Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

U.S. Anti-Revisionism

The New Communist Movement: Party Building Efforts Continue, 1975-1977


The struggle to build a new, anti-revisionist communist party continued to guide the efforts of many groups in the New Communist Movement in the years 1975-1977. In 1975, two years after the National Liaison Committee (NLC) which it had initiated collapsed amid mutual recriminations, the Revolutionary Union, together with a few allied organizations, formed the Revolutionary Communist Party.


In November of the same year, the October League (OL) launched its own party building initiative with the goal of holding a founding convention within the year (in fact, the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) would not become a reality until 1977). As part of this effort, the OL creates a youth group, the Communist Youth Organization, and a mass organization, the National Fight Back Organization, to further broaden its base. Later, in 1976, OL converts is monthly newspaper, The Call, into a weekly.

The fall of 1975 also saw the birth of a short-lived party building initiative which called itself the “Revolutionary Wing,” or the “wing,” for short. The “wing” consisted of four groups: the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization; the Revolutionary Workers League (RWL), a predominantly Black communist group that arose from the Youth Organization for Black Unity and the African Liberation Support Committee; the Workers Viewpoint Organization (WVO), a predominantly East Coast Asian organization; and the August 29th Movement (ATM), a predominantly Chicano organization based in California, New Mexico and Colorado. The “wing” did not hold together long – by March 1976 it had split apart, with WVO and ATM departing and PRRWO and the RWL undergoing a number of splits and purges, before announcing their intention to form a “U.S. Bolshevik Party.”

This inability to unite plagued other elements of the new communist movement in these years. Earlier in 1975, the Black Workers Congress split into four groups: the Revolutionary Workers Congress, the Revolutionary Bloc, the Workers Congress, and the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee (MLOC).

More significant for the future of the New Communist Movement, however, was the breach within its ranks opened up by changes in Chinese foreign policy. The practical consequences of China’s “theory of three worlds” became apparent in 1975 as China openly backs the FNLA and UNITA against the MPLA in the Angolan civil war. China’s stand dismayed many on the left who saw the MPLA as the legitimate leader of the Angolan liberation struggle rather than the South African and CIA-backed groups of UNITA and the FNLA. In 1976, sparked by the Angola controversy, the Guardian inaugurated a debate on China’s foreign policy and its line that the “Soviet Union was the more dangerous of the two superpowers” which opened a space within the New Communist Movement for voices openly critical of China’s line to be heard.

The death of Mao Zedong in September 1976 and the subsequent defeat of the “Gang of Four” marked the end of an era in China and raised new questions about the meaning of “Mao Zedong thought” and its relevance to the U.S. left. Increasingly, the resulting debates and polemics began to speak to a wider set of questions and problems which would call into question many of the assumptions upon which the New Communist Movement had been built.

Index of organizations and subjects in this section (by alphabetical order)
Black Women’s United Front
Black Workers Congress: Two-Line Struggle and Split
––––Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)
––––Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee
––––Revolutionary Workers Congress
––––Revolutionary Bloc
Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists
Communist Labor Party 1976 Electoral Campaigns
Congress of Afrikan People – Revolutionary Communist League
’Gang of Four’: U.S. Marxist-Leninists Respond to Their Fall
The Guardian Debate on Chinese Foreign Policy and the NCM Response
International Women’s Day – Differences Over Marxist-Leninist Stategy and Tactics
October League (M-L) – Communist Party (M-L)
Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee: Participation of Marxist-Leninists
Revolutionary Union – Revolutionary Communist Party
––––The RU in the Indochina Peace Campaign (IPC)/Indochina Solidarity Committee (ISC)
Revolutionary Wing Initiative
––––August 29th Movement (M-L)
––––Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization
––––Resistencia Puertorriqueña/League for Proletarian Revolution
––––Revolutionary Workers League
––––Workers Viewpoint Organization
––––Leninist Core of the Revolutionary Wing
’Roots’: U.S. Marxist-Leninists Respond
Sadlowski and the Insurgency in the Steelworkers Union
Shah of Iran: Should Marxist-Leninists Oppose His Overthrow?
U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association

Background Materials

Family Tree Chart of U.S. Anti-Revisionism, 1956-1977 by the Communist Workers Group (Marxist-Leninist)

Tirana Builds an Internationale Part One: The Struggle Against Modern Revisionism; Part Two: The Albanian Intervention; Part Three: Rally for Enver; Part Four: After Enver by woodsmokeblog

Mao in the Mines: An Anti-Systemic View of New Communist Movement Activity in the Appalachian Coalfields, 1962-1978 by Judson Abraham

General Surveys and Polemics

The Joint Committee for Events on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China: 1974 Sum-Up [includes criticisms of the Revolutionary Union, Wei Min She, Bay Area Worker, Wei Min Bao]


The Guardian: Rushing Headlong into the Swamp by the Revolutionary Union

Carl Davidson: Creature from the “White Skin Privilege” Lagoon by the Revolutionary Union

Phony Internationalism is Real Class Collaboration by the Revolutionary Union

’Revolution’ Polemic Deceives No One by Irwin Silber

Guardian Viewpoint: Sectarianism

On Party Building by the Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee

Pragmatism and the Split in the New Voice by the Marxist-Leninist League

Toward A Scientific Analysis of the Gay Question [A response to the RU] by the Los Angeles Research Group

Party Building and Anti-revisionist Premises by Workers Viewpoint

The Trade Union Movement – A Marxist Analysis by the Worker-Student Organzing Committee

Criticism of ultra-’leftism’ by the Trade Union Educational Alliance

IWK Position on Party Building

2, 3, Many Parties of a New Type? Against the Ultra-Left Line by the Proletarian Unity League

What Are “Left” and Right Errors?

Constructive Criticism: A Handbook by Gracie Lyons

On Building the Party among the Masses by the League for Marxist-Leninist Unity

Win The Vanguard!! by the Workers Congress (M-L)

Gaining Clarity on our Communist Tasks. A self-criticism by the League for Marxist-Leninist Unity


’Revolutionary Wing’ or Anti-Party Bloc? by Sherman Miller

RWL and OL: Two Wings of Same Bird by the Committee for Scientific Socialism (Marxist-Leninist)

Communists in Court: The Role of the O.L. and R.C.P by the August 29th Movement

October League, Right Opportunist Feint to the ’Left’ by the August 29th Movement

Nationalist Reformism Disguised as Marxism. A polemic against the political line of the August 29th Movement by Barry Litt

Strategy and Tactics: OL & RCP Revise Marxism on the International Situation by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

Denver Forum, Five Organizations Speak on Party Building: The Overall Situation in the Communist Movement and How to Complete the Central Task

Struggle For The Right To National Development As A Component Part off Making Proletarian Socialist Revolution In the U.S. by the East Wind Organization

What Do “Left” and Right Mean? by The New Voice

Guardian Debate: Irwin Silber and Carl Davidson on the Afro-American National Question and the Right to Self Determination

On the National Question by Irwin Silber

In Defense of the Right to Self-Determination by Carl Davidson

’...fan the flames’ [reply to Carl Davidson] by Irwin Silber

International Women’s Day – Differences Over Marxist-Leninist Strategy and Tactics

Primary Documents

International Women’s Day, 1974

International Women’s Day Sparks Two Line Struggle by the Revolutionary Union

Chicago Women Answer RU’s Slanders

Which Side Are You On? [on RU and women’s emancipation] by Carl Davidson

International Women’s Day, 1975

Women and Party Building by the October League (M-L)

All Out for March 8! by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 3, No. 6, March 1975]

’...fan the flames’ by Irwin Silber

October League replies to Women’s Day criticisms

Guardian Replies to OL Forum

International Women’s Day, 1976

Imperialism to be Target of Women’s Day Events by the October League (M-L)

International Women’s Day by the Congress of Afrikan People [Unity and Struggle, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 1976]

March at the U.N. on Women’s Day by the October League (M-L)

Celebrate Int’l Working Women’s Day! by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

The Woman Question is a Class Question by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization [Palante, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb.9-March 9, 1976]

International Women’s Day Takes Aim at Imperialism, Revisionism by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Right Opportunism Main Danger! CAP Summation of International Women’s Day by the Congress of Afrikan People

Sum-up of the Coalition for International Working Women’ Day by Resistencia Puertorriqueña

The Line of the Revolutionary Wing on I.W.W.D. by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization

P.R.S.U.-F.F.M. Statement on I.W.W.D. [Palante, Vol. 6, No. 4, April 1976]

Party Building and the Woman Question by the Revolutionary Workers League

A Critique of the Workers Viewpoint Organization’s Role in International Women’s Day Activities, 1975 and 1976 by Resistencia Puertorriqueña

International Women’s Day, 1977

IWD Actions to Demand Women’s Equality by the October League (M-L)

Great Advance for Women’s Struggle: Thousands Rally to Celebrate Women’s Dayby the October League (M-L)

IWD: A History of Struggle Against Imperialism and Revisionism by the October League (M-L)

Organizers Report on IWD Work by the October League (M-L)

Lessons in Revolutionary Leadership from IWWD by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

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Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee: Participation of Marxist-Leninists

Primary Documents

Free Puerto Rico! Day of Solidarity Oct. 27th by the October League (M-L)

Liberate Puerto Rico: October 27th!! by the Congress of Afrikan People [Unity and Struggle, Vol. III. no. 11, October 1974]

Fan the Flames... by Irwin Silber

Puerto Rico Solidarity Day Packs Garden by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 3. no. 2, November 1974]

Puerto Rico Solidarity Day... Puerto Rico Libre!! by the Congress of Afrikan People [Unity and Struggle, Vol. III. no. 12, November 1974]

Fan the Flames... by Irwin Silber


On the October 27 Day of Solidarity at the Madison Square Garden by Resistencia Puertorriqueña

Palante Editorial: On the October 27 Rally [Palante, Vol. 1, No. 2, January 1975]

Proletarian Internationalism or Revisionism: Analysis of October 27 Rally in Support of Puerto Rican Liberation Struggle by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization

Independence for Puerto Rico! Political Statement of the Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee

Joint Response by El Comité/MINP and the October League to Statements of P.S.P. [Obreros en Marcha, Vol. 1, No. 5, April 15, 1975]

El Comité/MINP Editorial on the Havana Conference [Obreros en Marcha, Vol. 1, No. 8, July 24, 1975]

Expose Havana Conference: Social-Imperialist Scheme to Leech Off Puerto Rico’s Struggle by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization [Palante, Vol. 1, No. 9, September-October 1975]

Conference Pushes Soviet Aims in Puerto Rico by the October League (M-L)

For Denouncing Soviet Danger: Anti-imperialists Expelled from PRSC by the October League (M-L)

Recommendation for Withdrawal from the Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee by the Congress of Afrikan People [Unity and Struggle, Vol. V. no. 4, April 1976]

The Guardian’s Man in Havana: An Exposure of ’Centrism’ by Martin Nicolaus

WVO’s “Unite to Expose”: A policy of class collaboration by Resistencia Puertorriqueña

P.R.S.C. – Second National Conference by El Comité/MINP

For Denouncing Soviet Danger: Anti-imperialists Expelled from PRSC by the October League (M-L)

PRSC Holds Convention by J. Reed (Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee)

PRSC – From Conciliation to Outright Surrender by Marxist-Leninists for an Independent Puerto Rico [Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 3, June-July 1976]

Arguments and Proposals for the PRSC Conference by the March 1st Bloc [Urgent Tasks, #1, May 1977]

Repression Spurs Debate in PRSC by Jim Griffin (Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee) [The Organizer, Vol. 3, No. 6, August 1977]

The PRSC Holds National Convention by Clay Newlin (Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee) [The Organizer, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 1979]

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“Gang of Four:” U.A. Marxist-Leninists Respond to Their Fall

Primary Materials

“Radicals” Arrested in China from Challenge

The Situation in China and Social-Chauvinism in Our Movement by the Communist Workers Group (ML) and the Organization of Communist Workers (ML) [Canada]

Whither China? from Challenge

China Struggle Intensifies by the Communist Labor Party

A Week of Struggle from Challenge

China Crushes ’Gang of Four’ from The Call

Progressive Labor Party Editorial: China: Factional Struggle Without Principle from Challenge


China: The Reversal of Socialism. How the “Gang of Four” Betrayed the Left in the Cultural Revolution by the Progressive labor Party

Class Struggle Sharpens in China by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Revolution and Production in China from The Call

Hua Kuo-feng Is Successor To Chairman Mao’s Great Cause from The Call

China: The Return of Teng Hsiao-ping from Challenge

’Situation is Excellent’: China’s People’s Congress denounces ’gang of four’ from The Call

Revisionism Is the Main Danger by the Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

Long Live the Great, Glorious and Correct Communist Party of China! by the League for Proletarian Revolution (Marxist-Leninist)

Support for Chairman Hua Kuo-Feng Affirmed: World communists denounce ’gang of four’ from The Call

Victory in China, victory for entire working class: Masses Rout ’Gang of 4’ by the August 29th Movement

Hua Kuo-feng sums up China’s struggle against ’gang of four’ from The Call

Supporting Revisionism: RCP Takes Stand with ’Gang’ by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

The Struggle in China: The East Stays Red by Martin Nicolaus

Armed Struggle in China from Challenge

Seattle Communist Workers Group on the “Gang of Four”

World communists support Chairman Hua Kuo-feng from The Call

Chiang Ching’s Reactionary Line on the Woman Question from The Call

Revisionists are Revisionists and Must Not Be Supported; Revolutionaries are Revolutionaries and Must Be Supported by Bob Avakian

The Central Committee Report on China is a Counter-Revolutionary Document and Must be Criticized by the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters

China Advances Along the Socialist Road: The Gang of Four Were Counter-Revolutionaries and Revolutionaries Cannot Support Them by the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters


Militant, Guardian, William Hinton: ’Gang of Four Purge’ Debated in Chicago by Mike Taber

What is Happening in China? A Debate Between Jack Smith, Les Evans and William Hinton from International Socialist Review, June 1977

SDOC (M-L) Comments: Uphold Our International Leadership! by the San Diego Organizing Committee (Marxist-Leninist)

Behind WVO’s ’Silence’ on China and the ’Gang of Four’ from The Call

The Capitalist Roaders Are Still on the Capitalist Road. The Two-Line Struggle and the Revisionist Seizure of Power in China by the China Study Group

Analyzing China Since Mao’s Death (Part 1), (Part 2) and (Part 3) by Harry Eastmarsh, [Theoretical Review]

RCL’s Position on the Gang of Four (Part 1) by the Revolutionary Communist League (M-L-M)

Long Live the People’s Republic! Long Live Working Class Rule! by the National Office of the Revolutionary Student Brigade [Young Communist, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1978]

China and the Gang of Four by Bill Ricard and Jim Griffin [Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee]

Open Letter to U.S. Communists Who Support the Struggle in China Against Wang, Chang, Chiang and Yao by the Pacific Collective (M-L)

Against the Revisionist Take-Over in China: In Defense of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-Tung Thought and Proletarian Revolution by the Witchita Communist Cell

China’s Great Leap Backward – A Review; and “A Short Note on Deng Xiaoping and the Present Line of the CCP” by Harry Eastmarsh

Analyzing China Since Mao’s Death (Part 4) by Harry Eastmarsh

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October League (Marxist-Leninist) – Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party – Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

The October League (OL) took its party-building efforts into high gear in November 1975, after the formation of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), led by its political rival, the Revolutionary Union. The polemical battle between RU and OL played a big role in setting the terms for the New Communist Movement’s understanding of party building. Both groups used the arguments of Lenin’s “What Is To Be Done?” on the need to draw “lines of demarcation” among communists to shape the future party’s political line and orientation – each side presented itself as the latter-day Bolsheviks.


In the period preceding the formation of the RCP, the OL initially had set its stance toward party building as one such demarcation. OL was the first to declare party building as the “central task,” while RU argued that such a position was premature until a revolutionary workers movement could be developed. Both RU and OL grew rapidly in the early 1970s, and in 1974 the RU concluded that the time to form a party had finally come. This led to sharper polemics against the OL, which now sought to distinguish itself from RU as both less sectarian and more consistently in line with China and anti-revisionist orthodoxy.

As many independent activists with an anti-revisionist orientation, including both individuals and multi-city and local groups, had become estranged from the RCP, the OL focused on bringing them into its party-formation campaign. To a certain extent, OL won adherents because of the manner in which it differed ideologically with the RCP: its more open stance toward reform movements, its support for the Boston school integration struggle, etc.

However, OL made a sharp turn in late 1975, its contention with RU having moved to the background with the formation of the RCP. Political differences with one of the OL’s leaders, the noted theoretician Martin Nicolaus, led to a full-fledged “anti-rightist” ideological campaign aimed at the members. Internal discussion was reined in.

Meanwhile, in the field, the OL became hostile to campaigns and coalitions that included the CPUSA, targeted liberals and reformists as the “main danger” in mass movements, and began to shift its international line to opposing the USSR over the US. This came as the US-China anti-Soviet alliance became a major factor in world affairs.

In July 1976, the OL announced the formation of an Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party to further its party-building campaign, but this only further estranged other groups. After a fierce effort to build the Committee’s membership and promote discussion with some independent groups, the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (CPML) was formed in 1977, but no other national formations in the New Communist Movement chose to join. The following year, I Wor Kuen and the August 29th Movement, formerly of the “Revolutionary Wing,” merged to form the League of Revolutionary Struggle, essentially in opposition to the CPML’s claim to vanguard status.

Historical Works

Lessons from the Collapse of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) by Carl Davidson

Summing Up the CPML’s Experiences in Trade Union Work by Charles Costigan

Critiques and Polemics by Other Groups

The October League: A Most Dangerous Revisionist Trend in U.S. Communist Movement by the Workers Viewpoint Organization


OL Supports Meany's Grain Boycott: Maoism and Anti-Communist Protectionism Workers Vanguard, September 26, 1975

’...fan the flames’ [On the OL’s attack on the Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee] by Irwin Silber

OL’s Call for the Party: Our Response by the Workers Congress (M-L)

On the Alliance of the October League (M-L) with the Shah of Iran by the Iran Report

On the Declaration by OL on Party Building by I Wor Kuen

Slipping and Sliding: October League, the Most Dangerous Revisionist Trend in the Communist Movement and Their Call for the Party by the Workers Viewpoint Organization [Workers Viewpoint Journal #4, n.d.]

Comment on OL’s Call for a Party by the Bay Area Communist Union

On the October League’s Call for a New Communist Party – A Response by the Proletarian Unity League

Imperialism: Also A Policy of the Soviet Union by A. Snyder [on a speech by Martin Nicolaus] [The Rag, February 23, 1976]

October League – Right Opportunism Is the Main Danger by the August 29th Movement

Angola – Another View by Phil Prim [on a speech by Martin Nicolaus] [The Rag, March 8, 1976]

OL Brings Party Building Bandwagon to Town. One Stomp on the Road to the Swamp by the Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee [The Organizer, Vol 2, No. 1, January-March 1976]

’...fan the flames’ [On the OL’s “No united action with revisionists,”] by Irwin Silber

OL’s Sham Attempt at Party Building by Resistencia Puertorriqueña

Party Building: OL proposal criticized by William Gurley [The Guardian]

October League – How Not to Build a Communist Party by the August 29th Movement

Guardian: White Chauvinist? by William Gurley [The Guardian]

Sectarianism: OL’s July 4 coverup by William Gurley [The Guardian]

Expose OL’s All-Unity, Bourgeois Stand; Build Proletarian Unity Through Intensified Struggle by the Committee for Scientific Socialism (M-L)

OL’s “New” Proposal by the League for Proletarian Revolution (M-L) formerly Resistencia Puertorriqueña [Resistance, Vol. 7, No. 7, n.d.]

Polemics: RCP flails OL by William Gurley [The Guardian]

Capitalist Roaders Still on the Capitalist Road: Once Again on the October League by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

The O.L. on Party Building: A “Partial Modification” of Unprincipled Unity by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee [from Communist Line, No. 9, August 1976]

A Letter to the O.L.: Opportunism on International Situation by Changing Times Bookstore

October League’s Organizing Committee Forums: ’Unity Trend’ Hangs Itself! by the Workers Viewpoint Organization


Reprint of WVO Leaflet for OLOC Forum

Mao Tsetung Thought or Social-Chauvinism. A Comment on the October League’s Call for “Unity of Marxist-Leninists” by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

Response to OL’s Call for the Immediate Formation of the Anti-Revisionist Communist Party by the Detroit Marxist-Leninist Organization

Social Imperialism and Social Democracy, Cover-Up of Captialism in the USSR The Communist, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1976

Against OL’s Party Congress: Prepare the Conditions by the Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

Int’l Conf. Provokes OL, Guardian by the RCP

Maoist OL Somersaults Over Sadlowski by Workers Vanguard

OL Bloodies Own Nose With Its “Main Blow” by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Open Letter to the October League by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

OL’s Theory of “Three Worlds” Denies Revolution and Apologizes for U.S. Neo-Colonialism by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

The October League – Revisionist to the Bone. Touched to Their Soul by the Bourgeoisie by Workers Viewpoint Organization

OC Draft Program: Proletarian Internationalism Or Social-Chauvinism by the Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

Once Again on the OL’s Social-Chauvinist Theory of “Directing the Main Blow at Soviet Social-Imperialism” by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

A Big U.S. League Error by Alive Magazine

Editorial: Communist Party (ML)... A Social Prop of the Bourgeoisie by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

U.S. Maoism: Peking Picks Its Flunkey by Young Spartacus

CP(ML) Cries Appeasement by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

OL’s View of Crisis Is Reformist by The New Voice

Editorial: Repudiate the Call For Menshevik Unity! by the Revolutionary Communist Party

October League/Communist Party (M-L) Polemics Against the Communist Party, USA

A Communist Election Campaign? No Revolutionary Talk Allowed

CP – A Roadblock to Women’s Rights [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 7, June 14, 1976]

CP Election Campaign Promotes Détente

Call Editorial: Revisionists Ignore Tyler Struggle

Revisionist Campaign Flops [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 29, November 22, 1976]

The Enemy Within: Revisionism Helps Capitalists Attack the People

Ronnie Long Case Exposes CPUSA and National Alliance [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 15, April 18, 1977]

Revisionists Do Bosses Dirty Work in UMW [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 16, April 25, 1977]

Daily World Repeats Kremlin Lies on Zaire

Gus Hall ’Rediscovers’ Dictatorship of the Proletariat

Gus Hall Twists Marxism. Peaceful Revolution? – Impossible!

Behind CP’s Attack on Nationalism

Revisionist CPUSA Slips and Slides on Equal Rights Amendment

CPUSA Cries Blues Over Lawyers Guild [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 36, September 19, 1977]

Revisionist Press Flounders: Daily World Readership Down 25% [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 44, November 14, 1977]

October League/Communist Party (M-L) Polemics Against the Guardian


October League replies to Women’s Day criticisms

Guardian Covers Up Real Character of Social-Imperialism

October League Responds to the Guardian: Strengthen Your Stand Against Revisionism

The Guardian’s Man in Havana: An Exposure of ’Centrism’ by Martin Nicolaus

Call Editorial: Guardian Supports Revisionists in Portugal

Angola: The Guardian’s Treachery by Carl Davidson

With Friends Like the Guardian China Needs No Enemies

Guardian’s Break with Marxism

Denouncing the Guardian Line

Struggle Inside Guardian Bureau [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 16, August 16, 1976]

Lenin’s Criticism of Kautsky Applies to Centrists Today

Guardian’s Revisionism on China

Guardian promotes reactionary view of Philippines Struggle [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 31, December 6, 1976]

Centrists Jump on Sadlowski Bandwagon: Guardian Tails Liberal Trade Unionists

Guardian Backs Soviet Aggression in Zaire

Feeble Polemics by Guardian, RCP

Guardian 10 Points: Revisionism’s Bare Bones

October League/Communist Party (M-L) Polemics Against The Revolutionary Union/Revolutionary Communist Party

Critique of Red Papers 7: Metaphysics Cannot Defeat Revisionism by Martin Nicolaus

On the Intrigues of Joseph Waller & the R.U.

Self Criticism re: ’On the Intrigues of Joseph Waller & the R.U.’ [The Call, Vol. 3, No. 11, August 1975]


’Revolution’ Article: An Unsolicited Confession by RCP

July Fourth Demonstrations Trying to Save Capitalism

July 4 Protests Safe and Harmless

RCP Drifts Rightward, Covers Up for Revisionists

RCP Thugs Assault Call Sellers

Former member speaks: ’RCP formed around bankrupt line’

Supporting Revisionism: RCP Takes Stand with the ’Gang’

Editorial: Response to RCP’s Accusations

RCP’s Paper Reveals Rapid Rightward Drift

Readers Expose RCP in Farmer John Struggle [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 17, May 2, 1977]

Feeble Polemics by Guardian, RCP

RCP Tells People of Zaire ’Don’t Fight’

Whitewashing enemies and slandering friends. An exposure of the RCP’s revisionist line on the international situation by Eileen Klehr

RCP’s New Attack on Three Worlds

On RCP’s Anti-China Stand

How RCP’s ’Theory of Equality’ Serves Soviet Social-Imperialism. A reply to ’Revolution’ on the international situation by Eileen Klehr

Look Who’s Marching Against Busing!

RCP’s “New” Stand on Busing: A Shameless Attack on Minority People

Despite RCP’s wishes situation in China remains excellent

October League/Communist Party (M-L) Polemics Against Other Groups

“Workers Viewpoint”: Spreading the Viewpoint of the Bourgeoisie


Look Who’s Backing Soviet ’Peace’ Proposal!

Response to P.S.P. Attacks

’Hard Times’ Meet – Road to Defeat

For Denouncing Soviet Danger: Anti-imperialists Expelled from PRSC

Wreckers Cripple African Liberation Support Committee

’Revolutionary Wing’ in Shambles

Splits and Purges as ’Wing’ Grows More Isolated

Workers Viewpoint Organization Undermining Arab Unity

PSP’s ’Unity’ With Soviet Meeting [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 14, August 2, 1976]

MLOC’s Tactics of Splittism: ’Plan For a Joint Program’

Uniting a Bankrupt Trend: The Anti-Party Opposition Bloc

Letter to The Call on PRRWO

ATM Peddles Reformism on Chicano Question

Behind WVO’s ’Silence’ on China and the ’Gang of Four’

Party Building Materials – October League (Marxist-Leninist)

New Year Editorial: A New Communist Party is Needed to Lead the Peoples Struggle

The Right to Self-determination is Our Revolutionary Policy

Davidson Tour a Big Success

Women and Party Building

Build Real Unity/Oppose Revisionist ’United Action’

The Alleged ’October League Manual on Open and Secret Work’

ACC Cover
The October League’s Third Congress, July 1975

October League Holds Third National Congress

The Call Interviews Congress Delegate

Chicano Liberation

Constitution of the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Report from Third Congress: O.L. Demands Women’s Equality

O.L. Congress Deepens Stand on Afro-American Question

The Struggle for Black Liberation and Socialist Revolution

* * *

Tour Exposes Soviet Capitalism [The Call, Vol. 3, No. 11, August 1975]

Seattle and Detroit Groups Merge with October League. Detroit Collective and Seattle Organizing Committee Unity Statements

Wash., D.C. Group Merges with O.L. [The Call, Vol. 4, No. 1, October 1975]

Marxist-Leninists Unite to Build the New Party

Call Committees Building for Weekly Newspaper

Building The Call in the Factories [The Call, Vol. 4, No. 4, January 1976]

The Tasks of Communists: How Can Unity be Built?

Cadre School Studies Marxist-Leninist Theory of State [The Call, Vol. 4, No. 3, December 1975]

The Politics of War: A Communist View [The Call, Vol. 4, No. 4, January 1976]

“On to the Party, Build the Weekly Call by Mike Klonsky

Sharp Struggle Ahead, but Communist Unity is Growing

Central Committee Report: O.L. Calls for Party Congress, Warns of Growing War Danger

We Go Weekly May 1st!


May Unity Meeting Will Lay Groundwork for Party Congress

Weekly Call to Hit Streets May First

Welcome the Marxist-Leninist Weekly [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1, 1976]

Harry Haywood Honored. 78 Years of Struggle Hailed [The Call, Vol. 4, No. 7, April 1976]

Statement of Former BWC/RWC Leader Calls for Marxist-Leninist Unity by W. Jean Pierre

O.L. Chairman Speaks on May Day: ’The Basis for a New Communist Party Now Exists...’

Statement by Harry Haywood: ’Unite to Build the New Party’

Editorial: Looking Back on Mayday – Strengths and Weaknesses Summed Up –

’Forge Unity Around a Program.’ Statement of League for Marxist-Leninist Unity

’Unity is the Main Trend’ by the Bridgeport Workers Organization (M-L)

Call for Communist Unity

August 29 Forum Calls for Regional Autonomy [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 18, September 6, 1976]

Unity Statement of the Philadelphia Party-Building Collective

Unity Statement of Marxist-Leninist Student Collective

May Meeting Sets Congress

OL Women’s Commission Intensifies Ideological Struggle [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 9, June 28, 1976]

Breaking with ’Local-Circle Mentality’ in the Fight against Revisionism by Clay Claiborne

Building The Call: Workers Study Agit-Prop [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 23, October 11, 1976]

Build Newspaper as Party Scaffolding

The Call Builds Marxist-Leninist unity

Cadre School Analyzes Communist Tasks

The Expulsion of Martin Micolaus and Subsequent Critiques and Polemics

Martin Nicolaus Expelled from OL


Criticizing Nicolaus’ line of alliance with imperialism: Friends and Enemies of Revolution

Marxism or Klonskyism? by Martin Nicolaus

Nicholaus vs OL: A Menshevik’s Criticism of Menshevism by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

Mass Criticism of Nicolaus’ Revisionist Line: ’We must root out this evil’

Communist Tasks in Present Period

Speech by Dan Burstein [Against Nicolaus] by Daniel Burstein

The Question of Which Class Rules Decides Everything. A review of Martin Nicolaus’ sham criticism and real defense of Soviet revisionism by Carl Davidson

Another Klonskyite ’Switch’: ’People Devoid of All Principle’ by Martin Nicolaus [Marxist-Leninist Vanguard, No. 2, March 1977]

Readers Criticise Nicolaus on Agitation and Propaganda Work [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 12, March 28, 1977]

The Guardian’s Man in Chicago. Exposing Nicolaus’ phony critique of ’centrism’ by The Boston Class Struggle Writing Group

* * *

Chairman Mao’s Teachings on the Mass Line: Combining Communist Leadership with Masses

Build the Weekly Call: Report from Hartford

The Call Expands to 16 Pages

Hundreds of New Call Readers [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 5, February 7, 1977]

Conference Prepares ’The Call’ for Role as Central Organ of New Party

Build the Communist Press by Fighting Revisionism by Michael Klonsky

Great Advance for Women’s Struggle: Thousands Rally to Celebrate Women’s Day

Organizers Report on IWD Work

The Direction of the Main Blow

2,000 Attend May Day Celebrations

May 1st Events Welcome New Party

The October League (Marxist-Leninist)’s Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party


Call Editorial: Publication of ’Marxist-Leninists Unite!’

Marxist-Leninists Unite! Declaration of the Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party

Unity Statement of the Buffalo Unity Collective

Tasks of Drafting New Communist Program [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 13, July 26, 1976]

Report from Organizing Committee

Party-building Speaking Tour Opens

Speaking Tour Calls for Communist Unity

M-L Fighting Union Joins Unity Trend

Unity Statement of Boston Unity Collective

Organizing Committee Intensifies Unity Efforts

Unity Statement of New York City Party Building Collective

Statement of the Organizing Committee. Rising Trend of Marxist-Leninist Unity

Statement by the Organizing Committee: First Draft of Party Program Prepared

Statement of Unity by the Communist Unity League of Vermont

OC Calls Second Unity Conference

Portland collective supports OC

Draft Program of the Communist Party (M-L)

Call Series of Commentaries and Articles on the Draft Program of the Communist Party (M-L)

New Draft Program Welcomed

Commentary on Section 1 of the Draft Program: “Imperialism is Reaction All Along the Line”

Commentary on Section 3 of Draft Program: Imperialism – A System of Continuing Crisis

.htm">Commentary on the Draft Program of CP (M-L): War is Essential Feature of Imperialism

Program Upholds and Defends ’Three Worlds’ Concept

Commentary on the Draft Program of CP (M-L): National Struggle – In Essence a Class Struggle

Commentary on the Draft Program of CP (M-L): The Fight Against the Fascist Threat

Principles of Our New Party: The ’Three Do’s and Three Don’ts’

Commentary on the Draft Program of CP (M-L): The Direction of the Main Blow

Feeble Polemics by Guardian, RCP

Principle of the New Party: Both Centralism and Democracy

Commentary on the Draft Program of CP (M-L): Struggle for Puerto Rican Liberation

Organizing Committee Study Guide to Lenin’s One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Part 1: Lenin’s Fight for unified vanguard party

Part 2: Lenin Exposes the Mensheviks

Part 3: Lenin leads the criticism of Paragraph 1 in Martov’s rules

Part 4: Lenin outlined basic principles of communist organization

Part 5: Lenin on the two methods of struggle

Part 6: Lenin waged class struggle inside party [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 6, February 14, 1977]

Party Building Materials – Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Welcome the Founding of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Harry Haywood’s Speech at Congress: ’We Have Taken First Step on a Long March’

ACC Cover

Documents from the Founding Congress of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

New Party’s Banner Unfurled in Struggle

International Welcome to New CP (M-L)

Amendments Strengthen Party’s Program

U.S. Communist Party (M-L) Founding Proclaimed [Peking Review]

The Call Launches New Expansion Drive

Revolutionary summer camp held in New York [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 30, August 1, 1977]

Chairman Hua Meets Delegation of Central Committee of U.S. Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) [Peking Review, July 29, 1977]

CP(M-L) Delegation Meets with Chairman Hua

Toasts of Solidarity in Peking

U.S. Press Puzzled by CPML-China Meeting

Robert Williams Speaks in Chicago: ’Chairman Mao Was Our Brother’ Says Black Liberation Fighter

Communist League of Hawaii Rallies to CPML

A Letter to Our Readers on The Call’s Fifth Anniversary

Big crowds hear CPML leaders on China visit

Bay Area Communist Union greets CP ML

Editorial: The Road to Communist Unity

Behind RCP’s Attack on Our Unity Efforts

Work Among Youth and Students

ACC Cover

Youth Demand Jobs – OL initiates national campaign

Revolutionary Youth Get Organized [The Call, Vol. 4, No. 1, October 1975]

Communist Youth Get Organized

Internationalism Marks Red Youth Camp

As School Opens CYO in the Thick of Class Struggle

CYO Plans Second Convention

Plans for CYO Convention in High Gear [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 30, November 29, 1976]

1,000 support CYO at Iowa college

YWLL: No Alternative for Youth [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 31, December 6, 1976]

CYO Prepares for Year-End Convention

CYO – Year of Struggle and a Bright Future Ahead

CYO Convention Successful and Spirited

OL Chairman Speaks at CYO Convention: ’Our party must become a party of the youth’

CYO Convention Success: ’77 a year of decisiveness

CYO Fights for Jobs in Steel [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 5, February 7, 1977]

CYO Exposes Trotskyist ’Red Tide’

Conference to Unite Youth in Struggle [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 34, September 5, 1977]

People Get Ready for Youth Conference ’77

Today’s Youth–Ready to Fight

There is Only One CYO


The Young Communist

The U.S. Domestic Front

People hit back at racism and repression, National days of resistance to repression

Revolutionaries and the ’76 Elections

ACC Cover

Economic Crisis Shows: Capitalism is a System of Crisis and War by Dan Burstein

International Women’s Day Takes Aim at Imperialism, Revisionism

Communists Sum-up Capitol Strike

A Communist View: Building Class Struggle Trade Unions [a series of articles from The Call]

OL’s Trade Union Pamphlet: A Distortion of Our History from the Workers Congress (M-L)

Which Road for Tyler’s Freedom? [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 15, August 9, 1976]

Strike Wave Shakes Union Sellouts

Mass Ties Deepen: SCEF Condemns 2 Superpowers

The Struggle to Free Gary Tyler

Call Editorial: Ford Appeases Brezhnev

Regional Autonomy for the Chicano People

Boycott of major union elections called: Fighting Our Two Enemies – Bosses and Bureaucrats

OL Campaign Hits Racism and Reformism in Steel Elections[The Call, Vol. 5, No. 34, December 27, 1976]

New Year’s Editorial: On to New Victories in 1977!

1976 in the Labor Movement: A Year of Activity and Growing Consciousness

Steel Union Election Feb. 8: Sadlowski & McBride Working for Bosses

Sadlowski No Alternative for Steel Workers

Mrs. Tyler Clarifies Her Views [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 5, February 7, 1977]

Liberals Provide No Alternative [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 6, February 14, 1977]


“Steering Steel Workers into Sadlowski”: RCP – Errand Boys For Liberal Misleaders

Liberals Lose USWA Race

How Bureaucrats Crushed CLUW

Lessons of Flint Sit-Down Strike: How the Union Was Built and Then Betrayed

Women’s Liberation: A Communist View

Build a Class Struggle U.A.W.: Phony Revolutionaries Exposed [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 15, April 18, 1977]

Communists Sum Up Work in LA. Meatcutters Strike

Labor Campaign – Good Start in Building Class Struggle Unions

Waging Class Struggle in the Trade Unions. A summary of the October League’s labor campaign by Ruth Gifford

Building the Factory Cell. A Party unit’s work sum-up by Mary Wexler

Questions and Answers: Why We Work in Reactionary Trade Unions

SCEF Calls ’Jobs or Income’ Conference

SCEF Conference a Rousing Success

The October League (Marxist-Leninist) and Gay Liberation

NAM OL, and Gay Liberation from The Rag, September 8, 1975

Burning Issues: Gays and Sexism on the Left from The Great Speckled Bird, October 23, 1975

OL on Gays from The Great Speckled Bird, November 13, 1975

National Fight-Back Organization


December 27-28 in Chicago: Plans Laid for National Fight-Back Organization

National Fight-Back Organization – Founding Conference [flyer]

Rely on the Workers to Build the Fight-Back

List of National Fight-Back Conference Endorsers

Workers meet in Chicago: National Fightback formed by Rusty Conroy

Fight-Back Conference: Party Building and the United Front by the Workers Congress (M-L)

Letters on the Fight-Back Conference from The Communist

’An Historic Event’: 1,300 at Fight-Back Conference

[Report on] National Fightback [Conference] by the Congress of Afrikan People

Fight Back Organization Maps Jobs Drive

National Fight-Back Organization Maps Plans

Fightback Meetings Sum-Up Year’s Work

Fightback Going Strong in New England


Fight Back News

International Issues

On China

Report From China on Studying and Upholding the Dictatorship of the Proletariat by Dan Burstein

Class Struggle Key Link in Chinese Revolution


China Rallies Behind Party After Tien An Men Reactionary Incident

Press Hail Victories in China [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 10, 1976]

China’s Victory over Teng Hsiao-ping

China’s Continuing Cultural Revolution: Taking Class Struggle as the Key Link by Eileen Klehr

Editorial: Ten Years of Cultural Revolution

China Friendship Assn. Debates Priorities [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 17, August 30, 1976]

Greatest Marxist of Our Time Dead at 82: Glory to Mao Tsetung!

China Friendship Assoc. Builds Mass Outreach

Message From Chairman Klonsky of U.S. October League (M-L) [on the death of Mao] [Peking Review, September 30, 1976]

Millions Mourn Mao Tsetung

Speech by OL Chairman: ’The Greatest Communist of Our Time’

Klansmen attack Mao memorial [The Rag. October 10, 1976]

China Defends Legacy of Chairman Mao

The World is Being Turned ’Upside Down’. An outline of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line on the international situation by Dan Burstein

’The class struggle is by no means over.’ Chairman Mao’s contribution to Marxism-Leninism on the class struggle under socialism by Eileen Klehr [from Class Struggle #6, Winter 1976-77]

The Masses Make History. An account of the struggle against Teng Hsiao-ping’s revisionist line in combatting natural disasters by David Crook

China Crushes ’Gang of Four’

China Continues to Direct Main Blow at Soviet Union

Revolution and Production in China


Hua Kuo-feng Is Successor To Chairman Mao’s Great Cause

’Situation is Excellent’: China’s People’s Congress denounces ’gang of four’

World communists denounce ’gang of four’

Hua Kuo-feng sums up China’s struggle against ’gang of four’

World communists support Chairman Hua Kuo-feng

Chiang Ching’s Reactionary Line on the Woman Question

Hua Kuo-fend Analyzes Mao Tsetung’s Contributions. Lessons of Chairman Mao’s New Volume

Life in Socialist China: Workers run Taching oil field

Chinese Workers Follow Taching Model to Build Socialism

China Celebrates Victory Over “Gang of Four” by Michael Klonsky

Victory and Unity at Eleventh Congress: China’s New Leap Forward

From Canadian Students in Peking: A Response to Wilfred Burchett

China’s New Leap Forward Is a Victory For Us All. Interview with Michael Klonsky

On Democratic Kampuchea

Chinese Journalists Report on Kampuchea

Democratic Kampuchea Rapidly Advancing Since Liberation

Cambodians Rebuild War-Ravaged Country

China Greets Kampuchean Leader: Pol Pot Says ’Situation is Excellent’ [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 39, October 10, 1977]

Chinese and Kampuchean Leaders Meet: ’Great Unbreakable Solidarity’

Pol Pot Tells the History of Kampuchean Revolution

Call Series on Marxist-Leninist Parties in Western Europe

Report from Europe – Part 1: War and Revolution on the Rise

Report from Europe – Part 2: Norway’s Communists Get Prepared

Report from Europe – Part 3: Sweden’s Communist Movement

Report from Europe – Part 4: Iceland Workers’ Movement on Rise

Report from Europe – Part 5: Interview with Jacques Jurquet French Marxist-Leninist Leader

Report from Europe – Part 6: French Marxist-Leninists Steeled in Battle Against Revisionism

Report from Europe – Part 7: Belgian Party on war and revolution

Report from Europe – Part 8: Superpowers Squeeze Luxemburg

Report from Europe Series Conclusion: Bright Future for Communist Movement

Other International Issues

Letter to The Call: More on Iran Question

Expose Role of Soviet Splitters in Angola

Superpowers Out of Angola!

Portugal Forum Sparks Sharp Debate


Angola’s Lesson: Fight Both Superpowers

Interview With OL Chairman On International Situation: ’Working Class Must Get Prepared for War Danger’

Angola (2): The Call by William Gurley [the Guardian]

Conclusion of interview with OL Chairman

Polish Workers Face Repression [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 14, August 2, 1976]

Resistance Builds to New Soviet Tsars

Albania Mobilizes for Seventh Party Congress

OL message to Albania’s Party of Labor

Lesson of strategy and tactics: The Direction of the Main Blow

Angola fights Russian-Cuban occupation

China Continues to Direct Main Blow at Soviet Union

Albania Rejoices After Closing of Seventh Congress

A Gangster in Yugoslavia

Latin America Rebuffs Superpower Schemes

Cuba – Trojan Horse in Third World

East Europe Resists Soviet Union [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 6, February 14, 1977]

USSR Leading in Superpower War Race

Warnke Nomination Sparks Debate: ’Detente’ Fight Grows in Ruling Circles

Why is Castro in Africa? [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 12, March 28, 1977]

Invasion of Zaire by Soviet-Backed Troops

Soviet Union Steps Up Aggression in Ethiopia [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 19, May 16, 1977]

USSR Slanders China: Who Are the Real ’Warmongers’? [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 22, June 6, 1977]

Adultery, Crime and Gambling in Capitalist Soviet Union [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 22, June 20, 1977

New Constitution Covers Fascism in the USSR

USSR Denounces Carrillo: ’Eurocommunism’ – A Rift in the Revisionist Camp

’Détente is a Fraud’ Say White House Pickets

More Cuban Troops to Ethiopia

Miscellaneous Other Primary Documents

Angela Davis Autobiography: The Black Masses Make History, The Revisionists Distort It

75 Years of Struggle! The Life of Nanny Washburn

Unidos Bookstore Bombed Again–Support Needed

Joint Communiqué Issued by the October League and the Canadian Communist League

Fascists Bomb Liberator Books

Joint Communiqué of CP (ML) and WCP (ML)


The Call

Class Struggle

[Back to top]

Shah of Iran: Should Marxist-Leninists Oppose His Overthrow?

Primary Documents

The October League (M-L) on the International United Front and Iran by the Revolutionary Union

October League (M-L) Response to RU on the International United Front and Iran by the October League (M-L)

Iranian Communist Hits OL

Letter to The Call: Disagrees with Article on Iran

Letter to The Call: More on Iran Question

On the Alliance of the October League (M-L) with the Shah of Iran by the Iran Report

Guardian Viewpoint: The Shah of Iran

One Step Behind Bourgeoisie: CPML Discovers Class Struggle in Iran by the Revolutionary Communist Party

CPML on Iran: Too Much Revolution is a Dangerous Thing by the Revolutionary Communist Party

[Back to top]

Revolutionary Union – Revolutionary Communist Party

Historical Works

Important Struggles in Building the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA by Bill Klingel and Joanne Psihountas

Formation of RCP by the Workers Congress (M-L)

The Founding Congress of the RCP by the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters

Maoísmo ascendente y repressíon del FBI en Estados Unidos: 1968-1978 by Aaron J. Leonard and Conor A. Gallagher

Polemics by Other Groups


Struggle in VVAW/WSO [Seize The Time, Vol. 1, No. 5, February 1975]

Oppose RU/RSB Thuggery! by Young Spartacus

R.C.P. – Vanguard or Chauvinist Sect?? by the August 29th Movement

Halt RSB Hooliganism! by Young Spartacus

’Revolution’ Article: An Unsolicited Confession by RCP by The Call

RCP: Hit for antigay-rights line by the Guardian

Polemics: RCP flails OL by William Gurley

RCP Drifts Rightward, Covers Up for Revisionists by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

RCP Thugs Assault Call Sellers by The Call

Bible Belt Maoists Rant at “Deviant Sexual Behavior” by Young Spartacus

Former member speaks: ’RCP formed around bankrupt line’ from The Call

RCP Comes Out in Steel by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Where is the RCP Going? by Young Spartacus

RCP Discovers ’Theory in its Own Right’ by Workers Viewpoint Organization

“Steering Steel Workers into Sadlowski”: RCP – Errand Boys For Liberal Misleaders by The Call

ALSC: RWC Paves Way for RCP Takeover by Workers Viewpoint Organization

RCP’s Paper Reveals Rapid Rightward Drift by The Call

RCP: Reversing Verdict on Soviet Social Imperialism is Total Treachery by Workers Viewpoint Organization

ACC Cover

RCP Tells People of Zaire ’Don’t Fight’ by The Call

Practice Marxism Not Revisionism – Treachery of “Save the Fatherland” Propagated by R“CP” (R) [Bolshevik, Vol. 7, No. 4, June 1977]

Whitewashing enemies and slandering friends. An exposure of the RCP’s revisionist line on the international situation by Eileen Klehr [October League (m-L)]

RCP’s New Attack on Three Worlds by The Call

On RCP’s Anti-China Stand by The Call

RCP/RWC Attempt to Con Black Masses by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

U.S. Maoism: Peking Picks Its Flunkey by Young Spartacus

Look Who’s Marching Against Busing! by The Call

RCP’s “New” Stand on Busing: A Shameless Attack on Minority People by The Call

How RCP’s ’Theory of Equality’ Serves Soviet Social-Imperialism. A reply to ’Revolution’ on the international situation by Eileen Klehr [CP (M-L)]

RCP on the Split in the Working Class by the Marxist-Leninist Collective

RCP on the Split in the Working Class, Part 2 by the Marxist-Leninist Collective

The Syndicalist Fronts of the RCP by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Despite RCP’s wishes situation in China remains excellent by The Call

The Role of the “RCP,USA” in the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Movement by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

The Decline of the RCP: A Polemic by the Organization for Revolutionary Unity

Primary Documents

Forward to the Party! Move to the New Period!

Why We Must Go From Old Period To New

Editorial: Working Class Assembles, Ruling Class Trembles

Superpowers Prepare for War; Masses Build for Revolution

1975 May Day Celebrations Reflect Advances and Tasks

RU Speech at NY May Day: Working Class is Freedom Bound!

CPUSA Holds National Convention: Sharpen Struggle Against Revisionism!

Pre-Founding Convention Discussions

Forward to the Party! Struggle for the Party! Introduction


Build the Revolutionary Workers Movement!

Summing Up South African Coal Struggle

Class Stand Key In Boston Busing Struggle

Summing Up A Defeated Wildcat

Stand For and With the Workers – In Their Day to Day Struggles And In Making Revolution

On War and the International United Front

On the IWOs

On Other Aspects of Building the Workers’ Movement

[Six articles] On Propaganda and Culture

Hawaii Revolutionary Organization: “Dump Baggage, Move to Party!”

Forward to the Party! Struggle for the Party! [complete texts]

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

* * *


Revolutionary Communist Party Founded!

Party of the Working Class Formed!

Programme and Constitution of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA

The Working Class Movement and the Tasks of the Party by Bob Avakian

Across the Country Celebrations Mark Formation of Party

RCP Holds Celebrations

Statement from The RCP Central Committee

Our Class Will Free Itself and All Mankind by Bob Avakian

Introducing The Worker

Class Analysis Key: On the World Situation And Revolutionary Struggle

RSB Now Student Group of Party

“We Won’t Scab and We Won’t Starve!”

Discussing the Mass Line

Mass Line Is Key To Lead Masses In Making Revolution

Mass Line Is Key To Methods of Leading Struggle

The Day to Day Struggle and the Revolutionary Goal By Bob Avakian

Using Mass Line to Sum Up Struggle

* * *

Student Movement On The Rise

Angola – Superpowers Behind Civil War

Soviet Union – As Capitalist As The U.S.

Ford’s China Trip Underlines War Danger

Angola Spotlights World Trends

New Tsars Hold Party Congress

Nixon Travels to China

Party Must Answer Questions of Masses On War

World War: The Correct Stand is a Class Question

RCP July 4th Demonstration in Philadelphia


We’ve Carried the Rich for 200 Years. Let’s Get Them Off Our Backs! demonstration flyer

UWOC Issues Nat’l Call: “Build the Fight for Jobs or Income! On to Philadelphia July 4th!”

We’ve Carried the Rich for 200 Years. Let’s Get Them Off Our Backs! by the July 4th Coalition

Forces Gather for July 4th Demo

Momentum Builds for July 4th Demo

200 Years Is Long Enough! The Development of Class Struggle in 200 Years of U.S. History

Debate Challenge to PSP

Opportunists Plan Rally: Dead End Approach To The Bicentennial

On the Slogan ’We Won’t Fight Another Rich Man’s War’

VVAW Seizes Statue of Liberty

July Fourth Demonstrations Trying to Save Capitalism The Call

July 4 Protests Safe and Harmless The Call

Big Victory for Working Class: Battle of the Bicentennial

July 4th Demonstration In Philadelphia: A Victory For The Working Class!

Party Speech at July 4th: ’We Make Society Run, Why Can’t We Run Society?’

Revolutionary Communist Party Speech July 4th by Bob Avakian

RCP draws 3500 to rally by the Guardian staff correspondent

Dead-End Rally Spares Enemy [Revolution, Vol. 1, No. 10, July 15, 1976]

Bicentennial: Fight Imperialism and Opportunism by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

Lessons of Class Struggle Around July 4th: Build on Advances Won in Battle

Call Flails at July 4th Demo: Pathetic Attack Exposes Class Role

RCP Helps Ruling Class “Celebrate” Bicentennial by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

Opportunists’ March Lets Rich Off The Hook

Some Lessons of July 4th: The Mass Line in Political Struggle

July 4, 1976 – “Battle Of The Bicentennial” by the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters

* * *


Revolutionary Work in a Non-Revolutionary Situation. Report of the Second Plenary Session of the First Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

UWOC Maps Plans at Conference

UWOC Holds National Meeting

Auto and the Workers Movement. Learning from the Proud Past to Fight for a Brighter Future

Youth Meet After 4th, Discuss YCL Proposal

Youth Plan Path Ahead

Strikers In Poland Rock Regime

Line on USSR, World Situation: Guardian Sows Confusion, Caves in to Imperialism

China’s Foreign Policy – An Outline compiled by Clark Kissinger

Elections 76: Capitalists’ Desperate Deceit vs. Workers’ Growing Struggle

RCP Holds Elections Forums

Elections–Traps Set For Working People

CP and SWP Election Campaigns – Fresh Paint On ’Democracy’ Façade

RCP Conference on the International Situation

Important Conference Planned by the RCP


Call to a Conference on the International Situation, War, Revolution and the Internationalist Tasks of the American People

Nov. 13, New York City: Conference on Int’l Situation by the RCP

RCP, Guardian, Hinton “Debate”: 3-Ring Circus Protects Superpowers by The Call

Dogmatism: The Call, again from the Guardian

RCP’s Three-Ring Circus Adds Fourth Ring by The Call

OC statement on RCP’s opportunist conference by The Call

Birds of a Feather: Opportunists praise RCP conference by The Call

Conference Big Success: 2300 Meet On Int’l Situation by the RCP

Hundreds Meet on World Situation. Discuss Threat of World War by the RCP

Excerpts from Bob Avakian’s Conference Speech

RCP’s International Conference: Chorus Against China and Support for the Superpowers by The Call

Int’l Conf. Provokes OL, Guardian by the RCP

Letter Responds To Call Distortions by C. Clark Kissinger

Birds of a Feather: Opportunists Praise RCP Conference by The Call

Supporting Revisionism: RCP Takes Stand with ’Gang’ by The Call

O.L., Where Are You? by the RCP

500 Attend LA Conference by the RCP [Revolution, Vol. 2, No. 5, March 1977]

Editorial: Response to RCP’s Accusations by The Call

Int’l Conf. Provokes OL, Guardian by the RCP

A Final Word On The OL’s Cowardice by the RCP

International Conferences Conclude on West Coast by the RCP [Revolution, Vol. 2, No. 8, June 1977]

* * *


War and Revolution [articles from Revolution on the international situation]

Mao Tsetung, 1893-1976 [special supplement to The Worker newspapers]

Message From Central Committee of Revolutionary Communist Party of U.S.A. [on the death of Mao] [Peking Review, October 15, 1976]

We, the Working People of the World, Are Mao’s Successors by Bob Avakian

Revolution Will Continue in China

USCPFA Convention: Build Peoples’ Friendship Broadly

Message to the Party of Labor of Albania [Revolution, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 1976]

Theoretical Struggle Crucial Part of Working Class Movement

OL Bloodies Own Nose With Its “Main Blow”

There is No Bloodbath: Frenzied Attack on Cambodia

Steelworker Elections – Time To Dump Abel Machine, Elect Sadlowski

Sadlowski Election Battle – Steelworkers Shake Abel

Local Steelworkers Make Gains in Sadlowski Campaign

Rank & File Utilize Sadlowski Race

Sadlowski Defeated: Steel Workers Advance Despite Election Loss

Workers Viewpoint Organization – Theoretical Mishmash: Opportunism in its Own Right

Debunking Bourgeois Analysis: The Real Dynamics of the Arms Race

OL’s Draft ’Program’ Has Two Aspects: Trite – and Wrong

May Day, 1977. Statement by the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

May Day Celebrated in 24 Cities

Black Liberation: A Mighty Force

Cuba: The Evaporation of a Myth. From Anti-Imperialist Revolution to Pawn of Social-Imperialism

The National United Workers Organization


Call For a National Workers Organization

Workers Prepare Bold Step Forward

Plan for New Workers Group Picks Up Steam

A National Workers Organization: A Powerful Weapon for Our Class

The Worker Special National Supplement on the founding of the National United Workers Organization

NUWO: Dual-Unionism and Betrayal of the Party by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Avakian & Co. on PL’s Road to Oblivion: Set Up Workerist-Economist Front Group at Chicago Meeting [on the NUWO] by the Spartacist League

Look Who’s Marching Against Busing! by the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Look Who’s Into Yellow Journalism!

NUWO Leaders Meet To Plan Strategy

NUWO Steering Committee Maps Plans

Campaign to Build a National United Workers Organization by the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters

* * *

The Foreign Imports Smokescreen A Steelworker pamphlet

On the Three Worlds And the international Situation

Two Superpowers: Equally Enemies of the World’s Peoples

The Task of Revolution [two articles reprinted from Revolution]

2nd National Conference: UWOC Convenes, Maps Battle Plans

Call Ducks U.S. Role in Horn of Africa

The Fight to Grasp Theory

Miners Struggle at a Crossroads

Editorial: Repudiate the Call For Menshevik Unity!

Professionals Meet On Bakke Case

Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade

Plan Laid for a Young Communist Org. Militant Ybuth Meet, Map Road Ahead

Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade Founded!

Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade Formed

Communist Revolution: The Road To The Future, The Goal We Will Win by Bob Avakian

Minorities and Whites, Unite to Smash the Bakke Decision! by the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade


The Communist, 1976-1979

Revolution, 1975-1978

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The Revolutionary Union in the Indochina Peace Campaign (IPC)/Indochina Solidarity Committee (ISC)

Letter from the IPC Standing Committee to members and friends on the crisis in the New York IPC/ISC and RU

Letter announcing and explaining the closing of IPC

Letter to Vietnamese comrades explaining the crisis in and closing of IPC

Indochina Solidarity Committee Newsletter issued by NY RU forces

Preliminary Report of the Working Committee of the Coalition to Reclaim the Indochina Resources

RU Cadre Effects on Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization

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The Guardian Debate on Chinese Foreign Policy and the NCM Response

In May 1976, the Guardian newspaper opened its pages to a discussion on China’s foreign policy (although Executive Editor Irwin Silber had been writing critical columns on the subjects since at least December 1975). This decision was primarily sparked by China’s stand on the Angola civil war. Here China and almost all the main anti-revisionist groups in the U.S. and around the world backed the FNLA and UNITA, which were also supported by the U.S., South Africa and Zaire, against the MPLA which had the support of the USSR and Cuba.


Prior to this point, the Guardian had generally approved of the positions taken by the Chinese government on international affairs. In this regard, it was part of a broader Pro-China current on the US left, which included the editors of the journal Monthly Review editors, Wilfred Burchett, Felix Greene, Annette Rubinstein, Shirley Graham DuBois, Han Suyin, and Anna Louise Strong. The Guardian had made a special effort to bring to the attention of the broad U.S. left events in China and favorable coverage of Chinese foreign policy.

Now, however, the Guardian argued that China’s Angola stand as an error: wrong on the nature of the national liberation struggle in Angola, a reflection a miss-assessment of the international situation, and the beginning of a Chinese de facto alliance with the United States against the Soviet Union, now perceived as the “more dangerous” of the two super-powers. But the Guardian did more than just criticize the Chinese; it also criticized New Communist Movement supporters of the Chinese position for “flunkeyism” and “class collaboration.”

Not content to simply present the paper’s position in print, Silber also went on a national speaking tour focusing on the issue of the international line of the U.S. left. The Guardian’s ability to take an openly critical stand on this issue was facilitated by the break, earlier in the year, between the Guardian and the October League (Marxist-Leninist) which resulted in the resignations of OL members – Renee Blakkan, Martin Nicolaus, Nancy Nikcevich and Rod Such – and the subsequent departure of Carl Davidson, who was also close to the October League at the time.

The Guardian’s new stand was severely criticized by much of the New Communist Movement which charged that it represented a “centrist” position that conciliated with modern revisionism and Soviet social imperialism. However, the willingness of the Guardian to openly criticize Chinese policy and the relationship between leading New Communist Movement groups and China, freed a number of smaller anti-revisionist organizations to begin to rethink other elements of anti-revisionist orthodoxy as well.

Historical Background

Unite the Many, Defeat the Few. China’s Revolutionary Line in Foreign Affairs by Jack A. Smith

Angola: National Liberation and the U.S. Left, 1974-76 by the Milwaukee Alliance

Trotskyist Commentary and Polemics

The Guardian “Respectfully Differs” with the U.S./South Africa/China Axis

Guardian Embarrassed by Peking Bloc With U.S. Imperialism. Criticizing Mao to Defend Maoism

Irwin Silber Fans the Flames of Eclecticism at Guardian Gala

Guardian Embarrassed by Peking Bloc with U.S. Imperialism

Behind the Guardian-OL Feud [Workers Vanguard, July 2, 1976]

Guardian Opens China Discussion by Dick Roberts [The Militant, September 10, 1976]

Primary Background Materials

’...fan the flames’ by Irwin Silber

Guardian Viewpoint: The Shah of Iran

Guardian Covers Up Real Character of Social-Imperialism by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)


Guardian Reply to OL

October League Responds to the Guardian: Strengthen Your Stand Against Revisionism

Long Live the Angolan People by the Communist Labor Party, USNA

Angola Fighting Fueled by U.S., USSR Control Bids by the Revolutionary Communist Party

’...fan the flames’ by Irwin Silber

Silber speaks on liberation fights

’...fan the flames’ by Irwin Silber

Presentation on the Angolan Civil War by the August 29th Movement

Angola: Neo-Colonialism vs. National Liberation Anti-Imperialists Must Take A Stand! by the Philadelphia Workers’ Organizing Committee

’...fan the flames’ by Irwin Silber

Silber speaks on West Coast

Angola Will Win! [Workers Viewpoint, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1976]

Angola: For True Independence Superpowers Must Be Thrown Out!! by the Congress of Afrikan People

Victory to the Second Anti-Colonial War of the Angolan People! by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

Oppose Soviet Aggression In Angola by I Wor Kuen

Primary Documents from the Guardian Discussion, May-September 1976

Guardian Viewpoint: China’s foreign policy

China’s foreign policy: A friend of China raises some questions by Wilfred Burchett

China’s World View by William Hinton


With Friends Like the Guardian China Needs No Enemies by the October League (M-L)

Using Hinton as straw man: The Guardian Slanders China by Resistencia Puertorriqueña

Hinton’s Folly: A ’Neutral’ U.S. Imperialism? by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

On Angola: Guardian Fully Degenerated, No Longer in the Communist Movement by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

Chinese Foreign Policy – A Critical Analysis by by the Philadelphia Workers’ Organizing Committee

A Polemic Against the Guardian’s Revisionism by the Yenan Bookstore Collective

Guardian’s Break with Marxism by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Angola: The Guardian’s Treachery by Carl Davidson

’...fan the flames’ [reply to Carl Davidson] by Irwin Silber

Soviet Social Imperialism and the International Situation Today by I Wor Kuen

Angola: Struggle Against Imperialism and Opportunism Go Hand in Hand, Part 1 by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee [Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 3, June-July 1976]

Angola: Struggle Against Imperialism and Opportunism Go Hand in Hand, Part 2 by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee [Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 4, August-September 1976]

Line on USSR, World Situation: Guardian Sows Confusion, Caves in to Imperialism by the Revolutionary Communist Party

The Guardian’s “Russian Exceptionalism” and “socialism of a new type” by the J-Town Collective

Against the Revisionist Yellow Journalism of the “Guardian” (Part 1) by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

Guardian Viewpoint: Aim the main blow at U.S. Imperialism

Subsequent Polemics Against the Guardian on Foreign Policy Issues

From Canadian Students in Peking: A Response to Wilfred Burchett [from The Call]

Angola’s Revolutionary National War and the Struggle for Proletarian Internationalism by The Compass (Boston)

Proletarian Internationalism vs. Irwin Silber’s Revisionism

The Guardian’s Man in Havana: An Exposure of ’Centrism’ by Martin Nicolaus

Int’l Conf. Provokes OL, Guardian by the RCP

Guardian Backs Soviet Aggression in Zaire [from The Call]

Feeble Polemics by Guardian, RCP [from The Call]

The Soviet Union: Is it the Nazi Germany of Today? by the Communist Committee

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Congress of Afrikan People – Revolutionary Communist League (Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought)

ACC Cover

The Congress of Afrikan People (CAP) had its roots in the Black Arts movement in Newark, New Jersey in the mid-1960s, largely through the efforts of Amiri Baraka. By the late-1960s, under the influence of Malcolm X, Ron Karenga’s US organization and the example of the Black Panthers, the CAP became an explicitly political, Black nationalist organization, with a focus of community organizing and cultural politics. In 1970, at its Atlanta Convention, CAP became a national organization dedicated to building a Black Political Party, including involvement in electoral politics.

In the early 1970s, a growing struggle developed within the CAP between the Black nationalists and the emerging Marxist-Leninist forces, headed by Baraka. With the departure of Haki Madhubuti and Jitu Weusi, the Marxist-Leninist tendency in the organization was strengthened and in 1974-75, CAP took up the study of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought and, for a brief period, worked closely with the October League (Marxist-Leninist).

In February, 1976 the organization changed its name to the Revolutionary Communist League (M-L-M). Three years later, the group merged with the League of Revolutionary Struggle (Marxist-Leninist), which had been formed in 1978 through a merger between I Wor Kuen and the August 29th Movement.

Historical Works

ACC Cover

African American Intellectuals and Black Cultural Nationalism Between 1965 and 1975: The Case of Amiri Baraka by Toulgui Ladi

History of the Congress of Afrikan People

The Congress of African People. Baraka, Brother Mao, and the Year of ’74 by Robeson Taj P. Frazier

’Hard Facts’: Amiri Baraka and Marxism-Leninism in the 1970s by David Grundy

“Unity and Struggle” – History of the Revolutionary Communist League (M-L-M)

Reflections on Amiri Baraka, Oct. 7, 1934–Jan. 9, 2014 by David Hungerford

Polemics of Other Groups

Response to RCL by the League for Proletarian Revolution (M-L)

Cheap Shots are not Ideological Struggle by the League for Proletarian Revolution (M-L)

Primary Documents

Revolutionary Communist League (Marxist-Leninist-Mao Tse Tung Thought)

PRRWO & RWL: Not a “Revolutionary Wing”, But a Dangerous Duo!

Revolutionary Communist League on the Afro American National Question

RCL’s Position on Party Building (Part 1)

RCL Editorial [on the CPML and party building]

RCL’s Position on Party Building (Part 2)


Unity & Struggle

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Black Women’s United Front

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The Black Women’s United Front (BWUF) was a pioneering initiative to raise consciousness within Black radical organizations and the broader left about black women’s intersecting oppression. Sponsored by activists from a number of New Communist Movement organizations, it sought to promote the unification of Black working class women to play a leading role in the Black Liberation Movement and ultimately, to create a revolutionary multi-national women’s front “aimed at the destruction of monopoly capitalism.”

The idea for the initiative was germinated at an All-Afrikan Women’s Conference in Newark, New Jersey in July 1974 organized by the Congress of Afrikan People (CAP), which brought together several hundred participants. By the end of the conference, as Ashley Farmer explains: “attendees were in “unanimous agreement that [they] should put forth an anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti- neo-colonialist position.“ This became the ideological and organizational basis of the BWUF.”

The founding conference of the BWUF was held in Detroit on January 25-26, 1975. Some 650 activists were in attendance, including people from CAP, the Black Workers Congress, the October League (M-L), the Youth Organization for Black Unity (YOBU), and the National Welfare Rights Organization. The conference resolved to form a broad united front “rooted in the working masses of women” and dedicated to the “abolition of every possibility of oppression & exploitation.”

Local chapters of the BWUF carried out activities on a variety of issues including welfare rights, employment and defense of Black women political prisoners such as Joan Little, Dessie X. Woods and Cheryl S. Todd. According to Farmer, they were also urged to “carry on political education to raise the consciousness of women within the Black Liberation Movement” by “hold[ing] forums to wage ideological discussion and struggle”, [and] “build[ing] coalitions with other groups involved in the struggle aimed at the destruction of the system.” As part of the latter effort, the BWUF organized a conference on International Women’s Day 1975 in New York City with the goal of advancing the project of a Revolutionary Multi-National Women’s front.

Unfortunately, like a number of similar initiatives of the New Communist Movement in this period, the BWUF’s ability to develop into a broader formation was fatally undermined by its becoming entangled in the sectarian party-building priorities of participating Marxist-Leninists. This problem can be seen in an article on the multi-national women’s conference in the CAP newspaper, Unity & Struggle, which states:

The Multi-National Woman’s Conference is a…. move toward building the Marxist-Leninist Party in this country that is needed at this time in the face of rising contradictions and a heightening of the degree of preparedness of the working class with only revisionists, petty-bourgeois splitters and other various opportunists calling themselves parties. What is needed is a genuine Marxist-Leninist Party…This conference is a step in building this new party…“

Background Documents

Black Women to Meet at Rutgers. Nationalism & Socialism on Agenda by Frances M. Beal [Triple Jeopardy, Vol. 3, No. 5, Summer 1974]

Afrikan Women Unite... to Struggle!!! [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 3, No. 8, August 1974]

Primary Documents

Letter on the Black Women’s United Front by the Black Workers Congress Western New York District Committee

Report on Black Women’s United Front Meeting [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 3, No. 13, December 1974]

Black Women’s United Front January 25 – Detroit. CAP Line Begins to Form: Black Liberation is a Struggle for Socialism! [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 4, No. 2, January 1975]

Black Women’s United Front and National Black Assembly Meetings Analyzed by Amiri Baraka

Black Women Meet to Forge United Front [The Call, Vol. 3, No. 5, February 1975]

We Did It! Black Women’s United Front

United Front Hits Triple Oppression of Black Women

Progress Report: Black Women’s United Front Conference, January 1975 by the Black Workers Congress Western New York District Committee

Black Women’s United Front Meets in Detroit [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 4, No. 5, April 1975]

Black Women’s United Front to Meet in Atlanta October 25 [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 4, No. 13, October 1975]

Black Women’s United Front [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 4, No. 14, October 1975]

Black Women’s United Front – Forward with the Struggle! [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 4, No. 15, November 1975]

The Black Women’s United Front Calls for a Multi-National Women’s Conference in New York Saturday March 6th in Line with an International Women's Day Demonstration March 7th [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 1976]

International Women’s Day Takes Aim at Imperialism, Revisionism by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Multi-National Women’s Conference [Unity & Struggle, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1976]

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The Revolutionary Wing Initiative

The Revolutionary Wing was a short-lived party building initiative which began in the fall of 1975. The name was derived from a claim that there were two “wings” of the U.S. communist movement, one opportunist, and one revolutionary. The Revolutionary Wing was formed in November 1975 when the August 29th Movement (ATM) and the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization (PRRWO) proposed to the Workers Viewpoint Organization (WVO) the formation of a joint Party Building Commission (PBC). The basis of unity of the proposed commission was seven points:


(1) Party Building is the central task of communists.
(2) Political line is the key link.
(3) Right opportunism is the main danger in the workers and communist movements.
(4) Marxist-Leninists unite.
(5) Win the advanced to communism.
(6) Factory nuclei are the basic form of organization.
(7) The right of self-determination for the Afro-American nation.

In addition, the PBC was to carry out joint theoretical work around party building, the domestic situation, the national question, trade union work, the international situation, the history of the communist and workers’ movements in the U.S., and on the program of the party. The PBC was also to organize joint political education for the organizations and joint leadership training conferences.

The formation of the Wing led to a series of joint forums around the country on the issue of party building conducted by PRRWO, ATM and WVO, joined by several additional groups, namely the Revolutionary Workers League (RWL) and another somewhat mysterious group which claimed origins in the Black Workers Congress – the Revolutionary Bloc (although Resistencia Puertorriqueña questioned its existence). At one time, PRRWO asserted that there were also other “honest” elements close to the Revolutionary Wing. These were listed as Resistencia Puertorriqueña and El Comité.

The Revolutionary Wing did not hold together long. By March 1976 it had fallen apart: WVO and ATM departed amid bitter recriminations, with WVO taking a significant number of RWL cadre with it. Resistencia Puertorriqueña and El Comité refused to join. The Revolutionary Bloc, if it ever in fact existed, disappeared. Meanwhile PRRWO and the RWL drew closer together while, at the same time, undergoing a series of violent internal splits and purges, before the greatly reduced remnants officially merged as the Leninist Core of the Revolutionary Wing and announced their intention of forming a “U.S. Bolshevik Party.”

Historical Works and Polemics

WVO-PRRWO Hold Joint Forum on Party Building [Palante, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1975-January 1976]

PRRWO Holds Forum in S.F. by the August 29th Movement

Party Building Forums Reflect Rising Party Spirit across the U.S. by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization


’Revolutionary Wing’ or Anti-Party Bloc? by Sherman Miller

The “Wing”: How Not to Unite Marxist-Leninists by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Expose RWL’s ’Left’ Opportunism on the International Situation by the Workers Viewpoint Organization [Workers Viewpoint, Vol. 1, No. 3, Special Supplement, June 1976]

RWL: Building the Party on Bourgeois Ideology. A call to struggle against ’left’ opportunism by the Communist Workers Committee (M-L)

Party Spirit or Circle Spirit? Expose RWL/PRRWO’s Menshevism on the Organizational Question by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

An Open Letter to a District and all Revolutionary Workers League Comrades by the Bolshevik Organizing Collective

Our Disagreements with the PRRWO–a preliminary statement by former PRRWO members and supporters

The Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization and the Revolutionary Wing by Former PRRWO Cadres

Lessons from the Degeneration of the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization by I Wor Kuen

The Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization, Workers Viewpoint Organization and the Revolutionary Wing by I Wor Kuen

Some Criticisms of Workers Viewpoint Organization on Party Building by I Wor Kuen

’Revolutionary Wing’ in Shambles by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

RWL and OL: Two Wings of Same Bird by the Committee for Scientific Socialism (M-L)


RWL/ALSC Appendix by the Committee for Scientific Socialism (M-L)

Wreckers Cripple African Liberation Support Committee from The Call

Splits and Purges as ’Wing’ Grows More Isolated by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

The “Wing”: ’Stuck in a Hole’ by the Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist)

PRRWO & RWL: Not a “Revolutionary Wing”, But a Dangerous Duo! by the Revolutionary Communist League (M-L-M)

Uniting a Bankrupt Trend: The Anti-Party Opposition Bloc from The Call

Forge the Vanguard Party – Grasp the Key Link by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Two Roads to Party Building by the Bolshevik Organizing Collective/Communist Workers Committee (M-L)

Presentation on Party Building: Expose the Anarcho-Socialism of PRRWO/RWL! by the Union for Working Class Emancipation

WVO: Undaunted Dogma from Puffed-Up Charlatans by Owen Natha [RCP]

WVO’s Opportunism in Theory and Practice by John B. Tyler [RCP]

Behind WVO’s ’Silence’ on China and the ’Gang of Four’ by The Call

Palante! Siempre Palante!, Interview with Richie Perez

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Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization

In Boston – Revolutionary Storm Assaults Racists and Reformists [Palante, January 1975]

Against Terrorism For Proletarian Revolution [Palante, February 1975]

Struggle Against Opportunism Continues at Philadelphia Forum [Palante, February 1975]

Two Lines on Trade Union Work: An Analysis of April 26th [Palante, June 4, 1975]

Mayday Rallies Reflect Growing Consciousness of the Masses and the Struggles Within the Communist Movement [Palante, June 4, 1975]

Practice Marxism Not Revisionism [Palante, June 4, 1975]

“Anti-Sovietism” – Worst Poison in the Revolutionary Movement? A Reply to PSP [Palante, July 9, 1975]


“CP” USA Convention Shows Why We Must Build a Genuine Communist Party! [Palante, August 10, 1975]

Expose Havana Conference: Social-Imperialist Scheme to Leech Off Puerto Rico’s Struggle [Palante, September 10, 1975]

Party Building in the Heat of the Class Struggle – a Theoretical Presentation

Report on Student Conference, Dec. 13 1975

The October League Forms a “Communist” Youth Organization–Another Sham Attempt!

Bourgeois Terrorism Paves Way for Fascism

Party Building in the Heat of the Class Struggle

No Tea Party in Boston – The Struggle for the Party Intensifies

PRRWO Presentation in Boston: Expose the Anti-theoretical Revisionist Premises of WVO

Expose the Menshevik Line, Purge Our Ranks, On To Party-Building

Editorial: More on OL’s (Menshevik-Liberal) Call for the Party

Editorial: Mensheviks Are Objectively Agents of the Bourgeoisie



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Revolutionary Workers League

RWL Presentation in Boston: Defeat OL's (Menshevik-Liberal) Call for the Party (Palante, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March-April 1976))

Forward to the U.S. Bolshevik Party

Steeled in Struggle – History of the Two Line Struggle in the RWL

Party Building and the Woman Question

Revolution is the Main Trend

Expose Menshevism – Purge Our Ranks – On to Party Building – Defeat the Theory of Overcoming Opportunism from Within – RWL (Palante, Vol. 6, No. 6 (June-July 1976))

Superpowers Out of Angola. Self-Determination for the Angolan Masses!!



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August 29th Movement


Our Central Task: Building a New Communist Party

Historic Alamosa Conference: Reformism or Revolution!

Struggle for Party is Struggle for Revolution – Current state of our movement [part I]

PRRWO-RWL: ’Hurling Threats and Insults in Not Fighting’ [part II]

Editorial: The Revolutionary Cause and Our Tasks

WVO Proclaims Itself General Staff

W.V.O. Kicked Out Of Chicago Forum: National Movements – Main Allies of the Working Class

A Special ATM (M-L) Polemic with Ultra-Leftism: League for Proletarian Revolution – Caught with their “Onlys” Showing

The Struggle Against Left Opportunism – League for Proletarian Revolution

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Resistencia Puertorriqueña/League for Proletarian Revolution

On Party Building


Our Views on the Communist Movement in the United States

Defeat the “Left” Opportunist, Menshevik Line of PRRWO-RWL

Communist Propaganda and Agitation: Defeat the “Left” Opportunist, Menshevik Line of PRRWO-RWL, Part II

W.V.O.’s Forum in Los Angeles Backfires

Who’s Engaging in Line Struggle?: Defeat the “Left” Opportunist, Menshevik Line of PRRWO-RWL, Part III

Actively Take Part in the Struggle for Party Building

Caricature of a Vanguard [on WVO] [Resistance, Vol. 7, No. 7, n.d.]

WVO’s “Unite to Expose”: A policy of class collaboration

Comradely Polemics with ATM-ML: The Present Situation & Our Tasks

Comradely Polemics with ATM-ML, Part II: In This Period, Place All Work in the Context of Party Building

Exchange with a Resistance reader on the LPR (M-L)’s ATM Polemics [Resistance, Vol. 8, Nos. 3-4, April 1977]

ATM Consolidates Right Line: Right Opportunism is the Main Danger! [Resistance, Vol. 8, Nos. 3-4, April 1977]

WVO: from “Unite to Expose” to “Hide to Expose”

N.L.S.S.C. Defeats Liquidators

Panama: Against a Social Chauvinist Trend



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Workers Viewpoint Organization


The October League: A Most Dangerous Revisionist Trend in U.S. Communist Movement

PRRWO: Anarcho-Socialism U.S.A. Expose PRRWO’s Hustlerism!

Slipping and Sliding: October League, the Most Dangerous Revisionist Trend in the Communist Movement and Their Call for the Party [Workers Viewpoint Journal #4, n.d.]

Philistinism of the PRRWO & RWL Exposed!

Celebrate Int’l Working Women’s Day!

On Angola: Guardian Fully Degenerated, No Longer in the Communist Movement

Dying Screams of the PRRWO/RWL Clique and Responding Echoes from Assorted Opportunists

October League’s Organizing Committee Forums: ’Unity Trend’ Hangs Itself!

Build ALSC into a Mass Fighting Organization Workers Viewpoint Organization Position Paper submitted to ALSC National Conference 8/76


Harriet Tubman-Nat Turner Collective (ML) Liquidating itself to the WVO

Nicholaus vs OL: A Menshevik’s Criticism of Menshevism

Practice Theory, Mass Line, Self-Criticism: Surest Road to Correct Leadership of the Youth & Student Struggle

Strategy and Tactics: OL & RCP Revise Marxism on the International Situation

ATM: Social Democrats from the National Movement. Competes with OL to be the Vanguard of the Petty Bourgeoisie

RCP Discovers ’Theory in its Own Right’

October League’s Organizing Committee Doomed from the Start

Bolshevik Workers Organization (ML) Strikes Circle Spirit Severe Blow – Liquidating Itself to WVO

No Triumph for ’Roots’: Glorious Afro-American History Will Not Serve Capitalism

The October League – Revisionist to the Bone. Touched to Their Soul by the Bourgeoisie

ALSC: RWC Paves Way for RCP Takeover

RCP: Reversing Verdict on Soviet Social Imperialism is Total Treachery

Formation of the Genuine Communist Party is Single Greatest Step Towards Fusion!

The Organization for Bolshevik Unity (OBU-ML) Defeats Centrism and Prepares to Liquidate to the WVO!

Auto workers on the move against capitalism! [WVO’s Auto Bulletin #5]

Lessons in Revolutionary Leadership from IWWD

Revolution Mills – Workers Determined to Organize a Fighting Rank and File Union! Workers Defend WVO – Reject Bankrupt RCP

Revolutionary Youth League Founded! WVO Unites Communist Youth to Build Communist Leadership of R.Y.L.

Rebuild ALSC by Correcting Methods of Leadership

Defend Zaire’s Sovereignty! Soviet Social Imperialists Back Invasion


N.Y. May Day: 1000 Strong, Workers March Led by WVO: Major Speech from Central Committee of WVO

RCP Exposed!

Soviet Social Imperialism: Enemy of the Arab and World’s Peoples [Workers Viewpoint,, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1977]

Karl Marx – Proletarian Revolutionary

Background: Imperialism and War [Workers Viewpoint, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1977]

African Liberation Support Committee Holds Victorious African Liberation Day

ALSC – Forward to National Conference! [from Workers Viewpoint Supplement, July 1977]

Brief History of ALSC’s Program of Work [1977]

Grasp Lessons of Historic May Day 1977

Elvis – Shake, Rattle and Roll to Pacify the Workers

Women Hold Up Half the Sky [on abortion, the workingclass' love of children, hedonism and stable man-woman relationships]

African Liberation Support Committee Holds Successful National Conference

Broad Horizons–Blitz Campaigns: The Trade Union Education League

Blackout Sheds Light on RCP’s Chauvinism

WVO Holds Nationwide Commemoration For Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao, Live Like Him, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win! [WVO speech at Mao Commemoration, September 10, 1977]

Lessons of Tasks of the Youth Leagues: Proletarian Revolution Must Defeat Intellectual ’Itch’

Minimum Wage – Small Change [Workers Viewpoint, Vol. 2, No. 9, October 1977]


Workers Viewpoint Journal

Workers Viewpoint [newspaper]

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Leninist Core of the Revolutionary Wing

ATM – Traitors to the Proletariat – Mensheviks to the Bone!

Statement of Principles of Revolutionary Wing


Leninist Core of the Revolutionary Wing Holds 1st Plenum

Anti-Party Bloc Exposed–Wage All Around Fight Against Right Opportunism and Revisionism–Liquidate Liquidationism! (General Political Report Delivered at the 1st Plenum of the Leninist Core of the Revolutionary Wing)

Propaganda the Chief Form of Activity (Speech Delivered at the First Plenum of Leninist Core of the Revolutionary Wing)

Gather All the Partyist Elements to Build a Truly United and Discipline Proletarian Party of the New Type

In the Fight for the Party Build the Young Bolshevik League

“Seek Truth from Facts” Lay Absurdities and Slanders to Rest By Striking Yet More Blows Against Right Opportunism the Main Danger

On Our Way Forward To the First Party Congress!

Practice Marxism Not Revisionism – Treachery of “Save the Fatherland” Propagated by R“CP” (R) [Bolshevik, Vol. 7, No. 4, June 1977]

Revolutionary Book of Poetry by the Leninist Core to Found U.S. Bolshevik Party

More Conspiracies More Intrigue, Getting Together? [Bolshevik, Vol. 8, No. 3, August-September 1978]


Young Bolshevik, July 1977

A World To Gain, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1978 [newspaper of the Bay area branch of the Leninist Core]

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Black Workers Congress: Two-Line Struggle and Split

Early in 1975 the Black Workers Congress underwent a serious split, resulting in the demise of that organization. Out of the collapse, four groups seem to have emerged: the Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist), the Revolutionary Workers Congress, the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee and the Revolutionary Bloc.

The Revolutionary Workers Congress, which was the name the former leadership of the BWC adopted for their group after the split, briefly issuing a newspaper called Movin’ On! In late 1977, the organization dissolved, with some of its members joining the Revolutionary Communist Party.

ACC Cover

The Workers Congress (Marxist-Leninist), centered in Detroit, played an active part in national party-building debates, putting forward the Iskra principle as its party-building program through its newspaper The Communist. A number of smaller groups and collectives around the country participated in this effort, submitting articles for publication in the paper. In 1976, the Workers Congress underwent a split, centered in the New York District. This resulted in the formation of Red Dawn

The Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee, based in San Francisco also threw itself into the party building process. Initially, it distinguished itself from other groups by declaring that “the theoretical form of class struggle” was “the chief form of class struggle in this period,” calling for joint theoretical work with other communist organizations and as well as collaboration maintaining, deepening and broadening work within the spontaneous mass movements. It published a theoretical journal Communist Line and a newspaper Unite! In 1978, the MLOC became the Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist).

The Revolutionary Bloc was another former faction in the BWC. While briefly touted by the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization and the Revolutionary Workers League as a component of the Revolutionary Wing, its post-BWC existence is somewhat mysterious. It appears to have issued only one document – a resignation from the BWC – and Resistencia Puertorriqueña even questioned its existence, post-BWC.

Black Workers Congress: Two-Line Struggle – Internal Materials

The Crisis in the BWC: Leninism or Petty Bourgeois Democracy by Donald Williams

Central Committee document on ’unfolding the two-line struggle throughout the entire organization’

Document on Security during two-line struggle

Majority Position

Characteristics of the Ultra-Left Line

Letter from the San Francisco Bay Area District Committee to the National Secretariat together with district document, ’The Two-Line Struggle in the Organization’ [’Paper X’]

Where Do Correct Ideas Come From? (A Critique of the Bay Area District Position on the 2-line Struggle in the BWC, 1974-1975)

Sum-Up of the San Jose Unit in the Two-Line Struggle

To All CC Members: Role of IC/CC; Some Theoretical and Ideological Issues by BW

Letter to Central Committee Members and Districts on the financial crisis in the BWC

Letter to Central Committee Members and Districts on the two-line struggle and Don Williams’ ’Self-Criticism’

Don Williams’ ’Self-Criticism’

Black Workers Congress: Two-Line Struggle and Split – Public Materials

Memo from the Central Committee of the B.W.C. to the central committees of other organizations discussing the two-line struggle

Two-Line Struggle in the B.W.C. by the Black Workers Congress

Public Letter on Don Williams by the Black Workers Congress

The Split in the BWC. Leninism or Petty Bourgeois Democracy by the Workers Congress (M-L)

Economism and the Attack on “Leftism” by the Workers Congress (M-L)

Two Line Struggle in the B.W.C., part 3 by the Revolutionary Workers Congress



Propaganda, Agitation, and Winning over the Vanguard: Response to the Workers Congress by the August 29th Movement

Western Yarn Strike Ends, Class Struggle Continues by the August 29th Movement

Polemic with ATM: Factory Propaganda and Agitation by the Workers Congress (M-L)

The Split in the Workers Congress (M-L) by former members of the NY District [from Red Dawn, #1] [April 1978]

“More Than Enough Material...” A Letter to the Proletarian Unity League by the Workers Congress (M-L)

On the “Effectiveness” of the Capitalist Restoration Thesis: A Reply to the Workers Congress by the Proletarian Unity League

Primary Documents

The Split in the BWC. Leninism or Petty Bourgeois Democracy

ACC Cover

Name Change – Workers Congress

Unity Conference Resolutions [adopted at the founding meeting of the Workers Congress] [Red Dawn, No. 1, April 1978]

Economism and the Attack on “Leftism”

Unite to Build an Iskra-Type Organ

WC (ML) Holds Conference

Resolutions on Party Building

COMMUNIST begins 2nd Year

CLP: Neo-Revisionist Trend

Bolshevize the Ranks: Forward on the Woman Question

Formation of RCP

OL’s Call for the Party: Our Response

Fight-Back Conference: Party Building and the United Front

ACC Cover

From the Central Committee: A Self-Criticism

SDOC (M-L) Joins Iskra Effort

Announcement [Expulsion of Don Williams]

Errors of CPUSA: Plant Organizing in the 1940’s

Win The Vanguard!!

Trade Union Democracy and Our Tasks

Against the Circle Spirit

WCML Remarks at [Mao] Memorial

Conditions for the Party

OC Draft Program: Proletarian Internationalism or Social-Chauvinism

A Party Building Retreat

OL’s Trade Union Pamphlet: A Distortion of Our History

SDOC Joins Workers Congress

RCP Rewrites History of National Liaison Committee

Documents from the 1976 Split

The Split in the Workers’ Congress (M-L): Statement of the Former Members of the New York District, Part 1: The Abandonment of the ISKRA Plan [Red Dawn, No. 1, April 1978]

The Split in the Workers’ Congress (M-L): Statement of the Former Members of the New York District, Part 2: In Defense of Democratic Centralism [Red Dawn, No. 1, April 1978]

Never Forget Class Struggle! [Red Dawn, No. 1, April 1978]

Letter of Resignation from the W.C. by former members of the political standing committee [Red Dawn, No. 1, April 1978]


The Communist

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Polemics of Other Groups

MLOC’s Tactics of Splittism: ’Plan For a Joint Program’ by the October League (Marxist-Leninist)

Smash Scholasticism and Bolshevize Our Ranks! Expose the Petty-Bourgeois Careerism of MLOC! by the Committee for Scientific Socialism (M-L)

MLOC: Intriguing and Conspiring for a Revisionist Clique – Statement by the Bolshevik Organizing Collective/Communist Workers Committee (M-L) by Workers Viewpoint

MLOC’S “CREDO” PROGRAM: Concentrate a Superior Force to Destroy Genuine Marxist-Leninists One by One by Workers Viewpoint

“Take the Money and Run!” by the Workers Viewpoint Organization [Workers Viewpoint, Vol. 1, No. 7, November 1976]

Primary Documents

Our Line on the Central Task: Build the Vanguard Communist Party

Editorial: Smash the Old – Build the New

MLOC Strategy and Tactic

Revolution – Main Trend in World Today

Against Opportunism! Uphold the Historic Mission of the Proletariat!

Report from the Central Committee: The Future Belongs to the Working Class


The October League (M-L). What Are Our Differences, What is The Basis Of These Differences?

Lessons from the Shop Floor

The Struggle for the Right of Self-Determination: Criticism/Self-Criticism On The National Question

Superpowers, Out of Angola! Position of the C.C. of the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Marxist Study Guide on the CPUSA

Draft Theses: The Woman Question

The General Crisis of Capitalism and Proletarian Revolution

Class Struggle Sharpens in China

The Struggle for Marxist-Leninist Unity

The “Wing”: How Not to Unite Marxist-Leninists

Angola: Struggle Against Imperialism and Opportunism Go Hand in Hand, Part 1 Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 3, June-July 1976

Call for Joint Work on the Party Program Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 3, June-July 1976

Open Letter to the Guardian

CPUSA – Revisionist Stronghold in the U.S.A. Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 3, June-July 1976

The O.L. on Party Building: A “Partial Modification” of Unprincipled Unity [from Communist Line, No. 9, August 1976]

Angola: Struggle Against Imperialism and Opportunism Go Hand in Hand, Part 2 Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 4, August-September 1976

Toward a Position on the Chicano National Question

In Commemoration of Mao Tsetung

Forge the Vanguard Party – Grasp the Key Link

How the Philadelphia Workers’ Organizing Committee Renders the CPUSA More Profound

Build The United Front Against The Two Superpowers

Struggle in Steel: Class Warfare in United Steel Workers Union

RCP Comes Out in Steel

CLP-CPUSA Unity [Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 6, December 1976-January 1977]

Fidel Castro’s troops continue to kill and maim the people in Angola

Report from the Central Committee: Trotskyism Exposed!


Elections No Solution for Steelworkers [Unite!, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 1977]

An Open Letter to the October League

On the party program

To Our Readers [Unite!, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1977]

No Peace in Steel [Unite!, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1977]

Smash the Campaign of Slander Against the Great Stalin! [Unite!, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1977]

CPUSA’s Job Program: working overtime for the bourgeoisie

Free the Dawson 5!

Build the Party Press!

Cruise Missle: U.S. Ups Ante in Imperialist War!

Editorial: Communist Party (ML)... A Social Prop of the Bourgeoisie

RCP/RWC Attempt to Con Black Masses

In Defense of Marxism-Leninism on the International Situation

Theory of the “Three Worlds” Opposes Marxism-Leninism

In Memory of Mao Tsetung... Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win!

Prepare the Conditions for the Formation of the Party!

Genuine Unity Rests on Principle

Tito Remains a Traitor to the Working Class

The RCP’s National United Workers Organization. NUWO: Dual-Unionism and Betrayal of the Party

CP(ML) Cries Appeasement

Revolution Will Surely Triumph! On the International Situation

The Menace of Fascism Will Be Smashed by the Mighty Fist of the Proletariat!

The Syndicalist Fronts of the RCP

Terrorism: A False Road to Socialism

Yugoslavia is Not a Socialist Country!

Documents of the First Congress of the MLOC


Communist Line


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Primary Documents

Movin’ On!

Two Line Struggle in the B.W.C., part 3

Détente: A Cover for Superpower Contention

ALSC: RWC Paves Way for RCP Takeover by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

RCP/RWC Attempt to Con Black Masses by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

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Statement of Resignation from the BWC

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’Roots’: U.S. Marxist-Leninists Respond

In early 1977 ABC broadcast the ’Roots’ mini-series based on Alex Haley’s book about his family history, from Africa, through slavery and in the post-slavery years. The mini-series was watched by an estimated 140 million viewers total (more than half of the U.S. 1977 population) – the largest viewership for any type of television series in US history.

’Roots’ drew the critical attention of US Marxist-Leninists, in particular the October League (M-L) and the Revolutionary Communist Party, which exchanged sharp polemics over their different interpretations of its significance. The wider debate touched not only on African-American history and the freedom struggle, but broader questions of racism and anti-racism in the mass media, and how Marxist-Leninists should analyze popular culture, literature and art.

Background Documents

A Century of Black Struggle: The Story of Jane Pittman by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 2, No. 8, May 1974]

Primary Documents

Roots Shows Black Heritage. History of Struggle, Oppression by the Revolutionary Communist Party [The Worker for the Milwaukee Area and Wisconsin, Vol. 2, No. 5, February 1977]


’Roots’ TV Series – Which Class Does It Serve? by the October League (M-L)

Commentary: Roots by the Communist Labor Party [People’s Tribune, February 15, 1977]

No Triumph for ’Roots’: Glorious Afro-American History Will Not Serve Capitalism by the Workers Viewpoint Organization

Criticism of “Roots” Article and Workers Viewpoint Organization Response

Millions Discuss, Debate Roots: Fans Hatred of Oppression by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Roots: the story of an American Family by Jim Griffin [Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee]

’Roots’ – liquidating national struggle by the Workers Congress (M-L) [The Communist, Vol. 3, No. 4, March 1, 1977]

Roots Raises Questions: Slavery Then, Slavery Now by the Revolutionary Communist Party [The Worker for the Milwaukee Area and Wisconsin, Vol. 2, No. 6, March 1977]

Communist Party, USA, and RCP: Opportunists Uncritical of ’Roots’ by the October League (M-L)

’Roots’ by the Marxist-Leninist Collective [The Workers’ Press, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 1977]

Roots and the Role of Black Women by the October League (M-L)

Call Series Summed-up. Roots: ’Sugar Bullet’ on the Cultural Front by the October League (M-L)

ROOTS: Political Deception to Smash the Afro-American Struggle and Revive Dead Cultural Nationalism by the Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

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Sadlowski and the Insurgency in the Steelworkers Union

Primary Documents

Rigged Steel Election Overturned [The Call, Vol. 2, No. 3, December 1973]

Steelworkers' Union Elections Rigged [from The Call]

Steel Rank & File Denounces E.N.A. [from The Call]

Rank & File Charts Course in Steel [from The Call]


Letter to the Guardian: Two Rallies – Two Lines

Guardian Radical forum: What strategy for steelworkers’ no-strike fight?

Landslide Victory – Sadlowski Wins Victory [from The Call]

A View of Sadlowski’s Campaign [from The Call]

Steel Union Debate: How to Smash Abel Machine [from The Call]

Terror Hits Abel Opponents – Union Reformer Shot [from The Call]

Steel Convention: A Blow to Rank and File [from The Call]

Steel Workers Carry Struggle to Convention by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Editorial: Sadlowski for President The Steelworker, Vol. 1, No. 4 October 1976 [RCP paper]

Abel-Sadlowski – Steeled Racists by the Progressive Labor Party

Steelworker Elections – Time To Dump Abel Machine, Elect Sadlowski by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Sadlowski, an Inside-Out Abel by the August 29th Movement [Revolutionary Cause, Vol. 1, No. 10, November 1976]

Sadlowski Election Battle – Steelworkers Shake Abel by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Local Steelworkers Make Gains in Sadlowski Campaign by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Rank & File Utilize Sadlowski Race by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Boycott of major union elections called: Fighting Our Two Enemies – Bosses and Bureaucrats [from The Call]

Struggle in Steel: Class Warfare in United Steel Workers Union by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

RCP Comes Out in Steel by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Steelworkers Elect Leadership by El Comite-MINP [from Obreros en Marcha, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1977]

Steel Union Election Feb. 8: Sadlowski & McBride Working for Bosses [from The Call]

Rank & File Unionism Threatens Steel Bureaucracy by Anna Gold [The Organizer, December 1976-Janaury 1977]

Debate on Sadlowski by the Workers Congress (M-L)


Centrists Jump on Sadlowski Bandwagon: Guardian Tails Liberal Trade Unionists [from The Call]

Sadlowski, McBride: Birds of a Feather.... Steelworkers Must Reject Them Both by the Progressive Labor Party

Sadlowski No Alternative for Steel Workers [from The Call]

Rank & File Advances in Steel Fight by the Revolutionary Communist Party

“Steering Steel Workers into Sadlowski”: RCP – Errand Boys For Liberal Misleaders [from The Call]

Maoist OL Somersaults Over Sadlowski by Workers Vanguard

Elections No Solution for Steelworkers by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee [Unite!, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 1977]

No Peace in Steel by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee [Unite!, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1977]

Sadlowski Loses USW Election by Ben Fletcher [The Organizer, February-March 1977]

Sadlowski Defeated: Steel Workers Advance Despite Election Loss by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Forward from Sadlowski Campaign: Steel Demo Kicks Off Contract Fight by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Summing Up the Steel Election Battle by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Abel’s History of Treachery

Sadlowski Scabs on Wildcat [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 22, June 6, 1977]

RCP on the Split in the Working Class, Part 2 by the Marxist-Leninist Collective

Subsequent Reappraisals

Forging Correct Line in Steel by the Revolutionary Communist Party

Sadlowski Campaign: The Lessons Learned by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee

Summing Up the CPML’s Experiences in Trade Union Work by Charles Costigan [of the CPML]

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Communist Labor Party 1976 Electoral Campaigns


CLP-CPUSA Unity by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee [Unite!, Vol. 2, No. 6, December 1976-January 1977]

Primary Documents

Elections–Forum for Socialism

Vote Communist on November 2!

Vote Communist, Fight for Jobs with Peace

Electoral Struggle–A Step Forward

General Baker Campaign, Detroit, Michigan

CLP Ballot Campaign

Communist Labor Party campaign newsletter [no date]

Committee to Elect General Baker [appeal letter]

Forum announcement [Put the Communist Labor Party on the Michigan Ballot]

Get the CLP on the Ballot flyer

Fascism: The Cost American Cannot Afford! [draft pamphlet]


Baker campaign flyer

Communist Labor Party Campaign Newsletter [March 26, 1976]

7000 Signatures for CLP

25,000 Signatures: Victory for Working Class

Vote on August 3 For Communist Labor Party

Vote CLP on August 3

Appeal to the People

Come to a Party! Committee to Elect General Baker Open House flyer

Communist Labor Party Campaign Newsletter [Vol. 1, No. 8]

Election Victory Nears

Vote Communist

General Baker–One Down, Two to Go!

Baker campaign rally flyer

Baker campaign flyer

Baker campaign flyer

Ron Glotta and CLP Attacked

Government Fraud in Primary Elections

CLP Electoral Campaign–Time for a Change

Communist Labor Party Campaign Newsletter [September 8, 1976]

Support Ford Strikers, Elect General Baker

“Control, Conflict, Change” Election Forum flyer

Special Election Issue of the People’s Tribune

Arthur Goldberg Campaign, Brooklyn, New York

New York Ballot Campaign: 5000 Signatures by Sept. 13!

CLP Past the Mark

CLP Challenged by Corrupt Opponent

New York elections: Crisis unresolved – what next?

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Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists

Primary Documents


Afro-American People: Advance the Struggle Against Racial Discrimination and Violent Repression! by the Seattle Workers Movement under the leadership of the COUSML

Apply Marxism-Leninism Mao Tsetung Thought to problems confronting proletarian revolution in the U.S.

Oppose the Fascist Anti-busing Movement as an Attack on the Afro-American People and on the Entire Working Class

Communists Resist Anti-busing Fascists at Louisville Factory

Hail the Seventh Anniversary of the Founding of the American Communist Workers Movement (Marxist-Leninist)!

Mao Tsetung Thought Versus Opportunism

History of the Afro-American People's Struggle in Seattle by the Seattle Branch of COUSML

Soviet Social-Imperialism Intensifies Aggression in Angola

Victory to the Second Anti-Colonial War of the Angolan People!

Class Struggle in China


Special Issue of the Workers’ Advocate on the Situation in the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Movement

OL’s Theory of “Three Worlds” Denies Revolution and Apologizes for U.S. Neo-Colonialism

On the Occasion of the 8th Anniversary of the Founding of the American Communist Workers' Movement (Marxist-Leninist), May 12, 1969-May 12, 1977

Once Again on the OL’s Social-Chauvinist Theory of “Directing the Main Blow at Soviet Social-Imperialism”

Flimsy Fraud, Desperate Gamble, Part 1

Flimsy Fraud, Desperate Gamble, Part 2

OL Social-Chauvinists Praise Sadat's "De Facto Recognition of Israel"

The Role of the “RCP,USA” in the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Movement


Workers’ Advocate

Workers’ Daily News Release

The Detroit Worker

The Seattle Worker

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U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association

Background Materials

Red China’s American Lobby: The U.S. China People’s Friendship Association, Part I , Part II, by Congressman Larry McDonald (1978)

Primary Documents

U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association Formed in New York by the Communist League [People’s Tribune, Vol. 3, No. 10, November-December 1971]

China Friendship Assoc. Holds Founding Meeting by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 3, No. 1, October 1974]

The Struggle Within: A Critique of the Role of the Revolutionary Union within the USCPFA by the U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association of Detroit


Open Letter To US-China People’s Friendship Association by the Communist Labor Party

China Friendship Assn. Debates Priorities by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 5, No. 17, August 30, 1976]

China Friendship Assoc. Builds Mass Outreach by the October League (M-L)

USCPFA Convention: Build Peoples’ Friendship Broadly by the Revolutionary Communist Party

New China Magazine – Pluses and Minuses by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 24, July 4, 1977]

US-China Friendship Association Faces New Tasks by the October League (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 6, No. 33, August 29, 1977]

After year of advances: 5th USCPFA convention set for San Francisco by the Communist Party (M-L)

RCP’s Plan to Wreck China Friendship Assoc. by the Conmmunist Party (M-L)

USCPFA reaffirms support for People’s China by the Conmmunist Party (M-L)

U.S.-China People’s Friendship Assoc. Holds Successful 5th Annual Convention by the League of Revolutionary Struggle

Struggle Over “Gang of 5” Hits USCPFA by the Revolutionary Communist Party

RCP Makes Anti-China Stand Public by The New Voice

USCPFA Slides Toward Oblivion by the Revolutionary Communist Party

U.S.-China convention plans broad outreach by the Communist Party (M-L) [The Call, Vol. 8, No. 35, September 17, 1979]

USCPFA holds first national convention since normalization by the League of Revolutionary Struggle

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