October 30, 1956]

Second Look at a DW Editorial, by Alan Max [November 1, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 1, 1956]

Hungary Withdraws from Warsaw Pact [November 2, 1956]

John Gates Urges New Kind of Party [November 2, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 2, 1956]

Poland, Hungary After 11 Years, by Joseph Clark [November 4, 1956]

Two Views of the Crisis in Eastern Europe: Steve Nelson, by Alan Max [November 4, 1956]

Two Views of the Crisis in Eastern Europe: Some of Our Readers [November 4, 1956]

Letters from Readers [November 4, 1956]

DW Editorial: A Summit Meeting Now! [November 5, 1956]

CP Issues Statement on Poland and Hungary [November 5, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 5, 1956]

New Hungarian Government Outlines 15-Point Program [November 6, 1956]

Foster Clarifies Vote on Statement [November 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 6, 1956]

Hungarian Government's Radio Appeal for Order [November 7, 1956]

Vienna Reports Some Fighting Still in Hungary [November 7, 1956]

Hungary – Past and Future, by Alan Max [November 7, 1956]

The Latest Events in Hungary, by Joseph Clark [November 7, 1956]

DW Editorial: Soviet Anniversary [November 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 7, 1956]

A View from West Coast on Hungary, by Al Richmond [November 8, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 8, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 9, 1956]

What Happened in Hungary, by J.C. [Joseph Clark?] [November 11, 1956]

Awakening USSR Unions, by George Morris [November 11, 1956]

Can Socialists and Communists Find Common Way? A Communist says... by Dorothy Ray Healey [November 11, 1956]

Can Socialists and Communists Find Common Way? A Socialist says... by Charles Curtis [November 11, 1956]

Letters from Readers [November 11, 1956]

Announce Kadar Meets with Nagy [November 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 12, 1956]


Leaders of Communist Party Urge United Support to DW Fund Drive [November 13, 1956]

Poland's New Path of Democratization, by Gordon Cruickshank [November 13, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 13, 1956]

Norway CP Disagrees With Soviet Action [November 14, 1956]

Responsible Action About Hungary, by Joseph Clark [November 14, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 14, 1956]

The Hungarian Events, by James S. Allen [November 15, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 15, 1956]

Tito Blames Stalinist Methods for Hungary Crisis [November 16, 1956]

Kadar Pledges Free and Secret Elections [November 16, 1956]

The Debate of French and Polish Communists, by Joseph Clark [November 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 16, 1956]

DW Editorial: Despite Differences... [November 18, 1956]

Tito's Speech on Events in Hungary [November 19, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 19, 1956]

CP Nat'l Committee Issues Open Letter to Membership [November 20, 1956]

Pravada Says Tito Limits Roads to Socialism [November 20, 1956]

Togliatti Defends Kadar Government [November 20, 1956]

DW Editorial: The Soviet-Polish Pact [November 20, 1956]

A View on Hungary, by Lester Rodney [November 20, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 20, 1956]

Kadar Newspaper Criticizes Polish Pact on Troops [November 21, 1956]

Foster Writes on the Hungarian Question, by William Z. Foster [November 21, 1956]

The N.Y. Post and the Dogma, by Alan Max [November 21, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 21, 1956]

Shepilov's Speech at UN on Hungary [November 22, 1956]

Yugoslav CP Paper Replies to Critics of Tito's Speech [November 22, 1956]

The Daily Worker and the Middle East Crisis, by Edward E. Strong [November 22, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 22, 1956]

The Case of the Missing Speech [November 23, 1956]

Polish Trade Unions Swept by Democratization Drive, by Gordon Cruickshank [November 23, 1956]

British Miners' Leader States Views on Hungary [November 23, 1956]

5-Day Meeting Held by CP Nat'l Committee [November 23, 1956]

Platform for Blind Apologetics, by Max Gordon [November 23, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 23, 1956]

Progress, Strains Mark Socialist Nations' Ties [November 25, 1956]

CP Leaders Issue Letter on Hungary [November 25, 1956]

Was Soviet Intervention in Hungary Justified? Two Opposing Views, by Sidney Roger and John Pittman [November 25, 1956]

Letters from Readers [November 25, 1956]

Yugoslavs Give 'No Credence' to Soviets' Nagy Explanation [November 26, 1956]

Pravda's Editorial on Hungary [November 26, 1956]

Polish Party Backs Tito on Hungary [November 26, 1956]

DW Editorial: 'Kommunist' and the Daily Worker [November 26, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 26, 1956]

Pravda's Editorial on Hungary (continued) [November 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 27, 1956]

Jefferson School Will Close at End of Term [November 28, 1956]

Davis Writes on Hungary, by Benjamin J. Davis [November 28, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 28, 1956]

The Daily Worker and Hungary, by Eugene Dennis [November 29, 1956]

Hungary, October 24th, by Alan Max [November 29, 1956]

DW Editorial: Jeff School Closes [November 29, 1956]

Hungary, October 24th, by Joseph Clark [November 29, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 29, 1956]

Correction to the article: "The Daily Worker and Hungary", by Eugene Dennis [November 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [November 30, 1956]

People's Democracies Seek Greater Independence, by Joseph Clark [December 2, 1956]

DW Editorial: America and Hungary [December 2, 1956]

Letters from Readers [December 2, 1956]

Some Aspects of the Hungarian Situation, by George Blake Charney [December 3, 1956]

Foster Discusses 'Stalin Era' by Anna Louise Strong, by William Z. Foster [December 3, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 3, 1956]

Polish Gov't Pledges Ban on Secret Police in Politics [December 4, 1956]

About a Recent Letter and Article, by Joseph Clark [December 4, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 4, 1956]

Gates at Five-Speaker Forum Exchanges Views on World Peace, by Roosevelt Ward, Jr. [December 5, 1956]

On Fraternal Discussion, by Alan Max [December 5, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 5, 1956]

Speech by John Gates at Community Church Forum [December 6, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 6, 1956]

Dozens Reported Wounded in New Budapest Clashes [December 7, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 7, 1956]

Towards the CPUSA 16th National Convention

Communist Party Issues National Convention Call [December 9, 1956]

NC 'Open Letter' on Hungary CP State Committee Endorses [December 9, 1956][from the DW New Jersey edition]

Tito, USSR Differences Aired in Newspaper Debate, by J.C. [Joseph Clark?] [December 9, 1956]

Letters from Readers [December 9, 1956]

Issue Proposed Draft of CP Constitution [December 10, 1956]

Preamble to Draft of CP Constitution [December 10, 1956]

Martial Law Declared by Hungarian Govt. [December 10, 1956]

Hungarian Unions Return to Pre-1948 Form of Organization, by Sam Russell [December 10, 1956]

Aragon, Sartre Appeal to Premier Kadar [December 10, 1956]

Czech CP Leader Assails Tito [December 10, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 10, 1956]

DW Editorial: Road to Socialism [on the CP Draft Constitution] [December 11, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 11, 1956]

General Strike Bigger Than Ever in Hungary [December 12, 1956]

Soviets, Yugoslavs Differ on Councils in Hungary [December 12, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 12, 1956]

'No Guide State or Guide Party' – Togliatti [December 13, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 13, 1956]

Report New Fighting in Hungary Provinces [December 14, 1956]

Lively Debate Marks Congress of Italian CP [December 14, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 14, 1956]

Two Conferences Discuss Our Contents and Future, by Max Gordon [December 16, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 16, 1956]

Foster and Gates to Address Meeting on DW Circulation [December 17, 1956]

About the Workers Councils in Hungary, by Joseph Clark [December 17, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 17, 1956]

DW Editorial: Hungary's Welfare [December 18, 1956]

The Youth Question [December 18, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 18, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 19, 1956]

New Hungarian Party Calls Riots Counter-Revolutions [December 20, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 20, 1956]

CP Leaders Join at Meeting in Plea to Save Daily Worker [December 21, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 21, 1956]

Amendments Offered to CP Draft Resolution [December 24, 1956]

Freiheit Criticizes USSR on Jewish Culture [December 24, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 24, 1956]

Pravda Criticizes Call for Fight on 'Stalinism' [December 25, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 26, 1956]

DW Editorial: The C.P. Convention [December 27, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 27, 1956]

Communist Party Urges Unity for 'New Course' [December 30, 1956]

These Were the High Spots of 1956.... Socialism [December 30, 1956]

Letters from Readers [December 30, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [December 31, 1956]

Speak Your Piece [January 1, 1957]

Say Khrushchev Toasts Stalin's Achievements [January 2, 1957]

N.Y. State CP Majority, Minority, Statements [January 2, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 2, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 3, 1957]

More Excerpts from Minority Statement of State CP [January 4, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 4, 1957]

CP Heads Urge Full, Frank Debate in Spirit of Unity [January 6, 1957]

French, Russian Authors Exchange Opposing Views on Hungary Events [January 6, 1957]

A Noted Author Discusses: Are Workers' Councils Needed?, by Stefan Heym [January 6, 1957]

Letters from Readers [January 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 7, 1957]

Issue of Socialist Morals Raised by Czech Writer [January 8, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 8, 1957]

The Question of CP 'Name and Form': Two Statements, by William Z. Foster and Sid Stein [January 9, 1957]

A New Year Toast and De-Stalinization, by Joseph Clark [January 9, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 9, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 10, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 11, 1957]

Letters from Readers [January 13, 1957]

Martial Law Courts Set Up in Hungary [January 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 15, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 16, 1957]

Italian Communists' Congress Appraised, by Girolamo Brunetti [January 17, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 17, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 18, 1957]

The Left and the Unions: Discussion with a Reader, by George Morris [January 20, 1957]

Letter from the Editor..., by A.B. Magil [January 20, 1957]

Letters from Readers [January 20, 1957]

W. Side CP Divisions Hold Merger Confab [January 20, 1957] [from the Illinois edition of the DW]

Party Theory Discussed by CP Professionals [January 20, 1957] [from the Illinois edition of the DW]

Steuben Condemns USSR in NY Times Interview [January 21, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 21, 1957]

British Report Tells State of Soviet Jews [January 22, 1957]

DW Editorial: The Polish Elections [January 22, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 22, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 23, 1957]

A Group of American Communists Take a New Look at the Arts, by David Platt [January 24, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 24, 1957]

California Communists Act on Draft Resolution [January 25, 1957]

On Freedom of Artists to Explore, Practice, Investigate, Experiment [January 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 25, 1957]

Neighborhood CP Urges More Community Work [January 27, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 28, 1957]

People's World Becomes a Weekly [January 30, 1957]

Jewish Culture in the USSR Today [January 30, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 30, 1957]

N.Y. State Communists Say Parley Moved Toward Unified Position on Key Questions [January 31, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 31, 1957]

DW Editorial: Don't Let It Happen Here [February 1, 1957]

The Communist Convention is News, by Alan Max [February 1, 1957]

Communist Convention: Everybody Interested, by George Morris [February 1, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 1, 1957]

Illinois Communists Adopt Policies in Convention Here [from the Illinois edition of the DW] [February 3, 1957]

Letters from Readers [February 3, 1957]

Soviet Paper Hits Views in U.S., Pole, Yugoslav Parties [February 4, 1957]

Howard Fast Disassociates Self from CP [February 4, 1957]

Illinois Communists Adopt Policies in Chi. Convention [February 4, 1957]

Two Viewpoints on Herschel Meyer Book, by William L. Patterson and Robert Friedman [February 4, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 4, 1957]

DW Editorial: "Soviet Russia's" Opinions [February 5, 1957]

DW Editorial: Howard Fast [February 5, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 5, 1957]

British Communists Cite Soviet Explanations of Stalin Cult [February 6, 1957]

A Soviet Article on 'National Communism', by Joseph Clark [February 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 6, 1957]

French, Polish, Italian CP's Exchange Viewpoints [February 7, 1957]

More Highlights of a Quarter of a Century of Writing and Reviewing, [including "a short statement on what I believe"] by David Platt [February 7, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 7, 1957]

Coverage of the CPUSA's 16th National Convention


Communists Open Convention Tomorrow. Leaders Move to Invite Non-Party Observers [February 8, 1957]

CP Leaders Hit Press Rumors [February 8, 1957]

DW Editorial: The CP Convention [February 8, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 8, 1957]

350 Delegates Due to Attend 16th National CP Convention [February 10, 1957]

DW Editorial: Welcome Delegates [February 10, 1957]

Howard Fast Says He's No Longer a Communist [February 10, 1957]

Two Points of View on Finding the American Road to Socialism. John Gates: 'We Must Build a Popular, Anti-Monopoly Alliance' [February 10, 1957]

Two Points of View on Finding the American Road to Socialism. Joseph Starobin: 'We Are Living in Pre-History of Socialism' [February 10, 1957]

Independence, Unity CP Party Keynote, by Herbert Signer [February 11, 1957]

Foster, Dennis Address Communists' Convention [February 11, 1957]

Continuation of CP Voted by Convention [February 11, 1957]

Poles, Bulgarians Debate Democracy [February 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 11, 1957]

CP Calls for Break with Sectarianism, by Herbert Signer [February 12, 1957]

Excerpts from Resolution Adopted by CP on Negro Rights [February 12, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 12, 1957]

Communists Vote Independent Stand; 20 Elected to National Committee, by Herbert Signer [February 13, 1957]

Social Democracy and the Communists [Convention Resolution] [February 13, 1957]

Resolution Adopted on Road to Socialism [February 13, 1957]

Smith Act Victims Among CP Delegates Number 50 [February 13, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 13, 1957]

CP Convention Ends on Note of Unity, by Herbert Signer [February 14, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Crucial Convention [February 14, 1957]

Adopt Stand on Relations Between Marxist Parties [Convention Resolution] [February 14, 1957]

Resolution of CP on Economic Situation in U.S. [February 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 14, 1957]

Independence, Unity Feature CP Parley, by Lester Rodney [February 15, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Major Step [on the CP Convention] [February 17, 1957]

Letters from Readers [February 17, 1957]

Report on Theory to Communist Party Parley [February 18, 1957]

Busiest Man at the Convention, by Alan Max [February 18, 1957]

'Pravda' Editors Discuss Jewish Culture in the USSR [February 18, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 18, 1957]

Convention Adopts Plan for Aid to Marxist Press, by Max Gordon [February 19, 1957]

A Premature "We Reject", by Abner W. Berry [February 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 19, 1957]

Post-Convention Debates and Struggles

Speak Your Piece [February 20, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 21, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 22, 1957]


CP Convention Notes; Delegates and Issues, by L.R. [Lester Rodney?] [February 24, 1957]

Packed University Hall Hears Gates, Prof. Debate, by James Dolson [February 24, 1957]

The Press and the Convention, by Alan Max [February 25, 1957]

The Tito-Khrushchev Discussion Continues, by Joseph Clark [February 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 26, 1957]

The Right of Assent, by Alan Max [February 27, 1957]

An Amazing Demand from East Germany, by Joseph Clark [February 27, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 27, 1957]

Browder on TV Cites CP Contributions of His Day, by David Platt [February 28, 1957]

Hostile Observer Raps Communist Convention [February 28, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [February 28, 1957]

Labor Youth League's Parley Votes Dissolution [March 1, 1957]

The Outlook for Jewish Culture in the USSR, by J. Gershman [March 1, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 1, 1957]

CP Planned Return to Chicago Draws Flurry of Comment Here [from an Illinois edition of the Worker] [March 3, 1957]

Non-Communist Observers Give Reactions to CP Convention [March 3, 1957]

Change the World Column, by Mike Gold [March 3, 1957]

Minnesota CP Leader Talks to University YWCA Group [March 4, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 4, 1957]

Drop in British CP Members Cited [March 5, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 5, 1957]

Communist Party Makes Public Its Reply to Jacques Duclos [March 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 7, 1957]

CP Writes Members on Post-Convention Work [March 8, 1957]

Howard Fast, Mainstream Editors Exchange Views [March 8, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 8, 1957]

Observer Sees Democratic Beginnings in CP Parley [March 10, 1957]

Editorials in Nation's Press Show Lively Interest in CP Convention, by L.R. [Lester Rodney?] [March 10, 1957]

He Affirms Socialist Beliefs, But Severs Communist Ties, [on Howard Fast] by A.B. Magil [March 10, 1957]

Communist Party Issues Text of its Constitution [March 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 12, 1957]

Theodore Draper Writes about 'Roots of American Communism', by Robert Friedman [March 13, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 13, 1957]

DW Names Gerson Executive Editor [March 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 15, 1957]

What Kind of Independence Did CP Convention Achieve?, by A. B. Magil [March 17, 1957]

Thomas Tells Students Why CP Convention Worried Hoover, by Lester Rodney [March 18, 1957]

Call on N.Y. Communists to Spur Legislative Activities [March 18, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 18, 1957]

800 Hear Gates at Columbia Forum, by Harry Raymond [March 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 19, 1957]

Gates to Students: McC Still Virulent [March 20, 1957]

CP Body Reports Meeting Decisions [March 22, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 22, 1957]

What's New in Communist Ideas on Move to Socialism [March 24, 1957]

Letters from Readers [March 24, 1957]

Coast CP Meet Calls for Unity To Back Convention Decisions [March 25, 1957]

Five-Way Forum in Phila. Debates Socialist Paths [March 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 27, 1957]

4 State Conventions to Hear DW Drive Report [March 28, 1957]

British, Polish Communists Issue Joint Declaration [March 28, 1957]

CP Attacks Statement by Harry Schwartz [March 28, 1957]

Gus Hall Being Released Tomorrow [March 29, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [March 29, 1957]

What Has the CP Done, the Students Asked Gates... [March 31, 1957]

C.P. Resolutions Sought Way to Restore Unity and Influence, by A.B. Magil [March 31, 1957]

Readers Comment on Fast Interview [March 31, 1957]

A Reply to "C.B." On Negroes and Israel, by Abner W. Berry [April 2, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 2, 1957]

State CP Reports on its Convention [April 3, 1957]

Yugoslav Communists and Internationalism, by Joseph Clark [April 3, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 3, 1957]

Facts and Fictions on C.P. Convention, by Alan Max [April 4, 1957]

Resolution of N.Y. State CP Convention on Jewish Question in USSR [April 4, 1957]

CP Conference Called to Spur 'Worker' Drive [April 5, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 5, 1957]

CP Convention Makes Monopoly Main Target [from the Michigan edition of the Worker] [April 5, 1957]

Long Years of Prison Ended – Cleveland Welcomes Gus Hall [April 7, 1957]

Letters from Readers [April 7, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Forthright Resolution [April 8, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 8, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 9, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 10, 1957]

Self-Criticism – Communist and 'Commonweal'. by Alan Max [April 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 11, 1957]

DW Editorial: Time to Come Out Punching [April 12, 1957]

New York C.P. Counties Postpone Conventions [April 12, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 12, 1957]

Illinois Communists Work Out New Program of Activities [from the Illinois edition of the Worker] [April 14, 1957]

Lightfoot Urges Worker Support at CP Convention [from the Illinois edition of the Worker] [April 14, 1957]

Press Drive Hits 36%, Four Communities in Lead [from the Illinois edition of the Worker] [April 14, 1957]

The Freiheit's 35 Years, by Michael Gold [April 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 16, 1957]

A Perilous Lag [April 19, 1957]

Howard Fast and Socialism, Part I, by A.B. Magil [April 21, 1957]

British CP Holds Special Convention [April 23, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 23, 1957]

Anti-Communists Differ on Differences in CP, by Alan Max [April 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [April 26, 1957]

Howard Fast and Socialism, Part II: What Howard Fast Fails to See, by A.B. Magil [April 28, 1957]

New Perspectives Cited by Communists for this May Day [April 29, 1957]


Overflow May Day Rally Here Backs Civil Rights, H-Test Ban, by Alan Max [May 3, 1957]

Lively, Festive May Day Rally in Bronx [May 3, 1957]

DW Editorial: The May Day Tradition [May 3, 1957]

State CP Urges Members End Factional Situation [May 3, 1957]

Selsam's new Book on Marxist Philosophy by Ben Levine [May 3, 1957]

Reader This Letter is for You. Can You Help?, by Max Gordon [from the Michigan edition of the Worker] [May 5, 1957]

New CP National Committee Reports on First Meeting [May 6, 1957]

The Israeli-Egyptian Conflict, by Benjamin J. Davis [May 7, 1957]

Canadian Communists Issue Declaration of Policy [May 7, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [May 8, 1957]

CP Leaders Vow Boost to Worker Campaign [May 12, 1957]

CP Meeting Backs Worker Drive [May 12, 1957]

What the Press Omitted About Britain's CP Parley, by John Williamson [May 12, 1957]

Announce Formation of United Socialist Forum [May 13, 1957]

DW Editorial: Socialist Forum [May 14, 1957]

Mao's Speech on Democratic Discussion Stirs Poland, by Gordon Cruikshank [May 14, 1957]

Poland Has Own Road, Gomulka Emphasizes [May 16, 1957]

4 Resign from Canadian Labor-Progessive Party [May 17, 1957]

Gomulka Says Majority Must Be Followed in CP [May 17, 1957]

It Happened in Poland: Catholics and Socialists Unite for Heaven on Earth by Gordon Cruikshank [May 19, 1957]

Letters from Readers [May 19, 1957]

Chinese CP Calls on Leaders to Participate in Manual Work [May 20, 1957]

China CP Issues Rules on Free Debate [May 21, 1957]

Polish Communists Outline New Policies, by Joseph Clark [May 22, 1957]

Some Aspects of the Fight for Negro Rights, by William Patterson [May 27, 1957]

Statement of Canadian LPP on Resignation of 4 [May 28, 1957]

Sympathy for Miss Trilling, by Alan Max [May 28, 1957]

Reissue of 'Bell Tolls' Sparks Another Look at Spanish War, by Alvah Bessie [May 28, 1957]

Gale of Debate Blowing Through China, by Hal Winnington [May 29, 1957]

Right to Strike Emphasized by Mao, by Hal Winnington [May 30, 1957]

Other Aspects of the Khrushchev Interview, by Joseph Clark [May 31, 1957]

Funds and Subs [from the Illinois edition of the Worker][June 2, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [June 3, 1957]

Seven CP National Secretaries Named [June 4, 1957]

Another Overseas Reaction to the U.S. Communist Party Convention, by Alan Max [June 4, 1957]

Electric Half Hour on TV with Dubois, by David Platt [June 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [June 6, 1957]

[NY] State CP Officers Elected [June 7, 1957]

Letters from Readers [June 9, 1957]

Interview Two Communist Members of Socialist Forum, by A.B. Magil [June 10, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [June 10, 1957]

Differing Estimates of the U.S. Communists' Convention, by William Z. Foster [June 12, 1957]

2 Asian Countries Seek Paths to Freedom, by Joseph Clark [June 12, 1957]

Howard Fast and the N.Y. Times, by Alan Max [June 13, 1957]

Mao's Reported Speech on New Policy of Chinese Communists [June 14, 1957]

Untrammeled Discussion Marks Opening of Socialist Forum, by Lester Rodney [June 14, 1957]

Hungary Revisited: Scientist Finds Soberness, Order and Cautious Optimism, by J.D. Bernal [June 16, 1957]

Letters from Readers [June 16, 1957]

Soviet Paper Features China's Fight on Bureaucracy, by Sam Russell [June 17, 1957]

Howard Fast's Call to Surrender, by William Z. Foster [June 17, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [June 18, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Milestone for Democracy [June 19, 1957]

Communist Party Comments on Differing Convention Estimates [June 19, 1957]

Aptheker's "Truth About Hungary," by Robert Friedman [June 19, 1957]

Grandfathers and Grandchildren," by Joseph Clark [June 20, 1957]

Misquoted by Hearst Says L.A. Communist, by Lester Rodney [June 21, 1957]

'Political Affairs' Editorial Reviews C.P. National Convention [June 21, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [June 21, 1957]

'Political Affairs' Editorial Reviews C.P. National Convention (concluded) [June 24, 1957]

Lessons of the Supreme Court Rulings, by William Z. Foster [June 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [June 26, 1957]

All Party Debate Sounds Off as Chinese Criticize Regime, by Sidney Shapiro [June 30, 1957]

Four Leaders Ousted from Soviet Communist Party Central Committee [July 4, 1957]

Molotov, Two Others, Lose State Posts [July 5, 1957]

We Remember Him for His Character, [on James W. Ford] by W.E.B. DuBois [July 7, 1957]

How to Grow Greener Grass, by Walter Lowenfels [July 7, 1957]

Letters from Readers [July 7, 1957]

Charge Molotov Group Aided Purges in 1930's [July 8, 1957]

Togliatti Says Soviet Ousters Spur Initiatives of Other CP's [July 8, 1957]

"Inside Story" of Soviet Ousters Told by L'Unita [July 9, 1957]

DW Editorial: Soviet Events and Coexistence [July 9, 1957]

Foster Lauds Aptheker's 'Truth About Hungary', by William Z. Foster [July 9, 1957]

The Latest Shakeup in the Soviet Union, by Joseph Clark [July 10, 1957]

How the Central Committee of the Soviet CP Blocked Molotov Move, by Sam Russell [July 12, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 12, 1957]

Spotlight on Moscow: Facts and Outlook, by A.B. Magil [July 14, 1957]

CBS interviews Dennis on Court Rulings [July 14, 1957]

Letters from Readers [July 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 15, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 17, 1957]

Koestler's Appeal to End Capital Punishment, by Robert Friedman [July 18, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 18, 1957]

Communist Party Presents Views on Some Key Issues [July 21, 1957]

Behind Soviet Ouster of 4 is People's Striving for Change, by A.B. Magil [July 21, 1957]

'Russia Since 1917,' by Prof. Schuman, by Robert Friedman [July 22, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 23, 1957]

In Praise of Aptheker's 'The Truth About Hungary,' by Rose and Louis Weinstock [July 23, 1957]

The DW's Attitude on the Recent Soviet Changes, by John Gates [July 24, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 25, 1957]

1,600 Honor Freed Communist Leaders, by Virginia Gardner [July 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 30, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [July 31, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 1, 1957]

CP Backs Campaign to Ban A-Bomb Tests [August 2, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 2, 1957]

Turning Point in Fight to Enforce Bill of Rights, by Eugene Dennis [August 5, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 7, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 8, 1957]

'Greater Sensitivity' by USSR on Jewish Question Urged [August 15, 1957]

DW Editorial: The Strike in Lodz [August 16, 1957]

Illinois CP Urges 'Worker' Support [from an Illinois edition of the Worker] [August 18, 1957]

About Howard Fast, by Michael Gold [August 18, 1957]

Two Views on the Road to Peace and Socialism, by Anna Louise Strong and William Z. Foster [August 18, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 22, 1957]

Gurley Flynn Will Run for City Council [August 23, 1957]

Happy Birthday Morning Freiheit, by Michael Gold [August 25, 1957]

Gerson on Nightbeat See 'Repression' Period Waning, by David Platt [August 26, 1957]

Howard Fast Criticized by Soviet Paper [August 26, 1957]

DW Editorial: Sparking the Election [on the Gurley Flynn campaign] [August 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 27, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [August 27, 1957]

The Communists and the New York Elections, by Albert E. Blumberg [August 29, 1957]

John Gates Comments on Howard Fast Statement [August 30, 1957]

Letters from Readers [September 1, 1957]

Howard Fast Says Times Distorted His Statement [September 2, 1957]

USSR Trade Unions Mark Their 50th Year, by George Morris [September 2, 1957]

Climbing Up the Stairs for Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, by Virginia Gardner [September 3, 1957]

The Campaign for Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, by William Weinstone [September 5, 1957]


'Taming the Tiger' in People's China, by Alan Winnington [September 5, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 5, 1957]

Meeting Spurs Drive for Gurley Flynn, by Harry Raymond [September 6, 1957]

The Challenge of the Flynn Campaign, by George Morris [September 6, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 6, 1957]

'I Told Her About Elizabeth Gurley Flynn' and the Woman Signed the Petition, by A.B. Magil [September 8, 1957]

Worker Editorial: An Independent Candidate [on the Flynn Campaign] [September 8, 1957]

Aptheker Book on Hungary Explores 1956 Uprising, by Al Richmond [September 8, 1957]

Letters from Readers [September 8, 1957]

Joseph Clark Resigns [September 9, 1957]

Joseph Clark's Letter of Resignation [September 9, 1957]

John Gates Replies to Clark [September 10, 1957]

Canvassing Scribe Finds They Weren't Kidding, by Lester Rodney [September 11, 1957]

State CP Lauds Gains in Gurley Flyyn Drive [September 11, 1957]

CP Issues Statement on Clark Resignation [September 12, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 12, 1957]

Hail East Side Response to Gurley Flynn [September 13, 1957]

DW Editorial: Let's Look at the Record [on the NY Times and the Clark resignation] [September 13, 1957]

Clark Denies Foreign Control Myth About CP [September 13, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 13, 1957]

Clark Resigns Daily Worker Post [September 15, 1957]

They Knock On Every Door on the East Side, by Philip Bonofsky [September 15, 1957]

Letters from Readers [September 15, 1957]

They Watch the Graph on the Wall, by Joseph North [September 16, 1957]

Soviet Theoretical Organ Criticizes John Gates, [September 16, 1957]

DW Editorial: And Now Pittsburgh [on dropping the Smith Act case against Steve Nelson et al] [September 16, 1957]

Letters from Readers [September 16, 1957]

Final Crisis and the Demise of the Daily Worker

DW Editorial: A Hard Decision [on cutting back the size and frequency of the Daily Worker] [September 18, 1957]

The Flynn Signature Campaign, by William Z. Foster [September 18, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 18, 1957]

Appeal for Canvassers, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn [September 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 19, 1957]

Foster Reviews Soviet Report on "People's Capitalism," by William Z. Foster [September 20, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 20, 1957]

Worker Editorial: A Difficult Choice [on cutting back the size of the Worker] [September 22, 1957]

Gratified by East Side Response, Elizabeth Flynn Tells Reporter, by Lester Rodney [September 22, 1957]

Jewish Culture in the USSR: Another Look One Year Later, by Chaim Suller [September 22, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 23, 1957]

Gurley Flynn Files 3,725 Signatures for Council Race [September 24, 1957]

"New Look" by Bittelman; Series Starts Tuesday [September 24, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Proud Achievment [on Flynn's signatures submission] [September 24, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 24, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [September 26, 1957]

The Uphill Fight That Was Won, by Joseph North [September 29, 1957]

Letters from Readers [September 29, 1957]

Life and Theory, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #1] [October 1, 1957]

The Party Crisis, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #2] [October 2, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 2, 1957]

Party Crisis – Subjective Factors, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #3] [October 3, 1957]

Nature of the Party's Dogmatism, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #4] [October 4, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 6, 1957]

The Way Out of Our Crisis, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #5] [October 7, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 7, 1957]

The Djilas Case and the Smith Act Trials, by Simon W. Gerson [October 8, 1957]

America's Future, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #6] [October 8, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 8, 1957]

The Soviet 'Moon,' by William Z. Foster [October 9, 1957]

The Problem of Markets, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #7] [October 9, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 9, 1957]

Flynn Election Program Going to 4,000 E. Siders, [October 10, 1957]

The Welfare State, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #8] [October 10, 1957]

Miss Flynn Answers El Diario Articles [October 11, 1957]

American Road to Socialism, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #9] [October 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 11, 1957]

An Announcement [on the demise of the New Jersey and all state editions of The Worker] [from the New Jersey edition of The Worker] [October 13, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 13, 1957]

Change the World, by Mike Gold [October 13, 1957]

Letters from Readers [October 13, 1957]

The Future of the Party, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #10] [October 14, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 14, 1957]

Communists and the Unions, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #11] [October 15, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Clear-Cut Trend [on the Supreme Court's reversal of the convictions of Communist leaders Claude Lightfoot and Junius Scales] [October 16, 1957]

Toward a Leading Party of Socialism, by Alexander Bittelman ["I Take a Fresh Look," #12] [October 16, 1957]

Steve Nelson Heads Sub, Fund Drive [October 18, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 18, 1957]

Too Much of the Old East Side Has Not Changed, Elizabeth Flynn Finds, by Virginia Gardner [October 20, 1957]

Security, by Ben Levine [October 20, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 20, 1957]

CP Leaders Endorse Daily Worker Parley [October 21, 1957]

Foster Progressing After Cerebral Stroke [October 21, 1957]

DW Editorial: A Pledge and a Warning [on the DW being reduced to 4 pages] [October 22, 1957]

Thompson Calls for Aid to Roll Up Flynn Vote [October 24, 1957]

Eric Bert Named Worker Editor [October 28, 1957]

180 Meet, Pledge Aid to Worker [October 28, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [October 31, 1957]

Radio and Rallies Feature Flynn Campaign Windup [November 3, 1957]

A Concluding Word on N.Y. Elections, by Benjamin J. Davis and George B. Charney [November 3, 1957]

Zhukov Case Seen Stressing role of Party in Soviet Union, by A.B. Magil [November 3, 1957]

What Happened to the World Since 1917, by Alexander Bittelman [November 3, 1957]

Gurley Flynn Fete on Second Avenue, by Art Shields [November 4, 1957]

DW Editorial: Election Issues [November 4, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 4, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 5, 1957]

Flynn Thanks Supporters [November 7, 1957]

American Communists Cable Greetings to USSR [November 7, 1957]

Boston Smith Act Defendants Freed [November 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 11, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 18, 1957]

Gomulka's Report on Polish Situation, by A.B. Magil [November 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 21, 1957]

A Word to 'Tired Radicals,' by Mike Gold [November 24, 1957]

Letters from Readers [November 24, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 25, 1957]

1,000 at Boston Forum Applaud Gates' Peace Plea, by Lester Rodney [November 26, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [November 28, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 2, 1957]

California Smith Act 9 Freed as Government Drops Re-Trial [December 2, 1957]

A Letter from Steve Nelson [December 4, 1957]

Suppose You Were 34 Years Old This Coming January..., [on the DW's anniversary] by David Platt [December 8, 1957]


Illinois 'Worker' Supporters Plan their '58 Campaign, by Sam Kushner [December 8, 1957]

California Smith Act Dismissals Sap Thought Control, by Si W. Gerson [December 8, 1957]

400 at Socialist Forum Sift Effect of Automation Era [December 9, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 9, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 10, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 11, 1957]

Socialism? Capitalism? New Turn in the Debate, by Max Gordon [December 15, 1957]

Doxey Wilkerson Resigns from CP [December 15, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 16, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 17, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 18, 1957]

Greensboro News Says Scales Left CP; Re-trial Unchanged [December 19, 1957]

'Naked God' – Cold War Book, by Simon W. Gerson [December 19, 1957]

Forum on 'Naked God' [December 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 19, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 23, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 24, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 25, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 26, 1957]

Communist Party Issues Statement on 'Worker' [December 29, 1957]

Letters from Readers [December 29, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 30, 1957]

Report on Dec. 20-22 Meeting of CP Executive Committee [December 31, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [December 31, 1957]

Speak Your Piece [January 2, 1958]

Illinois Worker Editorial: We Are Determined to Build Worker Circulation [January 5, 1958]

Michigan Worker Editorial: We Are In Business! [January 5, 1958]

Speak Your Piece [January 6, 1958]

The Marxism of Gramsci, by Stephen Walden [January 8, 1958]

Publishers Announce Halt of Daily Worker [January 9, 1958]

DW Editorial: A Painful Decision [on the closing of the paper] [January 9, 1958]

An Era Ends, by Alan Max [January 13, 1958]

Recommend Acceptance of Gates' Resignation [January 13, 1958]

CP Statement on Gates [January 13, 1958]

Gurley Flynn Says Build Worker [January 13, 1958]

Speak Your Piece [January 13, 1958]

* * *

Letter to the National Committee on the Party Crisis from California Party members, December 1957

Daily Worker Suspends; Published for 34 Years [The Worker, January 19, 1958]

Evolution of an American Communist. Why I Quit After 27 Years. Where I Stand Now, John Gates, January 1958

[Back to top]

The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in Jewish Life, 1956-1958

What Happened to Soviet Jewish Culture? The first authentic statement and our comments, editors, Jewish Life 1956


Jewish Life reader responses to “What Happened to Soviet Jewish Culture?”

Letter to the editors of Jewish Life: Why Were They Silent?

Review and Reappraisal. Why did we fail to perceive and protest crimes against Jewish culture and leaders in the socialist countries?, editors, Jewish Life 1956

From Jewish Life readers on our June editorial

Toward Revival of Soviet Jewish Culture, editors, Jewish Life 1956

Soviet Jews: Latest Eyewitness Report, by Louis Harap 1956

Questions for Soviet Leaders, editors, Jewish Life 1956

A Memo to Soviet Leaders, various authors 1956

Letter to Jewish Life from Sid Resnick

Reply to Sid Resnick on the Bund Louis Harap

Talks with Soviet Leaders on the Jewish Question, J. B. Salsberg 1957

Jewish Problems in New Poland, Dr. David Sfard 1957

CP Resolution on Jews in the USSR, 1957

Soviet-Australian Letters on Jews of the USSR. An exchange of opinions on current Soviet policy, 1957

Levy's Book on the Soviet Jewish Question, Louis Harap 1958

[Back to top]

The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in Masses & Mainstream, 1956-1957

Socialism Criticizes Itself, by Milton Howard [May 1956]

Second Thoughts on Politics and Culture, by Charles Humboldt [May 1956]

A Yiddish Poet Speaks: We Will Mourn Our Dead, by Dora Teitelboim [June 1956]

Letter to Masses & Mainstream [June 1956]

Letter to a Communist Friend, by Milton Howard [August 1956]

"The Stalin Era" – Two Views, by W.E.B. Dubois and William Mandel [January 1957]

My Decision [to leave the CPUSA] by Howard Fast [March 1957]

A Comment by the Editors on Howard Fast's "My Decision" [March 1957]

More Comments on Howard Fast, by Herbert Aptheker, Philip Bonosky, Louis Harap, Bert Cochran and Joseph Starobin [April 1957]

The Howard Fast Discussion, by Jack Lindsay and Walter Lowenfels [June 1957]

[Back to top]

The Crisis in the CPUSA as Reflected in New World Review, 1956-1957

On the Reappraisal of Stalin's Role, by Jessica Smith [April 1956]


A Statement to Our Readers, by Jessica Smith [May 1956]

Reevaluation and Correction [May 1956]

More on Corrections of Stalin Era [June 1956]

The Khrushchev Report, by Jessica Smith [July 1956]

Fresh Breeze in Hungary,by Lawrence Kirwan [October 1957]

Anniversary Thoughts, by Jessica Smith [November 1956]

New World Review Editors: The Events in Poland [November 1956]

The USSR After 39 Years, by G.D.H. Cole [November 1956]

Poznan: The Background, by Beatrice King [November 1956]

Hungary in Travail, by Jessica Smith [December 1956]

Eye-Witness in Hungary, by Sergei Perucchi [February 1957]

Toward A Balanced View [followed by an Editor's Note of dissent], [review of Anna Louise Strong's The Stalin Era], by Shirley Graham [February 1957]

A Communication [on the Editor's Note of dissent to Shirley Graham's review of Anna Louise Strong's The Stalin Era], by Albert Kahn [April 1957]

Light on Hungary, [review of Herbert Aptheker's The Truth About Hungary], by Jessica Smith [August 1957]

What's Wrong With the USSR, by G.D.H. Cole [November 1957]

An American Communist's Reply to Professor Cole, by Herbert Aptheker [November 1957]

[Back to top]

Coverage of the CPUSA Crisis in the Independent Socialist League’s Labor Action


The Debate in the ’Daily Worker’ – The U.S. Communist Party Rocks-and-Rolls in the Crisis by George Post

The CP Faithful Get a Rundown-and-out on the Line – Uncle Milty at the Jeff School by George Post

A CP Leader Beats His Breast by Godfrey Denis [Vol. 20, No. 16, April 16, 1956]

Leader of LYL ’Explains’ Attack on Stalin by Edward Hill

The Discussion in the CP Continues – ’We Must Probe How It Can Happen...’ by George Post

In San Francisco – Schneiderman Says He Doesn’t Know... by Charles Walker [Vol. 20, No. 17, April 23, 1956]


CP’s New Line Woos the Negroes by George Post [Vol. 20, No. 21, May 21, 1956]

The Confessions of the Communist Party by George Haskell

Stalinists Gained from Carnegie Hall Symposium by George Haskell [Vol. 20, No. 23, June 4, 1956]

LYL: Back to the Popular-Front Fraud by Michael Harrington

LYL Leader Hands Down the New Line by Sam Taylor

CP Hacks Are Selling the Same Old Goods by C. Speare [Vol. 20, No. 35, August 27, 1956]

The Crisis Grows Deeper in the American Communist Party by George Post [Vol. 20, No. 37, September 10, 1956]

The Rock-Bottom Basic Question is Raised in the CP Discussion by George Post [Vol. 20, No. 39, September 24, 1956]

CPer Debates Stalinoids on the Future of the Party by George Hanley [Vol. 20, No. 42, October 15, 1956]

Communist Militants: Which Side Are You On? by by George Haskell [Vol. 20, No. 46, November 12, 1956]

LYL Leader Evinces Political Re-thinking by Edward Hill

The Communist Party Discussion on Regroupment in the Socialist Movement by H. W. Benson

W. Z. Foster vs. Hungary’s Revolution by H. W. Benson [Vol. 20, No. 49, December 3, 1956]

The Daily Worker Is Puzzled by H. W. Benson [Vol. 20, No. 49, December 3, 1956]

Third Phase in the CP Discussion: Foster Attacks, Gates Group Retreats by H. W. Benson

Sparks Fly as Shachtman Tilts with D.W. Editor [Vol. 20, No. 50, December 10, 1956]

Clark Reveals Truth on those ’600,000 Fascists’ [Vol. 20, No. 50, December 10, 1956]

Labor Editors Look at the CP Discussion by Ben Hall [Vol. 20, No. 50, December 10, 1956]

When D.W. Editor Says Yes by H. W. Benson [Vol. 20, No. 51, December 17, 1956]

In Detroit, CP Leader Debates Shachtman and Other Socialists by Jack Wilson [Vol. 20, No. 52, December 24, 1956]

Socialist, Communist Debate Hungary’s Fight at CCNY by R.D. [Vol. 20, No. 52, December 24, 1956]

The Communist Party Discusses Democracy... by H. W. Benson


The Fight Over the Draft Program: The CP’s Two Wings: What Divides Them? by by H. W. Benson

CP Factions Present Rival Statements for Party Vote by H. W. Benson

The ’Daily Worker’ and Hungary: Beating a Shamefaced Retreat by H. W. Benson

Budapest to Mahoning Valley: CP Leader Steuben Breaks by Jack Wilson [Vol. 21, No. 5, February 4, 1957]

’The Russians Must Get Out of Hungary’ by A. E. [Vol. 21, No. 5, February 4, 1957]

Moscow Intervenes in CP Fight With Smear Attack on Clark

CP Convention Dodges Key Issue But Foster’s Purge Drive is Given Setback by H. W. Benson [Vol. 21, No. 7, February 18, 1957]

Daily Worker Scribe Back Kadar Decree [Vol. 21, No. 8, February 25, 1957]

LYL Decides to Dissolve by Tim Wohlforth [Vol. 21, No. 10, March 11, 1957]

What DW’s Clark Said in Columbia Debate [Vol. 21, No. 10, March 11, 1957]

At the John Gates-Thomas-Wolfe Debate by Sam Taylor

Why They ’Misunderstood’ the Communist Party Convention by H. W. Benson

Howard Fast and His Stalinist Critics by H. W. Benson [Vol. 21, No. 26, July 1, 1957]

Democracy and the Shake-Up in Russia: A Dilemma for All Sections of the Communist Party by H. W. Benson [Vol. 21, No. 29, July 29, 1957]

The CP at the Crossroads. Toward Democratic Socialism or Back to Stalinism by H. W. Benson

Joe Clark’s Resignation Points to New Crisis in the CP by H. W. Benson

Djilas and the Daily Worker [Vol. 21, No. 35, October 31, 1957]

Howard Fast’s Picture of the American CP by Max Martin [Vol. 21, No. 38, December 2, 1957]


Is This the Last Round? The Fight in the Communist Party by Gordon Haskell [Vol. 22, No. 1, January 13, 1958]

John Gates, Former “Daily Worker ” Editor, on Perspectives for the Ex-Communists [Vol. 22, No. 3, February 10, 1958]

Reflections on an Article by John Gates. The Ex-Communists and the Renewal of American Socialism by H. W. Benson

[Back to top]

Coverage of the CPUSA Crisis in the Socialist Workers Party’s The Militant, 1956-1958


The Daily Worker and the Stalin Cult, by Daniel Roberts [Vol. XX, No. 12, March 19, 1956]


Foster Says Don’t Tear Stalin to “Political Shreds”, by Tom Kerry [Vol. XX, No. 13, March 26, 1956]

Foster’s Phony Balance Sheet on Stalin, by Tom Kerry [Vol. XX, No. 14, April 2, 1956]

Daily Worker Hastens To Whitewash Stalin’s Partners-ln-Crime, by Myra Tanner Weiss [Vol. XX, No. 17, April 23, 1956]

Daily Worker’s New Version of CIO Split, by Tom Kerry [Vol. XX, No. 18, April 30, 1956]

CP National Committee Spurs Right Swing, by Tom Kerry [Vol. XX, No. 21, May 21, 1956]

Militant Editorial: A Belated Stalinist Correction [Vol. XX, No. 21, May 21, 1956]

How CP Members React to End of Stalin Cult, by Daniel Roberts [Vol. XX, No. 23, June 4, 1956]

Carnegie Hall Debate, by William Bundy [Vol. XX, No. 23, June 4, 1956]

Communist Party Is Rocked By Khrushchev Confessions, by Daniel Roberts [Vol. XX, No. 25, June 18, 1956]

Stalin a Felon – But Right! Says Strong, by William Bundy [Vol. XX, No. 25, June 18, 1956]

Kremlin Assailed for Silence on Anti-Semitism, by Harry Ring [Vol. XX, No. 30, July 23, 1956]

Stalinist and Trotskyist Debate on Radio in S.F., by Roy Gale [Vol. XX, No. 33, August 13, 1956]

The Crisis in the European and American CP's, by Morris Stein [Vol. XX, No. 33, August 13, 1956]

Why Foster Confronts a Deeper Crisis Than Thorez or Togliatti, by Morris Stein and Harry Ring [Vol. XX, No. 36, September 3, 1956]

N.Y. Party Leaders Take New Look at Browder Line, by Herman Chauka [Vol. XX, No. 36, September 3, 1956]

The 'Great Cleavage' in the CP, by Morris Stein and Harry Ring [Vol. XX, No. 37, September 10, 1956]

Was CP's Course Left Sectarian?, by Morris Stein and Harry Ring [Vol. XX, No. 38, September 17, 1956]

Militant Editorial: Communist Party’s NC Resolution [Vol. XX, No. 40, October 1, 1956]

Militant Editorial: You’re Out of Order, Alan Max! [Vol. XX, No. 40, October 1, 1956]

Militant Editorial: Daily Worker Retreat On Poznan Frame-Up [Vol. XX, No. 42, October 15, 1956]

Foster’s Pretension To Leninism [Vol. XX, No. 48, November 26, 1956]

CP Rank-and-Filer Outraged [Vol. XX, No. 48, November 26, 1956]

Voices in CP’s Begin to Speak Up on Hungary, by Herman Chauka [Vol. XX, No. 49, December 3, 1956]

Gates Group Ducks Issue of Hungary, by Harry Ring [Vol. XX, No. 49, December 3, 1956]

Charney Hits Use of Soviet Troops, by Myra Tanner Weiss [Vol. XX, No. 51, December 17, 1956]


The CP Faction Fight, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 4, January 28, 1957]

Militant Editorial: The National Convention of the Communist Party [Vol. XXI, No. 5, February 4, 1957]

Lenin and the CP Draft Resolution, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 5, February 4, 1957]

Kremlin Policy Favors Foster Faction in CP, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 6, February 11, 1957]

Fast Ends Membership in the CP [Vol. XXI, No. 6, February 11, 1957]

Communist Party Convention Resists New Kremlin Dictate, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 7, February 18, 1957]

CP Convention Paves Way for Discussion of Program, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 8, February 25, 1957]

Militant Editorial: Two Views on CP Convention [Vol. XXI, No. 8, February 25, 1957]

Political Independence and the CP, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 9, March 4, 1957]

CPer Disputes View of Convention [Vol. XXI, No. 10, March 11, 1957]

John Gates Presents CP Views at Penn University [Vol. XXI, No. 10, March 11, 1957]

Discussion on Recent Convention of the CP, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 11, March 18, 1957]

Foster Defeated in Move to Oust Gates from DW, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 12, March 25, 1957]

Salsberg Hits Kremlin on Jews, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 13, April 1, 1957]

CP Explains Move to Oust Gates, by Herman Chauka [Vol. XXI, No. 13, April 1, 1957]

Howard Fast and Stalinism, by Murry Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 13, April 1, 1957]

850 Hear Views Exchanged at Los Angeles Symposium by Louise Manning [Vol. XXI, No. 14, April 8, 1957]

The Kremlin Stand on Anti-Semitism, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 14, April 8, 1957]

Where Howard Fast Goes Astray on Stalinism, by Murry Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 15, April 15, 1957]

N.Y. State Convention Held by CP, by Herman Chauka [Vol. XXI, No. 15, April 15, 1957]

CP Members Exchange Opinions [Vol. XXI, No. 16, April 15, 1957]

The CP Resolution on Soviet Jews, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 16, April 22, 1957]

Stalin-Type Smear Used on Leninist Group in Calif. CP [Vol. XXI, No. 16, April 22, 1957]

What Calif. CP Leaders Reject as "Trotskyist" [Vol. XXI, No. 17, April 29, 1957]

Well-Attended Brooklyn Meeting Hears Gates, Dobbs, Muste, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 19, May 13, 1957]

Is the Daily Worker Appeasing Foster?, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 20, May 20, 1957]

Militant Editorial: A New Question on Soviet Jews [Vol. XXI, No. 23, June 10, 1957]

Is Gates Handing the CP to Foster?, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 24, June 17, 1957]

Aptheker Says He Would Debate the SWP on Hungary [Vol. XXI, No. 25, June 24, 1957]

Daily Worker Stand a Win for Foster, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 27, July 8, 1957]

Daily Worker Reveals Conflict in CP on Purge, by Murry Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 30, July 29, 1957]

Soviet One-Party Rule – CP Views and Ours, by Murry Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 31, August 5, 1957]

Communist Party in U.S. Elects New Leadership [Vol. XXI, No. 32, August 12, 1957]

CP's Position on Soviet Jews, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 32, August 12, 1957]

Anti-Semitism and Khrushchev, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 35, September 2, 1957]

Dail Worker's Foreign Editor Resigns, by Murry Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 37, September 16, 1957]

Kremlin Opens Attack on Daily Worker, by Myra Tanner Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 38, September 23, 1957]

Joseph Clark Hits Moscow Trials and Smith Act Frame-Ups [Vol. XXI, No. 38, September 23, 1957]

The Plan to Reconstruct the CPUSA, by C.R. Hubbard [Vol. XXI, No. 39, September 30, 1957]

Militant Editorial: Democracy in the CP? [Vol. XXI, No. 39, September 30, 1957]

Stalinism – Issue CP Can't Bury, by Myra Tanner Weiss [Vol. XXI, No. 39, September 30, 1957]

Freiheit on Soviet Jewish Question [Vol. XXI, No. 39, September 30, 1957]

The Gurley Flynn Campaign, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 40, October 7, 1957]

Joseph Clark Present His Views at N.Y. Meet, by William Bundy [Vol. XXI, No. 40, October 7, 1957]

Bittelman's 'Fresh Look' at CP Crisis, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 42, October 21, 1957]

CP Heads in N.Y. Back Big Business Candidates, by Herman Chauka [Vol. XXI, No. 45, November 11, 1957]

National Guardian Blasts CP Support of Wagner [Vol. XXI, No. 45, November 11, 1957]

Militant Editorial: The Daily Worker on Zhukov [Vol. XXI, No. 45, November 11, 1957]

The Debate in People's World [Vol. XXI, No. 49, December 9, 1957]

Foster Attack on Gates Published by Kremlin [Vol. XXI, No. 50, December 16, 1957]

Doxie Wilkerson Resigns from CP [Vol. XXI, No. 50, December 16, 1957]

Vital Issues Before Radicals Discussed at Five AFSE Panels. by Herman Chauka [Vol. XXI, No. 50, December 16, 1957]

Foster Renews Warfare on Daily Worker Editor, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXI, No. 51, December 23, 1957]

CP Heads Vote to End Daily Paper, by Herman Chauka [Vol. XXI, No. 52, December 30, 1957]


New Division at Top Revealed in U.S. Communist Party, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 6, 1958]

Editor of Daily Worker Quits Communist Party, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXII, No. 3, January 20, 1958]

Communist Party Bulletin Reveals Split in Leadership, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXII, No. 5, February 3, 1958]

How Gates Views Socialism Today [Vol. XXII, No. 5, February 3, 1958]

Militant Editorial: How Gates' New Orientation [Vol. XXII, No. 5, February 3, 1958]

Kremlin Hurls Abuse, Anti-Semitism at Fast [Vol. XXII, No. 7, February 17, 1958]

Fosterite Gain Seen at CP Meeting [Vol. XXII, No. 9, March 3, 1958]

Foster Group Wins CP Control But Faces Further Opposition, by Harry Ring [Vol. XXII, No. 11, March 17, 1958]

[Back to top]

Coverage of the CPUSA Crisis in the New York Times



Mikoyan Attacks Stalin's Policies [Feb. 18, 1956]

Red Papers Cautious [Feb. 20, 1956]

Bela Kun Cleared as Reds Rewrite History [Feb. 22, 1956]


Soviet Confirms Jews' Execution [Mar. 7, 1956]

New Split of U.S. Reds Appears; Issue is the Soviet Drive on Stalin [Mar. 17, 1956]

Stalin Criticism a Shock to Reds [Mar. 19, 1956]

Times Editorial: Stalin's Desciples [Mar. 20, 1956]

Top Italian Reds Accept New Line [Mar. 24, 1956]

Reds' Views Here Varied on Stalin [Mar. 24, 1956]

U.S. Seizes Office of Daily Worker, Communist Party [Mar. 28, 1956]

British Reds Assail Leader [Mar. 29, 1956]

Mysteries Mark Worker Finances [Mar. 29, 1956]


Hungary Clears Hanged 'Traitor'; Socialists Freed [Mar. 30, 1956]

Further Revision of Purges Likely [Mar. 30, 1956]

Times Editorial: Rajk is "Rehabilitated" [Mar. 30, 1956]

Yugoslavs Cheer Clearing of Rajk [Mar. 30, 1956]

Some Rome Reds Criticize Soviet [Mar. 30, 1956]

British Reds Veil Debate on Stalin [Mar. 31, 1956]


Foe of Lysenko Gains Rehabilitation in Soviet [April 3, 1956]

Foster Defends His Stalin Line [April 3, 1956]

Pollitt Renamed to British Group [April 3, 1956]

Bulgaria Clears Name of Kostov [April 4, 1956]

Poland Sets Free Former Red Chief [April 7, 1956]

Czech Red Scores Gottwald 'Cult' [April 10, 1956]

Reds Name Jews Purged by Soviet [April 12, 1956]

Post-War Racism Scored in Soviet [April 14, 1956]

U.S. Red Get New Line [April 14, 1956]

Kostov Innocent, Party Announces [April 15, 1956]

Reds Dissolve Cominform; Victory for Tito Indicated [April 18, 1956]

Red Groups Urged to Continue Ties [April 19, 1956]

Purged Aide Cited in a Lenin Letter [April 23, 1956]


May Day Fete Held by 2,000 in Union Sq. [May 1, 1956]

U.S. Communists Shift Party Line [May 3, 1956]

Hungary Keeps Stalinist Rule [May 5, 1956]

Pollitt Resigns British Red Post; Keeps High Role [May 14, 1956]

Communists Here Fix Election Line [May 14, 1956]

Fadeyev, a Top Soviet Novelist of the Stalin Era, Commits Suicide [May 15, 1956]

British Communists Renounce Stalinism [May 16, 1956]

Browder, 65, Says He is Unchanged [May 20, 1956]

French Communism Shrugs Off Stalin [May 27, 1956]

Communist Heard on Pacifist Forum [May 28, 1956]


Russians Chided by Daily Worker [June 6, 1956]

Togliatti Proposes Easing Soviet Link [June 17, 1956]

French Reds Assail New Soviet Leaders for Blaming Stalin [June 19, 1956]

Unrest is Shown by Italian Reds [June 20, 1956]

British Red Ask More Stalin Data [June 22, 1956]

New Word for Titoism: It's 'Polycentrism' Now [June 24, 1956]

U.S. Reds Demand Russia Tell More on Stalin Terror [June 25, 1956]

Text of Statement by Communist Party [June 25, 1956]

Times Editorial: Ferment on the Left [June 25, 1956]

Togliatti Asks Soviet to Bar Repetition of Stalin Errors [June 26, 1956]

Dissents of Reds Show Similarity [June 28, 1956]

Reds' Criticisms of Soviet Sifted [June 28, 1956]

Pravda Publishes Attack by U.S. Red [June 28, 1956]

Poles in Poznan in Anti-Red Riot; Troops and Tanks Quell Revolt [June 29, 1956]

Canada Reds Ask Data [June 29, 1956]

Polish Riot Lasts into Second Day; 38 Dead, 270 Hurt [June 30, 1956]

Polish Head Vows to End 'Mistakes' [June 30, 1956]


Polish Artillery Reported Ending Revolt in 3rd Day [July 1, 1956]

Italian Leftist Frank on Poznan [July 1, 1956]

Reds in Ferment on the New Line [July 2, 1956]

Hungary's Youth Reported in Revolt Against Stalinism [July 2, 1956]

Moscow's Effect May Be Devisive [July 2, 1956]

U.S. Red's Paper Attacks Pravda [July 3, 1956]

Bureaucracy Key to Red's Conflict [July 3, 1956]

British Reds Reserved [July 3, 1956]

Foreign Red View Disturbs Moscow [July 3, 1956]

Polish Red Split is Seen as Trials of Rioters Begin [July 5, 1956]

French Reds Bow to Soviet Policy [July 12, 1956]

British Reds Fall in Line on Stalin [July 16, 1956]

Ousted Pole Due at Party Parley [July 18, 1956]

Rakosi Gives Up Top Hungarian Post, Admitting Errors [July 19, 1956]

Canadian Red Aide Restored by Party [July 19, 1956]

2 Yiddish Writers Cleared in Soviet [July 20, 1956]

Top Pole Blames Officials in Riot [July 21, 1956]

Account of Lot of Soviet Jews Under Stalin Stirs Questions [July 26, 1956]

Jewish Writers in Soviet Active [July 26, 1956]

U.S. Reds Support Soviet on Stalin [July 26, 1956]


Sketches of Reds Convicted in City [Aug. 1, 1956]

Times Editorial: Aftermath of Poznan [Aug. 3, 1956]

Reds Still Split in U.S. on Stalin [Aug. 3, 1956]

Purged Pole Back in Party Graces [Aug. 5, 1956]

Appeal by Clerics Rejected by Reds [Aug. 6, 1956]

Jewish Poet Ends Ordeal in Soviet [Aug. 6, 1956]

Soviet Ex-Aide Freed [Aug. 21, 1956]

Reds to Publish Browder's Side [Aug. 24, 1956]

Communist Party Sets Convention [Aug. 28, 1956]

Nagy is Seen Back in Hungarian Party [Aug. 29, 1956]


Red Paper Chides Soviet on Jews [Sept. 17, 1956]

U.S. Reds Confirm Party Mistakes; Draft Reforms [Sept. 23, 1956]

Excerpts from Political Resolution Drafted for Communist Convention [Sept. 23, 1956]

New Red Party Line Opposed by Foster [Sept. 28, 1956]

American Communists Try for Comeback as a Party [Sept. 30, 1956]

Reds Upbraided at Poznan Trial [Sept. 30, 1956]


Foster Criticizes Communist Shift [Oct. 3, 1956]

Times Editorial: Communist Dissension [Oct. 4, 1956]

Red-Front School Losing Students [Oct. 6, 1956]


200,000 March by Rajk's Coffin as Hungary Honors Ex-'Triators' [Oct. 7, 1956]

Poles Expected to Restore Purged Aide Next Week [Oct. 9, 1956]

Poznan Defense Invokes Marxism [Oct. 10, 1956]

Poles Are Frank on Anti-Semitism [Oct. 11, 1956]

The Thundering Echoes of Poznan [Oct. 13, 1956]

Italy's Reds Say They Will Adopt Democratic Way [Oct. 15, 1956]

Daily Worker Backs Stand of the Poles [Oct. 22, 1956]

The Daily Worker Slights Soviet Troops' Activities [Oct. 26, 1956]

Wide New Terms Confront Nagy [Oct. 27, 1956]

Canadian Reds Critical [Oct. 27, 1956]

Soviet Reported Pouring in Troops [Oct. 28, 1956]

Use of Soviet Troops in Hungary Revolt Is Called "Deplorable" by Daily Worker [Oct. 29, 1956]

Poland's Leaders Back Hungarians [Oct. 30, 1956]

Worker Asks Data on Jews [Oct. 30, 1956]

Free Elections Pledged [in Hungary] [Oct. 31, 1956]


Nagy Quits Warsaw Pact, Declares Hungary Neutral [Nov. 2, 1956]

New Plea by Nagy [Nov. 3, 1956]

New Red Regime [Nov. 5, 1956]

Soviet Attack Hit by Daily Worker [Nov. 5, 1956]

Hungarian Reds Clash with Foes in Street Fight [Nov. 7, 1956]

Hungary Orders 'Merciless' Steps to Quell Revolt [Nov. 11, 1956]

Hungary is Firm in General Strike [Nov. 13, 1956]

Daily Worker Hit by U.S. Reds' Leader [Nov. 13, 1956]

Pickets Harass Pro-Soviet Rally [Nov. 14, 1956]

Top Canadian Reds Quit [Nov. 16, 1956]

Hungarians Balk at Ending Strike [Nov. 17, 1956]

Tito Hits Stalinists in Satellite Lands as Well as Russia [Nov. 17, 1956]

Most Hungarians Continue Strike [Nov. 20, 1956]

Communists of U.S. Waver on Hungary [Nov. 20, 1956]

Denial by Daily Worker [Nov. 21, 1956]

Pravda Concedes Woes in Hungary [Nov. 22, 1956]

Top Polish Reds Describe Terror [Nov. 23, 1956]

Poles Back Tito on Anti-Stalinism and Approve Tie [Nov. 26, 1956]

Italy's Reds Seek a Middle Course [Nov. 26, 1956]

Daily Worker Reaffirms Charge of Soviet Error [Nov. 26, 1956]

Leftist School Will Close Soon [Nov. 28, 1956]

Hungarian Party Meeting Rebuff [Nov. 30, 1956]


Daily Worker Faces Fight, Dennis Hints [Nov. 30, 1956]


Kadar and Labor Reach Deadlock [Dec. 1, 1956]

Budapest Swept by New Disorder [Dec. 8, 1956]

Reds Hunt for Hotel for Convention [Dec. 9, 1956]

U.S. Reds Suggest 'Titoist' Program [Dec. 10, 1956]

Hungary is Tense as Workers Gird for Wide Strike [Dec. 11, 1956]

Hungary in Grip of Strike; Workers Clash with Police [Dec. 12, 1956]

Hungary Admits Disruptive Strike [Dec. 13, 1956]

Poles Bid Soviet Leave Hungary [Dec. 13, 1956]

Budapest Strike Protests Arrest of Labor Chiefs [Dec. 13, 1956]

Polish Workers Call Off Strike [Dec. 14, 1956]

Hungarian Regime Fails to End Strike or Fighting [Dec. 15, 1956]

Italian Communists Split But Hard Core is Harder [Dec. 16, 1956]

Ex-Newsman Here Recants 'Stalinism' [Dec. 18, 1956]

New Hungary Law Gives Authority to Jail Strikers [Dec. 21, 1956]

Moscow Attacks Parties That Set Own Nation First [Dec. 24, 1956]

U.S. Red Leaders Appeal for Unity [Dec. 24, 1956]

Red Paper Scores Khrushchev View [Dec. 25, 1956]



Gomulka Lines Up with Tito to Defy Soviet Dictation [Jan. 1, 1957]

'We're Stalinists,' Khrushchev Says [Jan. 2, 1957]

Gomulka Appeals to Reds to Unite [Jan. 2, 1957]

State Reds Urge Change in Party [Jan. 3, 1957]

Communism's End Forecast by Nagy [Jan. 6, 1957]

Foster Discloses Communist Split [Jan. 10, 1957]

Daily Worker Names Editor [Jan. 13, 1957]

Khrushchev Bids Reds Copy Stalin in Basic Matters [Jan. 18, 1957]

U.S. Red Theorist Breaks with Soviet on Hungarian Issue [Jan. 19, 1957]

3 Factions Found Among U.S. Reds [Jan. 27, 1957]

3 Pro-Red Coast Daily to Become Weekly [Jan. 29, 1957]

U.S. Reds Seek Unity Before Convention [Jan. 31, 1957]


Reds Renounced by Howard Fast [Feb. 1, 1957]

Poles Gives Soviet Lesson in Debate [Feb. 1, 1957]

Soviet Backs Foster's Faction, Attacks 'Right Wing' U.S. Reds [Feb. 4, 1957]

Red Editor Hints Khrushchev Bias [Feb. 5, 1957]

Times Editorial: Orders from Moscow [Feb. 5, 1957]

Poles Still Split with French Reds [Feb. 6, 1957]

Communists Here Chided by Duclos [Feb. 10, 1957]

U.S. Communists Decide to Remain a Political Party [Feb. 11, 1957]

Times Editorial: Red Twilight in America [Feb. 11, 1957]

Foster's Red Line Spurned by Party [Feb. 12, 1957]

U.S. Reds Vote End to Control by Soviet [Feb. 13, 1957]

Pravda Hails U.S. Reds. It Says Party Convention Here Defeated 'Deviationists' [Feb. 13, 1957]

Times Editorial: Communist "Independence" [Feb. 14, 1957]

West's Communist Parties Shaken [Feb. 17, 1957]

Howard Fast Balks at Queries on Reds [Feb. 22, 1957]

Times Editorial: Khrushchev and Stalin [Feb. 24, 1957]

Red Session Here Held Democratic [Feb. 25, 1957]

Reds' Youth League Votes to Dissolve [Feb. 28, 1957]


Izvestia Assails Use of Confessions [Mar. 2, 1957]

8 Polish Writers Quit Party Paper [Mar. 2, 1957]

Fast Condemns Soviet Leaders [Mar. 7, 1957]

New Red Charter Provides Rights [Mar. 11, 1957]

Daily Worker Picks Gerson for Top Post [Mar. 15, 1957]

Pole Reasserts a Free Ideology [Mar. 16, 1957]

Polish Red Chiefs Vexed at Report [Mar. 17, 1957]

Factional Battle Splits Reds Here [Mar. 18, 1957]

Columbia Session Critical of Gates [Mar. 19, 1957]

Reds Here Chide 'Liberal' Faction [Mar. 23, 1957]

Reds Accuse Times Man [Mar. 28, 1957]


State Communists Elect Committees [April 3, 1957]

Communist Units Move [April 18, 1957]

Reds of Britain Split on Hungary [April 20, 1957]

British Reds Call chiefs Stalinists [April 22, 1957]


Communists Occupy Astor's Old Office [May 3, 1957]

Reds Here Confess Major Party Rifts [May 4, 1957]

Reds Give Foster 'Emeritus' Post [May 6, 1957]

City Reservoirs Closed to Reds [May 7, 1957]

Foster Rebuked by U.S. Red Vote [May 11, 1957]

New Leftist Unit Set Up; Reds In It [May 13, 1957]

'Founder' Disavows New Socialist Unit [May 14, 1957]

Four Leaders Quit Canadian Red Party [May 17, 1957]

Negroes Hold Rally on Rights in Capital [May 18, 1957]


U.S. Reds to Try Collective Rule [June 3, 1957]

Communists Elect 7 Leaders to Run Party Affairs in Nation [June 4, 1957]

Moscow's Praise Stings U.S. Reds [June 5, 1957]

State Reds Pick Davis as Leader [June 7, 1957]

Writers in the Shadow of Communism [June 9, 1957]


Daily Worker Here Headlines Shake-up [July 4, 1957]

Book by Nagy in '55 Said to Score Stalin [July 6, 1957]

U.S. Reds Give Views on Crisis in Moscow [July 9, 1957]

U.S. Red Criticises Khrushchev's Role [July 10, 1957]

Foster Says Fast 'Slanders' Soviet [July 18, 1957]

Top U.S. Reds Plan a 'United Front' [July 21, 1957]

U.S. Reds Are Divided [July 24, 1957]

1,500 at Rally Here Greet Freed Reds [July 25, 1957]


Red Leader Unit Set Up [Aug. 2, 1957]

Miss Flynn a Candidate [Aug. 23, 1957]

Howard Fast Assailed by Soviet as a 'Deserter' and Slanderer [Aug. 25, 1957]


Novelist Replies to Soviet Charge [Aug. 26, 1957]

Fast Denounces Rich Reds in U.S. [Aug. 29, 1957]

Editor of Worker Assails Fast; Denies Reds Endorse Violence [Aug. 30, 1957]


Editor on Worker Said to Quit Reds [Sept. 7, 1957]

U.S. Red Defector May Score Stalin [Sept. 8, 1957]

U.S. Reds Called Puppets of Soviet [Sept. 9, 1957]

Gates Points Up Red Party Split [Sept. 10, 1957]

Times Editorial: U.S. Communism At A New Low [Sept. 11, 1957]

Court Reversal Frees Five Reds [Sept. 12, 1957]

U.S. Red Leaders Admit Party Crisis; Clark is Denounced [Sept. 12, 1957]

Editor of Worker Berated in Soviet [Sept. 14, 1957]

Letter to the Times: To Free Jailed Communists by Joseph Clark [Sept. 14, 1957]

Cut to 4 Pages Set by Daily Worker [Sept. 19, 1957]

Soviet Assailed on Yiddish Curb [Sept. 23, 1957]


Daily Worker Reports 30% Circulation Drop [Oct. 4, 1957]

Fast Tells of Big Loss [Oct. 14, 1957]

Foster Has A Strike [Oct. 21, 1957]

Daily Worker Drops Edition [Oct. 26, 1957]

Daily Worker Raises $1,240 [Oct. 28, 1957]


Gomulka Relates His Aim in Pravda [Nov. 6, 1957]

Total Red Vote is Only 710 Here [Nov. 7, 1957]

A Personal Victory Over Inhumanity [Nov. 10, 1957]

2,100 Here Salute Soviet Revolution [Nov. 11, 1957]

N.A.A.C.P. Rebuffs Red [Nov. 11, 1957]

Poles Sentence 3 in Police Torture [Nov. 12, 1957]

Doom of Tyranny Seen by Browder [Nov. 12, 1957]

Worker Councils Ended in Hungary [Nov. 18, 1957]


Freedom Regained [review of Howard Fast's The Naked God] [Dec. 1, 1957]

Foster Pledges Party to Soviet [Dec. 9, 1957]

Gates Answers Foster [Dec. 10, 1957]

Wilkerson Quits Reds [Dec. 14, 1957]

U.S. Reds Nearing Split in the Party [Dec. 24, 1957]

U.S. Reds Vote End to Daily Worker [Dec. 26, 1957]

Red Party Charges Made Against Gates [Dec. 27, 1957]


Red Parley Report Underscores Split [Jan. 1, 1958]

Closing Date Set by Daily Worker [Jan. 9, 1958]


Times Editorial: End of the Daily Worker [Jan. 10, 1958]

Gates Leaves Communist Party as a 'Futile and Impotent Sect' [Jan. 11, 1958]

U.S. Communists Fading [Jan. 12, 1958]

Soviet Condemns Red Party Rebels [Jan. 12, 1958]

End Marked Here by Daily Worker [Jan. 13, 1958]

Communist Party Dying, Gates Says [Jan. 19, 1958]

Moscow Writer Denounces Fast as Zionist Apologist for Israel [Jan. 31, 1958]

Fast Hits Back at 'Lie' by Soviet [Feb. 1, 1958]

U.S. Reds Revise Executive Group [Feb. 22, 1958]

U.S. Reds Line Up with Soviet Again [Feb. 25, 1958]

City College Group Hears Gates Speak [Mar. 6, 1958]

3 State Reds Resign [Mar. 8, 1958]

Minnesota Red Quits [Mar. 28, 1958]

Communist Purge for Unity Asked [May 3, 1958]

Leftists in Drive for State Ticket [May 26, 1958]

Davis Urges Communists Back Powell; Asks National Negro Front in Elections [May 31, 1958]

Red Paper Faces Crisis [May 31, 1958]

The Party's Public Face [review of Howe and Coser book] [June 22, 1958]

U.S. Reds Uphold Nagy's Execution [July 12, 1958]

Socialist Ticket Rejests Red Plan [Aug. 18, 1958]

U.S. Communists Mark 39th Year [Sept. 27, 1958]

Reds in U.S. Split Over Anti-Semitism [Oct. 11, 1958]

Leftists to Weigh Unity in 1960 Race [Nov. 7, 1958]

2,000 at Leftist Rally [Nov. 15, 1958]


Reds Here suspend Touring Party Aide [Jan. 9, 1959]

Reds Explain Action. Loman Suspension Not Linked to Finances, Party Says [Jan. 10, 1959]

Brooklyn Chairman of Reds Restored [Feb. 27, 1959]

Communists Here See Party Gaining [Nov. 3, 1959]


But It Didn't Happen Here [review of Shannon's The Decline of American Communism] [Nov. 8, 1959]

U.S. Drops Charge Against Browder [Nov. 26, 1959]

Communists Silent on Meeting Plans [Nov. 28, 1959]

U.S. Communists to Convene Here [Dec. 8, 1959]

Dennis, Red Leader, Silent on 'Dumping' [Dec. 8, 1959]

Communists Meet Without Dennis [Dec. 11, 1959]

U.S. Reds Attack 2 Major Parties [Dec. 12, 1959]

U.S. Communists Survey a Weakened Party [Dec. 13, 1959]

Communists Ask 'Hands Off Cuba' [Dec. 13, 1959]

U.S. Reds Name Hall as Leader [Dec. 14, 1959]

New Strain Seen Dividing U.S. Reds [Dec. 15, 1959]

Times Editorial: Communist Conclave [Dec. 15, 1959]

[Back to top]

Provisional Organizing Committee–Primary Documents and Other Materials

The Main Thing... by Molly Pitcher [Theodore W. Allen] [March 1, 1957]

Two Roads for American Communists by Milton Palmer [Theodore W. Allen] [May `1, 1958]

Preface to the Second Edition of “Two Roads” by Milton Palmer [Theodore W. Allen] [November `15, 1958]

For a Revolutionary Position on the Negro Question by Harry Haywood

FBI Notes on the section of Eugene Dennis’ March 31, 1958 presentation to CP leaders concerning the March 28-29, 1958 National Executive Committee Meeting relating to factionalism, the "ultra-left"

Our Reply to the Conciliators of Revisionism

COMMUNIST CONFERENCE – Marxist-Leninist Caucus Maps New Party


A DECLARATION – The 40-year-old struggle for a Marxist-Leninist Party of the American working class enters a new stage

Marxism or Revisionism? Main Political Report to the POC Founding Conference

Immediate Organizational Tasks of the Marxist-Leninist Caucus in the C.P.U.S.A. by A. Marino [Angel Rene Torres]

5 Questions To The Provisional Organizing Committee

C.P. Sections Denounce Expulsions – Call for Reconstitution of Party

Letter from Harry Haywood to the POC

National Plenum of P.O.C.

National Committee Meets in Cleveland

The Negro Question and the Communist Party’s Revisionist Line

POC Meets on Negro Question by Malcolm Grant

Communist Party Leadership Finds New Allies by Charles Wallace

The POC, One Year Old, Champions Marxism-Leninism

New York POC Rounds Out First Year of Activity

Chicago POC Hails First Anniversary

For a Marxist-Leninist Youth Organization

Second National POC Conference

The Economic Situation U.S.A.: A Marxist Analysis, by Milton Palmer [Theodore W. Allen]

FBI Report on the POC Fifth National Conference, September 1-2, 1962


Marxist-Leninist Vanguard

Coverage of the POC in The Militant

American CP Heads Issue Decree for New Purge of Party by Herman Chauka

Group Expelled From CP Holds National Parley by Lillian Kiezel

The New Vanguard Group And the Communist Party by Lillian Kiezel

Memoirs of POC Veterans

45 Years of Communism: Letter from Comrade Kilpatrick

A Veteran Communist Speaks... On the Struggle Against Revisionism by Admiral Kilpatrick

A Veteran Communist Speaks by Joe Dougher

The POC: A Personal Memoir by Noel Ignatin

[Back to top]

American Workers’ Communist Party–Primary Documents

Main Political Report to the Second Congress, American Workers’ Communist Party

A Post-Mortem on the “Lumpen Revolution”

Nationalism in “Marxist” Disguise

“Marxism-Leninism” – A Reactionary Theory [on Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleaver]

[Back to top]

Homogeneous Party of the Working Class in the U.S.A.–Primary Documents

The Orthodox Marxist, Vol. VI, Nos. 7-8, April-May-1983

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Marxist Workers Committee–Primary Documents

Marxist Worker, No. 1, Summer 1979

[Back to top]

Communist League–Primary Documents

Towards A New Marxist-Leninist Communist Party

Against the Revisionism of the 20th Congress

Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Khrushchev (In Defense of Stalin)

Khrushchev’s Un-Secret Speech

Khrushchevism’s Boomerang

First Aid For Communists Suffering From Shock

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