MIA: Subjects: India : Bolshevik-Leninist Party
The Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India (BLPI) –officially the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India, Ceylon and Burma– was a revolutionary Trotskyist party which campaigned for independence and socialism in South Asia. The party was formed in 1942 as a unification of two Indian groups (the Bolshevik Leninist Party of the United Provinces and Bihar, and the Bolshevik Mazdoor Party of India), with Sri Lanka's Lanka Sama Samaja Party of Ceylon. It was recognized as the Indian section of the Fourth International. It dissolved in 1947.
1942: The Classes of India and their Political Roles
1942: Britain's Reactionary Role in India
1942: A Transitional Program for India
1942: The Real Situation in Ceylon
1943: News from the Bolshevik-Leninist Party
1944: Statement of Indian Trotskyists on Trial
1944: Gandhi on the Road to Betrayal
1944: The Present Political Situation in India
1945: The Red Army in Eastern Europe
1946: Resolution on Pakistan
1946: The Politics of the Indian Bourgeoisie
1946: The Program for Ceylon
1947: The Marxist Movement in Ceylon (Appendix to Program of Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India)