MIA: History: ETOL: Document: Socialist Workers Party [US]: PC Minutes, Letters, Reports and Dossiers for 1979

Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line

Socialist Workers Party:
Political Committee Minutes, Letters, Convention Reports , and Dossiers.
—Also Documents from the Young Socialist Alliance—


A Note on these documents

These documents from the U.S. Trotskyist group, the Socialist Workers Party, were donated to the Holt Labor Library by Gus Horowitz, who has been active in the YSA from 1960-67 and the SWP from 1960-80. The Holt Labor Library in collaboration with Marty Goodman from the Riazanov Library Project has digitized these documents for the historical record and made them available here, 1964-1973, on the Marxists Internet Archive. John Beadle continued the project through the year 1979.The records are only presented in a general chronological order by year or set of years. But for each year they are presented within each set by file number, not in any chronological order. So you will notice that often the listing of the files runs from latest to the earliest and not the other way around. This is how the records were organized and we are keeping to that organization. The Political Committee was the leadership of the SWP elected by the National Committee to run the Party between National Committee Plenums, which were held 2 or 3 times a year. The National Committee was itself elected at the SWP's National Convention and was the highest decision making body of the Party.

Jan-Dec 1979

"Voyage à l'Interieur de l'OCI," from Critique Communiste (01-79)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund [re: "Socialist Democracy" document] (01-05-79)

Information on the Internal Discussion in the Ligue Communiste Révolutionaire [France] (01-79)

Letter to all Members of the International Executive Committee from Susan [Connie Allen] for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Argentine Desafio group] (01-10-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 1 (01-10-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 1 (01-11-79)

Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Jack Barnes [re: Cuba discussion, Alan Thornett] (01-13-79)

To Organizers and Campaign Committees [re: Consent Decree on Campaign Expenditures] (01-17-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 2 (01-18-79)

"Joseph Hansen, FBI Informer, Dies at Age 68," from the Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 108, 345 (01-23-79)

Information on Iranian Supporters of the Fourth International (01-24-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 3 (01-25-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 2 (01-26-79)

"Concerning Slanders Against the Fourth International: We Don't Take 'I don't Know' for an Answer!," by Margaret Guttshall, from Truth (01-26-79)

Letter to Val from Fred Feldman [re: Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia] (01-29-79)

La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 108 (01-30-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 4 (02-02-79)

Carta a Jack Barnes de Adolfo Gilly (02-02-79)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund [re: Congress of the French LCR] (02-04-79)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund [re: United Secretariat Bureau Meeting] (02-04-79)

"Après le IIIe Congrès de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire," from Informations Ouvrières (02-07/15-79)

To Political Bureaus of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations [re: European Elections] (02-07-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 5 (02-08-79)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-09-79)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-12-79)

Correspondence with David Keil (02-13-79)

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from Byron Ackerman, San Francisco Branch (02-13-79)

Cuatro Artículos Sobre Irán de El Socialista [Colombia] (02-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 6 (02-15-79)

"Iran's February Revolution," from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (02-15-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 6 (02-15-79)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-15-79)

Letter to Curt Johnson, Portland, OR, from Joel Britton [re: Party security policy] (02-16-79)

"Letter From the Editor," from Changes [magazine of the International Socialists (US)] (02-79)

"Déclaration de la LCR au 22e Congrès de l'OCI," from Rouge No. 854 (02-16/22-79)

Information on the Joseph Hansen Publishing Fund (02-17-79)

Report on South America Trip, by Peter Camejo (01/02-78)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-19-79)

To the Political Committee [re: DSOC Convention] (02-20-79)

To National Committee Members and Organizers (02-21-79)

"Trotskyism and Terrorism: Ireland and Iran," by Hon. Larry McDonald (R-GA), from the Congressional Record (02-21-79)

"Deux Articles de Rouge [France] (02-23/03-01-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 7 (02-23-79)

Letter to Fred Murphy, Intercontinental Press, from Mike Kelly [re: Peru] (02-24-79)

Letter to the Editor of The Militant from Robert S. Canter [re: Cuban Trotskyists] (02-25-79)

To the Political Committee and Organization Committee [re: Newport News] (02-26-79)/p>

"Le Comité Central de l'OCI a Tous le Militants de l'OCI, Aux Militants, au Travailleurs et Jeunes (26 Fevrier 1979)," from La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 116-117 (02-27-79)

Letter to Newspapers of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Stateman, for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Iran] (02-28-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 3 (01-31-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 8 (03-01-79)

Notes by Gus Horowitz from PC Meeting on developments in the OCRFI (03-01-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 6 (03-02-79)

"Expose Hansen's FBI Network," from The News Line (03-03-79)

Intercontinental Press/Inprecor Distribution at Feb. 22, 1979, after Vol. 17, No. 6 (03-03-79)

"XXIIIe Congrès (Extraordinaire) de l'OCI pour la Reconstruction de la IVe Internationale - 24, 25, 26 et 27 Mai 1979 - Paris: Projet de Rapport Politique Soumis a la Discussion," from La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 116-117 (03-03-79)

"Informations Internationales (3)," from La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 118 (03-05-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 7 (03-05-79)

Letter to the National Secretary, International Marxist Group [Britain] from Magan Desai, General Secretary, Communist League [India] (03-06-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 8 (03-06-79)

To the Political Committee and Organization Committee [re: Paula Reimers resignation] (03-06-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 4 (02-07-79)

"Major Purge Hits WRP," from Socialist Press [Britain] (03-07-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 9 (03-08-79)

"M. Charle Berg est Exclu de l'OCI (Trotskiste)," from Le Monde [France] (03-08-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 9 (03-09-79)

Internal Developments at The Guardian [New York City] (02/03-79)

"Schoenmann Expelled from Iran," from The Bulletin (03-79)

To the PC [re: Ballot initiative on divestment] (03-14-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 10 (03-15-79)

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: "Active Sympathizers"] (03-15-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 11 (03-19-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 12 (03-20-79)

Letter to Melan and Manuel [Spain] from Susan, for the United Secretariat Bureau (03-20-79)

"Iran's Oil Workers Assert New Powers; Leftists Gain Foothold, Keep Organizing," from the Wall Street Journal (03-21-79)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from John Strawson, for the IMG [Britain] Political Bureau (03-22-79)

Trade-Union Coordinating Committee Meeting No. 5 (03-23-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 10 (03-27-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 13 (03-28-79)

"Hansen: His Life Reflected Crisis of the Fourth International," by John Lister, from Socialist Press [Britain] (03-28-79)

To Members of the United Secretariat (03-29-79)

Branch Debts to National Departments (03-31-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 14 (04-05-79)

"Above the Law," editorial from The Nation (04-07-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from José G. Perez, Editor, Perspective Mundial [re: Politica Obrera (Argentina) split with OCRFI] (04-09-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 15 (04-09/11-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 16 (04-12-79)

Front page and table of contents of "La Crisis del Comite de Organizacion por la Reconstruccion de la Cuarta Internacional (CORCI)," published by Ediciones Politica Proletaria (79?)

Leadership Information (04-79)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Robb Wright [re: SWP Black work] (04-10-79)

To the Political Committee [re: Michel Pablo] (04-14-79)

Letters Concerning the SWP's Position on Gay Rights (04-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from José G. Perez, editor, Perspectiva Mundial [re: PST of Panama] (04-16-79)

Correspondence Between the Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Combate) [Bolivia] and Vanguardia Obrera [Bolivia] (04-79)

Peter Camejo's Notes on/Summary of the "Declaration and Platform of the Bolshevik Faction" (04-18-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 17 (04-20-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 18 (04-26-79)

To All SWP and YSA Organizers [re: National Antinuclear Demonstration] (04-26-79)

Minutes of the National Committee Plenum (04-28/05-02-79)

YSA Membership Statistics (04-79?)

Statistics on Party Recruitment (04-79?)

1979 Publishing Schedule (04-79?)

Education for Socialists Tapes Order Form (04-79?)

Trade Union Survey Results by Branch - March 1979 (04-79?)

Summary of Trade-Union Survey (04-79?)

"Memorandum on the Gay Liberation Movement," reprinted from SWP Discussion Bulletin Vol. 31, No. 3, May 1973 (04-79?)

Letter to Ernest Mandel from George Breitman [re: Founding conference of the SWP] (05-03-79)

"Rapport Presente au Comite Politique du 5 Mai sur le Demanagement du Centre et de Socialist Voice a Montreal,"par Lachance (05-05-79)

YSA National Committee Plenum (05-12/13-79)

Minutes of United Secretariat Meeting (05-27/30-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from José G. Perez [re: Politica Obrera (Argentina)] (05-29-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 15 (06-01-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 21 (06-03-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 22 (06-05-79)

To All Organizers [re: One-Day Labor conference for ERA] (06-06-79)

Hedda Garza Appeal to the United Secretariat (06-07-79)

Deux Lettres de Livio Maitan (06-79)

Letter to Pierre Frank from F. Wang [Hong Kong] [re: release of Cheng Chao-Lin and Wu Jing-Ru] (06-29-79)

United Secretariat Meeting (07-02/04-79)

Documents from the United Secretariat (07-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 20 (07-05-79)

Information on the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (07-06-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 28 (07-09-78)

Membership Statistics (07-79)

Publishing Statistics (07-79)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de R. Lenoir pour le Bureau du Secrétariat International de la Tendance Marxiste Révolutionnaire Internationale (07-09-79)

Deux Articles du Le Matin [France] (06/07-79)

Note to Jack Barnes from José G. Pérez (07-10-79)

"Can a Socialist Find Asylum in the US?: The Case of Héctor Marroquín...," brochure issued by the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee (07-79?)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 21 (07-11-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 29 (07-12-79)

"Gay Polémiquons: 'Masques' et 'Gai Pied' s'en Prennent au SWP Américain. Encore Faudrait-il Qu'ils ne Déforment Pas ses Positions por les Besoins d'un Mauvaise Cause," par Philippe Andréa, de Rouge [France] (07-13/20-79)

Documents from the International Marxist Group [Britain] (07-79)

"Sur Notre Politique Vis Avis du CORQI et la Construction du Part et de l'Internationale," par Touvais pour le Bureau Politique de la LCR (07-79?)

Couverture de la Circulaire de la Tendance Léniniste-Trotskyste No. 5 (07-13-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 30 (07-14-79)</p>

Letter to Organizers and National Committee Members from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee [re: Voting on resolutions] (07-14-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 23 (07-17-79)

"Alan Gelfand vs. United States Attorney General Griffin Bell, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation William H. Webster, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner, Director of the National Security Agency Vice Admiral Bobby Inman, Jack Barnes, Larry Seigle, Peter Camejo, David Jerome, Mary Roche, Doug Jenness, Sharon Cabanas, Pearl Chertov, Bruce Marcus, Socialist Workers Party, Case No. 79-02710MRP(T)," United States District Court Central District (07-18-79)

"Linking the Left and Gay Liberation Movements," by David Thorstad, from The Guardian [New York] (07-18-79)

"Pages From SLP History: Revitalization of SLP Begins in 1970s," from the Weekly People (07-21-79)

Letter to Jones [John Ross] and Duret [Charles-André Udry] from Julie Samuels [re: Crisis in the Canadian Section] (07-21-79)

Letter to the Editor of The Militant from David Thorstad (07-22-79)

Report on Discussion with Comrade from Hong Kong RML, by Les Evans [re: Release of Imprisoned Chinese Trotskyists] (07-23-79)

Información Sobre el Trotskismo Venezolano (07-79)

"Where is Fausto Amador?,"from The Bulletin (07-24-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 31 (07-24-79)

Carta a Pedro Zamora de Raúl por la Comisión de Prensa y Propaganda, Partido Obrero Revolucionario-Combate [Bolivia] (07-25-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 32 (07-26-79)

Report on Political Discussions in the New American Movement, by Mark Friedman, San Diego (07-26-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 33 (07-27-79)

Letter to Cristóbal from Andrés (07-27-79)

Letter to Paul Thierney, Toledo Branch, from Livio Maitan [re: Cuba] (07-28-79)

YSA Membership Statistics (07-30-79)

SWP Leadership Statistics (08-79)

To the National Committee and Organizers (08-01-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 34 (08-03-79)

"Socialist Workers Party: 'Send an Agent to Nicaragua," from The Bulletin (08-03-79)

"Police Claim Vielot's Killers 'Escaped'," from The Bulletin (08-03-79)

Portada del folleto "El Cenrismo de 'Tipo Castrista' en America Latina," por Pablo Rojas (08-79?)

Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Partido Socialista Revolucionario [Colombia], voted Unanimously [re: Attack by PST] (08-04-79)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-04-79)

"Socialist Workers Party 30th National Convention, 1979," Convention Schedule and Brochure (08-04/11-79)

Letter to George [Novack?] from Pierre [Frank? [French] (08-09-79)

"FBI Spies in the FBI: The Strange Group from Carlton College, Minnesota," from The Bulletin (08-10-79)

"Gay Polémiquons (3): Une Lettere de David Thorstadt," de Rouge (08-10/17-79)

Nat Weinstein Remarks on the Political Report at the 1979 Convention (08-79)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-11-79)

Lettre au Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié de Mikado [Michel Warshawski] 08-08-79)

Photos from NewsLine [Britain] (08-23-79) and Barricada [Nicaragua] (08-13-79)

"Declaración del Buró Politico del PRT: Sobre la Salida de R. Hernández y su Ingreso al PCM," desde Bandera Socialista (08-13-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 35 (08-13/14-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 36 (08-14-79)

Carta al Secretaríado Unificado de Sara Santiago, Equipo Ejecutivo de Dirección OST [Costa Rica]; Felix, Equipo Ejecutivo de Dirección OST [Costa Rica]; Galène, Comité Central de la LCR [France] [re: Brigada Simón Bolívar] (08-20-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 37 (08-21-79)

Information on the Split in the Hezbe Kargaran-e Socialis [Iran] (08-79)

"Chinese Trotskyists Released," by Chinese Trotskyists Overseas, from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (08-23-79)

"El Rostro Estalinista del PRT," por Rodolfo Echeverria M., desde Oposición [Periódico del Partido Comunista Mexicano] (08-23/29-79)

"Nicaragua: La Révolution Défie l'Imperialisme," de Rouge [France] (08-24/30-79)

"Dos Líneas en la Solidaridad con Nicaragua en el Trotskismo Colombiano," por Eduardo Medrano, Libardo González, Gustavo Consuegra, Arnulfo Bayona, desde Combate Socialista [Colombia] (08-27-79)

"Boletin de Prensa y Radio: Trotskismo Colombiano Desconoce la Brigada Simón Bolivar," por el Comité Ejecutivo Nacional, Partido Socialista Revolucionario [Colombia] (08-79)

Amnesty International Appeal on Behalf of 14 Arrested Iranian Trotskyists (08-28-79)

Report on the Simon Bolivar Brigade, by ? (08?-79)

Letter to George [Breitman?] from Pierre Broué [France] (08-28-79)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Nikita [Jean Michele Krivine], Robert et le Groupe Trotskyste Vietnamien en France (31/08/79)

Documents on Colombia (08-79)

  • Introductory Note
  • Carta a Gus Horowitz de Otto [Colombia] (07-29-79)
  • Letter to Gus Horowitz from Mike Kelly (07-29-79)
  • "Contra la Estrategia de la Infamia," declaración del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional del Partido Socialista Revolucionario (07-28-79)
  • Letter to the United Secretariat from Ricardo Sanchez for the Executive Committee, PSR (07-29-79)

"Ou Va la Direction du SWP?," Déclaration de la Tendance Leniniste-Trotskyste (09-01-79)

Report by Gus Horowitz of Telephone Call from Caroline Lund in Paris (09-03-79)

Steve Forgione Resignation from the SWP (09-04-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 20 (09-05-79)

OST [Costa Rica] Internal Information Bulletin (09-79)

"Defeat Imperialist Conspiracy Against Iran! Statement by the Workers League Political Committee," from The Bulletin (09-07-79)

Letter to the United Secretariat from the Political Bureau of the Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden] [re: Proletarianization and Party-Building] (09-09-79)

Report on the Release of Chinese Trotskyists, by Les Evans (09-10-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 21 (09-13-79)

"Alan Gelfand vs. United States Attorney General Griffin Bell, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation William H. Webster, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner, Director of the National Security Agency Vice Admiral Bobby Inman, Jack Barnes, Larry Seigle, Peter Camejo, David Jerome, Mary Roche, Doug Jenness, Sharon Cabanas, Pearl Chertov, Bruce Marcus, Socialist Workers Party, Case No. 79-02710MRP(T)," Motion to Dismiss Presenting Defenses of Failure to State a Claim, Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Insufficiency of Process Under Rule 12(b). United States District Court Central District of California (09-14-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 38 (09-14-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 24 (09-17-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 22 (09-18-79)

"The Assassination of R.P. Piyadasa: Statement by the Central Committee of the Workers League," from The Bulletin (09-18-79)

Quatrième Congrès du Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs du Québec (09-79)

Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organizations and IEC Members from Duret [Charles-André Udry] and Stateman for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Split in HKS (Iran)] (09-19-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 39 (09-19-79)

"After the Fall: How Depression Gave a Boost to Big Labor, Changed Its Strategy," by Robert W. Merry, from Wall Street Journal (09-20-79)

Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Alfonso for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Simón Bolivar Brigade] (09-20-79)

"Whose Consent?,"from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (09-20-79)

Letter to "My Dear Friend" from David Goldberger, American Civil Liberties Union [re: Nazi free speech case in Skokie, IL] (09-20-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 40 (09-21-79)

"Organization Committee Meeting No. 25 (09-21-79)

"Socialism is No Longer a Dirty Word to Labor," from Business Week (09-24-79)

"From the Editors: 'We Are Not Men of Speeches...," from Barricada [Nicaragua] (09-25-79)

To the Political Committee (09-25-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 26 (09-26-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Minutes (09-27-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 41 (09-28-79)

United Secretariat Meeting (09-29/10-04-79)

Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire [Canada] Industrial Union Colonization (10-79)

A Letter and An Article About Kampuchea (10-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Barry Sheppard (10-01-79)

Two Letters to the Political Committee from Nat Weinstein (10-01-79)

Carta a Sara y Félix del Equipe de Dirección de la OST de Costa Rica y a Galène del CC del LCR, Francia (10-02-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 27 (10-02-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 23 (10-03-79)

Excerpts from speech by Stéphane Just, Central Committee Member of the Organization Communiste Internationaliste [France], from Informations Ouvrières [France] (10-06/13-79)

Two Articles About the US Labor Party (10-07/08-79)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Trade Union Activity] (10-08-79)

To Members of the Political Committee, Fred Feldman, Michael Baumann, José Pérez and Andy Rose (10-09-79)

To Sections and Sympathizing Organizations, IEC and USec Members [re: Simón Bolivar Brigade] (10-09-79)

La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 100/161/162 (10-10-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 24 (10-10-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 28 (10-10-79)

"Building the Party: An Assessment of the Trotskyist Experience," by Michael Urquhart, from Changes [magazine of the International Socialists (US)] (79?)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency] (10-10-79)

Lettre à la Direction de la LCR (État Espagnol) de Bourgueil pour le Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié (10-10-79)

Lettre au Bureau Politique de l'OCI et le Bureau de CORQI de Walter [Ernest Mandel] pour le Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié (10-11-79)

"SWP Agents Sacrifice Fausto Amador: New Orders From the State Department," from The Bulletin (10-12-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 29 (10-12-79)

Bulletin of the Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency (10-13-79)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from the International Marxist Group [Britain] [re: Nicaragua, Simón Bolivar Brigade] (10-14-79)

"2 Years Since the Assassination of Tom Henehan...and Still No Arrests: Statement by the Political Committee of the Workers League," from The Bulletin (10-16-79)

To Members of the Political Committee, Fred Feldman, Michael Baumann, José Perez, Andy Rose [re: Last United Secretariat Meeting] (10-16-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 25 (10-16-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-16-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 30 (10-17-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-18-79)

Report on October 14 National March for Lesbian and Gay Rights, by Peter Seidman (10-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 42 (10-19-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 43 (10-20-79)

Correspondence Regarding the Israeli Section (10-22-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 31 (10-23-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-24-79)

The Resignation of David Weisman from the SWP (10-24-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Caroline Fowlkes, Phoenix Branch Organizer [re: Phoenix Municipal Proposition 200] (10-24-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 44 (10-25-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai [India] (10-27-77)

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Secretariat of the Communist League [India] (10-27/28-79)

IMG [Britain] Mailing on the Situation in the Fourth International (10-29-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: Withdrawal of adherence to the Leninist Trotskyist Tendency] (10-29-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-29-79)

International Marxist Group [Britain] National Briefing (10-29-79)

Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organization [Re:Situation in the Fourth International] (10-29-79)

Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organization from the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Bolshevik Faction and Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency] (10-30-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 26 (10-31-79)

Disciplinary Matters in the Houston Branch (10/11-79)