MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Socialist Workers Party [US}: Socialist Workers Party: Internal Bulletins & Discussion Bulletins

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Socialist Workers Party: Internal & Discussion Bulletins Library

1960 through 1965

Socialist Workers Party [US]

A Note on SWP Internal & Discussion Bulletins

This set of bulletins from the internal discussions of the U.S. Trotskyist movement represents the continuity of the pervious bulletins put out by the U.S. supporters of the of the Fourth International, the Socialist Workers Party. Previous incarnations of these bulletins going back to 1930 are listed the bottom of this page or, you can go to the Internal Documents Library of the Socialist Workers Party [US].

The SWP Discussion Bulletins for the listing below covers 6 years: 1960 through 1965. Why such a short range for this particular set of DBs? The answer is the sheer mass of bulletins the membership of the SWP produced. This was, arguably, the most important and interesting internal discussions considering what was going on in the world generally, and the Trotskyist movement internationally.

The Party, and the entire country, was coming out of the lean years of McCarthyite repression. While the Cold War was heating up, repression lessoned against the left and Civil Rights movement. Important mobilizations around desegregation in the South were won. Black organizations were growing and new ones being founded. Militant Black lead organizations subscribing to armed self-defense and the ideology of Black Nationalism were springing forth was well. This one issue alone, often under the title of the "Negro Question" became the grist for a huge debate inside the SWP that was already percolating between the Party’s conventions during the 1950s.

Activity on campuses around issues from civil rights to free speech were beginning to develop; The Vietnam War was was heating up under the Kennedy Administration; and the “discovery” of the Chinese Revolution was beginning to impact a small minority of SWP members who started looking to the Chinese Communist Party as a revolutionary beacon.

Additionally, in January of 1959, the Cuban people mobilized to overthrow the U.S. supported dictatorship. The working class and peasants were mobilizing and occupying farms and factories. That revolution was growing over into a Socialist Revolution with great rapidity. Lastly and no less importantly, under the impact of the Cuban Revolution, the SWP wing of the International Committee of the Fourth International was seeking unification with the International Secretariat of the Fourth International based in Europe. There was opposition to this coming from within the other sections of the ICFI and their supporters inside the SWP who opposed the reunification of the Fourth International.

All these issues were reflected in the discussion as the SWP evolved its previous held positions toward the new reality of the early 1960s class struggle, domestically and internationally. Multiple tendencies and groups formed within the now-beginning-to-grow SWP as a result of all the changes internally and externally to the SWP.

Until 1964, all the DBs retain the title Discussion Bulletin. Beginning in 1964 during which there was no Convention, the Party started up publication again of the Internal Information Bulletin (IIB). The IBB was used by the leadership of the Party to inform the membership of National Committee Plenum discussions and decisions with regards to activities of the Robertson-Mage-White tendency. Eventually this lead to split/expulsion of several of the minority tendencies within the SWP, all of which is documented in these IIBs and also the DBs for the following year, 1965.

This monumental contribution to the history of the Trotskyist movement is made possible by the tireless effort of Marty Goodman of the Riazanov Library Project, the Holt Labor Library and the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line For more information on the Riazanaov Library Project click here. For more technical information on the scanning and digitization techniques click here.


Volume 21, No. 1, January 1960, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

A Criticism of the Various Views Supporting the Chinese Rural People's Communes — What Our Attitude Should Be, by Peng

Volume 21, No. 2, January 1960, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Letter to Swabeck from L., July 22, 1959
Letter to L. from Mei, July 8, 1959
Letter to L. from Swabeck, August 24, 1959
Letter to Swabeck from L., November 2, 1959
Letter to L. from Swabeck, December 10, 1959
The Third Chinese Revolution, the Communes and the Regime, by Arne Swabeck and John Liang

Volume 21, No. 3, September 1960, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Character of the Chinese Regime, by Daniel Roberts
Trotskyist Theory and the Character of the Chinese Regime, by Daniel Roberts
China, by Arne Swabeck

Volume 21, No. 4, October 1960, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Note, by Tom Kerry, Organizational Secretary
Memorandum on Our Tactics in the Antiwar Movement, by Tim Wohlforth
Notes on the“ Memorandum on the Antiwar Movement, ” by Tim Wohlforth
A Criticism of the“ Memorandum on the Antiwar Movement, ” by Jim Lambrecht
Memorandum on the Principles Groundwork of Our Tactics and Slogans in the Struggle Against Imperialist War, by Murry Weiss
Statement on Weiss Memorandum, by Tim Wohlforth


Volume 22, No. 1, February 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Part 1 — Documents and Reports
1. Draft Theses on the Cuban Revolution — Submitted by Political Committee
2. The Cuban Revolution and Marxist Theory — Submitted by Shane Mage, Tim Wohlforth and James Robertson 3. Report for Political Committee, by Joseph Hansen
4. Minority Report, by Tim Wohlforth

Volume 22, No. 2, February 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. B. Deck
2. D. Stevens
3. F. Halstead
4. D. Lopez
5. T. Kerry

Volume 22, No. 3, March 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Summary Speech by Tim Wohlforth
2. Summary Speech by Joseph Hansen
3. Plenum Vote on Cuban Question

Volume 22, No. 4, March 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On the Nature of the Chinese Communist Party and Its Regime — Political Revolution or Democratic Reform? by S.T. Peng

Volume 22, No. 5, March 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Peking Regime and Stalinism, by Arne Swabeck and John Liang

Volume 22, No. 6, April 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

“The New Industrial Revolution’ and the Bailing Rate of Profit, by Albert Phillips

Volume 22, No. 7, April 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On the Revolutionary Party, by Tim Wohlforth
Stalinism and the Cuban Revolution, by Martha Curti

Volume 22, No. 8, May 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Transition from Bourgeois to Workers State in Cuba, by Allen Taplin
"Political Togetherness" or Struggle? by Rose Jersawitz and Fred Mazelis
Danger Signals in Cuba, by Trent Hutter
The Nature of the State in Cuba, by Shane Mage
The Conscious Element in Social Process, by Tim Wohlforth
Remarks on "The Conscious Elements in Social Process," by Arthur Phelps

Volume 22, No. 9, May 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Letter of January 2, 1961, from NC of Socialist Labour League to NC of Socialist Workers Party
2. Letter of February 6, 1961, from PC of Socialist Workers Party to NC of Socialist Labour League
3. Letter of February 24, 1961, from NC of Socialist Labour League to NC of Socialist Workers Party
4. Memorandum on the World Movement, by Tim Wohlforth
5. “Class Struggle in Belgium” (Report from the Newsletter of article by Tom Kemp.)

Volume 22, No. 10, May 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. In Defense of Routine Activity
2. The Question of Criteria and the Cuban Revolution, by Frances James
3. Building a Revolutionary Party in Cuba, by Barbara Dorritty
4. Explanatory Note
5. An Answer to the Kennedy-Schlesinger-Draper Thesis, by Nora Roberts
6. On a Revolutionary Criticism of the Cuban Revolutionary Leadership, by Judy McGill

Volume 22, No. 11, May 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Struggle Between the Socialist and Capitalist Camps (PC Draft Resolution on the World Situation) The April 17 Invasion and Its Aftermath (PC Addenda to “Draft Theses on Cuban Revolution”)

Volume 22, No. 12, May 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

What the Discussion on Cuba Is About, by Joseph Hansen Appendix I — The Character of the New Cuban Government Appendix II — The Workers and Farmers Government (Extracts from “Theses on Tactics” Adopted by the Fourth Congress of the Comintern — 1922)

Volume 22, No. 13, June 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

In Defense of Proletarian Democracy, by Tim Wohlforth
The Cuban Revolution and Its State and Government, by Gaylord McDowell
Statement of Clarification, by Fred Mazelis
The Leadership in Cuba, by Fred Halstead
On Viewing Contradictions in the Cuban State, by Rosemary Stone

Volume 22, No. 14, June 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Resolution on the Cuban Revolution, Submitted by Shane Mage
Amendments to PC World Resolution, Submitted by Tim Wohlforth

Volume 22, No. 15, June 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Some Considerations on Our I960 Election Platform, by Frank Powers
Comments on the Cuban Discussion, by Daniel Roberts

Volume 22, No. 16, June 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Proletarian Democracy and the Cuban State, by Jack Arnold
China and the World Revolution, by James E. Boulton
What the Discussion on Cuba Is Really About, by Tim Wohlforth
A Note on the Current Discussion — Labels and Purposes, by James Robertson
Letter of May 8, 1961, from NEC of Socialist Labour League to NC of Socialist Workers Party

Volume 22, No. 17, June 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Letters to the Party Center, by James P. Cannon
1. May 10, 1961, to Joseph Hansen
2. May 12, 1961, to Farrell Dobbs
3. May 15, 1961, to Joseph Hansen
4. May 22, 1961, to the Political Committee

Volume 22, No. 18, August 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

New Trends and New Moods in the Negro Struggle, by George Breitman

Volume 22, No. 19, September 1961, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Documents of the 19th National Convention
1. Theses on the Cuban Revolution
2. The April 17 Invasion and Its Aftermath (Addenda to "Theses on the Cuban Revolution")
3. Political Report, by Farrell Dobbs


Volume 23, No. 1, January 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

A Contribution to the Discussion on the Negro Question, by Nat West

Volume 23, No. 2, March 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Chinese Revolution — Its Character and Development, Submitted by Arne Swabeck and John Liang

Volume 23, No. 3, June 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Red China — Catalyst of World Revolution, by Hilde MacLeod
Comments on Chou Sze's Article, “Changes in the Commune System” — Letter by Dan Roberts

Volume 23, No. 4, July 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Plenum Discussion of World Movement — Part I
1. Problems of the Fourth International — and the Next Steps (Majority Resolution)
2. In Defense of a Revolutionary Perspective — A Statement of Basic Position (Minority Resolution)

Volume 23, No. 5, July 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Plenum Discussion of World Movement — Part II
1. Report to Plenum on Majority Resolution, by Joseph Hansen
2. Report to Plenum on Minority Resolution, by Tim Wohlforth

Volume 23, No. 6, November 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Plenum Discussion of World Movement — Part III
1. T. Edwards
2. R. Garza
3. R. Kirk
4. D. Stevens
5. S. Mage
6. M. Alvin
7. C. DeBruce
8. J. Boulton
9. A. Philips
10. T. Kerry
11. P. Mazelis
12. I. Warwak 13� Myra Weiss
14. B. Winnick
15. P. Dobbs

Volume 23, No. 7, December 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Plenum Discussion of World Movement — Part IV
1. Summary for Minority, by Tim Wohlforth
2. Summary for Majority, by Joseph Hansen

Volume 23, No. 8, September 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

1. Biased “Authorities” on the Chinese Revolution, by Evelyn Reed
2. The Nature of the Chinese Communist Party, by Milton Alvin
3. After Three Tears — The Industrial Workers Return, by Moi Yi

Volume 23, No. 9, October 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Plenum Discussion on the Negro Struggle
1. Presentation by G. Breitman
2. Letter to Political Committee, from R. Kirk
3. Extended Remarks by R. Kirk
4. General Discussion
5. Summary, by R. Kirk
6. Summary, by G. Breitman

Volume 23, No. 10, December 1962, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Plenum Discussion on National Committee Question
1. Report for Political Committee, by Farrell Dobbs
2. General Discussion


Volume 24, No. 1, January 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Trotskyism Betrayed — SLL Article

Volume 24, No. 2, January 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Cuba, the Acid Test, by J. Hansen

Volume 24, No. 3, January 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On Evaluating the Chinese Revolution, by Arne Swabeck
Where I Differ from Swabeck on the China Question, by Liang

Volume 24, No. 4, February 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Letter to Militant on Decertification Suits, by G. Breitman
Thoughts on the Negro Struggle, by Nat West

Volume 24, No. 5, February 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Critical Support or Political Revolution — A Reply to Liang, by M. Alvin
Note on Differences Between Swabeck and Liang, by M. Alvin

Volume 24, No. 6, February 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Our China Policy, Open Letter to Members of the SWP, by Liang
Critical Notes on PC Draft “Problems of 4th International and the Next Steps,” by S. Mage

Volume 24, No. 7, February 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

China and Cuba, Teacher and Student, byL. Manning Afro-Americanism, by Leigh Ray
Note on Muslims and NALC, Letter to Leigh Ray from G. Breitman
Chinese CP Has Changed, Let's Acknowledge

Volume 24, No. 8, March 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Alvin-Reed School of Quotations or How to Characterize CCP Without Mention of Revolution, by H. McLeod
Self-Determination and Independent Negro Struggle, by Larry Smith

Volume 24, No. 9, April 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Sino-Soviet Dispute (PC Draft Resolution) For Early Reunification of the World Trotskyist Movement, Statement of the PC of the SWP

Volume 24, No. 10, April 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Decline of American Imperialism and the Tasks of the SWP, Statement Jay Reorganized Minority Tendency

Volume 24, No. 11, April 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Why White Radicals Are Incapable of Understanding Black Nationalism, by R. Vernon

Volume 24, No. 12, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On Reunification of World Movement: Letter from Healy to Hansen; Reply from Hansen to Healy, PC Endorsement of Hansen Letter

Volume 24, No. 13, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Freedom Now: PC Draft Resolution

Volume 24, No. 14, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Report to LA Branch on Peking-Moscow Dispute, by M. Alvin
Summary of Report; Postscript to Report, by Alvin
The CCP Played a Historic Revolutionary Role in an Hour of Mankind's Greatest Peril, by I. Warwak

Volume 24, No. 15, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Rebuilding of the 4th International — Statement by the Reorganized Minority Tendency
What Is an Unprincipled Amalgam, by A Philips
Unprincipled Combinationism Past and Present, by Kerry

Volume 24, No. 16, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Preparing for the Next Wave of Radicalism in the U.S. — PC Draft Resolution

Volume 24, No. 17, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Cuban Way — Pattern for the Future? by T. Wohlforth
The Wohlforth Way — A Methodological Mutation, by Kerry

Volume 24, No. 18, May 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Declaration on the Cuban Crisis, by Robertson et al
The Whirling Dervish School of Politics, by Dobbs

Volume 24, No. 19, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The SWP Position on China — PC Draft Resolution
Amendment Proposed by Wohlforth to PC Resolution on China

Volume 24, No. 20, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Marxism and the Sino-Soviet Dispute, by Swabeck
Chinese Revolution and Future of Trotskyism — A Criticism of 1963 Draft Resolution, by Boulton
Some Answers to Warde's Articles in The Militant, by Al Johnson
Who Is Junking Leninism, by I. Warwak

Volume 24, No. 21, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

SNCC, by G. Carlton
Sino-Soviet Dispute — A New Stage in the Mortal Crisis of Stalinism, Minority Tendency, Mage, Robertson, White
Correction to Vol. 24, No. 18

Volume 24, No. 22, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

A Note on Leadership and Democratic Centralism, by Barnes
Comments on the Political Resolution, by Myra Weiss
Statement by F. Dobbs

Volume 24, No. 23, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

What Makes Philips Run, by T. Kerry
SWP And the Negro Struggle, by F. Mazelis
Amendment to the PC Draft Resolution Preparing for Next Wave of Radicalism in the U.S., by Robertson Minority

Volume 24, No. 24, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Why Majority Leaders Do Not Understand Red Chinese Democracy, by H. MacLeod
Question That Disturbed Me at 1962 Plenum, by Winnick

Volume 24, No. 25, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

On the Party Discussion of the Negro Struggle, by Blake
Amendments to Party Resolutions and Thesis on New Tasks and Perspectives, by C. Jarvis

Volume 24, No. 26, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Amendments to PC Draft Resolution &A#8220;Freedom Now,” by Mazelis for Reorganized Minority
Correcting Wrong Attitudes Toward Negro Struggle, by C. DeBruce
Criticism of 1963 PC Draft Resolution, by Joe Johnson
Toward Re-Birth of the International (Draft Resolution on World Movement by Robertson et al Minority)
White-Radical Left on Trial, by R. Vernon

Volume 24, No. 27, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Party and Class — Statement on Preconvention Discussion, by Reorganized Minority

Volume 24, No. 28, June 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Revolutionary Integration — Draft Resolution on Negro Struggle, by R. Kirk

Volume 24, No. 29, July 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Preston-Healy Prepare Their Split, by Kerry
Answer to Myra's Comments, by H. Garza
Spotlight on Sectarian Mistake, by Julia Brown
Reorganized Minority — On What Basis Do We Remain in the Same Tendency, by Steve Fox

Volume 24, No. 30, July 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Looking Beyond Freedom Now Resolution, by Vernon
On Cuban Crisis — NY Demonstration, by Halstead
Discipline and Truth — Reply to Wohlforth, by Mage et al
For Black Trotskyism Against PC Draft Freedom Now, by Robertson-Stoute

Volume 24, No. 31, July 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Maoism — Myth and Reality, by T. Kerry

Volume 24, No. 32, July 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Swabeck Tendency — A Discussion on the Method of Capitulation, by Murray Zuckoff

Volume 24, No. 33, July 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

elf-Determination and All that Sort of Jazz, by F. Powers
Corrections on Vernon Vol. 24, Nos. 11 and 30

Volume 24, No. 34, July 1963, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

China — the Acid Test, by Doug and Rosemary

1964—Internal Information Bulletins

January 1964 Part I, SWP Internal Information Bulletins:

Robertson-Mage-White-Harper-Ireland and Case Part I

January 1964 Part II, SWP Internal Information Bulletins:

Robertson-Mage-White-Harper-Ireland Case Part II

February 1964 Part I, SWP Internal Information Bulletins:

Robertson-Mage-White-Harper-Ireland Case Part III
1. Report on Internal Party Situation (December 1963 Plenum) by Farrell Dobbs
2. Minority Report on Internal Party Situation (December 1963 Plenum), by Myra Tanner Weiss

April 1964 Part I, SWP Internal Information Bulletins:

Robertson-Mage-White-Harper-Ireland Cast Part IV
1. Statements to Plenum by Suspended Members: Ireland, Robertson Case Part IV
2. Plenum Discussion on Internal Party Situation:

April 1964 Part II, SWP Internal Information Bulletins:

Robertson-Mage-White-Harper-Ireland Case Part V
1. Continuation of Plenum Discussion on Internal Party Situation:

2. Summary on Internal Party Situation, by Myra Tanner Weiss
3. Summary on Internal Party Situation, by Farrell Dobbs
4. Plenum Vote on Internal Party Situation


Volume 25, No. 1, June 4 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Freedom Now Movement in 1965; Its Progress, Problems and Prospects (PC Draft Resolution)

Volume 25, No. 2, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Next Phase of American Politics (PC Draft Resolution)

Volume 25, No. 3, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Organizational Character of the SWP (Draft Resolution Adopted by January 1965 Plenum of the NC)

Volume 25, No. 4, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Minority Position on China and Related Questions by Swabeck
The Negro Revolution the American Revolution and the SWP by D. Miller & A. Phillips
A Proposed Amendment to the Organizational Resolution by D. Miller

Volume 25, No. 5, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Antiwar Movement (Transcript of PC Minutes of June 25, 1965) Report and Recommendations on Economic

Volume 25, No. 6, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Coming American Socialist Revolution, by Marcus and Lawrence

Volume 25, No. 7, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Triple Revolution, by J. Becker
On Work in the Unions by P. Lovell
On Self Defense and the PC Resolution, by Sell

Volume 25, No. 8, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Political Resolution, by Kirk Kaye

Volume 25, No. 9, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Political Organization and Organizational Politics, by Phillips Economics and Politics by L. Marcus
Memo on Our Use of the Term "Stalinism," by Chester
Setting the Record Straight (Some Comments on the Freedom Now Party) by Breitman
The Phillips School of Bolshevism, by Himmel

Volume 25, No. 10, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Black Radicalization in America (Resolution of the Milwaukee Branch)

Volume 25, No. 11, 1965 , SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Black Proletariat and the Red Chinese, by Doug and Rosemary
The DeLeonist Debentures, by James Boulton

Volume 25, No. 12, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Political Work in the Unions, by George Breitman
Two Proposals, by George Breitman
Building Tasks and Factional Hangovers, by Dobbs

Volume 25, No. 13, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

The Red Chinese Challenge to World Trotskyism, by Doug and Rosemary

Volume 25, No. 14, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Radical Laborism Vs. Bolshevik Leadership, by Kirk-Kaye
The Fragmentation of World Trotskyism, by Marcus

Volume 25, No. 15, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Notes on Black Nationalism and Separatism, by G. Breitman
Errata in the 1963 Freedom Now Resolution, by Breitman
Memo on Black Ghetto Radicalism, by Vernon

Volume 25, No. 16, 1965, SWP Discussion Bulletin:

Where We Stand, by Rose J. and Marion S.
Out 1965 Question: Does the PC Resolution
Signal the Ideological Decline of the SWP, by Hilde M.
The Kirk Record and the Majority Record on the Negro Struggle, by Frank P.