History: USA: Publications: The Communist (1927-1944)
The Communist
(1927 – 1944)Jump to: 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944
Transcribers Note: The Communist was the primary monthly theoretical journal of the Communist Party that began publishing in 1927. Last published in Dec 1944. Creation of this digital archive by The Riazanov Library Project
Predecessors and Successors:
In the late teens and early 20s of the 20th century, the just-initiated communist movement in the USA published, or acquired and continued publishing, The Liberator 1918-1924, Labor Herald 1922-1924, and Soviet Russia Pictorial 1923-1924. [Note that Soviet Russia Pictorial was a continuation of Soviet Russia, and The Liberator was a kind of re-incarnation of The Masses, 1911-1917.] Additionally, there were at least 8 publications with the same name of The Communist published by various Left-SP and pre-Communist factions inspired by the Russian Revolution from during the before and after the founding of the Party. A list of these publications can be found here.
In November of 1924, The Liberator, Soviet Russia Pictorial, and Labor Herald were terminated and folded together into Workers Monthly, which began in November of 1924.
Workers Monthly (which had some of the look and feel of the Liberator, with at times lovely color art on the cover and striking one and two page political cartoons inside augmenting the text) ended in February of 1927, and became in March of 1927 The Communist.
The change in format was dramatic: Where its immediate and secondary predecessors were 8 1/2 x 11 inch magazine format with lovely color (or dramatic black and white photo) covers, The Communist was a 6 x 8 inch pamphlet / book format publication, whose covers bore some art in the early years, but soon after ceased to do so, and which had occasional photos and sketches in its earliest issues, which mostly ceased to adorn the majority of its published issues after a few years. One might argue this change mirrored the change in the character of the Comintern-led Communist Movement in the USA and world-wide, as that became at last finally solidly under Stalin’s control.
In 1943 the Communist International was dissolved, an action taken by the Soviet Union as part of the downplaying of the term ’communist’ by Moscow, as it sought a continuation of the war-time alliance with the United States at the close of WWII. in January of 1945, the name of The Communist was changed to Political Affairs. Political Affairs ceased publication on physical paper at the end of 2008, but continues to be published online as of 2014.
For a plain text table of contents for The Communist from 1927 to 1944, which includes this intro from MIA. Click here.
A complete set of searchable indexes (as they appeared in the magazine) from 1927 to 1944 in one PDF file, click here.
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1927Volume 6, No. 1, March, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.Max Bedacht, Editor
1 Editorials
7 America Facing Europe by Jay Lovestone
17 Economic Situation in U. S. A. 1926 by A. G. Bosse
25 Limitations of American Imperialism by Max Shachtman
32 Convention of the U. M. W. A. by Wm. F. Dunne
41 With Marx and Engels
55 Book Reviews
58 Through the Month
Volume 6, No. 2, April, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.Max Bedacht, Editor
67 C. E. Ruthenberg by Max Bedacht
72 Toward Another-Wave of Revolutionary Struggle by Jay Lovestone
76 The United States and Tacna Arica by Ella G. Wolfe
80 Historical Background of the Nicaraguan Situation by G. A. Bosse
84 Winning the Youth by Herbert Zam
92 With Marx and Engels – the Civil War in North America
113 The World Struggle for Rubber by Leon Platt
120 Through the Month
Volume 6, No. 3, May, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.Max Bedacht, Editor
130 Editorials
138 Toward Another Wave of Revolutionary Struggles by Jay Lovestone
150 The Brussels Congress Against Imperialism
156 The Civil War in the United States by Karl Marx
165 Marx and the Vienna “Presse"
172 The World Struggle for Rubber
181 Book Reviews
186 Through the Month
Volume 6, No. 4, June, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.Max Bedacht, Editor
N. Dozenberg, Business ManagerPage
194 Editorials
200 Perspectives for Our Party by Jay Lovestone
207 Present Trend in the American Labor Movement by Max Bedacht
213 The Crusade of the A. F. of L. Against the “Reds” by Ben Gitlow
225 Literature and Economics by V. F. Calverton
252 The American Civil War by Frederick Engels
248 Through the Month
Volume 6, No. 5, July, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.Max Bedacht, Editor
N. Dozenberg, Business ManagerPage
259 The Next President of Mexico by Ella G. Wolfe
266 Old Problems in New Forms by Max Bedacht
275 A Program for the Period of Prosperity by Bertram D. Wolfe
287 Perspectives for Our Party by Jay Lovestone
295 Marx, Engels and America by A. Landy
310 The Proletarianization of a Profession by Chas. P. Fletcher
313 Literature and Economics by V. F. Calverton
319 The Economics of the Coupon Clipper – a Review by Bertram D. Wolfe
323 Was Marx Wrong by Burn Starr
Volume 6, No. 6, September–October, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.Max Bedacht, Editor
N. Dozenberg, Business ManagerPage
338 The Murder of Sacco and Vanzetti by Robert Minor
347 American Militarism by A. G. Bosse
358 The Convention of the Pan-American Federation of Labor by Arnold Roller
376 Whither Wuhan by Sz-Toh-Li
388 China and American Imperialist Policy by Earl Browder
394 With Marx and Engels by Avrom Landy
Volume 6, No. 7, November, 1927
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
N. Dozenberg, Business ManagerPage
403 Eastman Revises Marx-And Corrects Lenin by Bertram D. Wolfe
413 Surrender Raised to a System – The Work of the Last A. F. of L. Convention by Wm. F. Dunne
423 Some Trade Union Problems by Jay Lovestone
435 Chemical Warfare by Robert Macdonald
442 Lessons of the Russian Revolution by Alex Bittleman
451 Ten Years of Building Socialism by J. Mindel
459 Book Reviews
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1928Volume 7, No. 1, January, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
1 A Letter to the Workers by Lenin
10 The Crisis in the Labor Movement by Wm. Z. Foster
21 The Lessons of the Canton Uprising by Harry Joven
25 Preparing for the Pan-American Conference by Ella G. Wolfe
38 National and Colonial Revolution by V. I. Lenin
44 America Discusses the Opposition by Bertram D. Wolfe
58 Chemical Warfare by Robert Macdonald
Volume 7, No. 2, February, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
67 The Presidential Elections in the U. S. by V. I. Lenin
69 Herbert Hoover by H. M. Wicks
75 The Present Economic Situation by Jay Lovestone
90 Capitalist Efficiency “Socialism” by Wm. Z. Foster
105 The Crisis in the United Mine Workers by Wm. F. Dunne
110 America Discusses the Opposition by Bertram D. Wolfe
Volume 7, No. 3, March, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
131 America and Russia by Marx and Engles
133 Marx, Lenin and the Commune by Alexander Ttrachtenberg
141 The Proletariat and War by V. I. Lenin
145 Ruthenberg as Fighter and Leader by Jay Lovestone
154 After the Canton Uprising by John Pepper
160 Atheism and Evolution by Bertram D. Wolfe
169 Capitalist Efficiency “Socialism” by Wm. Z. Foster
175 Save the Miners’ Union Call
181 Literature and Economics V. F. Calverton
190 Book Reviews
Volume 7, No. 4, April, 1928The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
195 Tasks and Lessons of the Miners’ Struggle by William Z. Foster
201 How Lenin Worked by N. Krupskaya
205 Practical Phases of the Labor Party Campaign by Jay Lovestone
219 America and the Tactics of the Communist International by John Pepper
229 Al Smith and the New Tammany Hall by William W. Weinstone
236 Unemployment in Great Britain by C. White
242 The Youth and the Elections by Herbert Zam
247 Literature and Economics by V. F. Calverton
252 Book Reviews
Volume 7, No. 5, May, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
259 May Day, 1928 Alexander Bittleman
262 May Day by Rosa Luxemburg
265 The Present Situation in the Labor Movement Jay Lovestone
279 Two Mine Strike Strategies by Wm. Z. Foster
285 Pacifism and War by Bertram D. Wolfe
297 Certain Basic Questions of Our Perspective by John Pepper
307 Engels on the American Labor Movement by A. Landy
314 Books
Volume 7, No. 6, June, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
323 The Mining Crisis Deepens Wm. Z. Foster
327 A Program of Action for America by John Pepper
340 Six Years by Herbert Zam
346 The Labor Movement in America by Fredrick Engels
355 The Economics of American Agriculture by A. B. Richman
364 De Leonism and Communism by Karl Reeve
374 A Program On Unemployment
378 Literature and Economics by V. F. Calverton
382 Books
Volume 7, No. 7, July, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
387 Plenum Material
388 Resolution On Trade-Union Work
399 Old Unions and New Unions by Wm. Z. Foster
406 Trade-Union Questions by James P. Cannon
413 Resolution on the Report of the Political Committee
421 Some Immediate Party Problems by Jay Lovestone
434 William D. Haywood – “Undesirable Citizen” by J. Louis Engdahl
442 Some Aspects of the Situation in New Bedford Albert Weisbord
451 Books
455 Self Study Corner
Volume 7, No. 8, August, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
467 Big Business Can’t Lose in 1928 by Benjamin Gitlow
473 Giant Power by Bert Miller
481 Three Strategies in New Bedford Strike by Albert Weisbord
486 Mexico’s Next President Ny Janet Cork
491 The Defeat of the Home Government in An Imperialist War V. I. Lenin
496 Youth and Industry by Nat Kaplan
500 De Leonism and Communism by Karl Reeve
506 Unemployment in France by C. White
513 Notes On American Literature by Joseph Freeman
521 Books
523 Self-Study Corner
Volume 7, No. 9, September, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
531 Hoover and Smith-Mouthpieces of Big Business – Accept the Nomination by Benjamin Gitlow
538 Politics and the Fly Hunt by Moissaye J. Olgen
548 The Presidential Elections of 1928 by Arne Swabeck
555 Obregon Assassinated by Janet Cork
561 A Reply to Eastman’s “Marx, Lenin and the Science of Revolution” by a Chiik
565 Unemployment in France by C. White
570 Notes On American Literature Joseph Freeman
579 Self-Study Corner
591 Book Reviews
Volume 7, No. 10, October, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
595 “The Socialist Party Offers Itself” by Moissaye J. Olgin
605 America’s Fight for World Hegemony and the War Danger by Jay Lovestone
622 The National Miners’ Union – New Conception of Unionism by Arne Swabeck
628 American Negro Problems by John Pepper
639 Latin America and the Colonial Question by Bertam D. Wolfe
651 Book Reviews
654 Self-Study Corner
656 Statement of Ownership
Volume 7, No. 11, November, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
659 The Sixth World Congress of the Communist International by Jay Lovestone
676 The Workers (Communist) Party in the South Wm. Z. Foster
682 Against the Theory of “Decolonization” by John Pepper
690 On the Threshold of the Twelfth Year Moissaye J. Olgin
700 Eugene Victor Debs by Alexander Trachtenberg
714 Self-Study Corner
720 Books
Volume 7, No. 12, December, 1928
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYBertram D. Wolfe, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
723 The Right Danger in the Comintern by Bertram D. Wolfe
736 Results of the Elections by Jay Lovestone
756 The Political Outlook for the Workers (Communist) Party – a Discussion Article by Scott Nearing
761 The Factory Farm – a Discussion Article on the Party and the Farm Problem by “Harrow"
770 The Negro and the Trade Unions by Otto Huiswoud
776 History of Trade Unionism in the U. S. Earl Browder
781 Book Reviews
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1929Volume 8, No. 1-2, January–February, 1929
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
3 A Leninist Analysis of the Colonial Problem by O. Kuusinen
31 The Metamorphosis of the British Labor Party by M. N. Roy
43 The Decline of the American Federation of Labor William Z. Foster [With An Editorial Answer]
59 Some Issues in the Party Discussion by Jay Lovestone
81 De Leonism and Communism Karl Reeve
88 The Economics of American Agriculture A. B. Richman
Volume 8, No. 3, March, 1929
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
99 The First 10 Years of the C. I.
101 The Sixth Convention of Our Party by Max Bedacht
108 Capitalist Stabilization, Class Struggle of the Proletariat, and the C. P. G. by I. Stalin
118 The American Question in England by Karl Marx – Introduction by A. Landy
128 The VIII Congress of Trade Unions of U. S. S. R.
138 The Party and Party Discipline by V. I. Lenin
142 The Factory Farm by “Harrow"
150 A Reply to Eastman’s “Marx, Lenin and the Science of Revolution” by A. Chiik
159 Book Reviews
Volume 8, No. 4, April, 1929
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
163 The Cleveland Convention – Building a New Trade Union Center by J. Ballam
172 Preparing the Indian Revolution by Earl Browder
179 Organization Report to the Sixth Convention of the Communist Party of the U. S. A. by J. Stachel
190 The New Imperialist Offensive Against the Philippines by Karl Reeve
204 The Problems of the British Empire by Manabendra Nath Roy
214 English Public Opinion Karl Marx
220 Book Reviews
Volume 8, No. 5, May, 1929
The Communist
A Theoretical Magazine for the Discussion of Revolutionary Problems
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
227 A New Stage of the Mexican Rievolution by Earl Browder
234 Organization Report to the Sixth Convention of the Communist Party of the U. S. A. by J. Stachel
250 Negro Revolutionary Hero – Toussaint L’ouverture by Cyril Briggs
255 The Mass Migration of American Farmers A. G. Richman
262 Trades Unions by Fredrick Engels
274 Resolution of the Presidium of the E. C. C. I. on the Czech Question
282 The “Marxism” of V. F. Calverton by A. B. Magil
286 Books
Volume 8, No. 6, June, 1929
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
291 The Significance of the Comintern Address
303 Forward to International Red Day! by H. M. Wicks
308 The Preparedness Policy of American Imperialism by Nemo
313 Capitalism and Agriculture in America V.I. Lenin
319 Passaic-New Bedford-North Carolina by Albert Weisbord
324 The Negro Question in the Southern Textile Strikes by Cyril Briggs
329 The Civil War in Mexico by Albert Moreau
336 Some Aspects of Chemical Warfare by F. E.
347 The Latest Data On Bourgeois Militarism
Volume 8, No. 7, July, 1929
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
355 The Revolutionary Struggle Against Imperialist War by H. M. Wicks
360 The Right of Revolution-An American Revolutionary Tradition A. Landy
369 Right Tendencies At the Trade Union Unity Congress Wm. Z. Foster
375 Gastonia—The Center of the Class Struggle in the “New South” Wm. F. Dunne
384 The Young Plan – The Reparations Conference and the War Danger by A. Fried
387 The New Reparations Plan by G. P.
391 Further Notes on the Negro Question in the Southern Textile Strikes by Cyril Briggs
395 Capitalism and Agriculture in America ( Continued) by V. I. Lenin
402 Economics and Economic Policy by E. Varga
409 Literature and the Class Struggle Franz Mehring
413 Reviews and Books
Volume 8, No. 8, August, 1929
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
419 The British Anti-Soviet Front in Asia by Spectator
424 Japan as a Military and Naval Power by Nemo
429 The Sharpening Class Struggle in Latin America by Wm. Simons
438 Some Notes on the Socialist Party by Max Salzman
445 Sixth Convention of the Communist Party of Canada by John Williamson
453 The Negro Press as a Class Weapon by Cyril Briggs
461 The Fight Against Philosophical Revisionism by A. Fried
467 Bolivar by Karl Marx
473 Capitalism and Agriculture in America by V. I. Lenin
478 Book Reviews
Volume 8, No. 9, September, 1929
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
481 Ten Years of the Communist Party in the U. S. by Max Bedacht
488 The Party Trade Union Work During Ten Years by Wm. Z. Foster
494 Our Negro Work by Cyril Briggs
502 The Struggle for the Comintern in America by L. Platt
512 A Note on the Development of Post-War Capitalism in the U. S by Ross
529 The T.U.U.L. Convention by Wm. Z. Foster
534 Book Reviews
Transcribers Note: there was no October issue due to technical difficulties
Volume 8, No. 10, November, 1929
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers (Communist) Party 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
545 The Twelfth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution
548 Twelve Years of Socialist Constructive Work
564 The Tenth Plenum of the E. C. C. I.
575 The October Plenum of the Central Committee, CPUSA
484 “Organized Capital” in Each Separate Country by Heinz Neuman
600 The October Revolution & Dialectic Materialism by A. Deborin
609 The Party Trade Union Work During Ten Years (Continued) by Wm. Z. Foster
619 The Fight for Independent Leadership in Great Britain by R. P. Dutt
633 Book Reviews
Volume 8, No. 11, December, 1929
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
Beatrice Carlin, Business ManagerPage
643 The Wall Street Crash and the Class Struggle by Earl Browder
651 Installment Selling in the U. S. by Nat Ross
659 The Theoretical Knights of Opportunism by D. Bukhartsev
673 A Labor Party–Or? by Max Bedacht
682 Against the Labor Party (Militant Reformism) in the U. S. A. by J. Zack
687 The Swan Song of the Conciliators of the Communist Party of Germany
694 Espartero by Karl Marx
701 Book Review
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1930Volume 9, No. 1, January, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
3 Notes of the Month
11 Leninism and Our Party by Max Bedacht
15 Plenum of Central Committee C.P.S.U.
22 The Negro and the Struggle Against Imperialism by J. W. Ford
35 Some Experiences in Organizing the Negro Workers by Earl Browder
42 A Trade Union Program of Action for Negro Workers
48 C. I. Resolution On Negro Question in U. S.
56 The Theoretical Knights of Opportunism by K. Bukartsev
67 Against the Labor Party (Militant Reformism) in the U.S.A. by J. Zack
81 Relation of theory to Practice by Sam Don
86 The Internal Situation in C.P. of U.S.A.
93 Statement of American-Canadian Students in the Lenin School, Moscow
Volume 9, No. 2, February, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
99 Notes of the Month
104 U. S. Agriculture and Tasks of the Communist Party, U.S.A
121 Are New Revolutions Impossible Without War? by Gregory Zinoviev
132 World Aspects of the Negro Question by Otto Huiswood
148 The Industrialization of the South and the Negro Problem by M. Rubenstein
154 Inter-Racial Relations Among Southern Workers by Myra
166 The Second Congress of the Anti-Imperialist League by William Wilson
173 The Theoretical Knights of Opportunism by D. Bukartsev
188 Book Reviews
Volume 9, No. 3, March, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
195 Notes of the Month
199 The Growing World Offensive Against Capitalism by Wm. Z. Foster
204 International Women’s Day by Rachel Holtman
210 The Rising Revolutionary Wave and Trotsky Liquidation in China by R. Doonping
224 Plenum of Women Workers’ Committee of the R. I. L. U. – Comrade Losovsky’s Report
231 The Political Background of the London Conference by Leon Platt
236 Economic Crisis and the Third Period by Earl Browder
239 Negroes as An Oppressed National Minority by Jos. Prokopec
246 Draft Program for the Negro Farmers in the Southern States
257 "The Era of Partners” by Joseph Zack
268 Resolution of the Sixth Session of E. C. of the Profintern by M. Alpi
275 The Struggle for the World Steel Markets by Harry Gannes
280 U. S. Agriculture and Tasks of the Communist Party, U. S. A.
286 Book Reviews
Volume 9, No. 4, April, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
291 Notes of the Month
296 Against Liberalism in the American Negro Question by N. Nasonov
309 Toward Social-Fascism – The “Rejuvenation” of the Socialist Party by A. B. Magil
321 Notes on the Strength of American Capitalism by Erick Bert
356 The Political Background of the London Conference by Leon Platt
350 The Class Character of Workmen’s Compensation, Accident and Insurance Laws in the U. S. A. by Poor and Zack
359 U. S. Agriculture and Tasks of the Communist Party, U. S. A.
376 Book Reviews
Volume 9, No. 5, May, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
387 Notes of the Month
395 May First, 1930 by C. A. Hathaway
402 May First – The Traditional Day of Proletarian Political Action by Alexander Trachtenberg
417 From March Sixth to May First by Moissaye J. Olgin
423 May First and the American Labor Movement by Bill Dunne
428 May Day and Social-Democracy by Louis Kovess
433 May Day-1886 and Since by Sam Darcy
439 Preparing for the Seventh Party Convention by Earl Browder
445 Problems of the Communist Party of Mexico on the Eve of the Fifth Congress of the Profintern
462 Toward Social-Fascism – The “Rejuvenation” of the Socialist Party (Conclusion) by A. B. Magill
469 Book Reviews
Volume 9, No. 6, June, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
483 Notes of the Month
494 The Major Problems Before the Seventh Convention of the C. P. U. S. A. by Max Bedacht
500 The Crisis in the United States and the Problems of the Communist Party by S. Mingulin
519 Some Burining Problems of Organization by John Williamson
530 Some Problems in the Building of District Leadership by Jack Stachel
538 New Trends of Agriculture and the Crisis in the U. S. by T. Louf-Bogen
558 A “Fellow Traveler” Looks At Imperialism by Earl Browder
569 Books
Volume 9, No. 7, July, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
579 Notes of the Month
590 Origin of the Economic Supremacy of the United States by V. Motilev
622 The New “Left” Social-Fascism by Si Gerson
632 Lessons of the American Revolution by David Gordon
641 Social Trends in American Literature by Joseph Freeman
652 Book Reviews
Volume 9, No. 8, August, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
675 Notes of the Month
684 The Bolshevization of the Communist Party by Earl Browder
694 Against Bourgeois-Liberal Distortions of Leninism on the Negro Question in the United States by Harry Haywood
713 The Economic Crisis in Canada and the General Elections by Leslie Morris
725 The Significance of the Fall in Commodity Prices by Erick Bert
735 The Naval Conference and the Crisis of Capitalism by R. P. Dutt
744 The Class Character of Workmen’s Compensation (Conclusion) by Poor and Zack
755 Book Review
Volume 9, No. 9, September, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
771 An Appeal to the Readers of the Communist
774 Notes of the Month
786 An Examination of Our Failure to Organize the Unemployed
795 The Struggle Against Capitalist Rationalization
805 Crisis of Capitalism in Latin America
812 Daniel De Leon and the Struggle Against Opportunism in the American Labor Movement
830 Resolution on the Situation in the C.P. of Norway and its Tasks Among the Working Masses
842 Book Reviews
Volume 9, No. 10, October, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 43 East 125th St, New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
866 Notes of the Month
877 American Democracy on the Way to Fascism
884 The Trade Union Line of Lovestone and Cannon-Muste Auxiliaries
900 Fear of Communism and War Preparations
914 The Socialist Party in the Election Campaign
923 The Socialists Have a “Real Value"
932 The Significance of the German Elections
941 Daniel De Leon and the Struogle Against Opportunism in the American Labor Movement
943 Books
Volume 9, No. 11-12, November-December, 1930
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
963 Notes of the Month
972 Next Tasks of the Communist Party of the U. S. by Earl Browder
979 13 Years of the Soviet Union and the Economic Crisis in the U. S. A. by Harry Gannes
998 The Year of Agricultural Collectivization in the Soviet Union by Meilach Epstein
1006 War and the Militarization of the Amerrican Marine Transport Industry
1016 The Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution and Soviet Power in China by R. Doonping
1031 The Political Situation in Brazil by Armando Guerra
1044 Some Clarifications on the Lessons of the American Revolution
1051 Book Reviews
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1931Volume 10, No. 1, January, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
3 Counter-Revolution Before the Proletarian Court
7 Report of the Political Committee to the Twelfth Central Committee Plenum, C.P.U.S.A., November 22, 1930 by Earl Browder
32 Lenin’s Contribution to the National and Colonial Oppressed by Harrison George
39 Theses of the Second Congress of the Communist International, 1920, on the National and Colonial Questions
48 Yankee Imperialism in Cuba by R. Gomez
66 Letter of the Central Committee of the C.P.U.S.A. to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba
74 Soviets in China by L. Magyar
87 Lenin’s Letter to the Socialist Propaganda League in America
91 Book Review
Volume 10, No. 2, February, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
99 Social Demagogy – Editorial
104 Speechmaking in London-Mass Action in India – Editorial
107 Calverton’s Fascism by William Z. Foster
112 The Signifjicance of the Bank Failures by Harry Gannes
119 The Revolutionary Movement in Mexico
129 Our Party Organization by R. Baker
133 American Imperialism Enslaves Liberia by G. Padmore
147 The Task of Our Party in Agrarian Work by H. Puro
153 Resolution on the Negro Question in the United States
168 Soviets in China by L. Magyar
179 The Collapse of the Theory of Organized Capitalism by Sam Don
185 Book Reviews
Volume 10, No. 3, March, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
195 Editorial: An Advanced Stage in the War Danger
199 On the Question of Trade Union Democracy by William Z. Foster
204 Coming Struggles and Lessons in Strike Strategy by Jack Stachel
214 Women in Mass Work by O. W. Kuusinen
219 Growth of the Fascist Dictatorship in Germany by Ernst Thaelmann
226 A Charter of Slavery for the Indian People
231 The Collapse of the Theory of Organized Capitalism by Sam Don
241 The Negro National Oppression and Social Antagonisms by B. D. Amis
249 Some Rural Aspects of the Struggle for the Right of Self-Determination by Jim Allen
256 Why the Peasant Revolts in the Philippines? by Harry Gannes
264 The 25thAnniversary of the December Uprising by M. Pokrovsky
273 Outline for Discussion on the Agrarian Question
280 The Revolutionary Movement in Mexico
286 Book Review
Volume 10, No. 4, April, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
291 In the Footsteps of Lenin
300 How We Must Fight Against the Demagogy of Fascists and Social-Fascists by Earl Browder
305 Mr. Fish Endorses the Socialist Party by I. Amter
314 A Review of the Political Scene on the Parliamentary Stage by Harrison George
324 Overcome Looseness in Our Mass Work by Jack Johnstone
330 The Crisis of the Jim-Crow Nationalism of the Negro Bourgeoisie by Harry Haywood
339 How We Build the Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition in Germany by F. Emmerich
358 The Role of the Red Army in Civil War and Reconstruction
360 Bourgeois Democracy and Proletarian Dictatorship Theses of Comrade Lenin Adopted
by the First Congress of the Communist International, March, 1919.
371 Two Letters on the Paris Commune by Karl Marx
373 Outline for Discussion on the Agrarian Question Lesson Two
381 Book Reviews
Volume 10, No. 5, May, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
387 May First, 1931
392 The American Background of May Day by Verne Smith
402 Comintern Documents Directives of the Politsecretariat of the E.C.C.I. to The Communist Party
of the U.S.A. Relative to the Decisions of the Twelfth Plenum of the C.P.U.S.A.
409 on the Use of “Transmission Belts” in Our Struggle for the Masses by C. A. Hathaway
424 The Party Nucleus-A Factor in the Class Struggle by John Williamson
433 Some Lessons of the Lawrence Strike by Jack Stachel
444 The Crisis and the Strike Curve for 1930 by Phil Frankfeld
452 A “Model” Colony of Yankee Imperialism by D. R. D.
463 Blood Stained Nitrates of Chile by Albert Moreau
470 Three Sources and Three Elements of Marxism
475 Lenin’s May Day Leaflet
479 Book Review
Volume 10, No. 6, June, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
483 Musteism -"Left” Demagogy a La Mode by William Z. Foster
488 The Course of the Economic Crisis in the United by Harry Gannes
497 The Theoretical Defenders of White Chauvinism in the Labor Movement by Harry Haywood
509 The Growing Political Crisis in Poland by Edward Leno
516 Our Present Tasks in Cuba by O. Rodriguez
525 Demagogy and Unemployment insurance in the United States by Sam Darcy
535 Rationalization and Its Consequences in the Building Construction industry in the United States by A. Peterson
547 The Decline of the Garvey Movement by Cyril Briggs
553 A “Model” Colony of Yankee Imperialism by D. R. D.
566 An Unemployment Manifesto During the Crisis of 1873 With Editorial Note by Alexander Trachtenberg
572 Engels on “Justice"
575 Book Reviews
Volume 10, No. 7, July, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
579 August 1, 1931 by Alex Bittelman
595 The Coal Strike by William Z. Foster
600 Faith in the Masses-Organization of the Masses by Earl Browder
615 Some Experiences in Mass Work by Bill Gebert
621 Planned Work, Concretization and Practical Activity by Jack Johnstone
628 Role of Party Training Schools in Developing Leadership by A. Markoff
632 The Negro and His Judases by Robert Minor
640 Development and Perspective of the Chinese Revolution by M. James
652 A “Model” Colony of Yankee Imperialism by D. R. D.
661 Canada’s Starvation Budget by Sam Carr
665 Engels on Religion
667 Book Reviews
Volume 10, No. 8, August, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
675 A New Bid for World Domination by Alex Bittelman
685 Putting the XI Plenum Decisions into Life by Earl Browder
693 Factors Governing Our Tactical Line
703 Next Steps in the Coal Strike by William Z. Foster
706 Some Major Lessons From a Minor Strike by I. Amter
714 The Young Communist League Turns to Struggle by Gil Green
720 The Significance of August 23-Anti-Imperialist Day by John Bell
724 Economic Forms in Southern Agriculture by Tom Johnson
728 The National Problem in the Soviet Union by Meilach Epstein
737 The 100thAnniversary of the Nat Turner Revolt by N. Stevens
744 First Congress of the Communist Party of Philippines by S. Carpio
755 Lenin on Economic and Political Struggle of the Working Class
759 Baltimore and Geneva 1866 – a Parallel Editorial Note by Alexander Trachtenberg
763 Book Reviews
Volume 10, No. 9, October, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYMax Bedacht, Editor
771 The XI Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Comintern Extracts From Report to the
13th Plenum of the Central Committee, C. P. U. S. A. by William W. Weinstone
797 To The Masses – To the Shops! Organize the Masses Extracts from the Report of the
Political Bureau to the Central Committee 13thPlenum, C. P. U. S. A. by Earl Browder
818 Tasks in the Struggle Against Hunger, Repression and War Resolution of the
13th Plenum, Central Committee, C. P. U. S. A. on the Main Tasks in the Organization of Mass Struggles Against the Offensive of the Capitalists
830 Resolution on Work Among the Unemployed Adopted by the 13th Plenum, Central Committee, C. P. U. S. A.
851 Cultural Compulsives Or Calverton’s New Caricature of Marxism by A. Landy
Volume 10, No. 10, November, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYPage
867 What Means the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Revolution? by Robert Minor
875 Some Problems of Mass Work by Earl Browder
882 The March of the Revolution by Wm. Z. Foster
892 The Struggle for the Masses by A. Lozovsky
903 The Latest Phase of the British Crisis in Its Reverberations in the United States by Alex Bittelman
912 The World Credit Crisis Is Growing Leading Editorial From Pravda, September 29, 1931
917 Capitalist theories of “Planned Economy” by Harry Gannes
928 The Present Struggle in Cuba by O. Rodriguez
933 The Philosophical in the C. P. S. U. in 1930-31 by D. S. Mirsky
941 Cultural Compulsives Or Calverton’s Latest Caricature of Marxism by A. Landy
Volume 10, No. 11, December, 1931
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D., New York, NYPage
963 Wall Street and the Organization of the Antisoviet Front by Harry Gannes
975 The Party Anniversary in the Light of Our Present Tasks by Alex Bittelman
985 The Meaning of the Wage Cutting Offensive by Joseph Zack
995 Building the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement by S. Willner
1006 Resolution of the Prague Conference on the Question of Unemployment
1015 Dilettantism in Strikes by Wm. Z. Foster
1018 Relations of Science, Technology, and Economics Under Capitalism and in the Soviet Union by Prof. M. Rubenstein
1044 Thesis on the Agrarian Question Adopted by the Second Congress of the Communist International
1055 Lenin Corner
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1932Volume 11, No. 1, January, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
3 To The Study of Lenin and Our Party by Alex Bittelman
9 The United Front Tactics in the Lawrence Strike by William Weinstone
17 The Struggle Against Unemployment and the Communist Way Out of the Crisis by Bill Dunne
27 Some Lessons of the Last Miners’ Strike by S. Willner
46 Leadership At the Bench by John Steuben
53 On the Theoretical Foundations of Marxism-Leninism by V. Adoratsky
66 Some Questions Relating to the History of Bolshevism by J. Stalin
78 The Irish Rebellion in 1916 by V. I. Lenin
84 Hegel – Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Hegel by K.A. Wittfogel
89 The Increased Danger of War Against the U. S. S. R. and the Tasks of the Communists – Resolution of the Eleventh Plenum of the E. C. C. I.
Volume 11, No. 2, February, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
99 The International Significance of Bolshevism by M. H. C.
110 The Problem of Cadres. in the Party by C. Smith
124 Growing Revolt in Japan by Nakata
131 A Year of Sharp Class Struggles in Canada by Sam Carr (Toronto)
141 On the Theoretical Foundations of Marxism-Leninism (Continued From Last Issue) by V. Adoratsky
159 For a Bolshevist Study of the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union –
Speech by I. M. Kaganovitch
179 Statement of Comrade V. Aroslavsky in Connection With Comrade Stalin’s Letter on
The Slutsky Article
184 The Communist Party and Parliamentarism Theses Adopted by the Second Congress of the
Communist International July 17-August 7, 1920
Volume 11, No. 3, March, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
195 Japanese Imperialism in All Its insolent Nakedness
201 The Fourth Year of the Five Year Plan by N. Ossinsky
206 The Directives on the Second Five Year Plan of Soviet Union – Resolution of the XVII Party Conference of the C.P.S.U.
215 Organizational Problems in Our Unemployment Work by S. Willner
230 How the Crisis Hit the Auto Workers by Robert L. Cruden and Robert W. Dunn
239 The Growing Political Significance of Organizational Work in the Present Situation by C. Smith
248 The Uprising in Salvador by O. Rodrigues
252 On the Theoretical Foundations of Marxism- Leninism (Continued From Last Issue) by V. Adoratsky
265 Armaments and Profits by Labor Research Association
212 “Disarmament” by V. I. Lenin
281 The Tasks of the Communist Sections Regarding Municipal Policy – Resolution of the Enlarged
Presidium of the R.C.C.I., February, 1930
Volume 11, No. 4, April, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
291 The World Is Drifting into an Imperialist World War
295 For National Liberation of the Negroes! War Against White Chauvinism! by Earl Browder
310 The Tasks of the Communist Party, U. S. a Resolution for the Central Committee Plenum
325 The Role of American Finance Capital in the Present by Harry Gannes
338 Shop Politics and Orgalvization by John Steuben
350 Marxism and the National Problem by J. Stalin
357 On the Theoretical Foundations of Marxism-Leninism (Continued From Last Issue) by V. Adoratsky
371 Oswald Spengler’s “Philosophy of Life” by G. Vasilkovsky
378 Latin America and Our Press by A. G. Martin
Volume 11, No. 5, May, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
387 May Day, 1932
392 Japan, America and the Soviet Union Extracts from the Speech of Earl Browder At the Plenum of the Central Committee, April 17, 1932
402 Lessons of the Strike Struggles in the U. S. A. Resolution of the E. C. C. I.
414 Lenin’s instructions to the Delegation At the Hague Conference
418 For a Complete Mobilization of the Party for Real Mass Work in the Election Campaign Extracts from the Report of C. A.
Hathaway on the Election Campaign, Delivered at the 14thPlenum of the Central Committee.
433 The Growth of the Party in the Struggle Against Centrism and Sectarianism by Alex Bittelman
443 The Canadian Party and Its Struggle Against Illegality Extracts From Speech of the Fraternal Delegate of the Canadian
Communist Party to the Central Committee Plenum
454 The End of the Third Year of Crisis Reveals Further Deepening by Labor Research Association
460 Marxism on the National Problem (Continued) by J. Stalin
466 On the Theoretical Foundations of Marxism-Leninism (Concluded) by V. Adoratsky
479 Marxist Study Courses
Volume 11, No. 6, June, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
483 The Imperialist Offensive and the Fourteenth Plenum of the Central Committee
498 The Struggle for the Majority of the Working Class and Our Mass Work by O. Kuusinen
509 Some Elementary Phases of the Work in the Reformist Trade Unions by William Z. Foster
519 Fascism, Social Democracy and Communism by W. Knorin
527 Lessons of Two Recent Strikes in the Light of the E. C. C. I. Resolution on Lessons of the Strike Struggles in U. S. A. by Jack Stachel
543 The War Offensive-Tightening the Capitalist Dictatorship in the United States by Bill Dunne
553 The Second Five-Year Plan by Moissaye J. Olgin
569 Marxism and the National Problem (Continued) by Joseph Stalin
575 Lenin on Literature
Volume 11, No. 7, July, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
579 Concretize and Strengthen the Anti-War Struggle – Editorial
590 Place the Party on a War Footing by Earl Browder
606 Contradictions Among the Imperialists and Conflicts on the Pacific Coast by N. Terentyev
620 Yankee Imperialist intervention Against the Chinese Revolution by M. James
625 The Revolutionary Example of the Japanese Toilers (A Letter From Tokyo) by Kumamoto
631 Will Imperialist War Bring Back Prosperity? by Robert W. Dunn
640 The Philippine Islands in the War Area by William Simons
647 The Struggle Against the Provocateur
657 “The Defense of the Fatherland” by V. I. Lenin
663 The Economic Crisis Grinds on by John Irving
670 Book Reviews
Volume 11, No. 8, August, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
675 The Election Struggle Is the Fight for Bread – Editorial
681 Unemployed Work-Our Weak Point by A. Allen
688 Should Communists Participate in Bourgeois Parliaments? by V. I. Lenin
697 The Fight Against Sectarianism in the National Miners’ Union by Tom Johnson
705 Rapid Upsurge of the Revolutionary People’s War in Manchuria by T. S. S.
708 The American Social Fascists by M. H. Childs
716 The Growth of the Revolutionary Upsurge in the Caribbean by O. Rodriguez
723 Some Problems of Agit-Prop Work and Our Election Campaign by Sam Don
740 The Training of New Cadres and Our School System by A. Markoff
740 American Imperialism’s Growing Parasitic Bureaucracy by Max Weiss
745 The Work of Trade Union Fractions – Resolution of the Presidium of the Executive
Committee of the Communist International
754 The American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
761 Capitalist Production Sunk to 19thCentury Level
767 Book Reviews
Volume 11, No. 9, September, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
771 The Fight Against the Capitalist Offensive and the Unity of the Employed and the Unemployed – Editorial
786 How the St. Louis Unemployed Victory Was Won by B. K. Gebert
792 Lessons of the Bonus March Statement of Central Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
805 The American Farmers Are Beginning to Fight by H. Poro
811 The Significance of the Results of the German Elections by V. Knorin
817 The Ottawa Empire Conference by R. Palme Dutt
831 The Bankruptcy of Capitalism and Capitalist Education by James W. Ford
843 Lessons of the Revolution by V. I. Lenin
856 Is Prosperity Around the Corner? by John Irving
Volume 11, No. 10, October, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
867 Bolshevik Fire Against Opportunism – Editorial
874 The Increasing Radicalization of the Masses and the Election Issues by C. A. Hathaway
889 Warren Steel Strike by Jack Stachel
902 The Sharpening Capitalist Offensive, the Rising Tide of Mass Struggles and the Next Tasks of the Party
Resolution of the Fifteenth Plenum of the Central Committee, CPUSA
918 Causes and Meaning of the Farmers’ Strike and Our Tasks As Communists by Harrison George
932 Tactics of the United Front Leading Article in the July 15Th Issue of the Bolshevik
944 For A Strict Leninist Analysis of the Negro Question by B. D. Amis
950 On the International Character of the October Rvolution by J. Stalin
957 The Fourth Winter of Unemployment is Upon Us a Review of the American Economic Crisis as of
September, 1932 by John Irving
Volume 11, No. 11, November, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
963 Fifteen Years of Victorious Proletarian Revolution
975 Capitalist Stabilization Has Ended – Thesis of the Twelfth Plenum of the E.C.C.I and the
Report of Comrade Kuusinen
989 The Great Divide by Moissaye J. Olgin
1000 Lenin’s Writings Between the Two Revolutions of 1917 by Alexander Trachtenberg
1010 Lenin on the Eve of October
1015 The Capitalist Offensive and the Revolutionary Way Out of Tile Crisis by Bill Dunne
1023 Imperialism Dictates the Main Policy of the Koumintang by D. L Han (Shanghai)
1029 The Lessons of the Illinois Miners’ Strike by S. Willner
1048 How Many Unemployed? by John Iriving
Volume 11, No. 12, December, 1932
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1059 The United Front Policy and the Struggle Against Sectarianism – Editorial
1065 The Scottsboro Decision – by Harry Haywood
1076 The Expanding interimperialist Wars in South America by William Simons
1086 The United Front – a Tactic of Struggle, Not Peace by John Williamson
1103 Distorters of the Revolutionary Heritage of the American Proletariat by James S. Allen
1119 Situation in the Philippines and Tasks of the Communist Party of the Philippine Islands by S. Carpio
1135 How Many Unemployed? (Continued From Last Month’s Issue) by John Iriving
1143 Book Reviews
1149 Index-Volume XI-1932
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1933
Volume 12, No. 1, January, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
3 Forward in the Line of the Twelfth Plenum of the E. C. C. I. – Editorial
18 Struggle for Elementary Needs – The Main Link in Winning the Masses by Jack Stachel
33 The End of Capitalist Stabilization and the Basic Tasks of the British and American Sections of the C. I. by T. Gusev
50 Unmasking An American Revisionist of Marxism by V. J. Jerome
83 Stalin Develops the Teachings of Marx and Lenin
85 Spinoza and Marxism by M. Mittin
89 Book Reviews:
A Bourgeois Critic Attacks Philosophic Idealism – a Review by Milton Howard
Class Culture – a Review by W. Phelps
Volume 12, No. 2, February, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
99 A New Victory of the Peaceful Policy of the U. S. S. R. – Editorial
112 The Revolutionary Upsurge and the Struggles of the Unemployed by I. Amter
123 On the End of Capitalist Stabilization in the U. S. A. by H. M. Wicks
133 The Revisionism of Sidney Hook by Earl Browder
147 Prologue to the Liberation of the Negro People by James Allen
171 Technocracy – a Reactionary Utopia by V. J. Jerome
188 Book Reviews
Volume 12, No. 3, March, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
195 “For Marx Was Before All Else Revolutionist” – Engels’ Speech Over the Grave of Marx
197 Some Lessons of the Strike Struggles in Detroit – Editorial
204 Marx, Founder of Scientific Communism and Organizer of the Communist Party by F. Brown
222 The End of Relative Capitalist Stabilization and the Tasks of Our Party by Earl Browder
249 Life and Work of Karl Marx by Max Bedacht
260 Marx on the American Civil War Correspondence Between Marx and Engels
261 The Emergence of An American Revolutionary Proletariat by Sam Don
276 Marxism and Revisionism by V. I. Lenin
285 The Revisionism of Sidney Hook (Concluded) by Earl Browder
301 The Struggle of Marx and Engels Against the Opportunism of German Social Democracy by G. Vasilkovsky
308 The American Economic Crisis by John Irving
314 Book Reviews – New Reforms for Old – a Review by Milton Howard
Volume 12, No. 4, April, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
323 For United Action Against Fascism – Editorial
337 The Banking Crisis in the United States by Anna Rochester
352 The End of Relative Capitalist Stabilization and the Tasks of Our Party (Continued From Last Issue) by Earl Browder
371 Which Way Out? by S. Gusev
384 A New Phase in the Struggle for Social Insurance by C. A. Hathaway
392 The Problems of the American Revolutionary Youth Movement – Ninth Plenum of the Young Communist International by John Marx
401 The Bourgeoisie “Commemorates” Marx by V. J. Jerome
412 Book Reviews
Volume 12, No. 5, May, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
419 The Roosevelt Program–An Attack Upon the Toiling Masses – Editorial
426 Maneuvers to Sabotage a United Front of Struggle by C. A. Hathaway
437 The Scottsboro Struggle by James S. Allen
449 The World Political Background of the Engineers Trial by Peter Bolm
458 Communism and the Jewish Question in Germany
462 The Confessions of An American “Marxist” by M. Childs and H. Yaris
474 The Tasks of the Communist Party of Mexico in the Conditions of the End of Capitalist Stabilization by Gonzalez (Mexico)
480 Marx and Working Class Unity by Andre Marty
494 Marxism and the Peasant Question by H. Puro
499 The American Economic Crisis – a Monthly Review by John Irving
504 Book Reviews – Toward the Siezure of Power – Lenin– Review by M. Olgin
Volume 12, No. 6, June, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
515 The Rising Strike Movement – Editorial
525 A Warning Against Opportunist Distortions of the United Front Tactic by C. A. Hathaway
538 The Communist Parties of the Capitalist Countries in the Struggle for the United Front by O. Piatnitsky
547 The Class Struggle in the American Countryside Ny H. Puro
559 The Rise of the Revolutionary Movement in Cuba by R. Martinez Villena
570 The Scottsboro Struggle and the Next Steps – Resolutionm of the Political Bureau
583 The Political Connections of the International Armament Firms by Jan Relling
590 The Transition to Communism – The Opportunism of the German Social Democracy – Introduction to the New Edition of the Critique of the Gotha Programme by
Karl Marx by Marx–Engels–Lenin Institute
601 Book Reviews – Toward the Seizure of Power–Lenin Revview by M. Olgin (concluded)
Volume 12, No. 7, July, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
611 The World Economic Conference by Peter Bolm
625 American Imperialism Prepares for War Byrobert W. Dunn
636 War in the Far East and Our Tasks by K. Kita
650 Unity in the Struggle for Social Insurance by I. Amter
659 Imperialism and the Split in Socialism by V. I. Lenin
670 The Intensification of the Versailles Antagonisms and the Menace of a New Imperialist War by N. Rudolph
684 The Veterans and the United Front by E. Levin
696 The Soviet Union Fights for Peace by A. A. Heller
Volume 12, No. 8, August, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
707 Why An Open Letter to Our Party Membership by Earl Browder
770 The National Industrial Recovery Act – Spearhead off the Roosevelt Program by Harry Gannes
784 Some Lessons of Recent Strike Struggles by Jack Stachel
793 Building the United Front in Ford–Controlled Dearborn by Max Salzman
800 The St. Louis Strike and the Chicago Needle Trades Strike by Bill Gebert
810 The Tasks Among the Foreign – Born Workers by F. Brown
818 The Open Letter and Tasks of the Y.C.L. by Gil Green
824 From Opportunism to Counter-Revolution by V. J. Jerome
Volume 12, No. 9, September, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
835 The Fourteenth Anniversary of Our Party
845 From the Open Letter
846 From Left Socialism to Communism by Alex Bittelman
864 Through Concentration to a Mass Party by F. Brown
875 Tasks of Our Party in Work Among Farmers by Henry Puro
888 The Struggle for the Leninist Position on the Negro Question in the U.S.A. by Harry Haywood
902 Background of Recent Events in Cuba by William Simons
922 The Intensified Drive Toward Imperialist War by W. Weinstone
939 From Opportunism to Counter–Revolution by V. J. Jerome
948 Organizational Problems in the Light of the Open Letter by J. Peters
955 The Significance of the Party Anniversary to the Polish Workers in the U.S.A. by B. K. Gebert
Volume 12, No. 10, October, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
963 The Open Letter and the Struggle Against the N.R.A. by Earl Browder
973 The Struggle Against the “New Deav’ in the Coal Fields by B. Frank
982 Swinging to the Offensive in the Struggle Against the N.R.A. in the Steel Mills by John Meldon
989 The Open Letter and Our Tasks in the Detroit District by John Schmies
994 Address to the Communist Youth by V.I. Lenin
1009 The Work of Factory Nuclei
1029 From Opportunism to Counter-Revolution by V. J. Jerome
1041 Beginnings of Revolutionary Political Action in the U. S. A. 1041 by Vern Smith
Volume 12, No. 11, November, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism–Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1059 Entering the 17thYear of the Victorious Proletarian Revolution – Editorial
1078 The Seal of N.R.A. on the A. F. of L. Convention by Bill Dunne
1088 Resolution of the 17th Central Committee – Meeting of the Communist Party, U. S. A.
1096 For An Intensive Struggle Against Right Opportunism by E. Edewards
1108 The Coming Pan–American Conference At Montevideo by Lucille Perry
1120 Resolution and Program of the American League Against Fascism and War
1125 A Program for Speeding Up the Training of New Leadership in Districts and Sections
1140 On the Draft Program of the United Farmers’ League by J. Barnett
Volume 12, No. 12, December, 1933
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1155 Recent Developments in the Trade Union Movement by Jack Stachel
1169 The Communist Manifesto – a Programmatic Document of the Proletarian Dictatorship by O. Kuusinen
1179 The N.R.A. in the South by Nat Ross
1189 Mass Struggles in the Chicago District and the Tasks of the Party by B. K. Gebert
1201 Leipzig–A Grandiose Provocation of the Bloody Fascist Dictatorship
1213 Political Repression and Social Discrimination Against Negroes in South Africa by A. Nzula
1221 The New Phase in the Revolutionary Events in Cuba by G. Sinani
1231 How Lenin Studied Marx by N. Krupskaya
1243 Some Figures on the Crisis
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1934
Volume 13, No. 1, January, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
3 The Victories of Lenin – Editorial
8 Lenin’s First Speech After the Revolution – Lenin and Stalin by L. Kaganovich
12 Lenin, the Founder and Builder of the Soviet State by M. J. Olgin
22 Lenin’s Conception of the Party by F. Brown
32 Lenin’s Teachings’ on the Farmers as the Ally of the Proletariat by H. Puro
39 Leninism and Practical Work Among the Farmers by J. Barnett
47 Class Composition of the Farmers’ Second National Conference, Chicago, 1933 by George Anstrom
53 Lenin and the American Negro by James Allen
62 Trotskyism, Vanguard of the Counter–Revolutionary Bourgeoisie by B. K. Gebert
72 Lenin and the Principles of the Revolutionary Youth Movement by Gil Green
81 The New Deal and the Old Deal by Alex Bittelman
99 Lenin and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat by J. Mindel
107 Lenin on Agitation and Propaganda, and the Tasks of the Communist Party by A. Markoff
113 Directives On Work Within the A. F. of L. and Independent Trade Unions
116 The Place of Lenin’s Imperialism Among Classics of Marxism
122 Outstanding Events in the Life of V. I. Lenin
125 Index–Volume XII–1933
Volume 13, No. 2, February, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
131 Fascism, the Danger of War and the Tasks of the Communist Parties
145 Forward in Struggle Against Hunger, Fascism, and War!
178 Tasks of Our Party for Winning the Majority of the Working Class
182 The New Deal and the Old Deal (Continued From January Issue) by Alex Bitelman
194 The Communist Manifesto – a Programmatic Document of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
(Continued From December Issue) by O. Kuusinen
208 How to Apply the Open Letter by J. A. Zack
218 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
Volume 13, No. 3, March, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
227 The Third International and Its Place in History by V. I. Lenin
235 Milestones of Com Intern Leadership by Alex Bittelman
249 The Armed Revolt of the Austrian Workers by V. J. Jerome
261 How Not to Apply the Open Letter by Gertrude Haessler
272 Lessons of the Economic Struggles, and the Work in the Trade Unions by Jack Stachel
302 Deleonism in the Light of Marxism–Leninism by Walter Burke
311 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
318 Book Review – Two Months and Ten Days––A Review by H. M. Wicks
Volume 13, No. 4, April, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
323 The Role of the Socialist Party Leaders in the Struggle Against War and Fascism by Earl Browder
336 Lessons of the Austrian Revolt (Continued from the March Issue) by V. J. Jerome
Pre–Convention Discussion Articles:
346 The Work of Our Party in the Pittsburgh District by Jack Johnstone
356 The Line Is Correct–To Realize It Organizationally Is the Central Problem by J. A. Zack
363 The Key to Our Central Problem – The Winning of the Majority of the Working Class by F. Brown
369 The Inner Life of Our Party and its Work Among the Foreign–Born Workers by John Adams
378 What Is Fascism? by L. Magyar
388 Soviet China in Danger
405 Deleonsm in the Light of Marxism–Leninism (Continued from the March Issue) by W. Burke
Volume 13, No. 5, May, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
419 Through May Day to a Soviet America – Editorial
427 The Eighth Convention of Our Party – Editorial
430 The Present Situation and the Tasks of the Communist Party of the U. S. A. Resolution of
The Eighth National Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, April 2–3, 1934
456 Lessons of Economic Struggles, Tasks of the Communists in the Trade Unions Resolution of
The Eighth Convention of the Communist Party of the U. S. A.
477 The Winning of the Working Class Youth Is the Task of the Entire Party Resolution of the Eighth
Convention 0f the Communist Party of the U. S. A.
491 The Present Economic Situation in the United States by Martin Young
507 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
Volume 13, No. 6, June, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
515 The Lessons of May Day – Editorial
524 Some Problems in Our Trade Union Work by Jack Stachel
536 What Is to Be Expected of the Socialist Party Convention? by Martin Young
541 The Imperialist Scramble in the Colombianperuvian Conflict by Marina Lopez
549 Japan Bares Its Imperialist Sword by G. M.
569 The Farmers Are Getting Ready for Revolutionary Struggles by H. Puro
581 The Black Belt: Area of Negro Majority by Janes S. Allen
600 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
606 Book Review
Volume 13, No. 7, July, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
616 The Socialist Party Convention-A Communist Estimate by V. J. Jerome
639 The Lessons of the Toledo Strike by John Williamson
655 Unify the Forces of All Steel Workers for Aggressive Unionism – Statement of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of the U.S.A
664 The Great West Coast Maritime Strike by Sam Darcy
687 The Communist Party in the Birmingham Strikes by Nat Ross
700 For Improving the Work of the Party Among the Foreign-Born Workers by F. Brown
711 Check-Up On Control Tasks in the Chicago District by Bill Gebert
718 The I.L.D. Faces the Future by William L. Patterson
728 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
734 Book Review
Volume 13, No. 8, August, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
739 In the Midst of Great Historic Battles – Editorial
751 The Tasks of Revolutionary Social-Democracy in the European War by V. I. Lenin
755 for a Bolshevik Anti-War Struggle by Alex Bittelman
773 The Bloody 30th of June in Germany Lessons of the Milwaukee Street Carmen’s Strike
Statement of the Milwaukee District Committee of the Communist Party
790 The Leninist Party as Leader of the Struggle Against Imperialist War by H. M. Wicks
800 Imperialist War and Politics in the Far East by R. Doonping
810 The United Farmers League Convention by John Barnett
820 The Veterans in the Struggle Against Fascism and Imperialist War by Emanuel Levin
831 Book Review
Volume 13, No. 9, September, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
835 Approaching the Seventh World Congress and the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Founding of the C.P.U.S.A. by Earl Browder
845 Force the Enactment of the Workers’ Bill! by I. Amter
862 Fifteen Years of Our Party by Max Bedacht
875 The Present Situation, Perspectives, and Tasks in Cuba Resolution of the Second Congress of the
Communist Party of Cuba
888 Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin on the Communist Party
903 The Leninist Struggle for the Slogan of Soviet Power in the Present Situation by A. Martynov
913 The Tasks of the Communist Sections Regarding Municipal Policy — Resolution of the Enlarged Presidium of the E.C.C.I.
921 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
927 Book Review
Volume 13, No. 10, October, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
931 The Struggle for the United Front by Earl Browder
968 Lessons of Recent Strike Struggles in the U.S.A Resolution Adopted by the Meeting of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party, Sept. 5-6, 1934
985 The San Francisco Bay Area General Strike by San Darcy
1005 Problems of Party Growth by J. Peters
1015 Permanent Counter Revolution by M. Childs
1033 Leninism is the Only Marxism of the Imperialist Era by Alex Bittelman and V. J. Jerome
Volume 13, No. 11, November, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1059 The Seventeenth Anniversary of the October Revolution – Editorial
1085 The International Character of the October Revolution
1187 Our Trade Union Policy (Report to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee) by Jack Stachel
1106 Lessons of the Great National Textile Strike by Carl Reeve
1125 Leninism is the Only Marxism of the Imperialist Era by Alex Bittelman and V. J. Jerome
1157 The Present Situation, Perspectives, and Tasks in Cuba
1170 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by John Irving and Phil Mayer
1177 Book Review Dynamite Against the Working Class – a Review by A. Bimba
Volume 13, No. 12, December, 1934
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1187 Results and Lessons of the Elections
1195 Developments in the United Front by Alex Bittelman
1214 The “Epic” Mass Movement in California by Robert Minor
1234 Recent Developments in the Steel Industry and Our Tasks by John Steuben
1241 Sharecropping as a Remnant of Chattel Slavery by James S. Allen
1254 The Rise of the Revolutionary Movement in Cuba by Joaquin Ordoqui
1263 An Unpublished Document by Friedrich Engels
1265 Marxism and Anarchism by Emilian Yaroslavski
1270 Figures on the American Economic Crisis by John Irving and Phil Mayer
1277 Index-Volume XIII – 1934
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1935Volume 14, No. 1, January, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1 Sergei Mironovitch Kirov
6 For Leninism – for a Soviet America! by Alex Bittelman
23 The Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution by V. I. Lenin
33 The National Congress for Unemployment and Social Insurance – and After by I. Amter (Discussion for the Seventh Congress of the C.I.)
45 Sharpen the Fight for the Central Slogan of the World Communist Party – Soviet Power! by Max Young
61 Some Problems of the Class Struggle in the South by Nat Ross
76 The Three Basic Slogans of the Party on the Peasant Question by Joseph Stalin
87 Notes on the Economic Crisis by Labor Research Association
92 Book Review – Frontispiece Drawn by Russell T. Limbach
Volume 14, No. 2, February, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
98 Valerian Kuibyshev
99 New Developments and New Tasks in the U.S.A. by Earl Browder
117 On the Main Immediate Tasks of the C.P.U.S.A (Resolution Adopted by
The Central Committee Plenum, January 15-18, 1935)
127 The Socialist Revolution in the United States by Alex Bitelman
148 for the Workers’ Bill! by Earl Browder
155 Lenin On Unemployment and Social Insurance
158 The United Front in the Field of Negro Work by James W. Ford
175 Unity of the Farming Masses – a Paramount Issue by John Barnett
184 Aspects of the Depression of the Special Type in the U.S.A by Labor Research Association
Frontispiece Drawn by Russell T. Limbach
Volume 14, No. 3, March, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
195 Report to the Central Committee Meeting of the C.P.U.S.A., January 15-18, 1935 by Earl Browder
217 Our “C.E.” 217 by Robert Minor
227 The Historic Path of the Zinovievist Group by Albert Radier
233 The Anniversary of the Paris Commune and the Struggle Against Fascist Terror by Anna Damon
240 Report to the National Agitation and Propaganda Conference, January 18, 1935 by Alex Bittelman
262 The Organizational Tasks Arising from the Plenum Decisions by F. Brown
274 Long Island Section Makes the Turn to Shop Work by Bill Lawrence
285 Book Review
Volume 14, No. 4, April, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
291 Forge a Mighty United Front for May Day! (Manifesto of the Central Committee, C.P.U.S.A.)
299 Our Tasks in the Light of Changed Conditions by Morris Childs
312 Development of Work in the Harlem Section by James W. Ford and Louis Sass
326 The Meaning of Sidney Hook by L. Rudas
350 Religion and Communism by Earl Browder
366 Manifesto of the Communist Party of the Philippine Islands
381 Book Review
Volume 14, No. 5, May, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
387 May Day Under the Guns by Robert Minor
411 for a Broad United Front in Japan by Tanaka
428 Lenin on the Elements of Materialist Dialectlcs
429 Some Problems of Party Work in the Countryside by Louise Scott
444 Achievements and Tasks of the New York District by Max Steinberg
459 Unmasking the New Deal in the Cotton Patch by Donald Macdougal
470 Comintern Documents on the United Front
477 “Herr Eugen Duehring’s Revolution in Science” (Anti-Dürhring) Reviewed by H. M. Wicks
Volume 14, No. 6, June, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
483 The Fight of the Steel Workers for Their Union by Jack Stachel
500 The Filipino Masses Enter the Stage of Armed Struggle for Freedom by Harrison George
510 The Struggle for the United Front (Contribution to the Discussion Preceding the Seventh World Congress of the
Comintern) by Clarence A. Hathaway
518 Approaching the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International Prepared for the Agit-Prop
Commission, Central Committee, Communist Party, U.S.A., by Alex Bittelman
528 The Unemployment Movement in the U.S.A. by Herebert Benjamin
548 Initiating Labor Party Tickets by Ralph Shaw
558 Toward the Study of Fascization in the United States (A Discussion Article) by F. Brown
569 The Development of the Struggle for Negro Rights [Resolution Adopted by the Chicago District
Committtee of the C. P. on Work in Chicago South Side (Sections 2, 7, and 11).]
Volume 14, No. 7, July, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
579 The Supreme Court, the New Deal and the Class Struggle by Alex Bittelman
604 Recent Political Developments and Some Problems of Tile United Front (Re-Port To the Meeting of the
Central Committee of the C.P.U.S.A., May 25-27, 1935) by Earl Browder
625 Organizational Problems of the Party (Abridged Report to the Meetmg of the Central Committee of
The C.P.U.S.A., May 25-27, 1935) by Jack Stachel
641 Let Us Penetrate Deeper Into The Rural Areas (Report To the Meeting 0f the Central Committee of the
C.P.U.S.A., May 25-27, 1935) by Clarence A. Hathaway
661 Roosevelt’s “Happy Days” for the Young Generation (Report To the Meeting of the Central Committee of the
C.P.U.S.A., May 25-27, 1935) by Gil Green
Volume 14, No. 8, August, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
675 The United Front Against Imperialist War by Alex Bittelman
686 The Titans of Scientific Communism by V. J. Jerome
709 The Meaning of Engels’ Teachings for the American Working Class by B. K. Gebert
723 World Politics and Ethiopia by William L. Patterson
735 A Valuable Lenin Document
736 Friedrich Engels by V. I. Lenin
744 Engels As One of the Founders of Communism by V. I Lenin
750 Engels’ Introduction To Marx’s “The Class Struggles in France”
769 Documents On International Trade Union Unity
777 Book Review by Joseph Freeman
Volume 14, No. 9, September, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
787 For Working Class Unity! For A Workers’ and Farmers’ Labor Party Speech Delivered August 11, 1935 at the
Seventh World Congress of the Communist International by Earl Browder
800 The General Strike in Terre Haute by B. K. Gebert
811 The Northwest General Lumber Strike by N. Sparks
830 Somebody Is “Distressed” – But Not Karl Marx A Review of Earl Browder’s “Communism in The United States” by Robert Minor
851 Marxist-Leninist Education of Our Membership in The Light of the May Plenum of the C.C. by Eva Robins
866 The Rural Masses and the Work of Our Party – Speech Delivered at the Meeting of the Central Comtmttee of the
C.P.U.S.A., May 25-27, 1935 by Donald Henderson
Volume 14, No. 10, October, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
883 Fascist Tendencies in The United States by William Z. Foster
903 The Threat of Fascism in The United States by Georgi Dimitroff
911 The Present Rulers of the Capitalist Countries are But Temporary, The Real Master of the World Is The Proletariat
(Speech Delivered. At the Close of the Seventh Congress of the C. I.) by Georgi DimitroffResolutions of the Seventh Congress of the C.I.
921 The Communist International-from the Sixth to the Seventh Congress – 1928-1935
924 The Offensive of Fascism and the Tasks of the Communist International in The Fight for the Unity of the Working
Class Against Fascism
940 The Tasks of the Communist International in Connection with the Preparations of the Imperialists For A New World War
948 The Victory of Socialism in The U.S.S.R. and its World Historic Significance
955 Forward to the Cuban Anti-Imperialist People’s Front! by Blas Roca
968 The Next Steps in Alabama and the Lower South by Nat Ross
Volume 14, No. 11, November, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
979 The Eighteenth Anniversary of the October Revolution (Manifesto of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of the U.S.A.)
985 The Significance of the October Revolution for the World Proletariat (Excerpts from the Reports of
Georgi Dimitroff and D. Z. Manuilsky to the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern.)
990 New Steps in The United Front (Report on the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International) by Earl Browder
1015 A New Page for American Labor by Jack Stachel
1034 Problems of the Struggle for Peace by Alex Bittelman
1044 Syndicalism in The United States by William Z. Foster
1058 Thesis on the International and the War by Otto Bauer, Theodore Dan, Jean Zyromiski and
Almedeo Dunois Foreward by Friedrich Adler
Volume 14, No. 12, December, 1935
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1075 The United Front – The Key to our New Tactical Orientation (Report to the November Plenum of the Central
Committee of the C.P.U.S.A.) by Earl Browder
1130 Speeches at the November Plenum of the C.C. the Negro Liberation Movement and the Farmer-Labor Party by James W. Ford
1142 Experiences in United Independent Political Action – The Road to the Farmer-Labor Party by William W. Weinstone
1161 Rooting The Party on the Waterfront by Roy Hudson
1171 Winning The Masses to Fight For Peace by Alex BittelmanResolutions Adopted at the November Plenum of the C.C.
1182 The Seventh World Congress of the Communist International and the Tasks of Our Party
1186 The Farmer-Labor Party and the Struggle Against Reaction
1197 Index, Volume XIV, 1935
A PDF of all the Tables of Contents for 1936
Volume 15, No. 1, January, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
3 Review of the Month by A. B.
19 The Great Initiative by V. I. Lenin
35 Wall Street Faces the Far East by Harry Gannes
47 Our Tasks in Developing Activity Within the Company Unions by B. K. Gebert
58 Unity for Victory by Jacques Duclos
72 Toward the People’s Anti-Imperialist Front in Mexico – Speech Delivered to the Second Congress of the
Communist International, August 10, 1935 by Hernan Laborde
84 The Socialist Administration in Reading and Our United Front Tasks by John Dean
89 Data On the High Cost Of Living
94 There Is A Method to Their Madness – Book Review by A. Bimba
Volume 15, No. 2, February, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
99 Review of the Month by A. B.
120 The Party Of Lenin and the People’s Front (Speech Delivered At the Lenin Memorial Meeting,
Madison Square Garden, January 20, 1936) by Earl Browder
130 The A.A.A. – and After by David Ramsey
139 The Coming National Negro Congress by James W. Ford and A. W. Berry
143 The Decree On Peace by V. I. Lenin
147 Left Trends in the Socialist Party by Robert Minor
165 Developing Party Cadres in the Chicago District by Beatrice Shields
171 Draft Charter of the United Party of the Proletariat Of France
181 Economic Trends
187 Book Reviews:
Spiking Mussolini’s Guns by Theodore Repard
A “New” Interpretation Of History by H. M. Wicks
Volume 15, No. 3, March, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
195 Review of the Month by A. B.
211 The United Mine Workers’ Union Convention by B. K. Gebert
220 The Fight of the Seamen for Militant Unionism by R. B. Hudson
230 The United States Supreme Court and the Specter Of Fascism by Harry Gannes
245 Lenin On the Woman Question by Irene Leslie
251 Left Trends in the Socialist Party by Robert Minor
270 Communism for Americans A Review Of Earl Browder’s “What Is Communism” by V. J. Jerome
281 For A Powerful United A. F. Of L. (Statement of the Central Committee of the Commumst Party of the U. S. A.)
Volume 15, No. 4, April, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
291 Review of the Month
311 Ernst Thaelmann, Proletarian Leader
316 The National Negro Congress by James W. Ford
327 Unity On the Unemployment Field by Herbert Benjamin
337 Roy Howard’s Interview With Joseph Stalin
346 Close Ranks! Forward! by Harrison George
353 The Peace Policy of the Soviet Union by L.
359 Unity for Victory and Its Conditions
376 Book Reviews
A Scientific Survey Of American Imperialism by Harry Gannes
"Heroes” Of Our Industrial America by Anthony Bimba
Volume 15, No. 5, May, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
381 Review of the Month by A. B.
405 For A United Front May Day! (Statement of the Central Committee, Communist Party, U.S.A.)
411 Akron A New Chapter in American Labor History by John Williamson
427 Problems in Our Farmer-Labor Party Activities by C. A. Hathaway
434 The Hand Of God and the Lack Of Flood Control by N. Sparks
448 Japan, Outer Mongolia, and the Chinese Liberation Movement by R. Doonping
457 Political Highlights of the National Negro Congress Ny James W. Ford
465 Organizational Changes in the New York District of the Party by I. Amter
474 The Working Class and Neo-Malthusianism by V. I. Lenin
477 Ten Peaks in the American Strike Range Rreview by Theodore Repard
Volume 15, No. 6, June, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
483 Review of the Month by A. B.
498 The Steel Workers Give Their Mandate for Organization by B. K. Gebert
508 Palestine-Land Of Anti-Imperialist Struggle by Paul Novick
523 Finance Capital and Fascist Trends in the United States by Anna Rochester
537 New Party Organizational Forms Prove Their Value by I. Amter
542 Canadian Capitalism Reshapes Its Line by Tim Buck
552 Build the National Negro Congress Movement by James W. Ford
562 Clara Zetkin At the Cradle of the Second International by Boris Reinstein
573 Book Review
A Contribution to the Popularization of the Leninist Position
On the Negro Question by A. W. Berry
Volume 15, No. 7, July, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
579 Review ‘of the Month by A. B.
600 Platforms and Issues in 1936 by David Ramsey
618 The People’s Front Strikes from the Shoulder by V. J. Jerome
629 The Struggle for Puerto Rican Independence by Harry Robinson
643 Problems Of Party Growth in the New York District (Report to the Ninth Convention of the
New York District, C.P.U.S.A., June 14, 1936.) by Max Steinberg
666 On the Communist Approach to Zionism
671 Professionals Speak Reviewed by Grace Hutchins
Volume 15, No. 8, August, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
675 Review of the Month by A. B.
689 The Struggle for Workers’ and Peasants’ Alliances in Spain
692 The War Threat and the World Peace Conference by Harrison George
698 Railroad Workers Raise Struggle Against Consolidation by George Brown
707 Roosevelt and the Democratic Platform by David Ramsey
721 France Goes Forward with the People’s Front by V. J. Jerome
737 The Stalinist Draft of the Constitution by M. I. Kalinin – Special Party Convention Supplement
747 Advancing Against Reaction in the Center of the Motor Industry by William Weinstone
759 Smashing Through Barriers to the Organization of the Steel Workers by B. K. Gebert
769 Forging Unity Against Reaction in Illinois by Morris Childs
784 Strengthening the Trade Union Backbone of the Farmer-Labor Party Movement in Ohio by John Williamson
794 Book Reviews
The Close Of An Epoch Of Marxist Research by H. M. Wicks
Ammunition for the Election and Other Campaigns by H. M. Wicks
Volume 15, No. 9, September, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
803 Review of the Month by A. B.
819 Election Campaign Outline for 1936
829 Fighting for Democracy in Spain by Clarence A. Hathaway
845 A. F. of L. Unity is Threatened by The Executive Council by Louis F. Budenz
855 Towards Youth Unity by Gil Green
865 On The Inter-American Peace Conference by Harrison George
873 The Housing Question by E. C. Greenfield
885 British Rule in South Africa by William L. Patterson
Volume 15, No. 10, October, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
899 Review of the Month by A. B.
914 For a Democratic Spain! (Manifesto of the Communist Party of Spain)
919 The Crisis in the Socialist Party by William Z. Foster
939 The Trotsky-Zinoviev Assassins Before The Bar of the Working Class by P. Lang
956 Reaction Bids for Farm Support by Henry Dawson
966 Building The Party During The Election Campaign by F. Brown
975 The Negro People in the Elections by Ben Davis, Jr.
988 Book Reviews:
The Textbook of Sectarianism by Earl Browder
The People’s Front in France by Theodore Repard
Pamphlets in the Election Campaign
Volume 15, No. 11, November, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
995 Review of the Month by A. B.
1009 The Soviets On The Threshold of the Twentieth Year by M. J. Olgin
1026 The Nuremberg Circus by Ernst Braun
1032 The Crisis in the Socialist Party by William Z. Foster
1046 Problems Before The 56th Annual Convention of the A. F. of L. by Jack Stachel
1056 Six Months of Unity of the Unemployed by Herbert Benjamin
1071 The Struggle for the Liberation of Luis Carlos Prestes by A. Montes
1084 Book Reviews:
A Manual for Scabs by Louis F. Budenz.
Pamphlets of the Month
Volume 15, No. 12, December, 1936
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
1091 Review of the Month by A. B.
1104 The Communist Party On The Results of the Elections (Statement of the
Central Committee, C.P.U.S.A., Issued November 7, 1936)
1112 The Minnesota Farmer-Labor Victory by Clarence A. Hathaway
1125 The Wisconsin Elections And The Farmer-Labor Party Movement by Gene Dennis
1141 The Elections in New York by I. Amter
1154 The Crisis in the Socialist Party by William Z. Foster
1168 Specific Features of the Spanish Revolution by M. Ercoli
1181 Index-Volume XV-1936
Volume 16, No. 1, January, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
3 Review of the Month by A.B.
14 The Results of the Elections and the People’s Front by Earl Browder
50 The 56th Convention of the A. F. of L. by Jack Stachel
63 The Negro People and the Elections by James W. Ford
74 Lenin-Thirteen Years After by A. Markoff
82 The Crisis in the Socialist Party by William Z. Forster
93 Book Reviews by Harry Gannes
Volume 16, No. 2, February, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
99 Review of the Month by A.B.
112 Lenin and Spain
120 The Coming Convention of the Y .C.L.
142 The Student Movement in the United by Celeste Clark States .
153 The Economic Situation of the Youth by Wilhelm PIeck
161 Hitler Against the World by Wilhelm Peck
173 The Washington State Elections by Morris Raport
180 The Road to Victory. Manifesto of the Communist Party of Spain
190 Book Reviews by Helen Marcy
Volume 16, No. 3, March, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
195 Review of the Month by A.B.
201 The Great Auto Strike by William Weinstone
226 Lessons of the Maritime by Strikes Roy Hudson
241 The Rubber Front in Akron by James Keller
250 Party Mobilization in Ohio by John Williamson
258 The Trial of the Trotskyite Agents of Fascism by I. Amter
271 Trotskyism in the United States by C. A. Hathaway
279 The Struggle Against Criminal Syndicalist Laws by Anna Damon
287 Book Reviews by John Kurtz
Volume 16, No. 4, April, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
291 Review of the Month by A.B. by
306 The People vs. the Supreme Court by C. A. Hathaway
313 The Supreme Court and Civil Liberties by Obed Purcell
322 The Supreme Court “Citadel of Slavery” by Elizabeth Lawson
334 The Significance of the Sit-Down Strike by William Z. Foster
342 The Pacific Coast Maritime Strike by William Schneiderman
358 The Military Dictatorship in Cuba by P. Favio
366 The Commonwealth Federation Moves On by Morris Raport
374 The People’s Front in the Philippines by Juan Tamarao
381 Book Reviews by James W. Ford
Volume 16, No. 5, May, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
387 Review of the Month by A.B.
401 The Socialist Party Convention by Gene Dennis
421 Social Legislation in Massachusetts by P. Frankfeld
432 The Schools and the People’s Front by Richard Frank
446 Farm Problems and Legislation by Robert Clay
456 Steel Workers on the by March B. K. Gebert
465 The Railway Labor Act: A Barrier to Militant Unionism by Jack Johnstone
471 Youth in Industry by D. Doran
Volume 16, No. 6, June, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
483 Review of the Month by A.B.
495 Stalin on Mastering Bolshevism by Jack Stachel
508 Communists and the United Front by Georgi Dimitroff
517 The Textile Drive by Evelyn B. Gordon
526 Foster’s New Book by Alex Bitielman
534 The People’s Mandate in Minnesota by Nat Ross
545 We Must Win the Women by Margaret Cowl
555 The Housing Question-1937 by Sidney Hill
569 Flood Control by James Harmon
Volume 16, No. 7, July, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
579 Review of the Month by A.B.
594 The Communists in the People’s Front by Earl Browder
Report delivered to the plenary meeting of the C.C. of the C.P.U.S.A., held June 17·20, 1937
628 Political Leadership and Party Building by William Z. Foster by
Based on speech delivered at the plenary meeting of the C.C. of the C.P.U.S.A., held June 17-20, 1937;
647 Significance of the Coming Municipal by Election in New York by I. Amter
661 Problems of Reconstructing the Young Communist League by Carl Ross
Speech delivered at the plenary meeting of the C.C. of the C.P.U.S.A., held June 17-20, 1937;
668 July 4th and the 150th Anniversary of the Constitution
672 Mother Bloor’s Seventy-Fifth Birthday by
675 For the United Party of the Proletariat of France
Volume 16, No. 8, August, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
683 Review of the Month by A.B.
From the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee
697 The Change in Spain by Robert Minor.
709 The Party and the People’s Front
716 The Problems of a Worker-Farmer by Alex Bittelman Alliance by Clarence A. Hathaway
725 Uniting the Negro People in the People’s Front by James W. Ford
735 Building the Party in the Struggle for Proletarian Unity and the People’s Front Resolution on Comrade Browder’s Report at the Plenum
749 Rally the People Against Vigilantism and Reaction, Statement of the Central Committee, C.P.U .S.A.
754 For a National Health Program vy William Z. Foster. 754
761 Extending the Unity of the Unemployed Movement by Herbert Benjamin. 761Documentary
771 On the Study of the History of the C.P.S.U. by Joseph Stalin
Volume 16, No. 9, September, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
779 Review of the Month by A.B.
793 Revolutionary Background of the United States Constitution by Earl Browder
808 The Vanguard Role of the Communist Party by Alex Bitt:Elman
824 The Sino-Japanese War and the American People by LAURENCE HEARN
838 Scottsboro in the Light of Building the Negro People’s Front by James W. Ford and Anna Damon
848 An Open Letter on Communist-Socialist Unity in Spain
856 Thoughts on Peace and the Probable Advantages Thereof by Thomas Paine
862 From the World Communist Press
872 Recent Publications Acknowledged
Volume 16, No. 10, October, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
875 Review of the Month by A.B.
891 The Convention of 400,000 by B. K. Gerbert
906 The New Soviet Electoral Law by Leon Josephson
915 The Importance of the Present Recruiting Drive for the Future of Our Party by Fred Brown
925 Development of the Farmer-Labor Party Movement in the Municipal Election Campaign by I. Amter
934 Karl Marx’s “Capital"
946 Farm Legislation and the People’s Front by Jerry Coleman
954 After the Youth Congress by Carl Ross
962 From the World Communist Press
965 Book Reviews by A. W. Berry
968 Recent Books Acknowledged
Volume 16, No. 11, November, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
973 Review of the Month by A.B.
986 Twenty Years of Soviet Power by Earl Browder
996 Lenin and Stalin on the Eve of October
1000 Where Is the Socialist Party Going? by Jack Stachel
1007 Trade Unions in the Land of Socialism
1016 New Developments in Organizing the Marine Industry by Roy Hudson
1023 Southern Textile Workers Organize by John J. Ballam
1037 Unite the Negro People for the People’s Front!
1041 For a Common Front Against the War-Makers by Earl Browder
1045 From the World Communist Press
1056 Book Reviews by M. Childs and Paul Novick
1064 Recent Books Acknowledged
Volume 16, No. 12, December, 1937
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
1067 Review of the Month by A.B.
1082 The People’s Front Moves Forward! by Earl Browder
1103 American Origins of the People’s Front by William Z. Foster
1108 Fascism Menaces Mexico by Hernan Laborde
1119 For a People’s Tax Program by David Jennings
1127 The Rubber Workers Show the Way by John Williamson
1135 The Party Building Drive in New York State by Max Steinberg
1146 Marxism-Leninism for Society and Science by V. J. Jerome
1164 Index-Volume XVI-1937
Volume 17, No. 1, January, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
3 Review of the Month A. B.
17 Lenin and Collective Security An Editorial
29 Lessons of the New York Elections Charles Krumbein
40 The Akron Municipal Elections James Keller
46 Woman’s Place in the People’s Front Margaret Cowl
54 Unicameral Legislature in Nebraska E. Richards
62 For a Free, Happy and Prosperous South Francis Franklin
75 Marxism-Leninism for Society and Science V. J. Jerome
92 Book Reviews Granville Hicks and Hsiao Chen-Kwan
Volume 17, No. 2, February, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
99 Review of the Month A. B.
113 The Congress of the Communist Party of France by William Z. Foster
122 The Steel Workers in Convention by B. K. Gebert
134 The Storm Center of the Cuban Crisis by Blas Roca
143 The Bakuninists at Work by Frederick Engels
158 Building the People’s Front in Harlem by James W. Ford and George E. Blake
169 Farmers Advance in the Movement for the People’s Front by Jerry Coleman
177 The Health Status of American Workers by Harriet Silverman
188 Book Reviews by James W. Ford
Volume 17, No. 3, March, 1938
The Communist
Editors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
195 Review of the Month A. B.
Report to the C. C. Plenum and Party Builders’ Congress:
208 The 1938 Elections and Our Tasks by Clearance A. Hathaway
220 Build the Party for Peace, Democracy and Socialism! by Jack Stachel
242 The Struggle for Trade Union Unity by Roy Hudson
251 For Concerted Action-Against Isolation and War! by Fred Brown
266 Rally the Negro Masses for the Democratic Front! by James W. Ford
271 The Coal Miners in Convention by B. K. Gebert
282 Davey Must Be Defeated! by John Williamson
Volume 17, No. 4, April, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
291 Review of the Month A. B.
306 Lessons of the Moscow Trials by Earl Browder
322 World Fascism and War by William Z. Foster
334 May Day-in Peace or War? by Israel Amter
339 Charting the Course of the Democratic Front (A Review of Earl Browder’s “The People’s Front") by J. Jerome
351 Draft Convention Resolutions
359 Organizational Development Among Clerical Workers by Leonard Duncan
369 The “White” South and the People’s Front Theodore Bassett
381 Correspondence
Volume 17, No. 5, May, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
Pre-Convention Discussion Articles
387 Review of the Month by A.B.
404 Building the Democratic Front by Clarence A. Hathaway
410 Notes on the Defense of American Democracy by Gene Dennis and Gil Green
419 Unemployment-An Old Struggle Under New Conditions by H. B.
429 The Economic Crisis by Robert Stark
445 Edgar Snow’s “Red Star Over China” by V. J. Jerome and Li Chuan
458 Fascist Penetration in Latin America by Samuel Putnam
468 Philosophic Nihilism Serves Reaction by Morris Childs and Frank Meyer
Volume 17, No. 6, June, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
483 Review of the Month by A. B.
500 Mastering Bolshevik Methods of Work by Earl Browder
509 The Socialist Party Convention by William Z. Foster
513 The People’s Struggle Against Fascism in Brazil by Marina Lopes
526 Bukharin-the Path of a Traitor by J. Jerome
534 Some Questions Concerning the Democratic Front by Gene Dennis
541 The I.W.O.-Workers’ Fraternalism by Max Bedacht
553 Monopolies, Prices and Profits by George Brahms
562 The Campaign for the Federal Arts Bill by C. S. Marin
571 The World Communist Press
Volume 17, No. 7, July, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
579 Review of the Month A. B.
594 Summation Speech at the Tenth National Convention by Earl Browder
600 Win the Western Hemisphere for Democracy and Peace! by William Z. Foster
615 Forging the Negro People’s Sector of the Democratic Front by James W. Ford
624 Some Problems Before the Tenth Convention of the Communist Party by Alex Bittelman
630 July 4th-Birthday of American Democracy by Francis Franklin
642 Bukharin-The Path of a Traitor by J. Jerome
652 Problems of Building the Democratic Front by Hall, Ross, Frankfeld, Schneiderman
667 Book Reviews by Philip Carter & R. W. Turner
Volume 17, No. 8, August, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
675 Review of the Month by A. B.
689 The American Federation of Labor and Trade Union Progress by William Z. Foster
699 Three Years’ Application of the Program of the Seventh World Congress by Earl Browder
704 The Charter of Party Democracy by Roy Hudson
711 A Historic View of the Struggle for Democracy by Alex Bittleman
722 Work Among National Groups – A Central Communist Task by I. Amter
732 Lovestoneism – Twin of Fascist-Trotskyism by Carl Reeve
743 Has the Crisis Run Its Course? by George Brahns
749 With Unity We Shall Conquer! by Jose Diaz
752 From the World Communist Press
762 Book Reviews by D. C. Lucas & Valeria Hodges
Volume 17, No. 9, September, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
771 Review of the Month by A. B.
785 A Solution for Palestine by Paul Novick
797 For a Correct Approach the Problems of the National Groups by Irene Browder
805 The Communist Party and the Professionals by William Z. Foster
811 Building the Democratic Front in Illinois by Morris Childs
818 Problems of the Democratic Front in the South by Francis Franiujn
829 Rooting the Party Among the Masses in New York by Max Steinberg
842 Our Next Tasks in Party Education by A. Landy
850 A Year of "Jewish Life" by V. J. Jerome
861 From the World Communist Press by
Volume 17, No. 10, October, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
867 Review of the Month by A. B.
881 Defeat the Foes of Labbr Unity! by Roy Hudson
891 Political Forces and Issues
909 The Democratic Front Moves Ahead in New York by I. Amter
919 The Election Struggle in California by William Schneiderman
927 The Elections in Pennsylvania by Carl Reeve
937 The Election Campaign in Minnesota by Nat Ross
945 The People of Chile Unite to Save Democracy by Carlos Contreras Labarca
950 The World Youth Congress by Carl Ross
957 Book Reviews by John Steuben
Volume 17, No. 11, November, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
963 Review of the Month by A. B
979 Twenty-One Years of Struggle for Peace by Earl Browder
984 Panacea Mass Movements by William Z. Foster
933 Preparing for the Opening of Congress by Gene Dennis
1000 From the Tribunes of the Socialist Fatherland by Anne Bentley
1009 The Communist Party in China’s War for Liberation by Rudy Baker
1019 The Los Angeles Mayoralty Recall Election by Paul Cline
1028 The Significance of the Latin America Trade Union Unity Congress by R. A. Martinez
1035 The People of Chile Unite to Save Democracy by Carlos Contreras Labarca
1045 Primitive Negro Solidarity: New Light From Brazil by Samuel Putnam
1051 From the World Communist Press
1053 Book Reviews by Gil Green
Volume 17, No. 12, December, 1938
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
1059 Review of the Month by A. B.
1073 The 21st Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution by Executive Committee, Communist International
1079 Concerning American Revolutionary Traditions by Earl Browder
1086 Panacea Mass Movements by William Z. Foster
1094 The A. F. of L. Convention and Tasks for Achieving Unity by Roy Hudson
1105 A Powerful Ideological Weapon of Bolshevism
1114 The Fall of Wuhan and Prospects of China’s Victory by Rudy Baker
1121 The Philippines Mobilize Against Japanese Aggression by Communist Party, Philippine Islands
1132 Party Building in the Northwest by Louis Sass
1137 Anent the American Medical Association by William Z. Foster
1141 From the World Communist Press
1144 Book Reviews by Gil Green
Volume 18 No. 1, January, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
3 Review of the Month by A. B
17 Mastery of Theory and Methods of Work (Concluding speech, December meeting, National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.) by Earl Browder
25 Lenin-His Meaning for Us Today by Robert Minor
35 Lenin and the American Revolutionary Heritage by Rudy Baker
40 Isolationist Defeatism! by William Z. Foster
48 A Year of Memorable Anniversaries by Alex Bittelman
57 The Southern Conference for Human Welfare by Rob F. Hall ·
66 The Democratic Front and the Northwest Elections by Morris Raport
76 An Analysis of the Ohio Elections-What Next? by John Williamson
82 Book Reviews by Israel Amter
85 Index-Volume XVII, 1938
Volume 18 No. 2, February, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
99 Review of the Month by A. B.
114 Lenin — His Meaning for Us Today by Robert Minor
128 Lenin — An Answer to Munich by R. A. Martinez & Harry Robinson
136 New Methods of Political Mass Organization by William Z. Foster
147 Unemployment and the Works Programin 1939 by Charles Fletcher & John Vance
156 Class Forces in California Agriculture by Harrison George
163 Pitfalls of Pragmatic Logic by Philip Carter
170 Class Conflicts in the South — 1850-1860 by Herbert Biel
182 Notes on Two Economic Cycles by George Wallace
188 From the World Communist Press
190 Book Reviews by Charlotte Todes
Volume 18 No. 3, March, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
195 Review of the Month by A. B.
209 America and the Communist International by Earl Browder
216 Lenin and the International Labor Movement by D. Z. Manuilsky
225 The Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba by William Z. Foster by
232 The Day of International Women’s Solidarity by N. K. Krupskaya
237 Canada-The Key to Anti-Fascist Unity of the English — Speaking Peoples by Tim Buck
245 Deterioration of Labor Conditions the Last DecadeDuring by Geogre Wallace
257 The Mexican Question in the Southwest by Emma Tenayuca and Homer Brooks
269 Class Forces in California Agriculture by Harrison George
274 Class Conflicts in the South, 1850-1860 by Herbert Biel
280 From the World Communist Press. by
284 Book Reviews by Harry Robinson
Volume 18 No. 4, April, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
291 Review of the Month by A. B. 306 Forward to May Day! Editorial 311 Tribute to a Great Leader by Irene Browder 317 America’s Youth in the Struggle for National and Social Security by Carl Ross 324 The Young Communist League Prepares for Growth by Henry Winston 334 Dialectical and Historical Materialism (From the History of the CP.S.U.) 346 The Human Element in Mass Agitation by William Z. Foster 353 The Tasks of the Chinese People in the National Liberation War by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China 364 Some Remarks on Rural Politics by Fred Basset Blair 371 From the World Communist Press 381 Book Reviews by Joseph North & Herbert Biel
Volume 18 No. 5, May, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
387 Review of the Month by A. B.
401 May Day in the Struggle for Democracy and Peace by I. Amter
409 The Second Imperialist War by Robert Minor
435 The Auto Workers Forge Unity at the Cleveland Convention by B. K. Gebert
445 The Technique of the Mass Campaign by William Z. Foster
456 Problems of the National Groups in the United States by Irene Browder
467 Some Observations on How to Study the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) by A. Landy
476 The Life of a Great American Working Class Leader by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Volume 18 No. 6, June, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
483 Review of the Month by A. B.
497 Perspectives of the 1940 Presidential Election by Earl Browder
511 The Land of Socialism and the Struggle of the International Proletariat by Georgi Dimitroff
523 Recovery Demands a Bold Progressive Program by Gene Dennis
535 Main Organizational Tasks of the Democratic Front by William Z. Foster
542 The Lenin-Stalin Teaching on the Building of Socialism in One Country by M. Mitin
553 Current Trends in American Psychology by R. L. Gley
563 The Cultural Heritage of the Negro People by Francis Franklin
572 Book Reviews by Philip Carter
Volume 18 No. 7, July, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
579 Review of the Month by A. B.
594 Bejamin Franklin-Champion of Democracy by Carl Reeve by
606 Building the Western-Hemisphere Democratic Front William Z. Foster
621 Strengthen Pan-American Democracy! (Statement by Six Communist Parties of the Americas)
624 The Unity of the American Democracies by Cesar Vilar
634 Bring the New Deal to Puerto Rico by James W. Ford
641 Fascism in Spain and the Latin American Peoples by F. Lacerda
665 Idle Money — Doom or Boon? by George Brahns
665 Gestalt Psychology by R. L. Gley
669 Book Reviews by A. Landy & George W. Stewart
Volume 18 No. 8, August, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
675 Review of the Month by A. B.
689 Meeting Reaction’s Assault on the Unemployed by Herbert Benjamin
701 Secondary Aspects of Mass Organization by William Z. Foster
712 Legislative Problems in Illinois by Jack Martin
721 After the Liquidated Balfour Declaration in Palestine by M. Welner
730 The Communist Party in the State of Washington and the 1940 Elections by Morris Rapport
740 Monetary Reform and the Democratic Front by Leslie Morris
748 Notes on Latin American History by Samuel Putnam
759 From the World Communist Press
Book Reviews:
764 Moses and Monotheism, by Freud reviewed by Morris Colman
767 Toward an Understanding of the U.S.S.R, by Florinsky reviewed by Seth Larson
Volume 18 No. 9, September, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
771 Review of the Month by A. B.
788 Some Remarks on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Communist Party of the United States of America by Earl Browder
804 Twenty Years of Communist Trade Union Policy by William Z. Foster
817 The Struggle for the Building of the Modern Liberation Movement of the Negro People by James W. Ford
829 The American Woman by Ella Reeve Bloor
836 Forerunners by V. J. Jerome
857 The National Groups in the Fight for Democracy by Irene Browder
867 The Soviet Union and the American People by Alexander Trachtenberg
887 Data on the Development of American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century by Robert Minor
Volume 18 No. 10, October, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
899 Keep America Out of the Imperialist War! by the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
905 Review of the Month by A. B.
923 Letter of the National Committee to the President and Congress of the U.S.A.
925 Earl Browder on President Roosevelt’s Message to the Special Session of Congress
927 The Path of Labor’s United Action by Roy Hudson
939 Specific Organizational Features of the Democratic Front in the United States by William Z. Foster
951 The Place of Venezuela Among the Democratic Nations of Latin America by Juan Pirela
963 The Plunder of Austria by Alfred L. Weiss
967 Markoff’s Contribution to the Study of Marxism by Moissaye J. Olgin
972 An Encyclopedia of the Basic Knowledge of Marxism-Leninism by Emilian Y Aroslavsky
980 Philosophical Precursors of Marxism by S. Kolesnikov
984 From the World Communist Press
Volume 18 No. 11, November, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
995 America and the International Situation Political Committee, by the C.P.U.S.A.
1002 Review of the Month by A. B.
1016 On the Twenty-Second Anniversary of the Socialist Revolution by Earl Browder
1028 Then — and Now by V. J. Jerome
1037 The Young Generation and the Imperialist War by Gil Green
1046 American Imperialism and the War by James S. Allen
1054 Backward Eutope and Progressive Asia by V. I. Lenin
1057 The Struggle of the Spanish People Continues by Manuel Rojas
1066 Freudism-Psychology of a Dying Class by R. L. Gley
1080 The Fundamental Distinction Between Dialectics and Eclectics
1084 From the World Communist Press
Volume 18 No. 12, December, 1939
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditors: Earl Browder, Alex Bittelman, V. J. Jerome
1091 Peace to the People — Manifesto Of The Communist International
1097 Review of the Month by A. B
1114 Defend the Civil Rights of Communists by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
1116 Joseph Stalin’s Sixtieth Birthday by Earl Browder
1120 Lenin and Stalin as Mass Leaders by William Z. Foster
1130 Early Writings of Stalin
1138 Moissaye Joseph Olgin — Tribute by National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
1139 The War and the Canadian Working Class by Tim Buck
1150 For the Victorious Outcome of Chinas War of Liberation, Statement Of Communist Party Of China
1158 The Collapse of the Versailles System of Peace Treaties study material
1167 Book Reviews by A. H. & Herbert Biel
1171 Index — Volume XVIII, 1939 by
Volume 19 No. 1, January, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
3 Review of the Month by A. B.
17 The United States of Europe Slogan by V. I. Lenin
21 Roosevelt, the War, and the New Deal by Gene Dennis.
41 Anti-Capitalist Sentiment in Germany by W. Ulbricht
49 On Bourgeois and Bourgeois-Democratic Revolutions by Emilian Yaroslavsky
58 Anti-Trust Laws and the Attack on Labor by Harry Martel
67 The Ohio Relief Crisis vt Johm Williamson
73 The History of the C.P.S.U. and the Propagation of Marxism-Leninism in the World Communist Movement
85 Book Reviews by WilLiam Z. Foster & Theodore Miller
Volume 19 No. 2, February, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYPage
101 Review of the Month by A. B.
116 “To the People Will Belong the Victory” by Earl Browder
122 The “Foreign Agent” Fraud and the Battle for Democracy A. Landy
133 Forging the People’s Victory in Cuba by Blas Roca
141 The Power of Stalinist Prediction M. Mitin
149 Ernst Thaelmann as Leader of the Communist Party of Germany by Wilhelm Florin
161 Awakening in the British West Indies by Conrad Ward
173 On Lenin’s Classic Work, “Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism” by L. Mendelsohn
180 Joint Manifesto of the Communist Parties of France, Great Britain and Germany
186 Correspondence
188 Theory of the Agrarian Question, by V. I. Lenin: A review by Anna Rochester
Volume 19 No. 3, March, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
195 Review of the Month by A. B.
209 "Marx Was Before All Else a Revolutionary" Frederick Engels
211 Resolutions Adopted by the National Committee of the Communist Party, U.S.A. 232 Seven Years of Roosevelt by William Z. Foster
259 After a Decade of Mass Unemployment by Herbert Benjamin
278 Greater Attention to the Problems of the Negro Masses! by Pat Toohey
Volume 19 No. 4, April, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
291 Peace in Finland: A Decisive Setback for the Incendiaries of a New World War Editorial
296 Review of the Month by A. B.
306 Resolution on the Daily Workerby the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
308 The War Aims of American Imperialism William Z. Foster
320 The Negro People and the Struggle for Peace by Theodore R. Bassett & A. W. Berry
336 Shifting Political Alignments in Ohio by John Williamson
344 The Organization of an Election Campaign by Israel Amter
350 Charles Emil Ruthenberg: Fighter Against Imperialist War by Oakley Johnson
356 The Renaissance of Nationalities and the Consolidation of Nations in the U.S.S.R. by M. Chekalin
Book Review
376 Dividends to Pay, by E. D. Kennedy reviewed by Theodore Miller
Volume 19 No. 5, May, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
387 Review of the Month by A. B.
403 The Bolshevization of the Communist Party of the United States in the Struggle Against the Imperialist War by Gene Dennis
418 The Haymarket Martyrs and May Day, 1940 by Oakley Johnson
431 The Reactionary Political Role of the Vatican by Louis F. Budenz
451 The Impact of the War on the Structure of Capitalism by George Brahns
463 Zionism and the Imperialist War by Paul Novick
480 Greetings to "Clarity"
Volume 19 No. 6 June, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
483 Review of the Month A. B.
500 World Socialism and the War by William Z. Foster
516 Lenin on the World Imperialist War by V. I. Lenin
518 Lenin Speaks of Debs by Alexander Trachtenberg
521 Imperialist War and "Democratic" Demagogy by Gil Green
531 The Stalinist Coneept of "Nation" by Harry Martel
542 The Third National Negro Congress by Theodore R. Bassett
554 American Policy in the Far East and the Roosevelt Regime by B. T. Lo
565 The Farm Problem and the Working Class by Anna Rochester
Book Review
575 Freedom of Thought in the Old South, reviewed by Clement Eaton Herbert Biel
Volume 19 No. 7, July, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
579 Review of the Month by A. B.
Eleventh National Convention: Reports and Resolutions
597 The Domestic Reactionary Counterpart of the War Policy of the Bourgeoisie by Earl Browder
610 The Three Basic Tasks of the Communist Peace Policy by William Z. Foster
615 Resolutions Adopted by the Eleventh National Convention of the Communist Party, U.S.A.
628 The Farmers and the Struggle Against the War Program by James S. Allen
649 A Book to Arm Us in the Struggle Against the Imperialist War by Clarence Hathaway
656 The Spanish People Fight On by Gregorio Cantos
Volume 19 No. 8, August, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
675 Review of the Month . A. B.
690 New Forces for Peace and Democracy in the South by Rob Fowler Hall
707 For a Greater Vote and a Stronger Party! by Roy Hudson
716 How Does Social-Democracy Understand the National Question? by Joseph Stalin
729 The "Socialism" of the Second International by H. A. George
737 Aspects of Historical Materialism by Frank Meyer
749 A Brilliant Manual of Bolshevik Tactics by F. Fuernberg
763 Book Review-The Fat Years and the Lean by Bruce Minton and John Stuart reviewed by Harrison George .
Volume 19 No. 9, September, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
771 Break the Grip of Wall Street’s Twin War-Party National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
774 Review of the Month by A. B.
791 Election Platform of the Communist Party of the U.S.A., 1940: Basic Political Outline for the Platform by Earl Browder
797 Text of the Platform
805 The Pan-American Conference in Havana by William Z. Foster
820 Labor and the Elections by Gene Dennis
842 Exit Mayor Hoan by N. Sparks and F. B. Blair
856 The Struggle for Equal Rights for Women by Margaret Cowl
Volume 19 No. 10, October, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
867 Review of the Month by A. B.
884 The Most Peculiar Election Campaign in the History of the Republic by Earl Browder
890 The Trade Unions and the War by William Z. Foster
907 The Crisis in Mexico by James S. Allen
916 The Cuban People and the New Constitution by Blas Roca
927 The British Communist Party Leads the Struggle Against the Imperialist War by R. Palme Dutt
936 Lenin at the Second World Congress of the Communist International byA. Ackermann
950 Engels on Dialectics of Nature by D. C. Lucas
Volume 19 No. 11, November, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
963 Review of the Month by A. B.
978 For a People’s Policy in U. S.-Soviet Relations! by William Z. Foster
990 China’s Liberation Struggle and the Far Eastern Crisis by James Welden
1001 China Has Proved It Can Unite: Unity Will Bring Victory by Manifesto of the Communist Party of China
1007 Soviet Socialist Republics in the Baltic by Jan Vedral
1020 The Path of Lenin and Stalin by Joseph Fields
1031 Dynamic Changes in the Population of the Soviet Union by C. G. Lande
1038 The Basic Principle of Socialism by G. Kosiachenko
Book Reviews:
1045 Why Farmers Are Poor by Anna Rochester by Jackson Eldridge
1049 Race: Science and Politics by Ruth Benedict by John Arnold
Volume 19 No. 12, December, 1940
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
1059 Review of the Month by A. B
1075 The 1940 Elections and the Next Tasks by Earl Browder
1086 Constitution of the Communist Party, U.S.A.
1093 The Crisis of Imperialism and the Future of Canada by Tim Buck
1113 Who Should Be Accused in France? by V. J. Jerome
1125 The People Can Save Themselves Only by Their Own Action by the Central Committee, Communist Party of Great Britain
1131 Book Review — For Whom the Ben Tolls By Ernest Hemingway reviewed by Bernard Rand
1139 Index — Volume XIX, 1940
Volume 20 No. 1, January, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
3 Editorials
18 Lenin and Proletarian Internationalism Max Weiss
35 On Some Aspects of Foreign Policy Earl Browder
38 Organized Labor’s Two Conventions William Z. Foster
51 The Real Reasons for Trade Union Progress Roy Hudson
64 The New Rape of Indo-China Andre Marty
83 Some Effects of War Economy in the U.S.A. Gil Green
Volume 20 No. 2, February, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
99 Editorials
115 Defeat Roosevelt’s War-Powers Bill! Get Out and Stay Out of the War! by the National Committee, Communist Party, U.S.A
120 The People vs. the 77th Congress by John Williamson
132 Education and the War by Earl Browder
138 America’s War Economy and the Unemployed by G. D. Carpenter
151 Imperialism and the Split in the Socialist Movement by V. I. Lenin
164 Innovations and Business Cycles by C. E. Wisden
Book Reviews:
178 Oliver Wiswell by Kenneth Roberts by & Gordon Place and Donald M. Lester
186 Labor in Wartime, by John Steuben reviewed by C. T.
Volume 20 No. 3, March, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
195 Earl Browder Remains the Heroic Leader of the People by William Z. Foster
197 We Represent the Future by Earl Browder
202 Editorials
218 The National Committee of the Communist Party Hails William Z. Foster on his 60th Birthday
220 World Capitalism and World Socialism by William Z. Foster
238 The Communists and China’s Three People’s Principles by Mao Tse-tung
257 Stalin — Genius of Socialist Construction by Donald by MacKenzie Lester
276 Stuart Chase’s Nostrums for Dying Capitalism by Frank Meyer
Volume 20 No. 4, April, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
291 Demand the Freedom of Earl Browder. In Defense of Your Rights, Living Standards and Peace! by the National Committee, C. P. U.S. A.
295 Editorials
311 We Are Sailing Into the Face of Great Storms by Earl Browder
317 James B. McNamara by William Z. Foster
319 How the British Empire Is Conjured Away by Gil Green
333 American Fascism Speaks Out by William Z. Foster
350 Labor’s Strike-Weapon: A Sesquicentennial — 1791-1941 by Samuel Putnam
368 Philosophers of Capitalism in Decay by Frank Meyer
377 Space and Time — Forms of the Existence of Matter George Kursanov
Volume 20 No. 5, May, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
387 Earl Browder Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign by the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
470 Editorials
404 Close Ranks on May Day by the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
410 The Trend in Labor’s Ranks by Roy Hudson
420 May Day, 1941, Spurs the World-Wide Fight for a People’s Peace by F. Ring
427 The Origins of May Day by Herbert Biel
436 The Most Important Lessons of the Paris Commune by B. Smeral
443 The Mexican People Must Not Enter This War! by the Central Committee, C.P. Mexico
452 A Program of Action for the Victory of the Chilean People’s Front by the Communist Party of Chile
458 Space and Time-Forms of the Existence of Matter by George Kursanov
468 Some General Problems of the Alien Registration by the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A
470 Book Reviews
Volume 20 No. 6, June, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
483 Editorials
497 Earl Browder and the Fight for Peace by William Z Foster
505 Earl Browder — Tribune of the People by Robert Minor
508 How to Free Earl Browder by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
513 Browder Shows the Way Out by Roy Hudson
529 Earl Browder — Leader of the Oppressed by James W Ford
536 Earl Browder — Molder of Party Cadres by John Williamson
546 Who Are the Friends of the Youth? by Max Weiss
557 Earl Browder and the Southern People by Rob Fowler Hall
563 Our Debt to Earl Browder byWilliam Schneiderman
568 Space and Time — Fonru; of the Existence of Matter byGeorge Kursanov
Volume 20 No. 7, July, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
579 Support the U.S.S.R. in Its Fight Against the Nazi War Statement of the Communist Party, U.S.A.
581 Yankee Imperialism Grabs for the Western Hemisphere by Willam Z. Foster
599 Browder’s Contribution Toward Developing a Progressive Trade Unionism by Jack Johnstone
611 Professor Logan Is Ready for a Third World War! by Henry Winston
619 Colombia Faces the Imperialist Offensive by Augusto Doran
623 The Further Development of Capitalism in United States Agriculture by Erik Bert
635 The Treason of Reaction in America’s Second War of Independence by Frank Meyer and Robert Strong
652 Space and Time--Forms of the Existence of Matter by George Kursanov
Volume 20 No. 8, August, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
659 Editorials
673 Victory Will Be Ours! by Joseph Stalin
Plenary Meeting of the National Committee, Communist Party, U.S.A., June 28-29, 1941
- 678 The People’s Program of Struggle for the Defeat of Hitler and Hitlerism (Manifesto)
- 683 Free Earl Browder to Strengthen the United People’s Struggle Against Hitlerism (Resolution)
- 685 Labor’s Great Responsibilities and Possibilities by Roy Hudson
- 696 The Negro People and the New World Situation by James W. Ford
- 705 Our Tasks in the Struggle to Defeat Hitlerism by Gil Green
- 712 The National Groups — A Powerful Force in the Struggle Against Fascism by Israel Amter
724 The Red Army — Spearhead of Humanity by V. J. Jerome
737 For a National Anti-Fascist Youth Front! by Max Weiss
Volume 20 No. 9, September, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
755 Editorials
763 The Working Class and the National Front Against Hitlerism
776 Munich and Anti-Munich by Robert Minor
793 For the Military Destruction of Hitlerism by William Z Foster
801 With All Possible Clarity by José Diaz
805 The Negro People and the Fight for Jobs by Theodore R Bassett
818 Two Questions on the Status of Women Under Capitalism by A Landy
834 Book Reviews
848 Latest Books and Pamphlets Received
Volume 20 No. 10, October, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
851 The Battle of Production
868 Labor Unity — The Demand of the Hour
876 The Pamphlet by Junius by V.I. Lenin with introductory remarks by Robert Minor
888 Some Problems of the Negro People in the National Front to Destroy Hitler and Hitlerism by James W Ford
897 Women in the National Front Against Hitler by Ella Reeve Bloor and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
910 Farm Production for Defense by James S. Allen
917 The National Groups in the National Front byA. Landy
937 Priorities Unemployment in the Automobile Industry by Pat Toohey
Volume 20 No. 11, November, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
947 Editorials
961 The Soviet Union and the Course of the War by William Z. Foster
972 Workers’ Education and the War Against Hitler by Robert Minor
977 Earl Browder — Champion of U. S.-Soviet Collaboration by Max Weiss
988 Soviet Culture in the Fight Against Fascism by William Auer
997 The Army and the People by John Gates
1011 The National Front in Canada by Tim Buck
1029 The War and the Colonial Peoples by Statement by the Communist Party of Great Britain
1032 The Silent Don: An Epic of Our Time by N. A. Daniels
Volume 20 No. 12, December, 1941
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
1043 Everything for Victory Over World-Wide Fascist Slavery! by the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
1045 As We Fight by Robert Minor
1051 The Tasks of the Communist Party in the War by William Z. Foster
1055 The New York City Elections and the Struggle Against Hitlerism by Bill Lawrence and Isidore Begun
1072 Civilian Defense and Mora!e — A Vital Factor in the Struggle Against Hitlerism by Herbert Benjamin
1079 The California Farmer and National Defense by Harrison George
1091 The Patriotic War of 1918 Against the German Invaders m the Ukraine by E. Gorodetsky
1108 A Significant Depiction of French-Canadian Life by Stanley B. Ryerson
1119 Index-Volume XX, 1941
1135 Latest Books and Pamphlets Received
Volume 21 No. 1, January, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by Workers Library Publishers, P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
3 Lenin and the Globe War by Robert Minor
22 Should the United States Government Join in Concerted Action Against the Fascist States? by Earl Browder
38 The Nation and the War by Robert Minor
57 Trade Unions in the War Emergency by William Z. Foster
71 What We Can Learn From the Soviet People by Israel Amter
81 In the Name of the Italian People by M. Ercoli
92 Book Review
95 The Thirty-First Anniversary of New Masses
Volume 21 No. 2, March, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by Workers Library Publishers, P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
99 Toward Labor Unity an Editorial 114 America and the United Nations by Eugene Dennis
125 Browder Warned America
131 The Rio de Janeiro Conference by William Z Foster
143 The Far Eastern Front in the War Against the Axis by James S Allen
163 Let Freedom Ring for Earl Browder by Carl Ross
171 Production for Victory by Bruce Minton
179 Soviet-American Friendship: The Contribution of "Mission to Moscow" by William Lindsay
Volume 21 No. 3, April, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by Workers Library Publishers, P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
195 In Tom Mooney's Name Let Us Build the Unity of American Labor a Statement by the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A
198 Tom Mooney: One of America's Finest Sons Georgi Dimitroff
199 For a Second Front in Europe! To the Offensive Against Hitler! by Eugene Dennis
214 The Course of the War and the Present Tasks by Gil Green
225 A War-Time Tax Program for Victory by Jean Francis
239 The New Role of China by James S. Allen
250 National Unity and the Coming Elections by Ralph V. Barnes
262 Negroes and the National War Effort by Frederick Douglass
270 From Leipzig to Riom by Hans Berger
277 Lessons From Our War of Independence by A. B. Magil
Volume 21 No. 4, May, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by Workers Library Publishers, P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
291 Attack Hitler Now! Open a Western Front in Europe! Manifesto of the National Committee, C.P.U.S.A.
297 The Birthday of Earl Browder by Robert Minor
307 Earl Browder and Ernst Thaelmann by Hans Berger
310 Labor and the National War Effort by Roy Hudson
324 Strengthen the War Effort by Building the Party by John Williamson
336 For a Concerted Offensive Against Hitler by William Lindsay
347 Jose Diaz: His Exemplary Llfe and Work by I. Urizar
Volume 21 No. 5, June, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
387 Labor Must Act to Open a Western Front Now, An Editorial Article
402 Stalin's Order of the Day on May Day, 1942
408 One Year Since June 22 by V. J. Jerome
422 India and the War James by S. Allen
435 The President's Economic War Plan by Milton Howard
440 Strengthening National Unity in the Elections by Morris Childs
450 Norman Thomas-A Spearhead of Fascism by Israel Amter
458 Canada Votes for Total War Stanley by B. Ryerson
467 France Will Rise Again Ralph by V. Barnes
477 A Diary of Soviet Courage by Louis F. Budenz
Volume 21 No. 7, July, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
483 The Anglo-Soviet-American Alliance and the Anniversary of June 22 by Earl Browder
485 On the Anniversary of the Patriotic War of the Soviet Union by Earl Browder
491 A Historic Stage in the Struggle of the Freedom-Loving Peoples
494 Stalin on the Anti-Hitler Coalition of the United Nations
497 John L. Lewis and the War by William Z. Foster
507 A Biddle's-Eye View of the War and the Communist Party by Robert Minor
522 Thomas Jefferson — Leader of the Nation by Frank Meyers
534 On the Occasion of Dimitroff's Sixtieth Birthday by Max Weiss
548 We Salute Comrades Bloor and Whitney! byElizabeth Gurley Flynn
553 Spain and the Second Front by I. Urizar
569 Historic Documents
Volume 21 No. 7, August, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
579 No Delay in Opening the Western Front! An Editorial
592 Victory Must Be Won by Earl Browder
599 Delay in Initiating the Second Front May Spell Disaster by Gregory Alexandrov
602 The California Elections by Willam Schneiderman
610 On the Third Anniversary of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact by Hans Berger
620 For Farmer-Labor Unity in the Elections and in the Food-for-Victory Campaign by Robert Digby
633 The Communists, the Negro People and the War by Ben Davis, Jr
640 Five Years of the Sino-Japanese War Colonel by M Tolchenov
644 Lessons of the Civil War for Our Day by A. B. Magil
663 Book Review
Volume 21 No. 8, September, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
675 The India Crisis, Statement of the National Committee of the Communist Party
678 Historic Documents
679 The Communist Party and National Unity Earl Browder
692 Strengthening Communist Collaboration in National Unity . . . John Williamson
708 The War and Labor Unity . William Z. Foster
721 Strategy for Victory . . R. Palme Dutt
732 The War and the New York Election Primaries Israel Amter
736 Inflation and Economic War Mobilization Ralph V. Barnes
748 For Victory and Reconstruction of World Statement of the Central Peace! Statement of the Committee of the C. P. of China
751 Mr. Hoover and "The Problems of Lasting Peace" Hans Berger
767 Pedro Checa-One of Spain's Best Sons
Volume 21 No. 9, October, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
771 To the Offensive! An Editorial Article
791 The Economics of All-Out War by Earl Browder
809 The Stalin-Churchill Meeting and After
816 Three Years of War
819 Lessons of the Primary Elections by Ralph V. Barnell
826 The Role and Problems of a People's Cadre of Win-the-War Leaders by John Williamson
835 The Invaders Must Be Fought in All Occupied Countries
841 The People's Front of Yesterday — The National Freedom Front of Today and Tomorrow by Ernst Fischer
849 Native Daughter — Communist Party Founder and Leader by Samuel Adams Darcy
857 Seversky's Handbook for Defeatists by Harold Smith
Volume 21 No. 10, November, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
867 Twenty-five Years of Soviet Power . Earl Browder .
869 The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Soviet Power V. J. Jerome
886 Our Nation Discovers the Soviet Union Hans Berger
894 The Second Front and the Winter of 1942-43 Eugene Dennis
903 National Unity for Total War Tim Buck
911 The Miners' Convention William Z. Foster
922 Trends in the A. F. of L. Rose Wortis
937 Earl Browder Charts the Course to Victory A. Landy
956 Historic Documents
Volume 21 No. 11, December, 1942
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association P.O. Box 148, Station D, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
963 The U.S.S.R. and the Anglo-Soviet-American Fighting Alliance by Joseph Stalin
976 One Year Since Pearl Harbor by Earl Browder
985 The C.I.O. Convention by Roy Hudson
1000 Stalin and the Patriotic War by Mikhail Kalinin
1005 The 1942 Elections — And After by Milton Howard
1012 The Pacific Front in the Global War by James S. Allen
1021 The Study of Marxism-Leninism and the Role of the Party in Promoting National Unity by Sam Don
1039 What About Hitler's Finnish Ally? by Jessica Mattson
1051 The Free Germans to the German People by Paul Merker
1057 Index — 1942
Volume 22 No. 1, January, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
3 Stalin's Sixty-third Birthday by Earl Browder
4 Reminiscences of Lenin by Joseph Stalin
10 Production for Victory by Earl Browder
30 Prepare the Party for a Nationwide Party — Building and Press Campaign by John Williamson
38 Mobilize Negro Manpower for Victoryby James W. Ford
47 The Great Patriotic War and Social Science by G. Alexandrov
51 The Incoming Seventy-eighth Congress by Milton Howard
58 Italy at the Crossroads by M. Osipov
62 British Labor and War R. Palme Dutt
73 The Great Offensive by Joseph Starobin
83 Marx and Engels on Reactionary Prussianism by M. Mitin
88 The White Collar Workers and the War by Robert Miller
Volume 22 No. 2, February, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
99 The New Stage of the War in Europe by Eugene Dennis.
114 France's Hour Has Struck by Andre Marty
126 Some Problems of Centralized War Production by V. J. Jerome
135 Lincoln, Roosevelt and the Fifth Column by Milton Howard
146 The Nation and the Armed Forces by Max Weiss
157 The President's Message to Congress by Louis F. Budenz
165 Anglo-Soviet Trade Union Relations by Peter Kerrigan Hill
168 The Communist Party of Great Britain on the Beveridge Proposals
175 Manifesto to the German People and the German Army
181 An Appeal to the People of Italy
185 Book Review
Volume 22 No. 3, March, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
195 On the Victory of Stalingrad
196 Greetings to the Red Army, and Its Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Joseph Stalin Communist Party, U.S.A.
198 Hitler's Secret Weapon — the Bogey of Communism by Earl Browder
205 The Browder-Welles Correspondence
207 Notes on the Political Situation in North Africa by Eugene Dennis
211 Marx and National Wars by V. J. Jerome
222 The Great Battle of Stalingrad by Mikhail Bragin
229 Some Problems of Economic Stabilization by Gill Green
240 Marx on the Southern Bourbons by Rob Fowler Hall
248 The Battle for a Democratic Win-the-War Tax Program by Jean Francis
258 Some Lessons of the "Fateful Decade" by James S. Allen
266 The Nazi "Peace" Offensive by Hans Berger
274 What About Yugoslavia? by Albert Popovich
285 Ireland's Way Foreward — Resolution of the Communist Party of Ireland
Volume 22 No. 4, April, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
291 On the Occasion of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Red Army
292 The Order of the Day by Joseph Stalin
297 The Carrot and the Club, or the Copperhead Cabal by Earl Browder
301 The Reactionary Offensive and the War by William Z Foster
316 Youth in the Fight for Victory by Max Weiss
332 Notes on the Bicentennial Anniversary of Thomas Jefferson by Carl Ross
342 The Party Recruiting Campaign in Michigan by Roy Hudson
348 The New Role of Women in Industry Elizabeth by Gurley Flynn
358 The Tenth Anniversary of the Reichstag Fire
361 Labor Party and Communist Party, the Case for Affiliation by Emile Burns
370 Problems· of the National Liberation Struggle in Czechoslovakia by Jan Sverma
377 Solve India's National Crisis Through National Unity! Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India
384 Recent Books and Pamphlets Received
Volume 22 No. 5, May, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
387 May Day Manifesto of the Communist Party
394 Note of the Soviet Government on the Decision to Suspend Relations With the Polish Government
396 Hitler's Polish Partners
399 The Anti-Soviet Conspiracy in the United States by Earl Browder
403 Forge World Labor Unity! by Roy Hudson
411 Marxism, Prussianism, and Mr. Wallace by V. J. Jerome
425 Chicago Rebukes the Copperheads by M. Childs .
434 What Are We Fighting For? by Robert Minor
443 On Wage Stabilization William and With a Reply by Gilbert Green by Pauline Young
452 The New Stage in the Fight to Abolish the Poll Tax by Theodore R. Bassett
461 Thomas E. Dewey: His Record by S. W. Gerson
469 Under a "Socialist" Mantle by Max Steinberg
Volume 22 No. 6, June, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
483 The Strike Wave Conspiracy by Earl Browder
495 The Victory in Africa by Eugene Dennis
505 The Crisis in Fascist Upper Circles in Italy by M .Ercoli
513 The Provocation of the Polish Reactionaries by Hans Berger
527 The Strike of the Coal Miners by William Z Foster
539 Lessons of the Party Building Campaign and the Next Tasks by John Williamson
552 A Year of American Slav Unity by A. Landy
562 On the 73rd Anniversary of Lenin's Birth by L. Yudin
564 "One World" — Wendell Willkie's Challenging Book by Joseph North
572 Historic Documents
Volume 22 No. 7, July, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
579 Hold the Home Front! Earl Browder .
599 Victory and the 1944 Elections Eugene Dennis
613 Crucial Problems Before Labor Today by Roy Hudson
624 Gearing Organizational Forms and Methods to the War Effort by John Williamson
633 The Dubinsky Social-Democrats by Gilbert Green
642 The Negro People Unite for Victory by James W. Ford
648 California and the Coming Elections byWilliam Schneiderman·
653 The Fight Against Defeatism in Ohio Arnold Johnson
657 Resolutions and Sh:tements of the National Committee Plenum
662 The Anglo-Soviet Treaty of Alliance
665 On the Anniversary of the Soviet-American Agreement
668 Historic Documents
Volume 22 No. 8, August, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
675 Axis Reverses and Conflicts by
680 We Can Win in 1943! by James S. Allen
688 The Schneiderman Decision by Robert Minor
698 Fifth-Column Diversion in Detroit by Max Weiss
711 The 78th Congress by A. E. Blumberg
720 On the Discussion of War Aims and Post War Problems by N. Malinin
725 Canada Needs a Party of Communists by Tim Buck
742 June 22 in the United States by A. Landy
753 Tasks of the British Unions for Victory by Communist Party of Great Britain
757 The British Labour Party Conference by WiLliam Rust
761 The Communists of Cuba and the Cabinet by Bras Roca
Volume 22 No. 9, September, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
771 The Second Front in Europe
775 Labor Day 1943 by Rose Wortis
789 The War and the Trade Unions
792 Toward a New Anti-Fascist Youth Organization by Max Weiss
806 The National Committee for a "Free Germany" and Its Significance by Hans Berger
816 After the Downfall of Mussolini by Antonio Locascio
824 Our Nation's Democratic Historical Path bySan Don
836 The Schneiderman Decision (Part II) by Robert Mnior
852 Notes on Brazil by C Mota
Volume 22 No. 10, October, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
867 The Future of the Anglo-Soviet-American Coalition by Earl Browder
874 World Labor and the Second Front by N. Shvernik
881 The Path Dimitroff Charted by V. J. Jerome
894 Labor's General Staffs Meet by William Z. Foster
903 The War in Italy by A. Landy
913 What Is Hidden Behind the Plan for an East European Federation or Confederation?
919 The Soviet Union's Struggle for Peace in the Period Before World War II by Vladimir Potemkin
922 The Organizational and Educational Tasks of Our Party by John Williamson
934 The Farmers and National Unity by Isidore Begun and Robert Digby
944 The Struggle for National Unity in New Jersey by William Norman 953 Unity, Victory, Prosperity! Manifesto of the Labor-Progressive Party of Canada
957 For Unity and Victory Resolution of the 16th Congress of the C.P.G.B
Volume 22 No. 11, November, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
963 On the 26th Anniversary of the Soviet by Power and the l0th Anniversary of Soviet-American Relations by Earl Browder
966 Soviet-American Relations: Historic Documents
972 On the Eve of the Moscow Conference
975 The Glorious Victories of the Red Army by Dmitri Manulsky
980 Twenty-Six Years of Struggle and Glory by Israel Amter
989 International Labor Moving Toward Unity by Rose Wortis
1002 The Time Factor in Coalition Warfare by Col M. Tokhenov
1005 The Auto Workers' Convention by Roy Hudson
1018 Remarks on the Discussion Concerning the Dissolution of the Communist International by Hans Berger
1030 A Tax Program to Speed the Offensive by Jean Francis
1041 Problems of War Manpower by George Morris
1051 Problems of Labor in Massachusett by Fanny Hartman
Volume 22 No. 12, December, 1943
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
1059 The Three-Power Conference at Moscow by Earl Browder
1065 The Three-Power Conference Documents
1071 Speed the Day of Victory by Joseph Stalin
1082 President Roosevelt's Greetings to President Kalinin
1083 The Moscow Conference, National Unity, and the Elections by Eugene Dennis
1103 The New York City Elections by Gilbert Green
1111 Some Lessons of the Cleveland Elections by Arnold Johnson
1121 The Elections in Philadelphia by Samuel A. Darcy
1133 The San Francisco Elections by W. Schneiderman
1138 Lessons of the New Jersey Elections by William Norman
1147 The C.I.O. National Convention by Wm. Z. Foster
1156 The A. F. of L. Convention by J. K. Morton
1166 Results of the Moscow Conference
1171 Index-Volume XXII, 1943
Volume 23 No. 1, January, 1944
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
3 Teheran-History's Greatest Turning Point by Earl Browder .
9 The Teheran Decisions Promise Mankind A Durable Peace
13 Leninism and Foreign Policy by Sam Don
25 For Unity in China's War of Resistance
31 Critique of Chiang Kai-shek's Book: "China's Destiny" by Chen Pai-ta
63 Urgent Questions of Party Growth and Organization by John Williamson
72 The Battle Over Subsidies by Mac Gordon
83 On the Negroes and the Right of Self-Determination by Earl Browder
86 A Perspective for Forging Negro-White Unity by John Pittman
92 Historic Documents
Volume 23 No. 2, February, 1944
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
99 Statement to the Press by the National Committee of the Communist Party by Earl Browder
102 Marxism Arms Communists to Meet and Solve Issues Today by
107 Decisions of the National Committee of the Communist Party
109 The Outlook for a Durable Peace by Eugene Dennis
122 Not "In Spite of" But Because by Robert Minor
131 New Problems of Communist Organization by John Williamson
140 Teheran and the Wage Policy Issue by Roy Hudson
148 American Capitalism and Teheran by Gilbert Green
153 George Washington-Patriot and Statesman by Carl Ross
163 Lenin and the Soviet People's Patriotic War by Zinaida Smirnova
167 Poland and the Coming Stage of the War by Eugene Tarle
170 The Most Important Stage in the Development of Friendship Between the, U.S.S.R. and Czechoslovakia by
174 Forging Negro-White Unity by John Pittman
182 Historic Documents by
Volume 23 No. 3, March, 1944
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
195 Partisanship — A Luxury America Cannot Afford! by Earl Browder
201 Order of the Day by Joseph Stalin
206 The Soviet Nations and Teheran by James S. Allen
217 The Significance of the Teheran Decisions
223 Report to the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. by Vyacheslav M.Molotov
232 On the Study of Browder's Report by David Goldway
241 The President's Message to Coneress by Ma.x Gordon
252 International Women's Day, 1944 by Elizabeth Gurely Flynn
260 Teheran and the Negro People by James W. Ford
267 The I.L.G.W.U. at the Crossroads by Rose Wortis
275 National Unity and the Farmers by Fred Briehl
282 Plans for Currency Stabilization by Eugene Varga
284 Japanese- German Relations During the Second World War by A. Zhukov
Volume 23 No. 4, April, 1944
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
291 On the Eve of the Invasion of Europe: Greater Vigilance Against Vacillators and Enemies of Teheran by M. Galaktionov
296 Post-War Economic Perspectives by Gilbert Green
310 The Communist Vanguard by V. J. Jerome
319 The Ohio Membership Campaign by Arnold Johnson
327 Thomas Jefferson and National Unity by Francis Franklin
336 Teheran and the Young Generation by Carl Ross and James West
347 The Polish Question
351 Germany's Decline by Eduard Benes
363 Communist Participation in the French National Committee of Liberation by Jacques Duclos
366 A New Freneh Democracy by Waldeck Rochet
369 Canada's Choice: Unity or Chaos by Tim Buck
382 Historic Documents
Volume 23 No. 5, May, 1944
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
387 May Day for Victory and the Teheran Goal by Louis F. Budenz
397 Trends in the Two Major Parties by Adam Lapin
410 International Monopolies and the War by K. Hofman
415 The Two-Party System by N. Sparks.
425 Enemies of Teheran by Bob Thompson
431 Concerning a Charge of Betrayal by Hans Berger
440 The Maryland-District of Columbia Enlightenment Campaign by Doxey A. Wilkerson
450 The Seattle Municipal Elections by Henry P. Huff
457 Issues and Tasks in the Primary Elections
461 Hungary's Occupation by Hitler by E. Gavrilov
465 Where Is Finland Going — Toward Peace or Catastrophe?
469 Historic Documents
Volume 23 No. 6, June, 1944
The Communist
A Magazine of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
National Convention, Communist Political Association
483 Greetings to General Eisenhower, Marshal Stalin and Marshal Tito
485 Unity for Victory, for the Elections and for Post-War Security vyEarl Browder
501 National Unity for Victory, Security and a Durable Peace Resolution
506 Preamble to the Constitution of the Communist Political Association
507 Three Years of the Soviet National-Liberation War by A. Landy
521 Perspectives on the Functioning of the Communist Political Association by John Williamson
533 The May Meeting of the A. F. of L. Executive Council by J. K. Morton
541 Some Reconversion Problems in the Automotive Industry by Pat Toohey
558 The Communist Vanguard by V. J. Jerome
573 Historic Documents (Stalin's Order of' the Day, May 1, 1944)
Volume 23 No. 7, July, 1944
The Communist
A Marxist Magazine Devoted to Advancement of Democratic Thought and Action
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
Associate Editor: Eugene Dennis
Managing Editor: V. J. JeromePage
579 Back the Attack! Everything for Victory! by the National Committee, C.P.A.
581 Greetings to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower by the National Committee, C.P.A.
582 Tribute to Those Who Have Given Their Lives in Defense of Our Country Against the Fascist Foe by the National Committee, C.P.A.
583 A Statement to the Peoples of France and Western Europe by General Dwight D. Eisenhower
584 To the Allied Expeditionary Force by General Dwight D. Eisenhower
586 Germany's Military Situation by Col. M. Tolchenov
594 That Americans May Think Together, Act Together by Earl Browder
598 For Victory in the War and the Elections by Eugene Dennis
608 The Role of the Club in the Communist Political Association by John Williamson
614 The Hoover -Dewey - McCormick Election Threat to Teheran by William Z. Foster
620 New York in the 1944 Election Line-Up by Gilbert Green
632 Communist Participation in the Provisional Government of the French Republic by Andre Marty
646 Charting Our Path in War and Peace by William Schneiderman
657 What Is Behind the Attack on the C.I.O. Political Action Committee? by Max Gordon
663 Resolutions Adopted by the National Convention, C.P.A.
Volume 23 No. 8, August, 1944
The Communist
A Marxist Magazine Devoted to Advancement of Democratic Thought and Action
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
Associate Editor: Eugene Dennis
Managing Editor: V. J. JeromePage
675 The Great Invasionby A. Landy
681 Three Years of the Soviet Patriotic War
686 The Armed Struggle of the Polish People Against the Hitlerite Invaders
694 Resolution of the Union of Polish Patriots in the U.S.S.R.
696 The Republican Convention by Adam Lapin
705 Thomas' "Socialists" Aid Fascism by Paul Novick
713 The Trotskyite Fifth Column in the Labor Movement by George Morris
724 The Cuban Elections by Blas Roca
737 The Plan for Post-War Employment by V. Gayev
745 Uni'tt;d Nations Monetary Policy by Steve North
753 "Talking Spokane" is "Talking Tehran" by Robert Digby
761 Resolutions Adopted by the National Convention, C.P.A .
Volume 23 No. 9, September, 1944
The Communist
A Marxist Magazine Devoted to Advancement of Democratic Thought and Action
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
Associate Editor: Eugene Dennis
Managing Editor: V. J. JeromePage
771 Labor Day in 1944 An Editorial
773 Some Features of Modern Warfare by Maj. Gen. M. Galaktionov
778 The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Communist Organization Resolution of the National Convention, C.P.A
782 What Marxism Contributes to America by Earl Browder
788 The Heritage of the Communist Political Association by Robert Minor
798 A Lesson in Democracy by A. Landy
813 A Resolute Non Partisan Policy to Strengthen National Unity Eugene Dennis An Editorial by
806 Notes on the Democratic Convention by Louis F. Budenz
819 The Negro and the Elections by Doxey A. Wilkerson
830 China's Real Destiny by Frederick V. Field
846 A Company Union of Nations? by Hans Berger
857 Resolutions Adopted by the National Convention, C.P.A.
862 Historic Documents
Volume 23 No. 10, October, 1944
The Communist
A Marxist Magazine Devoted to Advancement of Democratic Thought and Action
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
Associate Editor: Eugene Dennis
Managing Editor: V. J. JeromePage
867 A Great Summer of Coalition Warfare by Joseph Starobin
880 Republican Campaign Strategy by Adam Lapin
893 Government Intervention in the National Economy by Alex Bittelman
911 Notes on the Dumbarton Oaks Conference by Hans Berger
919 The Source of Communist Courage by Jacques Duclos
930 The Lesson of the Quebec Election by Stanley Ryerson
934 Five Years of War in Europe
937 The Armistice Agreement with Roumania
Book Reviews:
941 The Tempering of Russia, by Ilya Ehrenburg by Joseph North
947 Freedom Road, by Howard Fast by Doxey Wilkerson
952 Historic Documents
Volume 23 No. 11, November, 1944
The Communist
A Marxist Magazine Devoted to Advancement of Democratic Thought and Action
Published by the Workers Library Association 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
Associate Editor: Eugene Dennis
Managing Editor: V. J. JeromePage
963 The Soviet Union and the Small Nations by Marcia T. Scott
979 The Twenty-Seventh Anniversary of the October Revolution by A. Landy
988 An International Security Organization by N. Malinin
1001 Dewey and Teheran by William Z. Foster
1015 Certain Lessons of Versailles Prof. by A. Trainin
1018 Problems of Club Leadership and Democracy in the C.P.A. by John Williamson .
1027 As We Face Reconversion by George Morris
1039 The "Reuther Tactic" and the Fight for Labor-Servicemen Unity by Robert Thompson
1043 Fuehrer Lewis Runs a Convention by Louis F. Budenz
1052 Armistice Agreement with Finland
Volume 23 No. 12, December, 1944
The Communist
A Marxist Magazine Devoted to Advancement of Democratic Thought and Action
Published by the Communist Party of the United States of America 832 Broadway, New York, NYEditor: Earl Browder
Associate Editor: Eugene Dennis
Managing Editor: V. J. JeromePage
1059 America's Elections and the Teheran Concord by Earl Browder
1067 The Elections and the New Congress by Adam Lapin
1073 The Strategy of "Mercy" by A. Trainin
1078 Bretton Woods. and World Security by James S. Allen
1087 The Political Situation in Italy by Palmiro Togliatti (Ercoli)
1103 A Tribute to Wendell Willkie by John Stuart
1111 Toward a National Uprising Against Franco and the Falange by T. G. Zamudio
1124 Historic Documents
1139 Index-Volume XXIII, 1944
Last updated on 22 August 2018