MIA: Soviet History: Decrees and documents

Decrees and documents of the Russian Revolution


Note that until February 1918 Russia used the Julian Calender, which was 13 days behind the calender in the rest of the world.


All decrees and documents in a single pdf file


October 25 To the Citizens of Russia!
To Workers, Soldiers, and Peasants!
Decree on Peace
Decree on Land
October 26 Decree on Abolishment of Capital Punishment
Decree on Transfer of Power to the Soviets
Decree to Form the Workers' and Peasants' Government
October 27 Decree on Elections for the Constituent Assembly
Decree on Suppression of Hostile Newspapers
October 28 Decree on Transfer of Food Control to Municipalities
October 29 Decree on the Hours of Labor
October 30 Decree on the Right to Issue Laws
October 31 Decree on Social Insurance
November 2 Declaration of the Rights of the People of Russia
November 3 Decree on Organization of Volost Land Committees
November 4 Resolution on the Right of Sovnarkom to Issue Decrees
November 5 Decree on Transfer of Power and the Means of Production to the Toilers
November 7 Decree Proclaiming Advertising a State Monopoly
November 10 Decree on Abolition of Class Distinctions and Civil Ranks
November 14 Decree on Workers' Control
November 17 Resolution on Relation of the Central Executive Committee to the Sovnarkom
November 23 Decree on the Right to Call for Re-Elections
November 24 Decree on Abolition of Existing Legal Institutions
November 28 Proclamation Declaring the Cadet Party an Enemy of the People
Decree on the Arrest of the Leaders of the Civil War against the Revolution
November 29 Decree on Dismissal of the Electoral Commission
November 30 Decree Declaring Agricultural Tools and Machinery a State Monopoly
December 1 Decree on Establishment of the Supreme Council of National Economy
December 3 Manifesto To The Ukrainian People
Appeal to the Moslems of Russia and the East
December 7 Decree on Establishment of the Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter-Revolution
December 13 Decree on Appropriation for the Support of World Revolution
December 14 Decree on Nationalization of Banks
Decree on Safe Deposit Boxes
December 16 Decree on Institutions for Investigation and Arrest
December 16-17 Decrees on Democratization of the Army
December 18 Decree on Independence of Finland
December 19 Decree on Revolutionary Tribunals
December 24 Decree on Organization of Local Food Commissions
December 25 Decree on the Rights and Duties of Soviets
December 29 Decree on Discontinuance of Interest and Dividend Payments
Decree on State Publishing House
Decree on Turkish Armenia


January 3 Declaration of Rights of the Working and Exploited People
Resolution giving All Power to the Soviets and the Soviet Institutions
January 13 Decree on Breaking Relations with Rumania
January 14 Resolution on the Terms of Peace Proposed by the Central Powers
January 15 Resolution on the Federation of Soviet Republics
Resolution on Nationalities
Decree on Formation of the Worker-Peasant Red Army
February 5 Decree on Separation of Church and State
February 8 Decree on Nationalization of the Merchant Marine
Decree on Confiscation of Capital Stock of Private Banks
February 10 Decree on Annulment of State Loans
February 15 Decree on the Extraordinary Commission on Food and Transport
February 19 The Fundamental Law of Land Socialization
February 21 Decree: The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!
March 3 Resolution on Administration of Nationalized Industry
March 15 Resolution Ratifying the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 26 Decree on the End of Workers' Control over the Railroads
April 2 Decree on Exchange of Commodities to Increase the Supply of Grain
April 10 Decree on Consumers' Co-Operatives
April 12 Decree on Monuments of the Republic
April 22 Decree on Nationalization of Foreign Trade
Decree on Compulsory Military Training
May 13 Decree on Food Procurement
August 1 Appeal to the Toiling Masses of England, America, France, Italy, and Japan on Allied Intervention in Russia
August 2 Decree on the Call-up for Compulsory Military Service of Persons Who Have Served in the Forces as Non-Commissioned Officers
September 3 Decree on the Don Cossack Host
November 30 Resolution Establishing Workers' and Peasants' Defence Council

Last updated on 15 September 2024