MIA: Subjects: India


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Indian Writers and Political Leaders


B. R. Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambdekar  (1891-1956)
B. R. Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against social discrimination towards the Dalits, maintaining a vigorous and prolongued debate in print with Mohandas Gandhi on the matter.  He also championed the rights of women and labour.  He was a founding father of the Republic of India, the architect of its Constitution, and independent India's first Law and Justice Minister. 




Jawaharlal Nehru  (1889-1964)
Prominent member of the Indian National Congress and a principal leader of the Indian nationalist movement in the 1930s and 1940s, alongside Mohandas Gandhi. Upon India's independence in 1947, he served as the country's prime minister until his death. Nehru promoted parliamentary democracy, secularism, and science and technology during his tenure. In international affairs, he steered India clear of the two blocs of the Cold War and was an important leader in the Non-Aligned Movement.


Shripad Amrit Dange  (1899-1991)
Founding member of the Communist Party of India (CPI) and a leader in the Indian trade union movement. During the British Raj, he was arrested and jailed by the British authorities for communist and trade union activities. Dange was present at the founding of the Communist Party of India in 1925, and in 1962 he was named party chairman.  Among his wider political successes were his election as a member of the Bombay Legislative Assembly, and as a member of the 2nd and 4th Lok Sabhas from the Bombay City Central constituency.  He is credited with successfully spearheading the formation of Maharashtra State in 1960. Dange was expelled from the CPI in 1981 and joined the All-India Communist Party.



Anuradha Gandhy Anuradha Gandhy  (1954-2008)
Founding member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) and of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), to whose Central Committee she was elected at the founding congress.  Gandhy was a leader in the Indian trade union movement, dalit rights movement, and adivasi and women's movements in Jharkand and Maharastra. She directed her party's work among women and was a leader in the Krantikari Adivasi Mahila Sanghatan (KAMS).


Shibdas Ghosh (1923-1976)
Founder of Socialist Unity Centre of India (SUCI).





M N Roy D.D. Kosambi  (1907-1966)
Mathematician, Indologist, historian, political theorist and commentator. As a Marxist, D.D. Kosambi applied Historical Materialism to the analysis of ancient Indian civilisations and societies. A prominent peace activist, Kosambi helped to raise awareness regarding the threat that nuclear weapons pose to humanity. full biography

On Japanese Rearmament: An Indian View (June 16, 1951)
Full Text of D.D. Kosambi's Exasperating Essays (1957)



Charu Mazumdar Charu Mazumdar  (1918-1972)
First General Secretary and Co-Founder of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI-ML). Joined Tebhaga Movement in 1946 and organized the leftist faction of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in the 1960s. Mazumdar was instrumental in the Naxalbari peasant uprising of 1967 and soon thereafter, Mazumdar and Kanu Sanyal formed the All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries (AICCCR) and later founded the CPI-ML. Mazumdar was arrested in July 1972 and died in custody, reportedly following torture at the hands of the police.



Vinod Mishra Vinod Mishra  (1947-1998)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation from 1975 to 1998. His important theoretical contributions include writings on party organization building, collective leadership and political unity, as well as his theories on caste, class and gender issues in the Indian context.  full biography





Vinod MishraCherukuri Rajkumar "Azad"  (1952-2010)
Leading member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist).  He was instrumental in establishing the party in Karnataka and Maharashtra, and in supporting its "People's War".  In time Azad became the leading spokesperson for the party's Central Committee.



Bhalchandra Trimbak Ranadive  (1904-1990)
Founding member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).  In the 1930s he was a major trade union leader in Mumbai.  In the 1940s he was named to the Central Committee of the Communist Party, and elected as its General Secretary. He left the CPI in the 1964 split and became one of the main leaders of the newly-founded CPI (Marxist).



M N Roy M.N. Roy  (1887-1954)
A principal figure in revolutionary nationalism in his early years, M. N. Roy eventually became the forerunner of Marxian politics in India. Roy had a leading role in revolutionary movements in India, Mexico, the Middle East, the Soviet Union, Indonesia and China. full biography



M N Roy Bhagat Singh  (1907-1931)
Celebrated revolutionary and a major figure in the Indian independence movement of the early Twentieth Century. Singh was active in revolutionary struggle from an early age and he was briefly affiliated with the Mohandas Gandhi's "Non-Cooperation" movement, although Singh would break with Gandhi's philosophy of non-violent resistance later in life. full biography



Saumyendranath Tagore  (1901-1974)
Indian communist and a leader in the Indian trade union movement. During the British Raj, he was a member of the Workers and Peasants Party and union leader in Bengal. He was persecuted by the British authorities and forced to leave India.  He was a delegate to the 6th Congress of the Comintern. Later came to favor Trotsky's theory of Permanent Revolution. He formed the Communist League of India, which was later renamed Revolutionary Communist Party of India.





Writings on the Revolutionary Movements in India


Abani Mukherji:  Indian Labour Movement: A Review of the Situation (1922)

Works by Evelyn Roy
The Crisis in Indian Nationalism (1922)
Political Prisoners in India, International Press Correspondence, April 19, 1923
Where Are the Indian Masses?, International Press Correspondence, May 9, 1923
Politics in Gaya (1923)
Some Facts about the Bombay Strike (1924)
Three Leaders of Men, Wilson, Gandhi and Lenin, Daily Worker [U.S.], May 3, 1924
Will the Labor Government Stand for This?, Daily Worker [U.S.], June 28, 1924
Cawnpore Victims of Labour Imperialism, International Press Correspondence, August 14, 1924
Mr. Gandhi's Swan Song, Daily Worker [U.S.], August 16, 1924
Indian Political Exiles in France (1925)
Labor Party Organized in India, Daily Worker [U.S.], May 27, 1925

Articles by Ajit Roy from Workers' International News
Ferment in India  July 1939
Congress Socialism  1939
Friends of India  1943
India — The Role of Congress Leaders  1943

Subhas Chandra Bose: Forward Bloc – Its Justification [with an introductory note by Sukla Sen]  1941

Hemu Kalani:  Ministry-Makers and "Leftist" Fakers from Fourth International, July 1945

Forward to Socialist Revolution  Statement of policy on International and National situation as passed and adopted by the [Revolutionary Socialist Party at its] Third All-National Conference, 1948. (BASTI, U.P.)

The Swing Back: A critical survey of the devious zig-zags of CPI political line  
by Tridib Chaudhuri (1950) 

Marxism Gandhism Stalinism by C. G. Shah (1963)

Sushital Roy Choudhuri:  Ranadive Tries To Deceive (1967)

Spring Thunder Over India (1967) People's Daily

Indian Revolutionaries Abroad, 1905-1922: In the Background of International Developments by Arun Coomer Bose (1971)

The "Marxist" Left in India by Nigel Harris (1972)

A Positive Programme for Indian Revolution   Articles Reproduced from The Call
(September, October, November and December, 1973)
This booklet offers a brief but comprehensive rationale for Socialist Revolution as the immediate stage of Revolution in the post-Independence India, as advocated by the Revolutionary Socialist Party of India and some other groups, as opposed to various forms of Democratic Revolution - as espoused by the CPI, CPIM, CPIML, CPI(Maoist) and such other offshoots from the official communist movement in India.
This remains an important ongoing debate in the Indian context.

Social origins of the peasant insurrection in Telangana (1946-51) by D. H. Dhanagare (1974)

Rajani Palme Dutt—Great Son of the Indian People by Dilip Bose (1975)

Comintern, India and the Colonial Question, 1920-1937 by Sobhanlal Datta Gupta (1980)

Origins of the Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) by Buddhadeva Bhattacharya (1982)
This work is something of an historical document which traces the trajectory of the evolution of the leading section of militant nationalism into a Marxist current. It focuses upon a specific chapter and aspect of India’s Freedom Movement — its complex and evolving relationship with Marxism in terms of the genesis of a political party, swearing by Revolutionary Marxism-Leninism, called the RSP (the Revolutionary Socialist Party).

India Mortgaged, by T. Nagi Reddy (2nd. Edition, 1993)

Revolution in India: Lalgarh's Hopeful Spark, by Sam Shell (2009)

Walking with the Comrades: Report from Maoist Base Areas in India's DK Forest, by Arundhati Roy (2010)



Critiques of Gandhism

Present Events in India by "N."  (December 1921)

Shapurji Saklatvala

The Debacle of Gandhism by Evelyn Roy  (1922)

The End of Gandhi by R. Palme Dutt (1922)

India Past Present and Future (Book Review) Labour Monthly (1922)

Mahatma Gandhi: Revolutionary or Counter-Revolutionary? A Reply to Romain Rolland and Henri Barbusse by Evelyn Roy (1923)

On Non-Violence and the Masses by MN Roy  (November 10, 1923)

Who is this Gandhi? by Shapurji Saklatvala  (1930)

To Young Political Workers by Bhagat Singh  (February 2, 1931)



 Historical Indian Communist Parties



Volume I (1917-1922) | Volume II (1923-1925) | Volume III-A (1926) | Volume III-B (1927) | Volume III-C (1928) | Volume VII (1948-1950) | Volume VIII (1951-1956)


Volume I (1917-1928) | Volume II (Meerut Conspiracy Case-1929) | Volume III (1929-1938) | Volume IV (1939-1943) | Volume V (1944-1948) | Volume VI (1949-1951) | Volume VII (1952-1956) | Volume VIII (1957-1961) | Volume IX (1962-1963) | Volume X-A (1964) | Volume XII (1968) | Volume XVII (1975-1977) | Volume XIX (1980-1981)


Communist Party of India / CPI

Communist Party of India (Marxist) / CPI(M)

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) / CPI(M-L)

Andhra Pradesh Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries / APCCCR

Central Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) / CRC CPI(M-L)

Maoist Unity Centre, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) /  MUC,CPI(ML)

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Naxalbari) / CPI(M-L) (Naxalbari)

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (People's War)

Provisional Central Committee, Communist Party of India (Marxists-Leninist) / PCC, CPI(ML)

Communist Party of India (Maoist)


Maoist Communist Party of Manipur / MCP-M


Revolutionary Communist Party, India / RCPI


Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India / BLPI


Revolutionary Socialist Party / RSP


Democratic Vanguard - Workers' Party of India / DV


Bolshevik Party of India / BPI


Revolutionary Communist Party of India / RCPI


Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist)/ SUCI(C)


The Communist League, Indian Section of the 4th International/ CL(4th)




Writings on India by Marx & Engels

Notes on Indian History (664-1858), by Karl Marx

Articles and Correspondence on the East India Company and the First Indian War of Independence, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (1853-1859)



Pre-Comintern and Early Marxist Writings on India


Young India by Lala Lajpat Rai, 1916




British Socialists and Left-Wing Laborites on India

Bankruptcy of India I, By H.M. Hyndman, October 1878
Bankruptcy of India II, By H.M. Hyndman, March 1879
The Bankruptcy of India, By H.M. Hyndman, 1886
Mr. Hyndman on India, By Harold Cox, October 1887
Colonies and dependencies, Report to International Socialist Congress By H.M. Hyndman, August 1904
Ruin of India by British Rule, By H.M. Hyndman, 1907
India, Impressions and Suggestions by J. Keir Hardie, 1909
The Awakening of India by J. Ramsay MacDonald, 1910
The Indian Crisis by A. Fenner Brockway, 1930
Rebel India by H. N. Brailsford, 1931
Democracy for India by H. N. Brailsford, 1939
Subject India by H. N. Brailsford, 1943


Comintern, Cominform, the USSR and the Communist Party of Great Britain on India

The 1920s

Anatomy of the Raj. Russian Consuler Reports (for the period 1912-1917)
Free the Colonies! by R. Palme Dutt (1920)
England and Rural India Labour Monthly (October 1921)
India in the Labour World by Shapurji Saklatvala  for Labour Monthly (November 1921)
India by G. Safarov  for International Press Correspondence (November 22, 1921)
Somebody Must Hang for This: The Moplah Death Train, December 3, 1921
Revolutionary India by Sadananda Karsan  for International Press Correspondence (December 20, 1921)
The End of Gandhi by R. Palme Dutt  for The Communist (February 1922)
Britain and India by Benjamin G. Horniman Labour Monthly (March 1922)
India Past Present and Future by Clemens Dutt for Labour Monthly (September 1922)
British Capital and Indian Revolt by Shapurji Saklatvala  for The Communist (November 1922)
"Bolshevism" for India: A Melodrama by Santi Devi  for International Press Correspondence (February 1, 1923)
In India International Press Correspondence (April 5, 1923)
Industrial Conflicts and the Position of the Workers in British India by W. Lada  for International Press Correspondence (July 26, 1923)
How the Worker Lives — In India by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (October 1923)
Appeal to the Peasants of the East and the Colonies, Adopted at the Second Enlarged Executive of the Peasant International, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 53, 2 July 1925
Indian Politics: An Analysis by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (July 1925)
India: Textile Workers' Strike Labour Monthly (December 1925)
Political Organization of Labour in India by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (February 11, 1926)
Agricultural Policy of British Imperialism in India by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (April 22, 1926)
Indian Peasant Through Official Spectacles by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (August 1926)
British Labour and India by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (September 1926)
Indian Nationalism and the Elections by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (December 1926)
India and British Policy Towards the USSR by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (April 14, 1927)
The Chinese Revolution and India by J. T. Murphy (May 1927)
India and Britain  Shapurji Saklatvala  for Labour Monthly (June 1927)
A Revolutionary "Republican" Movement in India by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (July 14, 1927)
The Indian Nationalist Press and the Anglo-Soviet Rupture by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (July 21, 1927)
British War Preparations in India by A. N. Bhaduri for Labour Monthly (September 1927)
The Indian Trade Union Movement By Phillip Spratt  for Labour Monthly (October 1927)
Capitalist Exploitation in Indian Agriculture, Part I by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (November 1927)
Capitalist Exploitation in Indian Agriculture, Part II by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (December 1927)
Developments in the Political Situation in India by G.A.K. Luhani (January 1928)
Developments in the Political Situation in India (cont.) by G.A.K. Luhani (February 1928)
The New Phase of the National Revolutionary Struggle in India by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (February 2, 1928)
The Protest Movement Against the Simon Commission in India by G.A.K. Luhani  for International Press Correspondence (February 16, 1928)
The Indian Struggle for Independence by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (March 1928)
Resolution on India by the Executive Committee of the League Against Imperialism   Press Service of the League Against Imperialism International Secretariat (May 1928)
The Present Strike Movement in India by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (June 1928)
The Indian Awakening by R. Palme Dutt  for Labour Monthly (June 1928)
India's Part in World Revolution by Clemens Dutt (July 1928)
Letter from the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the All-Indian Conference of Workers' and Peasants' Parties (December 1928)
Thesis on the Revolutionary Movement in the Colonies and Semi-Colonies of the VI World Congress of the Communist International International Press Correspondence (December 12, 1928)
The Indian League for Independence by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (January 1929)
The Political Situation in India Labour Monthly (March 1929)
The Outsider's India by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (May 1929)
India on the Eve of Revolt By Phillip Spratt  for Labour Monthly (May 1929)
The Indian Revolution and the English General Election by R. Page Arnot  for International Press Correspondence (May 10, 1929)
The Ninth All-India Trade Union Congress By Jack Ryan  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (May 1929)
British Imperialism Strikes at Indian Unions Pan-Pacific Monthly (May 1929)
Anti-Labor Laws in India Pan-Pacific Monthly (May 1929)
Problems of the Revolutionary Movement in India By P. Schubin  for Communist International (May 1929)
British Imperialism in India By Jack Ryan  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (June 1929)
To All Trade Unionis in India Pan-Pacific Monthly (June 1929)
The Class Struggle in India by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (July 1929)
The Persecution of Indian Workers Under the MacDonald Government by G.P. (Paris)  for International Press Correspondence (July 5, 1929)
Trial of Indian Revolutionaries By S.  for Communist International (September 1929)
Strike Struggles in India Pan-Pacific Monthly (September-October 1929)
The Role and Leadership of the Indian Working Class by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (December 1929)
The "Present Moment" in India By G. Safarov  for Communist International (December 1929)

The 1930s

Labor Imperialism and India By C.P. Dutt  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (December 1929-January 1930)
To the All-India Trade Union Congress from the Pan-Pacific Trade Union Secretariat Pan-Pacific Monthly (December 1929-January 1930)
Developments in India By Earl Browder  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (December 1929-January 1930)
The End of Mr. Roy (The Ideological Metamorphosis of a Renegade) By G. Safarov  for Communist International (January 1, 1930)
Letter to Executive Council All-India TUC from the Pan-Pacific Trade Union Secretariat Pan-Pacific Monthly (February 1930)
Letter Sent EC of AITUC After Obtaining a Full Account of Nagpur Proceedings Pan-Pacific Monthly (February 1930)
The Left Wing Victory: Reformists Split Indian T.U. Movement By L. Burns  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (February 1930)
The World Economic Crisis in Imperialism and the Development of the Revolutionary Ferment in the Colonies By G. Safarov  for Communist International (February 15, 1930)
The Fight for Class Clarity in the Indian Unions By L. Burns  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (April 1930)
The Indian Railway Strike By V. Chattopadhyahya  for  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (April 1930)
The Insurrectionary Movement In India By V. Chabr  for  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (May 1930)
Defend the Meerut Prisoners! Pan-Pacific Monthly (May 1930)
Between Passive Resistance and Revolution By G. Safarov  for Communist International (May 1, 1930)
Revolutionary Development in India by V. Chattopadhyahya  for [U.S.] Daily Worker (May 21, 1930)
Problems of the Revolution in India by Karl Radek  for International Press Correspondence (June 26, 1930)
On the Situation in India by V. Chattopadhyahya  for International Press Correspondence (June 26, 1930)
The Indian National Revolution by Clemens Dutt  for Labour Monthly (June 1930)
India and the Second International By V. Chattopadhyahya  for  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (June-July 1930)
The Indian Revolution and the Nationalist Leaders By V. Chattopadhyahya  for  for Pan-Pacific Monthly (June-July 1930)
The Report of the Simon Commission by V. Chattopadhyahya  for [U.S.] Daily Worker (July 1, 1930)
Increased Imperialist Repression in India By V. Chattopadhyahya  for  for International Press Correspondence (July 10, 1930)
Who is this Gandhi? by Shapurji Saklatvala   for Labour Monthly (July 1930)
First International Conference of Negro Workers by V. Chattopadhyahya  for [U.S.] Daily Worker (August 7, 1930)
The War on the North-West Frontier of India by V. Chattopadhyaya for International Press Correspondence (August 14, 1930)
The I.L.P. Hypocrites and India by V. Chattopadhyaya for International Press Correspondence (August 14, 1930)
Faked Indian Statistics as Imperialist Propaganda by V. Chattopadhyay for Labour Monthly (September 1930)
Prospects of the Labour Movement in India By W.  for Communist International (October 15, 1930)
The Road to Proletarian Hegemony in the Indian Revolution By R. Palme Dutt  for Communist International (November 15, 1930)
The Path to Proletarian Hegemony in the Indian Revolution (cont.) By R. Palme Dutt  for Communist International (December 1, 1930)
The Indian Round Table Conference by Shapurji Saklatvala   for Labour Monthly (December 1930)
The Indian Round-Table Conference: A Danger to World Peace and Socialism by Shapurji Saklatvala   for Labour Monthly (February 1931)
The Round Table Conference and the Indian National Congress By Valya  for Communist International (February 1, 1931)
India in 1930 By M. Ali  for Communist International (February 15, 1931)
Continue the Struggle for the Complete Independence of India! International Press Correspondence (March 26, 1931)
India by R. Palme Dutt  for Labour Monthly (May 1931)
The Treachery of the National Congress and the Revolutionary Upsurge in India By G. Safarov  for Communist International (May 15, 1931)
The Second Indian Round Table Conference by Shapurji Saklatvala   for Labour Monthly (October 1931)
On the Draft Platform of Action of the Communist Party of India (letter to the editor) Communist International (October 15, 1931)
Mr. Roy's Services to Counter-Revolution International Press Correspondence (October 29, 1931)
The Split in the All-Indian Trade Union Congress Communist International (November 1, 1931)
Mr. Roy in the Service of British Imperialism and the National Congress Communist International (December 1, 1931)
The Struggle for Indian State Independence. A Condition of Success of the English Proletariat by Valia   for Communist International (December 1, 1931)
The Fight for Indian Independence by R. Bishop  for International Press Correspondence (January 7, 1932)
The Old and the New in India's Struggle for Freedom by R. Saunders (London)  for International Press Correspondence (January 14, 1932)
The Indian Masses Move Forward by D.P.R. Gunawardena for Labour Monthly (February 1932)
Brailsford: "Rebel India" Communist International (February 15, 1932)
The Growing Mass Revolt in India by Clements Dutt  for International Press Correspondence (February 4, 1932)
The Economic Crisis and the Policy of British Imperialism in India by Valia  for Communist International (May 15, 1932)
British Blood-Stained Rule in Bombay by Cepeda  for International Press Correspondence (May 26, 1932)
Open Letter to the Indian Communists from the Communist Parties of China, Great Britain and Germany  for Communist International [U.S. ed.] (July 1, 1932)
The Struggle for the Indian Masses Under Conditions of Colonial Terror by Rathan Singh  for International Press Correspondence (July 7, 1932)
To the Enslaved and Oppressed Peasants of India by the Chinese and Japanese Sections of the Anti-Imperialist League  for International Press Correspondence (August 18, 1932)
Some Urgent Problems of the Labour Movement in India by V. Basak (1932)
Release the Meerut Prisoners! Joint Appeal of the League Against Imperialism and International Red Aid  for International Press Correspondence (August 18, 1932)
The Communal Award and Gandhi by Bernard Houghton   for Labour Monthly (December 1932)
The Meerut Sentences by R. Page Arnot  for Labour Monthly (February 1933)
The Development of the Communist Movement in India By Valia  for Communist International (February 1, 1933)
The Development of the Communist Movement in India (cont.) By Valia  for Communist International (April 15, 1933)
The Colonial Policy of British Imperialism by Ralph Fox (1933)
The Constitution for the Enslavement of the Indian People and the Policy of the Indian Bourgeoisie By Valia  for Communist International (June 15, 1933)
The Sham Constitution for India by R. Page Arnot  for International Press Correspondence (July 14, 1933)
The Present Situation in India, I: A Summary of the Policy of Gandhism by V. Basak  for International Press Correspondence (September 8, 1933)
The Present Situation in India, II: What is the Struggle of the Communists for the Hegemony of the Proletariat? by V. Basak  for International Press Correspondence (September 15, 1933)
The Present Situation in India, III by V. Basak  for International Press Correspondence (September 22, 1933)
The Present Situation in India, IV: We Must Establish a Spirit and Discipline in Our Ranks by V. Basak  for International Press Correspondence (September 29, 1933)
The Background in India by Ben Bradley for Labour Monthly (March 1934)
India: A Few Facts of History International Press Correspondence (February 9, 1934)
India: A Few Facts of History (concluded) International Press Correspondence (February 16, 1934)
The Karnik-Roy-Shetty Group by V.  for International Press Correspondence (March 9, 1934)
Whither Nehru?   International Press Correspondence (March 16, 1934)
Save Comrade Gurmuk Singh!   International Press Correspondence (March 23, 1934)
A Conversation with Indian Comrades by Orgwald  for International Press Correspondence (March 29, 1934)
Draft of the Provisional Statutes of the C.P. of India   International Press Correspondence (May 11, 1934)
For Trade Union Unity in India   International Press Correspondence (May 25, 1934)
A Few Remarks on the Indian Communist Movement by V. Basak  for International Press Correspondence (June 1, 1934)
The Situation in India by L.M.  for International Press Correspondence (June 8, 1934)
The Agrarian Problem in India International Press Correspondence (June 8, 1934)
The Progress of the Textile Workers General Strike in India Communist International (July 5, 1934)
The Agrarian Problem in India (concluded) International Press Correspondence (July 6, 1934)
British Imperialism Preparing for War and Its Colonial Contradictions by R. Page Arnot  for Communist International (July 20, 1934)
Abridged Draft of Political Theses of the C.C. of C.P. Of India  International Press Correspondence (July 20, 1934)
Crushing the Working Class Movement in India  International Press Correspondence (August 17, 1934)
"Congress Socialism": A Contradiction in Terms by R. Palme Dutt (October 1934)
The Congress Socialist Party and the New Maneuvers of the National Congress in India By G. Safarov  for Communist International (November 20, 1934)
The Meaning of the Indian Constitutional Proposals by R. Palme Dutt International Press Correspondence, (December 1, 1934)
What the Congress Socialists Want by Ben Bradley International Press Correspondence, (December 15, 1934)
India As In Fact It Is by Shapurji Saklatvala   for Labour Monthly (January 1935)
The New Deal for India by Reginald Bridgeman  for Labour Monthly (January 1935)
Fascism and Empire by R. Palme Dutt (January 1935)
The Sixty-Six Per Cent Background to the India Bill by Joan Beauchamp for Labour Monthly (March 1935)
British Imperialism in India by T.B.  for Communist International (May 5, 1935)
India's Fight Against the India Bill by M. Muzaffar   for Labour Monthly (May 1935)
The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonial Countries by Wang Ming [Speech at the Seventh Comintern Congress] (August 1935)
Anti-Imperialist People's Front in India by R. Palme Dutt and Ben Bradley  for Labour Monthly (1936)
Towards Trade Union Unity in India, by R. Palme Dutt and Ben Bradley
Presidential Address to the Indian National Congress by Jawaharlal Nehru   for Labour Monthly (May 1936)
The United National Front [in India], by R. Palme Dutt, Harry Politt and Ben Bradley
Left Nationalism in India by R. Palme Dutt  for Labour Monthly (1936)
Presidential Address to the Indian National Congress by Jawaharlal Nehru   for Labour Monthly (February 1937)
The Indian Elections by Ben Bradley for Labour Monthly (March 1937)
On the Eve of the Indian National Congress Labour Monthly (March 1938)
The Haripura Session by Ben Bradley for Labour Monthly (April 1938)
India and World Peace by V R Krishna Menon for Labour Monthly (June 1938)
Indian Workers’ Great One-Day Strike by Ben Bradley for Labour Monthly (January 1939)
Indian Nationalism After Tripuri by Bill Bradley for Labour Monthly (May 1939)
The Bombay Strike by S.S. Batliwala for Labour Monthly (December 1939)

The 1940s

How the British Imperialists Rule in India by W. Leitner   for Communist International (April 1940)
Indian National Congress Resolution  Labour Monthly (April 1940)
India Before Storm by Michael Carritt for Labour Monthly (May 1940)
The Empire and the War by R. Palme Dutt (June 1940)
India To-Day by R. Palme Dutt (1940)
India To-day [review] by Page Arnot for Labour Monthly (September 1940)
India's Agrarian revolution by Michael Carritt for Labour Monthly (November 1940)
Civil Liberty in the Empire by Desmond Buckle for Labour Monthly (February 1941)
The Crisis in India by Michael Carritt for Labour Monthly (February 1941)
India — A Call to the British People by Harry Pollitt for Labour Monthly (June 1941)
Indian Trade Union Movement Labour Monthly (June 1941)
Freedom's Battle by V. Krishna Menon  for Labour Monthly (August 1941)
India in the War by V. Krishna Menon  for Labour Monthly (January 1942)
India Watches... by Claude Cockburn for New Masses, (March 10, 1942)
Behind Cripps' India Mission by Claude Cockburn for New Masses, (March 24, 1942)
What India Means to Us by Joseph Starobin for New Masses, (April 14, 1942)
India and the War by James S. Allen in The Communist, Vol. XXI, No. 5 (New York, June 1942)
What Shall We Do About India's Crisis? by Joseph Starobin for New Masses, (August 18, 1942)
How Britains Feel About India by R. Palme Dutt for New Masses, (August 25, 1942)
The Power of India by R. Palme Dutt for New Masses, (September 15, 1942)
The India Crisis. Statement of the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA in The Communist, Vol. XXI, No. 8 (New York, September 1942)
India Our Ally? by D. N. Pritt (1942)
Britain in the World Front by R. Palme Dutt (1942)
India — What Must be Done by Ben Bradley for Pamphlet of Communist Party of Great Britain (1942)
India Problems — 4 articles for Pamphlet of Communist Party of Great Britain (December 1942)
The Problem of India by R. Palme Dutt (April 1943)
Indian Crisis by Ben Bradley for Labour Monthly (May 1943)
India and the War [a review of Dutt's The Problem of India] by Albert White for New Masses, (September 28, 1943)
Famine in India by V. K. Krishna Menon for Labour Monthly (October 1943)
India's Famine. The Facts by Ben Bradley (November 1943)
Why India Starves by Darshan S. Sangha for New Masses, (December 21, 1943)
The Colonies: The Way Forward A Memorandum Issued by the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain (1944)
India's New Anti-Fascist Culture by Samuel Langhorne Chase and A.S.R. Chari for New Masses, (June 6, 1944)
India Deadlock by Kumar Goshal for New Masses, (October 17, 1944)
British Soldier in India. The Letters of Clive Branson (1944)
Our Forces in India by Arthur Olorenshaw (n.d.)
India's Food and Population for Labour Monthly (February 1945)
Why the India Conference Failed by Kumar Goshal for New Masses, (July 24, 1945)
What India Wants by A.S.R. Chari for New Masses, (August 28, 1945)
Indian Problems for Labour Monthly (August 1945)
Searchlight on India by Michael Carritt for Labour Monthly (November 1945)
What next for India? by R. Palme Dutt for New Masses, (March 12, 1946)
Gandhi – The Last Phase by R. Palme Dutt   for Labour Monthly (March 1948)
What Britain Plans for India by S.H. Kaviani for New Masses, (June 18, 1946)
India: Travel Notes by R. Palme Dutt for New Masses, (July 30, 1946)
R. Palme Dutt in India (1946)
India: Outlook for Freedom by R. Palme Dutt for New Masses, (January 7, 1947)
Imperialism and the Indian Army by Neil Steward for Labour Monthly (May 1947)
The Mountbatten Plan for India by R. Palme Dutt Labour Monthly (July 1947)
Has Britain Freed India? by Charles Wisley for New Masses, (August 12, 1947)
Punjab: What the Peasants Told Me by Ralph Izard for New Masses, (December 9, 1947)
Repression Against the Communist Party of India by D. Cambey  for For a Lasting Peace, For a People's Democracy! (May 15, 1948)
Indian Union and Pakistan After the Partition of India by M. Alexeyev  for Bolshevik, (June 15, 1948)
Whither India? by R. Palme Dutt Labour Monthly (June 1948)
On the Agrarian Question in India [Reprinted from The Communist] (January 1949)
The Indian National Congress in Power by A. Dyakov  for New Times, (January 12, 1949)
Crisis of British Rule in India and the New Stage in the Liberation Struggle of Her Peoples by A.M. Dyakov (1949)
What is Happening in India? by Sharaf Athar Ali for World News and Views (March 12, 1949)
New Stage in the National Liberation Struggle of the People of India by V.V. Balabushevich  for Problems of Economics (1949)

The 1950s

A Learned 'Bandit' [review of S.A. Dange's book India from Primitive Communism to Slavery] by R. Palme Dutt for Labour Monthly (January 1950)
Sharpening of Crisis of Colonial System After World War II by E. M. Zhukov (1950)
Colonial Peoples' Struggle for Liberation (1950)
Oppression in India by D.N. Pritt K.C., for Labour Monthly (July 1950)
A Telengana Prisoner Writes by "Observer" for Labour Monthly (May 1951)
Indian Elections by D. K. Bose for Labour Monthly (March 1952)
People's Democracy in Countries of the East, Part I Labour Monthly (January 1953)
People's Democracy in Countries of the East, Part II Labour Monthly (February 1953)
The Way Forward for the Countries in the Sphere of British Imperialism by R. Palme Dutt (1954)
Telengana Friends by D.N. Pritt K.C., for Labour Monthly (February 1955)
India Today and Tomorrow by R. Palme Dutt (1955)
Eye-Witness in Kerala by D.N. Pritt K.C., for Labour Monthly (May 1957)
The Indian Revolt of 1857 by W.S. Adams, for Labour Monthly (June 1957)
'I Too Am From Kerala' by D.N. Pritt K.C., for Labour Monthly (July 1958)
Tibet and Premier Nehru by Alan Winnington, for Labour Monthly (June 1959)
The Communist Government of Kerala Government and its record by Noru Gooptu (September 1959)

The 1960s

The Monopoly Sharks in India by Idris Cox (July 1963)
Awakening East [Indian Communists in the Soviet Union] by I. Andronov, for New Times [USSR], Number 14, April 5, 1967
Danger to Democracy in India by Dilip Bose, for Labour Monthly (February 1968)

The 1970s

Who Rules India? by Conrad Wood (August 1970)
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh by R. Palme Dutt (January 1972)
Scientific Socialism, Gandhism and Modern India, by Rostislav Ulyanovsky [from the book Socialism and the Newly Independent Nations] (1974)
Reform in Indian Agriculture Prior to the Early Sixties, by Rostislav Ulyanovsky [from the book Socialism and the Newly Independent Nations] (1974)
Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India by Dilip Bose, for Labour Monthly (May 1975)
India: Social and Economic Development (18th-20th Centuries), by V. Pavlov, V. Rastyannikov, and G. Shirokov (1975)
Comintern and the Communist Party of India, by A. Reznikov [from the book The Comintern and the East: Strategies and Tactics in the National Liberation Movement] (1978)
The Origin of the Indian Communist Movement and the Comintern's Oriental Policy (1918-1921), by M.A. Persits [from the book The Comintern and the East: A Critique of the Critique] (1978)
Some Problems of the Strategy and Tactics of the Indian National Liberation and Communist Movement, by O.V. Martyshin [from the book The Comintern and the East: A Critique of the Critique] (1978)
Jawaharlal Nehru, Rostislav Ulyanovsky [from the book National Liberation. Essays on Theory and Practice] (1978)
The Indian Revolutionary Emigration in Soviet Russia, Rostislav Ulyanovsky [from the book National Liberation. Essays on Theory and Practice] (1978)
Eastern Internationalists in Russia and Some Questions of the National Liberation Movement (1918-July 1920), by M.A. Persits [from the book The Comintern and the East: The Struggle for the Leninist Strategy and Tactics in National Liberation Movements] (1979)
The Comintern and the Problem of the United Anti-Imperialist Front in India, by O.V. Martyshin [from the book The Comintern and the East: The Struggle for the Leninist Strategy and Tactics in National Liberation Movements] (1979)
A History of India, Volume 1, by K. Antonova, G. Bongard-Levin, and G. Kotovsky (1979)
A History of India, Volume 2, by K. Antonova, G. Bongard-Levin, and G. Kotovsky (1979)

The 1980s

Agrarian India Between the World Wars. A Study of Colonial-Feudal Capitalism by Rostislav Ulyanovsky (1983)




Trotskyist Writings on India


Trotskyism in India from International Trotskyism by Robert J. Alexander

An Open Letter to the Workers of India   Leon Trotsky (July 25, 1939)

Manifesto of the Fourth International: To the Workers and Peasants of India (October 1942)


The 1930s

Problems of Colonial India I by Stanley Plastrik (as S. Stanley) (New International, 1939)
Problems of Colonial India II by Stanley Plastrik (as S. Stanley) (New International, 1939)
Problems of Colonial India III by Stanley Plastrik (as S. Stanley) (New International, 1939)
Notes on Contemporary India by Stanley Plastrik (as S. Stanley) (New International, 1939)
Will India Accept Federation? by Stanley Plastrik (as S. Stanley) (New International, (New International, 1939)
Gandhi Fast Is Forerunner of Major Indian Struggles by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1939)
Gandhi Gives “Advice” to British Imperialists by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1939)
India Congress Meets as British Begin New Terror by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1939)
A Voice from Peasant India  Jadunandan Sharma  (New International, 1939)
Ferment in India By Ajit Roy (Workers‘ International News, July 1939)
British Imperialism in India by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (New International, 1939)
Major Struggle Ahead in India, British Reject Freedom Demand by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1939)
How Gandhi ‘Fought’ the Last War by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1939)
Indian Left Wing Flays Ghandi (sic!) by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1939)
India and the War (Workers‘ International News, December 1939)

The 1940s

The Real Situation in India (Workers‘ International News, January 1940)
Proposed Deal Fails – British Spurn Gandhi by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1940)
Bombay Workers Strike; Fight Against War Gains in India by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1940)
O’Dwyer, the Butcher of Amritsar, Meets His Fate in London by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Socialist Appeal, 1940)
India and the Third Camp by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (New International, 1940)
Mounting Crisis in India (Workers‘ International News, April 1940)
The Maturing Revolt in India (International News, April 1940)
British Labour and India (Workers‘ International News, May 1940)
Congress Cannot Lead (Workers‘ International News, July 1940)
Developments in India (International News, October 1940)
In Salute to a Soldier of the Revolution by Stanley Plastrik (obituary, as S.S.) (Labor Action, 1941)
British Representatives Hold Delhi Conference by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (Labor Action, 1941)
Eton Brahmin by Stanley Plastrik (as Sherman Stanley) (New International, 1941)
India Status Haunts MP’s by Stanley Plastrik (as S.S.) (Labor Action, 1941)
The Future of India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (New International, 1941)
Behind the Struggle for Indian Independence by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
Does Hindu-Moslem Enmity Prevent Indian Freedom? by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
India’s Fight for Freedom by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
Nehru – Leader of a Free India? by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
A Program for Indian Independence by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
Britain Offers a Rubber Check to Indian People by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
Independence – Next Step for the Indian People! by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1941)
The Classes of India and Their Political Roles (Fourth International, March 1942)
The British Conquest of India (New International, March 1942)
Britain's Reactionary Role in India (Fourth International, April 1942)
Social Forces in the Indian Revolution (May 1942)
Gandhi’s “Passive Resistance” Line a Blow at Freedom for Indian People by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
India’s People Still Demand Freedom! by Stanley Plastrik (as H.J.) (Labor Action, 1942)
Hands Off India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
The Revolt in India by Stanley Plastrik (as H.J.) (New International, 1942)
Some Facts on ‘Enmity’ of Hindu and Moslem by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
There Is No Compromise on India’s Demand for Immediate Independence by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
British Violence Against India’s People Continues by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
Opportunism on India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (New international, 1942)
Inquilah Zindabad! By Albert Glotzer (Fourth International, September 1942)
Petty-Bourgeois Radicalism on The Struggle in India  Felix Morrow  (Fourth International, 1942)
Manifesto on India by the Revolutionary Workers League, USA (September-October 1942)
India and the Revisionists (International News, September-October 1942)
A Transitional Program for India (Fourth International, October 1942)
British Violence Increases in India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
India – Is America Set to Intervene? by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
Once More – Opportunism on India by Stanley Plastrik (as H.J.) (New International, 1942)
Stalin’s Strikebreakers at Work in India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1942)
The Constituent Assembly in India (International News, November-December 1942)
The Indian Revolution (International News, November-December 1942)
Friends of India By Ajit Roy (Workers‘ International News, January 1943)
The Indian Revolution (May 1943)
International Notes: India - News from the Bolshevik-Leninist Party/Their View of the Struggle" (Fourth International, July 1943)
India – The Role of Congress Leaders By Ajit Roy (Workers‘ International News, August 1943)
WIL Theses on Indian Revolution (Workers‘ International News, October-November 1943)
After Thoughts on Dissolution of the Comintern By an Indian Revolutionist By Hakim Mirza (Workers‘ International News, February 1944)
Trotskyism in India (Fourth International, October 1944)
The Present Political Situation in India (Fourth International, October 1944)
Gandhi on the Road to Betrayal (Fourth International, October 1944)
The August 1942 Struggle (Fourth International, October 1944)
The Famine in India (I): The Food Crisis (by S. Krishna Menon for Fourth International, October 1944)
The Famine in India (II) War and the Food Crisis (by JKL for Fourth International, 1944)
The Bombay Plan By M. Naidu (Workers‘ International News, December 1944)
"International Notes: India" (Fourth International, April 1945)
"International Notes: India - The Coining Compromise/The Future of the Congress Socialist Party" (Fourth International, July 1945)
India’s Year of Decision by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
The Politics of the Indian Bourgeoisie By Suren Morarji ( Workers‘ International News, February-March 1946)
Indians Retreat – Temporarily by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
“Quit India!” Cry Angry Masses by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
Attlee Offer to Indians Is a Fraud! by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
Demand Freedom for India Now! by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
Will India Really Get Its Freedom? by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
Communal Riots a Tragic Injury to India’s Independence Cause by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
A Political Portrait of Nehru, Premier of India’s New Cabinet by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1946)
The Indian Constituent Assembly (Workers‘ International News, September-October 1946)
Behind the Hindu-Moslem Strife by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (New International, 1946)
[Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India] Resolution on Pakistan (New International, 1946)
Conflict in India By Tony Cliff (Workers‘ International News, January-February 1947)
Toward a Re-United India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (New International, 1948)
Gandhi Assassination Stirs Crises in India by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (Labor Action, 1948)
World Politics – Gandhi: Man and Politician by Stanley Plastrik (unsigned) (column) (Labor Action, 1948)
Struggle for the Image of Gandhi by Stanley Plastrik (as Henry Judd) (New International, 1948)

The 1950s

India Since 1947 by an Indian Marxist (Fourth International, #2, Spring 1958)
Congress of Revolutionary Unification (Fourth International, #3, Summer 1958)
Left Parties in India by an Indian Marxist (Fourth International, #4, Autumn 1958)
Kerala Under a "Communist" Government (Fourth International, #4, Autumn 1958)
India and China by Michel Pablo (Fourth International, #8, Winter 1959-60)

The 1960s

Kerala Election Shows Sharp Polarization of Forces by Himoo Kalani (Fourth International, #9, Spring 1960)
Ten Decisive Years for India, part 1 by Livio Maitan (Fourth International, #9, Spring 1960)
Ten Decisive Years for India, part 2 (Fourth International, #10, Summer 1960)
Unification of Revolutionary Marxists (Fourth International, #11, 1960)
Materialism and the Indian Bourgeoisie by C. G. Shah (Fourth International, #14, Winter 1961-62)
A Review of the Third General Elections in India by Kailas Chandra (Fourth International, #15, May-July 1962)
New Left Majority in the Leadership of the Communist Party (Fourth International, #15, May-July 1962)
Fourth International Resolution on the Conflict Between India and China (Fourth International, #16, January-March 1963)
India by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, Autumn 1963)
Indian Workers Protest Inflation (World Outlook, Vol. 1, #2, October 6, 1963)
New Revolt in Communist Party of India (World Outlook, Vol. 1, #3, October 11, 1963)
Garlands Counter Censure of Gopalan by S.R. Singh (World Outlook, Vol. 1, #6, November 1, 1963)
Rightist Indian CP Leader Target of “Unity” Bloc (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #2, January 10, 1964)
“To Split or Not to Split” Left Wing Indian Communists Ponder Course of Action by S.R. Singh (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #3, January 17, 1964)
Nehru‘s Congress Party Routed in Goa by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #8, February 21, 1964)
Can You Shame India into Communism? S.A. Dange Turns to “Mass Fasting” by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #10, March 6, 1964)
Indian Social Democrats Reshuffle Forces (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #11, March 13, 1964)
The Congress Party Makes a Bid to the Left by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #12, March 20, 1964)
India‘s New Budget. A Welcome Mat for Foreign Investors by S.R. Singh (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #14, April 3, 1964)
Dange‘s “Letter” – Key Issue for Indian CP? by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #16, April 17, 1964)
Split in Communist Party of India (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #16, April 17, 1964)
The Death of Nehru (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #23, June 5, 1964)
On the Proposed Programme for the CPI by Himoo Kalani (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #24, June 12, 1964)
India – Part One by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, Summer 1964)
Shastri Continues on Nehru‘s Path by S.R. Singh (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #28, July 17, 1964)
Indian Communist Party Opposition Holds Convention by A. Raheem (World Outlook, Vol.2, #29, July 31, 1964)
New Wave of Militant Action in India by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #30, September 11, 1964)
Indian Communists Schedule Rival Congresses by A. Raheem (World Outlook, Vol.2, #30, September 11, 1964)
India – A First Approximation II by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, Autumn 1964)
Countryside Stirs in India by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #34, October 9, 1964)
Mass Arrest of Left Communist Leaders in West Bengal (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #38, November 6, 1964)
West Bengal Left Communists Hold State Conference by Himoo Kalani (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #38, November 6, 1964)
Indian CP Finds It‘s a Hard One to Swallow by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 2, #39, November 13, 1964)
Witch-Hunt in India by Himoo Kalani (World Outlook, January 1, 1965)
Pro-Moscow Indian Communists Refurbish Dange by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, January 15, 1965)
A New Situation for the Left in India by Kailas Chandra (World Outlook, Vol. 6, #2, January 19, 1968)
West Bengal – What Next? by (World Outlook, Vol. 6, #14, April 12, 1968)
Communist Party of India Divided Over Czech Events by Sharad Jhaveri (Intercontinental Press, October 14, 1968)
Another ‘Naxalbari‘ in Kerala? by Kailas Chandra (Intercontinental Press, January 13, 1969)
New Maoist Party Formed in India by Kailas Chandra (Intercontinental Press, February 3, 1969)
Maoist ‘Extremists‘ Defeated at Pro-Chinese CP Congress in India (Intercontinental Press, February 17, 1969)
Maoism and the Indian Revolution by Raj Narain Arya (Intercontinental Press, May 12, 1969)
Anatomy of the United Front Government in West Bengal by Kailas Chandra (Intercontinental Press, May 26, 1969)
The ‘Naxalite‘ Movement in India by Sharad Jhaveri (Intercontinental Presss, May 26, 1969)
Third Communist Party Fails to Unite India's "Naxalites" (Intercontinental Presss, June 30, 1969)
The Gherao Movement by Sharad Jhaveri (Intercontinental Press, June 30, 1969)

The 1970s

Indian Summer by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, February 1970)
Naxalites Turn to Urban Terrorism (Intercontinental Presss, June 8, 1970)
The Naxalites and the Bangla-Deshi Left by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, December 1971)
India – Capitalism and Revolution by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, July 1972)
The ‘Marxist‘ Left in India by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, October 1972)
India and China by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, June 1973)
Economic Growth in India and China by Nigel Harris (International Socialism, July 1973)
CPI, Communist Party (Marxist) Argue Over Brezhnev Visit by Kailas Chandra (Intercontinental Press, February 4, 1974)
India‘s Pro-Moscow Stalinists Hold Congress by Kailas Chandra (Intercontinental Press, March 10, 1975)
India's Naxalite Movement Reviews its Strategy by Sharad Jhaveri (Intercontinental Presss, June 2, 1975)
Indian Maoists Criticize Peking by Sharad Jhaveri (Intercontinental Presss, June 2, 1975)





Cultural Revolution Era China: Writing and Reportage on India

A Mirror for Revisionists (1963)
The Truth About How the Leaders of the CPSU Have Allied Themselves With India Against China (1963)
The Brooding Storm Over India by Yang Chun-Fong (1963)
Indian Reactionaries' Ugly Anti-China Face (Peking Review, March 25, 1967)
Resolutely Repel the Indian Reactionaries' Provocations (1967)
Spring Thunder Over India (1967)
Raising the Red Flag in India: The Darjeeling Peasant Armed Struggle (1967)
Let the Red Flag of Naxalbari Fly Still Higher (Peking Review, August 11, 1967)
Historical Lessons of Telengana Uprising (Peking Review, August 11, 1967)
Armed Struggle in Telengana (1967)
The Indian Food Crisis and Armed Revolution (1967)
Only Mao Tsetung's Thought Can Lead the Indian Revolution to Victory by N. Sanmugathasan (1967)
India's "Non-Congress Governments: On the Rocks (1967)
"Non-Congress Governments" - Instruments of Reactionary Rule in India (1967)
Historic Turning Point in the Indian Revolution (1968)
Indian Peasants Take "Naxalbari" Road: Armed Seizure of Land in Bihar (Peking Review, February 16, 1968)
Let the Peasants' Revolutionary Storm in India Strike Harder! (1968)
Nagas and Mizos Take Up Arms: Growing Struggle Against Oppression (Peking Review, March 11, 1968)
Bodo People Rise Against Oppression (Peking Review, June 21, 1968)
Nagas and Mizos Intensify Struggle (Peking Review, June 28, 1968)
Indian Revolutionary Journal "People's War" Published (Peking Review, September 6, 1968)
India - A Country Suffering from Constant Food Shortages (1968)
Why the Indian People Go Hungry? by Chang Chin-li (1968)
Soviet Revisionism Carries Out Social-Imperialist Exonomic Exploitation of India (Peking Review, November 8, 1968)
Kerala State, India: People in Revolt (Peking Review, December 20, 1968)
Revolutionary Indian People Are Advancing (1969)
Indian People Embark on Revolutionary Road of Armed Struggle (1969)
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Founded (Peking Review, July 11, 1969)
Political Resolution of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (1969)
Asian People's Revolutionary Armed Struggle Rages On (1969)
Resolutely Take the Path of People's War Pointed Out by Chairman Mao. Report on the peasants' armed struggle by the Srikakulam District Committee of the Indian Communist revolutionaries in Andhra Pradesh (1969)
Indian People's Armed Forces Are Growing Stronger in Battle (1969)
Dog Bites Dog. Infighting Within Indian Ruling Circles (Peking Review, August 15, 1969)
India - A Vivid Specimen of how Soviet Revisionists Push Social Imperialism by Chang Ou (1969)
Hail Rising Revolutionary Storm of the Indian Peasants by Shao Yung-hung (1969)
Indian Peasant Armed Struggle Rages Like a Praire Fire (1969)
India's Revolutionary Armed Struggle Surges Forward (Peking Review, October 31, 1969)
Indian Reactionaries. Factional Strife Boiling Over (Peking Review, November 7, 1969)
Red Revolutionary Area in India Shines Like a Beacon - The revolutionary armed struggle in Srikakulam under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) is expanding (1970)
Indian Monthly "Liberation" Sums Up Experiences of Armed Peasant Struggle in Mushahari (1970)
Report on Armed Peasant Struggle by Debra Thana Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of India (M-L) (Peking Review, January 30, 1970)
Indian Peasant Armed Struggle Intensifies (1970)
Hail the Naxalbari Road of Struggle (1970)
Intensified Repression by Reactionary Indian Government Can Only Increase People's Resistance (1970)
Communist Party of India (M-L) Leads Indian People Onward Along Victorious Path of Seizing Power by Armed Force (1970)
Peasants' Armed Struggle Led by Communist Party of India (M-L) Develops Steadily (1970)
Chairman Mao's Solumn Statement Bears Profound Significance - says article by Charu Mazumdar, leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (1970)



On Specific Events in Indian History


The Great Indian "Mutiny" (1857)

Articles and Correspondence on the East India Company and the First Indian War of Independence, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (1853-1859)



The Sino-Indian War (1962)

A Fool’s Game. The China-India Border Dispute
by Leo Huberman and Paul Sweezy (1963)

The Himalayan Adventure: India-China War of 1962 — Causes and Consequences
by Suniti Kumar Ghosh (2002)

Selections from The Sino-Indian Boundary Question

Statement of the Government of the People’s Republic of China (October 24, 1962)
Premier Chou En-Lai’s Letter to Prime Minister Nehru (November 7, 1959)

The Sino-Indian Boundary Question [Enlarged Edition] (1962)



The Gujarat Pogrom (2002)

The Genocidal Pogrom in Gujarat: Anatomy of Indian Fascism, by Kunal Chattopadhyay (2002)

Communal War in Gujarat, India, by Kunal Chattopadhyay (2002)




A note on the content of this page: Contributions are welcomed and encouraged. Works should comply fully with MIA's copyright policies. Please contact Paul Saba (saba.costello (-@-) gmail.com) or Mike B. if you wish to contribute material to this section.


Updated on 9 Sept 2022 by JF