MIA: Subjects: Africa: UNITA



National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)


Why We Quitted the U.P.A. and G.R.A.E. of Mr. Holden Roberto. Roberto Betrays Both the Revolution and the Masses, by Jonas Savimbi (1965)
The Programme of UNITA, Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
1966 – UNITA Was Born [Interview with Jonas Savimbi] Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
1967 – Revolution and Reconstruction [Press Conference with Jonas Savimbi, 1967], Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
Jonas Savimbi Interview with McGill University student, 1967, Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
Joint Statement on the AAPSO Khartoum Conference [issued together with the Pan-Africanist Congress of South Africa, ZANU and COREMO] (1967)
Angola – Seventh Year (1968)
Cover The Second Congress of UNITA (1969)
Savimbi: We Have Our Own Philosophy [Discourse to the Second Congress] (1969), Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
Letter to the Liberation Committee of the Organization of African Unity (O.A.U.), Kwacha–Angola, October 1969
Joint Statement on the AAPSO Khartoum Conference, issued by UNITA, ZANU, PAC and COREMO (1969)
An International Conspiracy Against the African Peoples (1970)
The Role of the Army in Angola [Savimbi interview], Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
Interview with Dr. Jonas Savimbi, (1970) Kwacha–Angola, Special Issue 1972
Exposing the Lies of Basil Davidson on Angola (1971)
Portugal and Allies (NATO) Facing Defeat (1971)
With the "Black Chinese" in Angola (1971)
Memorandum from the Angolan Women Brigades-UNITA to the fighting women of the world meeting in Tirana, Albania (1971)
Basil Davidson in the Service of Modern Revisionism (1971)
UNITA: The MPLA-GRAE Opportunistic Reconciliation Kwacha–Angola, July-August 1972
Angola: Leadership Crisis, by Dr. Fola Soremekun, University of Zambia (1974)
Letter from Jonas Savimbi to Carlos Pereira Mendes (1974)
Angola: The Longstanding Treachery of UNITA, [translated from Afrique-Asie, Number 61, 8-21 July, 1974
Agreement Between the Portuguese Government and the [three] Angolan Liberation Movements [the Alvor Agreement] (1975)
The Nakuru Agreement (1975)
Is Angola Headed for Civil War? Origin of the MPLA, FNLA, and UNITA, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 7, 1975
Is Angola Headed for Civil War? The Battle Against Portuguese Neocolonialism, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 14, 1975
Is Angola Headed for Civil War? A Fratricidal Struggle for Power, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 21, 1975
Nationalist Groups on Brink of Civil War in Angola, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, July 28, 1975
Armed Clashes Continue In Angola, by Ernest Harsch, Intercontinental Press, August 4, 1975
The Report of the OAU Conciliation Commission on Angola (1975)
Where is the legality in the Civil War in Angola? Declaration of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of UNITA, Ikwezi, Vol. 2, No. 3, August 1976
UNITA Address to the Conference on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party in India Held in Toronto on December 27, 1975 (1975)
Angola: Behind the Civil War, by Tony Thomas, The Militant, January 23, 1976
UNITA's Offical Position on the Current War in Angola [partial text only] (1976)
Correction Note: UNITA's Official Position on the War in Angola (1976)
UNITA representative repudiates reactionary propaganda of U.S. imperialists and Soviet social-imperialists (1976)
UNITA Statement: The Organisation of African Unity and the Angolan civil war (1976)
Superficial "Recognition" and Campaign of Lies and Slanders Will Not Stop the Struggle for Total Liberation of Angola!: People's Canada Daily News interview with UNITA Representative to the United Nations, Comrade J. Chitunda, conducted on Monday February 23, 1976 (1976)
UNITA: People's Struggle Until Victory (1976)
UNITA Speaks, Ikwezi, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1976
Support the Second Anti-Colonial Struggle of the Angolan People (1976)
Press Conference with Comrade Sangumba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of UNITA (1976)
UNITA Calls for People's War Against Soviet-Cuban Invaders (1976)
UNITA and SWAPO, The Militant, December 16, 1977
Interview with UNITA Commander, Ikwezi, No. 9, June 1978
The Real Nature of the Soviet-Cuban Occupation of Angola, by J.K. Chitunda (UNITA Information Officer), Ikwezi, No. 10, December 1978
UNITA – Looking at the Past, by William I. Robinson (1981)
UNITA, Myth and Reality, by Augusta Conchiglia (1990)
Account from Angola. UNITA as described by ex-participants and foreign visitors, by William Minter (1990)

See also:

Kwacha–Angola (1967-1972)